Any one else struggle with Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred?



  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    The first few days of level one were tough for me, but I was able to push through. My body ached for days lol, but it was worth it (I lost 2.5 inches in my hips alone in 10 days!!). I recently started level 2 (today was day 3)... I'm having a pretty rough time! I think you should just do what you can. It's okay to stay on a certain level for as long as you need to until you are comfortable with it. Once your body gets used to the workouts you will be able to complete the whole level without stopping. Just keep it up! It will be worth it in the end! :)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Day 1 level 2.... Can't do it.... almost hurt myself.... So I'll Be back to level 1 tomorrow.... just to increase my strengh and abs...
    Maybe... I'll get to level 2 in 1 or 2 weeks... but untill I'll be able to keep my weight on my arms.... I will be on level 1 or doing something else....

    Am I the only one?

    Level 2 was very difficult for me. But I have had issues with both of my shoulders so all of that plank work was tough. I did the best I could though, and pushed through. I did not do an entire 10 days of it though, I moved on to level 3.
  • NashvilleShelley
    I could not do the push ups either but after 10 days I could keep up with the video. It is amazing. Just give it time! You can do it!
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    I've attempted 30DS 3 times. Each time, I get to day 5...and I get shin splints...have to take a week or longer off of working out for it to heal, then 5 days...shin splints again. Not sure what was causing it..the lunges, the jogging in place or the jump rope...maybe all three? I've been doing C25K now, and just got through Week 5, no issues with shin splints.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Hey everyone!

    So, I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, totally pumped and willing to push through, but I could only make it about 8 minutes before I absolutely had to stop, I tried later on today and had to stop after 9 mins. I think I could do this workout if it werent for the damn pushups! I can't do them, never have been able to... When I'm doing them to the video, I barely dip down and I'm still dying!

    Anyways, I'm planning on sticking it out, pushing myself to be able to do the entire thing (let alone moving up to level 2 for now!) and keep at it.

    Has anyone else struggled like this with the DVD? Every review I've read people raved about it, but nobody mentioned struggling like me. I'm a workout newbie and and am quite a bit overweight, but very very determined.


    I started last week and made it about 15 minutes with modified push-ups. I think it was the first time in 25 years I did jumping jacks. They are not designed for women with GIGANTIC boobs like me that's for sure. I was knocking myself in the face :laugh: Ok not that bad, but you get what I am saying. The hardest part for me is the same thing over and over. I prefer a dancing exercise like zumba, as I tend to get bored easily. Stick with it and I am POSITIVE you will be a pro soon :-)
  • Elizadolots
    Elizadolots Posts: 178
    Just keep going, it is really hard but within a couple of weeks you'll see a real improvement! :bigsmile:
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I didn't struggle that much with it, but I had been working out for awhile before I added this DVD. You said you are a newbie, so just go at your own pace and build up to it!
  • tkb3abby
    tkb3abby Posts: 14 Member
    Oh, yeah! Girl, you are not alone! I'm fixing to turn 41 and haven't worked out in about 19 years, so I'm right where you are. On top of that, after giving birth to four children, I also run into the problem of leaking urine anytime I exert myself - especially if it has to do with any kind of bouncing/jumping or jogging/running. Just hang in there. That's what I'm doing...along with a little help from Poise pads. One other tip, if you can't keep going during a particular part of the workout (i.e., pushups), just keep moving. Stand up and do some bicep curls while marching/jogging in place, etc. Just keep moving. We will both get there one of these days!
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    MEE!!!! OMG I Did 30DS for 3 days and loved it! Then I went and got sick and stopped doing it, now that im better im trying to pick it up again and I cant seem to make it past the 1st 10 mins... TOTALLY sucks =( but I wont give up
  • roslynds9
    roslynds9 Posts: 139 Member
    I do the press ups against my windowsill which is about half way to the floor. It stills works me out just as well and I do them correctly keeping my back straight etc but it means I'm working against less gravity. I absolutely cannot do even one press up flat on the ground, I just don't have the upper body strength.
  • gillie11
    gillie11 Posts: 1

    I am on day 5 at the moment, really motivated and want to accomplish the full 30 days in a row. Gonna do level 1 for 10 then so on, I have a bit of muscle pain in my calves at the moment tho, think the jumping jacks and skip rope are taking there toll, don't want to hurt myself, but also want to embrace this motivation while I have it as I have a habit of giving up if I don;t stay on a roll. Thanks for the comments regarding water, proper stretching and baths after. I tend to forget to drink water through the day, bad habit, but will increase my intake and hopefully this will help me out.
    Quick question?
    On days when you have another activity planned (I have a run planned tonight) would you still incude the 30 day shred? or would a 40 min run suffice???
    Loving the dvd tho, looking forward to level 2!
  • canadianbooty
    Push Ups- Start out with your arms higher up, say a window sill or a counter or couch ect. Keep moving down as you get comfortable. The ones on your knees won't allow you to progress.

    Don't just do them when you are doing the video. Do them at random times throughout the day.

    I would cry almost doing 30ds the first time. I just picked it up again about three weeks ago and decided it was too easy a few days ago. From crying to it's too easy.

    Finish it. Then move on to banish fat boost metabolism and no more trouble zones. Both will continue to kick your butt and give you results.

    Just don't quit.
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    I tried to do it today for the first time and couldn't finish it. :(

    I did the first circuit and couldn't keep up, and then had to stop before she started the second circuit.

    Seriously, 13 effing minutes and I feel like I've been hit by a truck.