I am giving up



  • I am feeling the same way today....but I know it will pass...I have only lost 5 lbs and I have about 25 more to go...I want to give up but know that it would just prolong the feeling of failure.
    Don't give up.... I have little accomplishments..my clothes are fitting better and my husband has noticed...that gives me motivation to continue...
    If you need a friend and a workout buddy...find one, but don't give up.!!
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    Go see an endocrinologist and get your hormones checked for metabolic syndrome, hypothyroidism, and pcos those could be the reasons for your road blocks, if you have any of those weight loss will be slow and frustrating at times but don't give up keep trying and also see a nutritionist after you get tested so the nutritionist will know how to teach you to eat. Good Luck.
  • badapdos
    badapdos Posts: 132
    If you really wanted to lose weight, like REALLY wanted to, then you wouldn't have given up.
    I guess weight loss isn't for some people, at least you tried. Hopefully in the near future you'll have another go at it! :) Good luck!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    The weight took a long time to pile on and it is going to take time to get it off, it won't happen overnight. Be patient. Everyday is one step closer to your goal.
  • davenportk83
    davenportk83 Posts: 44 Member
    I agree with some of the others, perhaps you should see the doctor to make sure there are no underlying problems, but don't give up. Just keep moving, drink lots of water, and eat a variety of foods. You really shouldn't have to totally give up any particular food or food group, but just eat less of it. After a decade of no exercise and eating on the run I have made huge progress. Moving can be anything, gardening, cleaning, walking around the block, whatever. I hit the gym one day with circuit and cardio, but maybe the next day I go for a leisurely walk on our local waterfront with a friend or garden with my mom. Make changes that fit your lifestyle. The way I look at it......it took me a decade to gain all this weight so I can't expect it to all come off in one month. You will get a lot of support on this site! Stick around :-)
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    Really depends on what your doing. I hope your not starving yourself because that will work for only so long before your body says "NO MORE" and shuts itself down in terms of losing fat. Please don't give up. Look at this like a marathon not a sprint.

    Whenever I would feel disappointed in myself I would say "Hey. It took me awhile to get this way. It's going to take awhile to go back."

    I really hope you stick with it because you can do it!
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    Look. Don't give up. I have not been as successful as I would like either. Working two jobs and my mom getting really sick has stressed me out and caused a myriad other roadblocks.

    One thing I know to be true.

    If I had given up 6 months ago I would probably be up 10# rather than down 16#.

    I have a problem with trigger foods like nuts and nut butters. Look back at your diary or have your friends on mfp look it over. The diary might yield some answers for you. This feeling will pass. I know you must feel stronger working out so much. Are you measuring yourself? The scale can be a real joy kill sometimes while your body is physically becoming smaller.

    Just trust me and please don't give up.:flowerforyou:
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Open your diary so folks can see what you are doing and offer advice. Never give up, focus on getting healthier. Patience and slow going is the key. Fast results never last. That dang scale will get stuck, move up and move down. The overall movement will eventually go down.

    From an old hand here 1) diets don't work 2) start with smaller portions of what you currently eat 3) migrate to healthier foods a few changes at a time. 4) lots of water 5) plenty of physical activity/exercise 6) take your measurements and log them in every other week (this helps you see how the body is changing) 7) weigh in once a week.

    You will never stick to a drastic sudden change in your eating habits, you must make a gradual change to a more healthy lifestyle. Otherwise it is all for naught. Been there, tried many diets. Hang in there.
  • sdow
    sdow Posts: 71
    If you are happy about yourself then live the way you are. If you are not happy, then you will have to plug away at it. Bottom line, we have to love ourselves. I am sure that you know that you have to have a 3500 deficit to lose one pound. So if you cut back 100 calories a day, it will take a month to lose a pound. Water weight plays a big role in it, too. Also, because you are working out you are probably losing inches. Eating healthy and exercise also helps with other numbers besides weight, like blood pressure, etc. It takes time to lose weight, just like it takes time to gain. Whatever you choose, do what is best for you.
  • Motivation
    Motivation Posts: 64 Member
    This has to be something you want to do for yourself. People here can provide motivation, and MFP provides the tools, it's up to you to do a little bit of research and apply that knowledge. I would definitely recommend opening up your journal, that could give us a little more insight as to what your diet is like. Another big "what if" is, are you being perfectly honest with yourself about what you're eating and what you are logging? It doesn't make sense for someone to not lose weight at all, unless they aren't eating right or aren't exercising properly.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    4. DON'T GIVE UP

    I haven't lost a pound since last November. It is frustrating and disheartening, but I'll never give up because I see the MEASUREMENTS changing. Stop comparing yourself to your friends. It's your journey, not theirs. It's your genetics, not theirs. It's your successes and failures, not theirs. If you give up now, the dream will be not be improbable, but impossible. Even hanging on by a thread is better than giving up. You can do this, but you have to talk. You have to communicate. Most importantly, you have to LISTEN. Too many ask for help and then want to change things too soon. This is a lifelong journey, not some fly by night tryst with dropping a few pounds. Giving up on yourself is a slow death; an atrophy of your very self. Believe in those who believe in you. In your profile, you mentioned that nothing is possible without Christ. I'm not going to get all religious, but if you quit now you're basically letting the enemy win. He needs this energy from you and he wants to see you frustrated and failing. Do not be tempted by quitting because that's the easy way out. Yeah, Jesus could have been tempted on the mountain but he was like "**** you Satan... you don't tell me what to do." So, the question I ask you is Who's report shall you believe?
  • malins2
    malins2 Posts: 154 Member
    What worked for me was to change my diet. I can not eat like I used to and only take smaller portions. I would be hungry and wanting to eat all the time if I did that.... my diet consisted of too many foods with bad carbs that caused my bloodsugar level get very high, a lot of insulin then gets released and lowers the blood sugar level which in turncaused me to be hungry again soon after... I started eating a lot of protein (helps keep you full longer and when digesting it you burn calories), vegetables and good carbs. This kept my blood sugar level under control and that was the cure for me to not feel hungry all the time. The first weeks I was craving for all the bad carbs I used to eat, but now I don't even see it as a sacrifice not to eat them :)
    I can't see your diary so I don't know how much or what your eating, maybe your doing it right and there is another reason for your struggle, but I hope this can be of help for you!
    Good luck and come back when you feel motivated again!!!!
  • raylenebrooks
    raylenebrooks Posts: 137 Member
    I know it may not be popular but what works for one may not work But I will keep trying to figure out what works for me because I do not want to be obese forever. I know my friends in here have kept me going and only hope the best for you but not changing and not trying I will gain never lose. your ticker shows 5 lb lost so that is better than 5 lb gain :)
  • davcro
    davcro Posts: 11
    DON'T GIVE UP!!!! It's the only sure way to fail.
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    There is no magic solution to losing weight. It is 100% mental. You have to be brutally honest with yourself. I weight and measure everything i eat. I resist the urge to over estimate the intensity of my workouts. I bike 20-22mph. I log it as 12-14mph (MFP has wildly inaccurate calorie burn estimates). I deal with weeks on end of seeming non progress at times. I deal with not being able to eat what my friends are eating. I have to recover from days where I fail to hit my goals, pick myself back up, and make sure the next day I get back on track. I have to deal with feeling down on some days but ecstatic on others of my progress. I've lost over 80 pounds... and its taken me a year and a half so far. Adjust your expectations... I didn't get overweight in a month... i wont lose it all in a month either. Is it worth it? I can bike more than 100 miles in a day, i can run fast and eat stairs for breakfast. Hell yes it is.
  • TasTam
    TasTam Posts: 84 Member
    Try not to give up. Like Nerdybookgirl said, plan days when you can have those treats you like. When you tell yourself that you are not ever going to have something that you enjoy ever again, it does make you want it more!!!. Just plan ahead for what I call a "spike" day and it will give you something to look forward to.

    Another thing that I had to get over is that there are going to be days that your not going to do so well and slip up. On those days just chalk it up as just "one day" and don't give up the whole shebang just because of "one day". Jump right back on that horse and you will feel a whole lot better about not giving up altogether.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Giving up will get you nowhere.

    If it's easy, it's not worth doing.

    I am glad I didn't give up when I got frustrated. I still get frustrated. but I've lost 111.2lbs. That's where sticking with it gets you.
  • EbonySD
    EbonySD Posts: 142
    sometimes you just need a break so give yourself a break and come back to it in a few days. :smile:
  • roro73
    roro73 Posts: 153 Member
    I know many people say moderation is the key and I'm sure that works for some, but me personally I have to eliminate the bad foods at least for while otherwise I'll binge on them. You need to figure out what works for you.

    My friend does really well on WW...I watch her eat a small bag of chips with her sandwich & she's satisfied...I'd go back for a second bag of chips or feel totally deprived, but it works because it's in her points and she doesn't binge. I on the other hand have tried lying to myself over and over thinking I can have just a little, but it turns into a lot and then I feel like a failure so I get off the wagon for a week or two...I've lost the same 4lbs a few times since January. I think I've finally found what works for me. I just started going lower carb (not extremely low carb but trying to only get carbs from veggies & fruit) and it is really helping me. I know it's not for everyone, but I find that I eat more "real" food when I watch my carbs instead of my calories. Although, I really think even the low carb thing works because eventually you are eating at a defecit because you're just not hungry. Anyhow, my point is not to get you hooked on a low carb diet, just try different things to see what works best for your body, mind and spirit. As long as you eat at least at your BMR, you get some exercise and you feel good there are many nutritional approaches that would work even if they are considered fads. Check out Eat to Live, Diet Free for Life, Atkins/Keto, and Paleo/Primal. I have studied them and came up with my own modified carb approach that I feel very comfortable with. You can and will definitely do this when you're ready. Good luck to you!
  • wozzy38
    wozzy38 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi, I did take a look at your recent posts and it looks like you go out to eat a few times a week..Maybe limiting that to once a week or cutting it out altogether would help...I also saw that you've written about your clothes feeling better and losing inches so you have seen some results..don't give up!!