Those of you that lift heavy and distance run

What does your training schedule look like? What kind of lifting do you do and how far are you running? Are you focusing on one of the two or trying to improve both? Do you ever running hindering your recovery time for lifting or vice versa?

I'm currently doing Practical Programming (a linear progression strength training program 3x a week) and do a modified C25K with a friend (usually on off days, but it tends to be whenever we can coordinate our schedules). I've only been doing this particular strength training program for 2 weeks now. Before that it was a squat/bench/deadlift MWF schedule. Every now and then it seems the soreness of my back and legs makes the running grueling. That usually happens when I do the running on the same day though. I'd like to do a half-marathon in December or January, but it seems like that and strength gains become counterproductive to one another. Does anyone have any experience training for both strength and running endurance at the same time?


  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I don't run, but I am a cyclist, paddleboarder, dancer and spin instructor. I started lifting heavy about a month ago and it is literally wiping me out; it seems I can't do both heavy lifting and intense cardio. Especially since I hit 100# on the weights, everything else is suffering - terribly. This past week I made myself take 4 consecutive days off to recover and hopefully prevent further exhaustion. I've been back on it 2 days (spin Tues and did 105# squats 95# deadlifts and a few other things yesterday. I have to teach spin again in about an hour and I can tell right now I'm going to struggle.

    Prior to starting lifting I did about 13-15 hours week cardio. I was never tired. Now I'm doing 3 hours lifting and 3 hours cardio, and I'm spent.

    Right now I'm trying to figure out how to keep doing everything I love, but I don't know how it can happen when I'm falling over by 6 pm.

    I've posted about my fatigue on here and people have suggested I was overtraining. I am taking care to eat around 2000 calories a day and 30 % protein, so I guess they are right. Many people have said you can't push both weights and cardio hard at the same time. I think they're right.
  • laurcampbell
    laurcampbell Posts: 54 Member
    I don't run, but I am a cyclist, paddleboarder, dancer and spin instructor. I started lifting heavy about a month ago and it is literally wiping me out; it seems I can't do both heavy lifting and intense cardio. Especially since I hit 100# on the weights, everything else is suffering - terribly. This past week I made myself take 4 consecutive days off to recover and hopefully prevent further exhaustion. I've been back on it 2 days (spin Tues and did 105# squats 95# deadlifts and a few other things yesterday. I have to teach spin again in about an hour and I can tell right now I'm going to struggle.

    Prior to starting lifting I did about 13-15 hours week cardio. I was never tired. Now I'm doing 3 hours lifting and 3 hours cardio, and I'm spent.

    Right now I'm trying to figure out how to keep doing everything I love, but I don't know how it can happen when I'm falling over by 6 pm.

    I've posted about my fatigue on here and people have suggested I was overtraining. I am taking care to eat around 2000 calories a day and 30 % protein, so I guess they are right. Many people have said you can't push both weights and cardio hard at the same time. I think they're right.

    I was really hoping there was a way to do this as well - I am a long distance runner and am usually training for a marathon - I am currently training for a marathon where I am trying to increase my speed and also trying to include more weight lifting as well - guess I am going to have to figure out a nice balance to make this work - thanks for your feedback!
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    I am doing something similar, but like you am pretty early into the lifting programming and am curious once my weights get higher how it may interfere with the running. Hopefully someone will chime in with more experience. Right now I run and lift on the same days (with the exception of long runs every other week) and usually take a day off in between. I run in the morning and lift in the evenings so get almost 12 hours recovery in the middle. I don't know if this is the best approach but it is what works best for my schedule at the moment. I have a marathon in October. I may back off the lifting once my mileage increases closer to that but will probably back off running and increase strength after it is over and through the winter. It would be nice to meet people trying similar things so we could discuss what works/doesn't work.
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    I have been doing both. I am training for a half marathon, which is Sunday, so I have been averaging about 20-22 miles a week. I have started lifting heavy about 6-8 weeks ago. It hasn't interfered that I can tell. But I haven't went all in on the weights, more just dabbling in it. I am thinking after my 1/2 I am going to start New Rules and training for a triathlon to mix it up. I love running but I need to do some other stuff for awhile.
  • chase7512
    chase7512 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm no expert by any means but I have been training for 10k, Summer, 1/2 in Fall and this is my usual routine that has been working.

    Mon/Wed/Fri - Weight Lift with short 3km runs afterwards

    Tues - 1.5m run, Eliptical 20mins, Bike 10mins, Rowing 10 mins

    Thurs - Off

    Sat - 7.5 - 10km Run
    Sun - Off

    It seems to be working for me, but again I'm no pro
  • DocGu
    DocGu Posts: 51 Member
    It is very very hard to do. I tend to change things during the course of the year. Right now I am concentrating on lifting heavy but still maintaining my running fitness base. In the past I have tried to maintain a moderate/heavy weight regimen during the middle of marathon training and failed miserably - I massively overtrained.

    On Tuesday I went on a run and got caught up in it and went much longer then I originally planned (17K instead of 10K) and I really noticed it with the weights on Wednesday. For me the magic number is 12K - I can still lift heavy and do a 12K (which is an hour). Anything more and the lifting suffers.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Thought I would mention that when I started lifting using NROL4W, the book mentioned that on your off days from lifting, you should do no more than 20 min cardio. It goes on to say that if you must do more than 20 min cardio you should not be lifting heavy 3x week. You can see how I do not follow directions, ha.

    Obviously, since I have to teach a class, I can't limit it to 20 minutes, and while it worked for the first few weeks, like I said above, once I hit 100# I really started to understand why the book said that. In the past 2 weeks I've dialed back my intensity in spin and cut back on paddleboarding (this is making me sad).

    I need to get back out the road too, so I guess in reality, I will need to drop lifting to 2x/week.
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    I do both but it is sometimes better to get used to one first for 3 or 4 weeks then add in the other, otherwise I would take at least 2 rest days a week. Maybe one week do 3x weights and 2x running and the next week do 2x weights and 3x running.
    Also, once you build up your running do only 1 long run a week.
  • chiltonenator
    chiltonenator Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a rookie - finished C25K and did a 5 K and have been doing a 3x5 program for 4 weeks. I run about 4 miles on MWF and lift on T TH SAT/SUN. I don't want to give up the running because it has really helped me lose weight, but I really like the lifting also. So far it's working OK for me to do both, so I'm going to keep on with it. I'm interested to hear about other's experience with it.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I do both but it is sometimes better to get used to one first for 3 or 4 weeks then add in the other, otherwise I would take at least 2 rest days a week. Maybe one week do 3x weights and 2x running and the next week do 2x weights and 3x running.
    Also, once you build up your running do only 1 long run a week.

    That's kind of why I thought I would be fine -- I've been teaching spin for 8 years, so I figured that adding the lifting would be ok. I'm finding it is not the case for me. Weights knock me out like nothing I have ever done before.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Nothing has helped my running (and my biking for that matter) like lifting. I lift heavy 3x week, 5 sets, 5-8 reps. I do squats, bench, pull-ups, deads and should presses each workout.

    As for cardio, 5-8 miles is my comfort zone, but I'm trying to push that to 12-15 miles over the next couple of months in preparation for a few events I have this summer. I run when I can based on my kids' schedules, work, etc. I also do speed work once a week.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Well of course running after you lift heavy is going to be tough! You can do both, but of course by doing both, you won't be as good as people who specialize in one area. However, you'll have more fun and be more likely to stick with your workouts by doing a variety of exercise. Just don't over do it and injure yourself. Rest days are important.

    I work out five times per week, doing two full body heavy resistance sessions, one long slow jog (6 miles), one bike/swim day, and one HIIT session. I'd be a lot stronger if I spent all five days doing resistance training every week, but I enjoy the cardio much more than the gym.

    One way to get a bit more running in is to do a run for your warm-up before resistance training. I do a quick mile run before I start lifting. It's not very far, but it gets me loosened up. And b/c I do it pretty fast (7 minutes, not super fast but hard for me) it doesn't eat up too much my energy before I start lifting.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    You CAN do both...I have...but they are counterproductive to one another to a certain degree. It depends on what your ultimate goals are. If you just want to be able to finish a half, then lift away. But if you want to focus on being a better, faster runner, lifting heavy will work against that goal. It has to do with muscle fiber recruitment...I won't go into detail since you can easily look it up on the interwebz, but in a nutshell muscle fibers are optimized for either endurance (slow-twitch) or strength (fast-twitch). To a certain extent we are limited by genetics...some people are just built to be better sprinters than marathoners. But we can also optimize what we have for the goal we're working towards.

    Lifting heavy for lower reps (generally 12 or less is considered low reps) is going to optimize your fast-twitch muscle fibers. If you're bulking, you're reps are somewhere below this range, & if you're a runner, it will make you a better sprinter. Lifting less weight for more reps will make you a better distance runner by training your muscles to last longer.

    Either way, lifting is awesome & you should do it, particularly the leg workouts because a strong lower body will help prevent injury. Lifting heavy doesn't work against you finishing your half, it just doesn't optimize your performance the way endurance lifting would. If you're not trying to be an elite athlete I wouldn't worry about it. Follow a lifting program you enjoy & can feel good about.

    Happy running!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    And since I didn't completely answer the question...when I was doing this my training schedule looked something like:

    Sun: long slow distance run, maybe 4-7 miles
    Mon: full-body lifting workout A
    Tue: speedwork session on treadmill
    Wed: full-body workout B
    Thu: tempo run
    Fri: workout A
    Sat: rest

    The distance would depend on what I was training for...I haven't done a half yet but while training for 10ks I got my distance runs up to around 7 miles. My speedwork would be 30-40 min of intervals, & my tempo run would be about 4 miles.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I do both but at different times I have to let one thing "win out" over the other. For example this winter in my off-season if you want to call it that....I was running 2-3x a week, probably around 20 miles a week. I crossed trained with other cardio (usually spin class) 1-2x a week and was lifting heavy 2-3x a week.

    Then I got into marathon training. I dropped the cross-training down to 1x a week and the lifting down to 2x. My running mileage is continuing to go up & up, right now I'm running 35+ miles a week. I'm 7 weeks out from my marathon and I'm down to lifting only once a week and cross-training hard (like spin class) once a week and some more gentle cross-training (walking, swimming, more leisurely biking with my kids) several times a week.

    After my marathon is over I plan to take a bit of a cardio break and just keep a small base mileage for running and I'd like to do NROLFW.
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    I am by no means a log distance runner, but I get in a run every now and again. And to tell you the truth, its that your lifting, but distance running and lifting are somewhat counter-productive. Running breaks down muscle mass while lifting builds it, you hardly ever see beefy bros running, they're too heavy and muscles are too bulky.
    I sure you could get stronger and still run, but it'll take a lot of work.
    I lift MWF, sometimes with HIIT before
    and cardio TRS =)
  • cPT_Helice
    cPT_Helice Posts: 403
    You can not do both and get the max effect for both. It depends on your goals. I was lifting heavy and running 3 miles 2x a week and doing a long run, 8-10 miles, on the weekend. That was fine. I started training for a half marathon. Running 4x a week and upping my mileage each week, until I was at ~35 miles a week, comprised of 1 long run (10-12 miles) + 2 runs with aerobic intervals incoorporated + 1 nice and easy 4-6 mile the day before my long run. I had to cut back majorly on my lifting. Now, I am between training for races and so am on a 6x6 program (one exercise per muscle group, 6 sets of 6 reps - HEAVY) 3 times a week. Sometimes I can only get it in 2x a week, even now, and so do full body on those days and it's a tough recovery. I am running 3x a week, 3-6 miles x2 and a long run on the weekend (8-11 miles). I also teach Spin. So, I have to accept that my cardio is much higher than it should be for body building and will greatly effect my results in that area.
    So......... you can do both but you will not get max effects.
    If you want to body build, you need to cut down the cardio. If you want to run distance, you need to ease off the really heavy weights.
    I start training for a full marathon in about a month and will slowly work away from lifting until after - no choice.
    Anyone who tells you different is not really lifting heavy and body building or is not really running a lot.
    I think if you are only going to run 3 miles a couple times a week, you should be fine.
  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
    This is my schedule:

    This is my most recent schedule, i don't follow it religiously but it gives you an idea.

    Mon. Run 10 Kilometres, cycle 40 kilometres at high speed
    Tue. Heavy lifting + 20 mins rowing + 20 mins elliptical
    Wed. Same as monday
    Thu. Same as Tuesday
    Fri. Rest day or a long cardio workout, usually i don't take time off on friday.
    Saturday. Run 22 kilometres + 40-80 kilometres cycling vigourously
    Sunday: Rest day.

    Rinse and repeat.
    Seems to be working so far as long as i eat very clean, don't drink and get enough sleep. As soon as i do anything that goes beyond the lifestyle of a Shaolin monk i can't keep it up.
    The combination of heavy lifting and intense cardio is very taxing, i've tought about quitting lifting because i don't like it anyway and it's a bit much but the results are too good to quit.