What do you feed your families?



  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    Fellow mommas, what do you cook for hubby and the kids? I usually make myself something healthy, and something that taste good for the family.

    Is your "healthy" dish not tasty? This comment really stood out to me...I can't imagine eating a healthy meal that wasn't tasty while watching my family eat tasty food. That's what can make what you're doing a "diet". Why not make this a lifestyle change for the whole family?

    What are your kids/husbands favorite foods? Make a list with 2 columns and add those. In the second column put healthier versions of those foods. Search google for the healthier versions or just improvise yourself.

    Healthy food is DELICIOUS...it's not all carrot chips and salads. Cookinglight.com is a great site alone with skinnytaste.com and emilybites.com. I use these sites and also create my own easy recipes.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    We are a take it or leave it household. Why do healthy and tasty have to be separate meals? Start your kids off with good habits now.

    This exactly.

    I never get the concept of "I eat healthy meals and then feed my kids junk." Is there some reason you would want your kids to grow up without the benefit of your knowledge about healthy eating? A lifetime of bad food habits come from the home. Do your kids a favor and find recipes that are healthy AND delicious.
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    I guess I hadn't thought of it. I don't make different meals, but my kids eat almost anything I put in front of them. We've always had good meals in terms of "healthy" just sometimes they were bigger than needed. My 2 year old LOVES broccoli and carrots. My 15 year old begs for asparagus. I've not had a meal where no one will it is. The 15 year old is able to pick and choose. If she doesn't want what we are having there is always items for a nice hefty salad. And she will make that. I do agree with some variations in the meals. If they want something that I would rather not waste the calories on, I'll make it a bit different for me. But I can't even think of an instance on this. I don't put rules on eating. I don't make it a big deal. I make it fun and flavorful. We are a not a clean your plate household, BUT we do not waste food. We use all leftovers and cover uneaten plates. I want my kids to have a positive thinking of how and what they eat, not that they were forced to eat things they didn't like.

    I also want to add........ You can make ANYTHING healthy. Fully believe that. I ask sometimes what they want to eat and then make the healthier version of it. It may not be 0 calories or no fat, but it's better than an original that is a days worth of calories. Invest in the Comfort Food Diet cookbooks. They are the BOMB!!!! You won't have to worry about cooking separate meals EVER
  • bitesizeMelly
    bitesizeMelly Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the tips, I think that is one of my main problems, my healthy food can be bland, and raw or plain steamed veggies are not appealing to my 8 and 3 year olds
  • leeann0517
    leeann0517 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks for the tips, I think that is one of my main problems, my healthy food can be bland, and raw or plain steamed veggies are not appealing to my 8 and 3 year olds

    serve them the same veggies, just offer them some ranch dressing for dip (or greek yogurt with dip mix) or put some parmesan on them.
  • jldaley09
    jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
    I have 5 kids.. for kids 1-3, I was a short order cook and frequently made them their own dinners..This was even before I started eating healthy. I changed when my son was born and now everyone in the house eats what I make. I make a lot more healthy meals than before but I do let them have things like lasagna or other foods that I would not call healthy but I just make my portion smaller. Saying that.. my kids LOVE steamed veggies. Broccoli, asparagus, green beans, cauliflower. I also roast a lot of veggies. I think that by leading by example it will help them to know what is healthy and what isn't. I grew up eating fish sticks and mac and cheese and Rice-a-roni. my kids don't eat that stuff. I cook from scratch. All my kids, even the 3 year old likes salad. I don't buy chips anymore.. they are a treat and no soda either. They can have a caffeine free soda at a restaurant if we go out to eat on the rare occasion. (which is rare with 5 kids)
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks for the tips, I think that is one of my main problems, my healthy food can be bland, and raw or plain steamed veggies are not appealing to my 8 and 3 year olds

    Have you offered it to them? My kids LOVE steamed broccoli, carrots and mushrooms. LOVE IT. I toss it with garlic and some butter and they gobble it up. I agree with the others though, keep offering and maybe something to dip it in. My son LOVES "dip dips" and will eat anything as long as he can do that. Try it, I bet eventually they will learn to like those things. OR steam it and add some cheese on top for them.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Thanks for the tips, I think that is one of my main problems, my healthy food can be bland, and raw or plain steamed veggies are not appealing to my 8 and 3 year olds

    Sprinkle them with shredded or grated cheese. Cheese makes a lot of things palatable to kids that wouldn't otherwise be. And you don't have to use unhealthy amounts of cheese.
  • SouthernSkylark
    SouthernSkylark Posts: 128 Member
    we all eat different meals, it doesn't bother me at all. Two of my boys have food allergies, I'm a vege and OH is just plain fussy :laugh:
    We do eat the same twice a week though ( roast dinner and fry up) you need to do what works for you. I have a treat drawer and the boys are only allowed to have something after meals... luckily they love 85% cocoa chocolate...:smile:
  • trinoc
    trinoc Posts: 73
    This is something I'd never even considered. I've always held my kids' diets to a HIGHER nutritional standard than my own. NOW, I eat as healthily as I've had them eat their entire lives. I've always made healthy dinners....I've just quit hiding the junk that I would eat while they were in school.

    I would feel horrible if I raised my children on unhealthy food and created in them the same food issues that I have.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Fellow mommas, what do you cook for hubby and the kids? I usually make myself something healthy, and something that taste good for the family. Should i just make everyone eat the same thing. Cooking multiple dishes can be so tedious and my family should eat healthy too, but i want the food to also be enjoyable. Also i hate having any kind of junk food chips, cookies, candy in the house because i dont have that much self control. Should i get rid of it for everyone? All suggestions are welcome and pleas share your personal experiance.

    I have a weekly dinner menu that we follow, what is on the menu will not always be something that hubby & I will want to eat. In those cases we make salads or saute up some chicken & veggies. My family typically eats pretty healthy though. Of course we have pasta & cheese days on the menu lol As far as junk food, I have cut it all out of the house. The kids don't need that crap. Their snacks consist of fruit, yogurt, cheese, popcorn and nuts.
  • tara7302011
    tara7302011 Posts: 94 Member
    I have a lean meat, veggies and instead of mashed potatoes or something like that, I cut up fruit instead.. that little thing has helped alot.
  • BamaGirl_Tricia
    BamaGirl_Tricia Posts: 70 Member
    Fellow mommas, what do you cook for hubby and the kids? I usually make myself something healthy, and something that taste good for the family. Should i just make everyone eat the same thing. Cooking multiple dishes can be so tedious and my family should eat healthy too, but i want the food to also be enjoyable. Also i hate having any kind of junk food chips, cookies, candy in the house because i dont have that much self control. Should i get rid of it for everyone? All suggestions are welcome and pleas share your personal experiance.

    I cook the same thing I eat for my family. You're right, multiple dishes would be a pain. Of course, my kids aren't picky eaters so they eat most of what I cook. And as far as sweets is concerned, make the low-calorie, low-sugar desserts yourself. My family loves it when I make over a recipe. If you think they won't like it, don't tell them the ingredients before they try it. Hope this helps.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Fellow mommas, what do you cook for hubby and the kids? I usually make myself something healthy, and something that taste good for the family. Should i just make everyone eat the same thing. Cooking multiple dishes can be so tedious and my family should eat healthy too, but i want the food to also be enjoyable. Also i hate having any kind of junk food chips, cookies, candy in the house because i dont have that much self control. Should i get rid of it for everyone? All suggestions are welcome and pleas share your personal experiance.

    Oh, I hope you didn't mean those first 2 sentences the way they sound. Healthy food can and should taste good.

    It's just me and my husband now but when raising my girls we all at the same foods. I didn't really have money to make 2 meals, plus I wanted them to be healthy as much or more than I wanted it for me. I did keep some junk food in the house for treats. Honestly I found it easier to resist when I had to set an example. I'd feel like a hypocrite eating 10 cookies myself after telling them they can't have that many.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    We eat good and healthy.
    The kids get crusts of stale bread, and lukewarm ditch water.
    It was good enough for me, and it builds their character..
  • LaurieAnne78
    LaurieAnne78 Posts: 15 Member
    I totally agree with you!! When I first met my husband, he used to let his kids each pick what they wanted to eat and make different meals for each of them!! I couldn't believe it!! When we got married, I would make dinner for all of us, including my daughter and his kids would protest if they didn't like what I made for dinner. Oh well!! I told them then they weren't going to eat anything! I WILL NOT make everyone their own dish that is for sure.. I work full time and then come home to 3 kids every night so that is my other job.. I don't have time to let everyone get picky. And most of the time that they were hesitant to eat what I made for them is because they had never tried it before! 4 years later, and NO COMPLAINTS... and they do not starve~ hahah
  • Charliesuccess
    Charliesuccess Posts: 181 Member
    Yeah I feel guilty that I eat healthy and my family only eats what tastes great to them. I try to slip in moderations where ever I can.
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    Try cooking the veggies In different ways. My son doesn't like steamed but loves roasted veggies. I feel like there's more flavor too. He likes them seasoned or with shredded Parmesan.
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    2 of 3 kids hate fish - I love it, I don't make fish and then tell them to take it or leave it!! I make them chicken or a pasta or something else. I usualy make a few dinner choices and then we take leftovers to work the next day. I WAS a short order cook for a living and I don't mind. Every person has different tastes.
  • pfarley68
    pfarley68 Posts: 83 Member
    That is a great question. I have five kids and a hubby to cook for and like you, I would cook something separate for myself. I have been rethinking it though, what a hassle. Tonight I entered a new recipe into the database so I could find out if it was good and if I could eat it too. I did buy a lower fat version of cream of mushroom soup which I wouldn't have done before. I am going to start modify their diets as well. In our house fruit is almost solely the snack available. I can't afford a bunch of packaged snacks and fruit too. Also I have discovered if I have both, my kids will choose the artificial sweets. I have recently added fish to our diet and the kids like it. We don't drink soda or any sugar beverages. Water only or ice tea. I would try some new healthy meals and don't tell them what your doing because they will resist. I started making green smoothies and my husbands swears he can taste the kale and I don't taste it at all.