5am Workouts?



  • MissXFit13
    MissXFit13 Posts: 217 Member
    Here are my tips:
    1) Set your alarm so it's very loud and in another room so you have to physically get out of bed to turn it off (otherwise, I turn it off in my sleep). I use the alarm on my cell phone, and keep it charging in the kitchen. Those first few groggy steps I'm convincing myself I'll go back to bed, but once I reach my alarm, turn it off, and turn on the lights, I've accepted the fact that I'm up and going to run/head to the gym.
    2) Give yourself time. It took me about 2 months to get into the routine of waking up and exercising before work. Morning runs used to feel so difficult and tiring, but now it's the opposite. When I try to run after work or in the evening, I feel like I have no energy anymore. This is coming from the person who swore up and down that they couldn't exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. Give it a chance, it gets so much easier after the first month or so!
    3) On days I'm really dragging getting myself out of bed (or out the door for a dark winter morning run in Wisconsin, brr!), I think about how great it will feel to come home after a long day of work and have all thisextra free time! Some days, I even promise myself a cat nap after work! And others, I work out in the evening, too, for a bonus workout.

    Now it's become so ingrained that I even get up early on weekends. I love starting my morning off with a long run or weightlifting class at Gold's Gym, it gives me focus and energy for the rest of the day.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    cultivate your enthusiasm for the morning
    have a beautiful sexy breakfast at the table with the tv off, while you read, or make a list, or something non-electronic
    get home with enough time for a luxurious shower and body pampering session afterwards
    revel in leaving for work on time instead of scrambling
    enjoy the lack of stress and the presence of pride and calm in your day
    love having more hours in the day suddenly
    celebrate not having to work out when you get home ;)
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I am definitely not a morning person either and always tired. Lately I have gotten into the habit of really early workouts though and love it. I just get in a pre-workout snack and my pre-workout supplement/drink while playing some fast paced music. Works like a charm. ....I do crash an hour after my workout is over though which is a problem with classes..
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    I get up at 6, eat breakfast and change, then go work out from 7 to 8. That is my only free time until after the kids go to bed!
  • nievamc5
    nievamc5 Posts: 35
    I set an alarm to one of my favorite songs to assist me in the process. I was grouchy at first, but I'm use to it now. I think the earlier I do it, the better. When I come home from work, I'm busy cooking and usually don't have time to keep a scheduled afternoon workout. I kept making excuses. Now that I do it in the morning, I have NO EXCUSE! I just get up and workout. I just did it this morning.
  • lizmott82
    You just have to do it...that's what I did---and I felt great getting up in the morning and engergized for the rest of the day!
  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    I started waking up at 6am for a 7am spin class. It's not THAT early, but it's been a challenge for me.

    The first week was really easy for some reason. Maybe because I was excited about a new class and a new schedule. The 2nd and 3rd weeks have been far more challenging. *sigh* I discovered that I need about an hour to wake up with some coffee in the morning, and then I'm good to go.

    I feel energized if I fuel my body properly, and I'm dead on my feet if I don't. So if I fuel properly then I have energy throughout the day and then crash hard at bedtime.
  • Kattarra
    Kattarra Posts: 190 Member
    I refuse to get up before 5, so I set my alarm clock ahead 20 minutes so when it goes off at "5am" it's really 4:40 and I am at the gym at 5am.
  • PinkShoe24
    PinkShoe24 Posts: 9 Member
    I always find that it's easier to wake up and exercise if I'm organized for it the night before. This includes having my water bottle in the fridge for a quick grab, my workout clothes out, and my IPOD charged. I also mentally prepare for it by reminding myself how good I'll feel once it's complete. Set your clock 5 minutes earlier than you need to actually get out of bed so you can remind yourself in the morning of the benefits and allow yourself not to feel rushed... It's also great to be accountable to someone, whether it's on here or a work out partner that you're exercising with. Hope you find it gets easier!
  • Allison714
    Allison714 Posts: 77 Member
    I just started working out again and I hated getting up that early (4am for me). The first day I just woke myself up and then rolled over to go back to bed lol. Next time, I hit the snooze button a few times before I finally made it out of bed. I had to lay my clothes out the night before so that I could just pick up and go....and it was great because I literally had the gym to myself. It is really rough when you start, but it gets better once you get in the routine:)
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I get up around 4:55 am and am on the ellipticle by 5:05 am... the first few minutes suck, but after that it's great. It's the only time that fits in my schedule so I have to make it happen. On particularily bad energy days, like today, where I didn't get enough sleep the night before I cheat and take a 5 hour energy when I wake up. *shrug*

  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    Instead of trying to sell something, maybe contribute to the topic! It is on working out in the morning NOT how or what you use.