May Challenge!!!!



  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    My excuse for not logging: Crazy busy at work. Ate some junk, didn't feel like logging food....thought somehow that would make it invisible food (ie. if you don't log it, it doesn't count). Does anyone else have that syndrome? I sure do. LOL. Excuse #2: It's Mothers Day. Now, why on earth is Mothers day the day to treat my body like crap? Why? Why? Why? I'll tell you why....because Lifetime habbits are so hard to break. We litterally have been doing this food crap thing for our entire lives and we are trying to break patterns. But, the body resists ALL changes and it trys to revert back to the 'old way'. NOT THIS TIME!!! NOT THIS WEEK!!

    Anyway - This week. Eat properly. For goodness sake girl, eat properly. not M&Ms and ice cream and crap! I have 6 days before Vacation and I will go on vacation knowing I ate right for 6 days. Even if 6 is an evil number!.

    SO...U turn today.....Back at it starting NOW!

    Yes, I have that syndrome! Every time I have a cheat day.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Thank you for saying I can still join even though it's May 15th. :smile:

    Starting May 15:
    My goal is to burn 2290 calories this week. Here goes nothing.
    I'm starting week one of the Hip Hop Abs program for my new exercise.
    My diet plan wants me to eat pork tenderloin twice this week. I've never liked it, but I'm going to make it and eat it anyway.
  • cutethang1
    cutethang1 Posts: 239 Member
    bump for advice in June!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    HardyGirl - How do u cook your pork? Just plain or add spices? Tell us what you think of HH Abs ...Please....

    Today I did P90X Chest & Back. Its a lot of push ups and a lot of pull ups. I am gradually increasing pushups to be more than what they do on the DVD. Its an amazing feat. Although, I wonder if I'm just doing 1/2 of the push up (ie. nto going down to the floor as far as they are). I just have to keep that in mind. Pull ups...not really something I enjoy doing but, I do like the cardio impact they have on the body so, I do them. Also, I had read that the more you train your back (weight lift) that it will impact your waist line and help make it smaller. So....that's enough reasons for me.

    Logging food today! Off to the elliptical for a few minutes.
  • byrkar
    byrkar Posts: 14 Member
    Ugh. Thankful for a new week to start again. Off to a good start today. Have a race this weekend. That's good motivation to stay on track. Almost at the "run a 5k without having to walk at all" goal. Did it once, but don't count it finished until I can do it consistently.

    I need some ideas for something new to burn calories. I don't have any dvds or a place to play them right now.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    My diet plan wants me to eat pork tenderloin twice this week. I've never liked it, but I'm going to make it and eat it anyway.

    I just starting eating port tenderloin also, I actually had it last night. If you have a Nuwave, 24-28 (half on each side), you'll be extremely happy with the results! YUM!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    byrkar - what comes to my mind for workout ideas is a Upper/Middle/Lower workout that you could do on your own... Do each move for 1 minute and create as many rounds as you need.
    Pick one upper body exercises (Bicep curls, push ups, tricep dips, punching-- think something for arms)
    Pick one Middle body exercise (Think any ab exercise - laying or standing abs)
    Pick one Lower body exercise (Squats, sumo squats, frog hop squats, lunges, Jump rope, Kicking)

    Another thing I like to do (when I am camping) is write my favorite cardio moves each on a slip of paper and then I grab a slip of paper out of the cup and do that move for 1 minute. All while my favorite playlist is playing in the background.

    Running, i normally try intervals to mix it up. Such as 30sec as hard as possible, then 30 sec lower pace and repeat.

    I hope that helps give you some ideas beyond DVD's and running.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I haven’t been very good with posting on the threads, but I have been keeping up with my calorie burn goal as well as trying to keep up with my twice a week goals. My error was making last week’s gym related, but when work keeps me from going, it messes me up.

    So this week:
    My calorie burn is now 2360. My twice a week goal is two-fold: workout to my Zumba Wii (at least twice) and lift weights at home at least once. (I strength train at the gym on base too)
    My good for me choice: No sodas on the weekend, if I succeed that will be two days! I’m good all week, but on the week I am very bad with my accountability.
    This challenge has really made me realize that my weekend bad habits keep me in a continuous loop, that all the hard work I do throughout the week is practically ruined by my weekends. Last week I did better and I plan to do better this week too.
  • sharpei65
    sharpei65 Posts: 167 Member
    Struggling with my calorie burn so far...going to have to really raise the stakes. Food is going ok though, so thats something!

  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Keep up the good work, guys!!! I know this is not easy - it's not supposed to be!!!

    Not going to be able to do hot yoga this week - the schedule isn't allowing it. BUT!!!! I did a Leslie Sansome DVD on Monday and the Stair machine yesterday - 2 new things! Not sure I love either, but it was nice to try something new.

    Great job on trying new things that are good for you!

    As for ideas on exercising - cleaning! I burn huge calories when I save all the cleaning for one day. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who worked up a sweat vaccuuming!
  • Ls_505
    Ls_505 Posts: 14 Member
    Well, its the middle of the month but I'm gonna go ahead and do this anyway for the last few weeks of May.

    What your goals are for the month : To stick with an exercise routine. eat healthy, lose 10lbs.
    How you will be measuring (I know that some people have thrown their scales out the window) : Scale=/ and energy levels. how well i adjust to the workouts
    What your motivators are: Summer! I want to feel good this summer. I want to be able to wear cute clothes and feel good about myself. A lot of my female employees are trying to lose weight or simply eat healthy so its definitely a push. Especially since most dont have much to lose, it helps to know that they also struggle sometimes. Its nice to hear how they overcome those obstacles.
    What your biggest weakness are: losing hope, giving up. i dont know why i do this but I lose motivation and I stop working out or I have days where I eat way too much junk food.I'm also really bad at logging my food and work outs on here which is sometthing i want to work on.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    LS_505- welcome. Post as often asyou like for accountability.

    @me - Doing good I guess. Really wanted cheat foods yesterday (I did have popcorn) but I didn't give in anywhere else I guess. I just felt like I wanted to eat and eat and eat. It was a strength training day - perhaps that played into it. I did eat my salad. I had a nice Chicken/sub for eveningmeal and my protein shake (in a dish frozen as 'fake icecream').

    My goal for today is to get to the Gym at 11am. I will! I have really found through the years that doing a morning workout (be it large or small) and doing something active at noon time, then a walk or something after the evening meal really helps keep the furnace burning. You've got to Move it...move it (thinking madagascar here).

    Do you all do Protein shakes? I have one as breakfast - quick and easy! And then I know that I am getting in my bodywieght in protein which is SO important!!! (Esp. when I LOVE carbs).

    ~~ HAppy Friday!! ~~
  • byrkar
    byrkar Posts: 14 Member
    Calorie burn goal: 2200 Actual: 2422 (finally made it!)
    Something new? uh... oops.
    Something I don't like? I didn't like any of it this week... does that count? I'll keep working on this one. Did take the stairs one day.
    5K Goal: Was in a race on Saturday. Almost made it the whole way without having to walk to recover. This one is so close I can almost taste it...
    I'm struggling with eating right. I'm tired of the same foods all the time. Need to mix it up a bit but not finding anything new I want to try.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning to you all.
    I have to admit that the scale brought me down again today. No gain, but no loss either. I should be happy with just that since I have, again, been stress eating.

    I am totally and perfectly fine during the day. Then BOOM!!! the stresses of work, the planning of a wedding when keeping etiquette in mind (yes, we are both very traditional) and the "F it all" attitude that I sometimes get just hits me. I am not liking this at all.

    My goal this week is both new and heatlhy for me. EAT CORRECTLY and find an alternative activity when I want to stress eat. That damn ice cream is only a short term solution - - that leads to an even bigger problem. It's true how they say that food is like a drug.

    I did hit my calorie goal last week 2616/2400 - but that's not shown on the scale because of my other choices.

    Ok, done venting and beating myself up. Time to put on my big girl panties and do what I know I can.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    HardyGirl - How do u cook your pork? Just plain or add spices? Tell us what you think of HH Abs ...Please....

    Today I did P90X Chest & Back. Its a lot of push ups and a lot of pull ups. I am gradually increasing pushups to be more than what they do on the DVD. Its an amazing feat. Although, I wonder if I'm just doing 1/2 of the push up (ie. nto going down to the floor as far as they are). I just have to keep that in mind. Pull ups...not really something I enjoy doing but, I do like the cardio impact they have on the body so, I do them. Also, I had read that the more you train your back (weight lift) that it will impact your waist line and help make it smaller. So....that's enough reasons for me.

    Logging food today! Off to the elliptical for a few minutes.


    Here is the recipe for the Pork Tenderloin.

    I LOVE Hip Hop Abs. Almost as much as Turbo Jam. It's just fun, and the time flies by, and your workout is done before you know it.

    Wow, P90X/. That's very impressive. I feel that I personally have to work up to that. I'm not in enough shape to try it yet. Good for you!
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,309 Member
    Hi everybody!
    Last week has been okay for me - not exceptional, but not bad either.
    Sometimes I could not resist the temptation and got myself an ice cream (hmmm) and some chocolate... I know these will slow me down with losing weight, but I found that if I don't have some small goodies now and then, sooner or later I will lose all good intentions and eat way too much of those things at once... So, I allow myself some slack here and don't beat me up on this.

    I lost some weight this week and now am 1 kg from my goal for this May challenge, which has been 82 kg. So it should be possible to lose this kg in the next 9 days!

    Calorie burn goal: 3014/2500 (yeah!)
    Things I don't particularly like: I ate fish twice this week
    New things to try: I just played around with my new heart rate monitor, so that has been nothing really new...

    Goals for the next week:
    Same calorie burn of 2500
    I will once again eat some fish - since it is in the freezer ;-)
    I will try the 30DS - really, and not just writing about it like the last two weeks!
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    My diet plan wants me to eat pork tenderloin twice this week. I've never liked it, but I'm going to make it and eat it anyway.

    I just starting eating port tenderloin also, I actually had it last night. If you have a Nuwave, 24-28 (half on each side), you'll be extremely happy with the results! YUM!

    Cool, thank you!!
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Good morning to you all.
    I have to admit that the scale brought me down again today. No gain, but no loss either. I should be happy with just that since I have, again, been stress eating.

    I am totally and perfectly fine during the day. Then BOOM!!! the stresses of work, the planning of a wedding when keeping etiquette in mind (yes, we are both very traditional) and the "F it all" attitude that I sometimes get just hits me. I am not liking this at all.

    My goal this week is both new and heatlhy for me. EAT CORRECTLY and find an alternative activity when I want to stress eat. That damn ice cream is only a short term solution - - that leads to an even bigger problem. It's true how they say that food is like a drug.

    I did hit my calorie goal last week 2616/2400 - but that's not shown on the scale because of my other choices.

    Ok, done venting and beating myself up. Time to put on my big girl panties and do what I know I can.

    Ugh, I stress eat too. And when stressed I crave chocolate.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    This week I actually logged my one cheat day and discovered I'm eating at least 1000 calories over what I should be consuming. No wonder I can't lose any weight. I totally pigged out on both cheat days. But it's a new week. I actually gained a pound, but have since lost 0.9 so I feel like I'm on a track now. My pants are still too tight, and I can't fit into most of my summer clothes, still worried about how I'll look in the bride's maid dress, and I still feel like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man. (I always feel bloated and fat) So I ate waaay too much crap on the weekend, but I kept myself from buying any Nutella. (This is good cuz I can go through a big jar in about 2 1/2 days.)
    I burned 2442/2290 calories this week. What a relief. Sunday is kinda scary, apparently I only burned 17 calories!!
    I did do my Hip Hop Abs for 6 of the 7 days as they recommended, on the schedule that they recommended.
    I'm sad to say that I didn't end up having my pork tenderloin this week. It was scheduled for Thursday and Friday. Thursday got away from my husband and me (he was off work that day), and by the time the dishes were done, and with the time cooking, we would've been eating at 9pm so he went and got me a pita from pita pit. I found two foods that we can get from fat food places, tat are fairly healthy and fit in my plan. I had the Pita on the Thursday, and then a chicken caesar salad on Friday. (My own dressing, not theirs).

    This week:
    I'm following the advice of someone who posted on here and was very successful with their weight loss and doing the TDEE thing so I will no longer be confused and will no longer just be winging it as to whether or not I eat back my exercise calories. So now that my calories are up I have to burn 2428 this week.
    My new activity to burn calories is my Denise Austin videos. I had great success during Jenny Craig while doing ALL of my exercise videos in a cycle, rather than focusing on one program for several weeks at a time. Like mosneakers said, variety is the spice of life so I'm going for it.
    This week my meal plan wants me to eat Tilapia twice. Bleh. So I will do that. I hope. Unless Saturday ends up being a cheat day, then I'm screwed. But I'll do my best.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Last week I did a lot better, even on the weekend, I continued to try to make better choices. I was successful at lifting weights at least twice last week. My calorie burn was in excess of the 2360 (I wear my fitbit throughout the day).

    This week, I am going to try to run at least twice this week. I’m still going to stick to my weight lifting Mon, Wed, and Fri.

    It felt really good to have my friend tell me I look like I lost 5 lbs, when the scale only said .8 this morning. But I know that weight training can really make the difference. If I continue to make better choices and keep challenging myself, I will definitely achieve my goal sooner than later.

    Hardygirl4ever, I can definitely understand how sometimes our lives can take control of our planned dinners. I’m happy you were able to find something good on the menu that was within your range.