


  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 131 Member
    I am very embarrassed of my binges and rarely put them on MFP because I don't want to know! I need friends who realize that we're only human and won't chastize me for mistakes, rather, they will congratulate me when I make milestones. Not that I'm saying I want a pushover. I need friends, HUMAN FRIENDS! ;)

    I never use to add my binges but I felt like I was cheating. I just made my food diary public today so I will think twice before binging. Feel free to add :happy:
  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    Hey, realize that everyone has slip ups now and then, it is just how far down do you want to slide? Pick yourself up and realize that you can make changes with your next meal. I used to have major slips but I realized that I am an emotional eater. I really have to keep myself busy, and at night (my worst time) I now have a piece of fruit instead of binging on crap. It has really helped, I still get something sweet and I get to eat, but it is something that will not get me into too much trouble. Add me as a friend if you wish, no judging...just support!! Good luck on your journey.
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    My experience has been this:

    The more you harbor it as a secret and tell no one, the more it grows into this "thing", this pink elephant in the room that no one wants to acknowledge or speak about -- the more resentment, embarrassment and and other negative feelings it will create. As long as no light is being shed on these issues, they will continue to fester ..

    You've done a brave thing by acknowledging it and posting it here. The first step is admitting it, so that you can get help with it. I think binging comes from a place of shame, and the behavior can be stopped by realizing that you have nothing to be ashamed about, you just need to develop better habits in place of your unhealthy ones.

    So keep shining a light on all those fears! they can't hide that way. :)
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    part of this whole process is accountability. Be accountable to yourself for all that you do or eat. It's your life, you have to want the change. Otherwise, it is just a steady stream of cheating yourself.

    If you really want help, then post all your food choices and be prepared for the conversations. What could you have had instead of that x food? Anyone that does that in my friends list will get asked. I don't binge, I don't eat off menu and I understand if you do. That's fine, but don't ask for my help if you won't be accountable to yourself first.

    Sorry, I hope you do very well and wish you the best.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    You should log everything. Until you hold yourself accountable for what you are choosing to put into your body you won't make any real progress.

    I've logged every spoonful of nutella that was followed by a spoonful of peanut butter and at first it made me really unhappy to see what it did to my calories for the day but then I realized that I CHOSE to eat that. I chose waste those calories on something that satisfied me for a minute but ultimately was empty and left me with little wiggle room for real food for the rest of the day.

    Is it going to happen again at some point? Probably, but I'm going to plan around it and I will work it into my daily goal.

    I agree with this whole heartedly! Remember that it is okay to treat yourself from time to time but make sure it is in proportion. Try to make it so that you can stay within your calorie limit. If you go over, no need to feel embarrassed. It happens to all of us! Tomorrow is a new day. Just don't let it happen OFTEN. (;

    Whether or not you make your diary public is up to you, but I think you should always log EVERYTHING you eat. Being in denial will only hurt, not help you.

    NEVER GIVE UP! If you slip up once, don't let yourself fall downhill from there. Pick yourself back up RIGHT where you left off.~

    Good luck with your journey! You can do this! (:

    I agree with all of the above.

    I personally think you should make your diary public. Your friends that you chose to accept will hopefully be there to support you. If not, delete them! Those friends can help you and give you ideas.

    I also think you should log EVERYTHING even on the days you binge. It will make you really think about what you are doing to your body. If you binge one day a week, who cares?!??! If some of your friends do, get rid of them.

    I am having my first cheat day on Tuesday and plan to log everything just to see how bad it really is! I don't plan on actual "bingeing", but I do plan on not worrying about how many calories I'm taking in. It's just ONE day. \

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I won't judge and will help encourage you! :)
  • icerafta
    icerafta Posts: 38
    I allow myself a treat twice a month. My treat is a McDonalds McFlurry with reeses peanutbutter cups in it. Yeah, it'a about 600 or 700 calories but I don't do it a lot. It helps me to feel less "deprived" of tasty snacks and steels my wool. I work out 5 days a week anyways... It keeps me from binging and going for that mondo Hershey Bar...THAT is 900 calories!!
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Do not be embarrassed!

    Log those days when you eat all that good stuff!

    First of all, you deserve to enjoy good food once in a while and indulge on occasion. Carpe Diem and all that.

    Second, you will want to keep it all in perspective so you can look back on it and see what could be done differently next time.

    I binge on pizza. After trying this a few times, I cut my pizza calories in half by changing the type of crust. I still enjoy it, its just not as bad calorie wise.

    Always look for alternatives...even on those "binge" items...ESPECIALLY on those binge items!

    Don't deny yourself the good stuff on those special occasions, just be rational with it. It sounds silly but plan it in advance. I know...you can't plan a binge, but you can plan on what you will do when you feel the craving for a binge. A little advanced readiness will help in the long run.


    Keep the momentum.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    By the way...since we're all sharing...

    I hit the food truck extravaganza today and had the first real "cheat" day I've had since I started trying to lose weight three months ago.

    I tried to make good choices but I knew I was going to go overboard. I can't imagine what it would have been if I had all the sausage dogs and stuff I used to eat!
  • Vonchka117
    Vonchka117 Posts: 10 Member
    sjacobson..... I agree with you 100%!!! It really keeps you honest when you log everything and makes it more real. Many of us have learned to hide many of our embarrassing habits.
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    Dont be embarrassed. It happens to all of us. I ate way more than my allotted calories today and had 2 light beers. Tomorrow is a new day and I will start over.

    My food diary is private and I like it that way because I do record everything that goes into my mouth and I dont want anyone telling me what I can and cant eat.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    you should log them! We all make mistakes, but a huge part of learning from them is coming to terms with them. Denial wont help make changes.
  • MrsSheenaHorner
    happens to mee toooo! dont worry about it, im sure it happens to everyone once in awhile. work out extra hard ;) my hardest part is dinner, i tend to eat too much, i try to eat smller amounts through out the day. :)
  • jenjay76
    jenjay76 Posts: 42
    No need to feel embarrassed (easier said than done I know). As you know we are all human and we are here to encourage each other not the chastize! Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    We all have bad days it happens. Feel free to add me(: