Alright, here's an awkward topic but I need advice/insight



  • bekinator
    bekinator Posts: 103
    Drink more water with the fiber. And also see a doctor. I go two + times a day. My mother has these issues. Have you had your colon checked?

    Hi - never had a colon check.. Also, good point on the water, I KNOW that I don't drink enough (about 5 cups a day on average) and I'm sure that isn't helping.

    Just about my whole life I would have a movement only once every couple or few days also. Then I tried a recommended diet of 1,000 calories a day a couple of weeks ago. The diet was basically just clean stuff, lots of fruits & veggies, with some good protein five times a day. Besides the huge boost of fiber, I drank tons and tons of water. I had movements at least once a day, sometimes twice. And 1,000 calories doesn't seem to me to provide a whole lot of waste!

    Last weekend, I had family over and we ate comfort food (burgers, hot dogs, chips, etc. - awful) and I had very little water. With all of that in me, I still had nothing to produce for 4 days.

    Honestly whenever I don't force myself to drink more water, I get held up again. Water is the key for me.
  • gordonx4
    gordonx4 Posts: 26 Member
    I had the same problem. My Dr. did the same thing and couldn't give me a answer that could help me so I went to a chinesse health Dr. and she had me start taking a digestive enzymes everyday and I don't have that problem anymore. Also I feel much better and so many levels. You need to find one that will survive the stomach acid so it can get to your intestines. A lot of people don't know how important digestive enzymes are and how fragile they are. If you have EVER been on antibiotics, dehydrated, stressed, over tired and so many more issue, it will kill off the good flora. Here is some information form the company I get my digestive enzymes from.

    One daily dose of probiotic contains 5 billion colonies of stomach-acid-resistant flora from two strains: Lactobacillus acidophilus (which targets your small intestine) and Bifidobacterium lactis (which works in your colon). it also has a proprietary blend of FOS (fructooligosaccharides) and dicalcium phosphate.

    Why Is That Important?
    An imbalance of good and bad flora can lead to occasional indigestion, constipation, abdominal discomfort, and other digestive problems. Two strains of probiotics help maintain the optimal balance in your digestive tract regulating your system while helping to enhance nutrient absorption. In addition, FOS encourages healthy probiotic function. Calcium phosphate helps with absorption.*

    It Works Because…
    The probiotics attach themselves to the intestinal wall where they help counteract bad flora. Studies show that Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora by producing organic compounds and inhibiting the reproduction of undesirable flora. These probiotics also support the production of substances called bacteriocins, which play an important role in maintaining a healthy digestive tract. Probiotics also assist in improving nutrient uptake and balancing the effects of bad flora in your intestine.*

    It’s estimated that to get the same level of probiotics from your diet, you’d have to eat at least 10 cups of yogurt. It offers a quicker, easier way to care for your digestive system and help get more nutrition out of your food and other dietary supplements.

    if you want to know more about where I get mine just let me know. but defiantly do research on your own. Talk to your Dr about it.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    I am sure it is because I am (literally) full of *kitten*.

    Gotta admit, I choked on my water at this!
    Try some fried eggs & if they don't work, Pineapple :]
  • beth_816
    beth_816 Posts: 19

    Thank you!!!

    Obviously we were (or at least I was) so this little add (which also cluttered up the thread) was unecessary. However, if I see someone recommending something that I do not believe to be healthy I will make comments - and continue to make comments for as long as I feel necessary.

    Ya know what? You're absolutely right.
    I "should" have just reported the post.
    Consider it done.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I have a similar problem but not as extreme. I used to be very regular and go 1-2 times a day but now I'm lucky if it's once every three days. The only time I do it more often is if I eat a large or particularly fatty meal.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Organic apple cider vinegar with water always helps! 2 tbps in a cup of water
  • lincolnpalmer
    lincolnpalmer Posts: 28 Member
    The question isn't how many times a week, the question is how many times a day...

    When you eat, and especially chew, it should trigger a natural contraction of your bowels called peristalsis which moves things through. This happens for me almost every meal.

    The longer matter stays in your bowels, the more unhealthy it is.

    If you have an open mind, go to this site:

    I've done this cleanse and it works miracles. All natural.

    If you try it you WILL move!

    Some people just have naturally slow bowels and it takes some waking up and exercise for them to act regularly.

    I am sorry - but there is absolutely no need to do a cleanse and you do not need to "GO' multiple times a day.

    Right. I only go the bathroom once every other week and I don't need to clean anything out?

    Going multiple times a day is extremely healthy. What's not healthy is having fecal matter stuck in your bowels for weeks on end.

    But I'm just one voice in a sea of people who, individually, know everything.

    I did NOT say every couple of weeks is OK so I am not sure where you got the idea that I did.

    But you did say, you don't need to cleanse, which seems ridiculous since the entire point is to eliminate (cleanse) the fecal matter from the bowels.

    And you did say you don't need to go multiple times a day. While technically this is true (proven by the fact the OP is still typing after not having had a BM for two weeks), the fact still remains that having frequent bowel movements is healthy, and it IS the body's natural reaction to try to eliminate waste after eating. Sometimes that reaction is just slowed down by dietary and hereditary factors.

    "Cleansing" (aka, eliminating the festering fecal matter) using natural products can strengthen the bowels and make future, regularity possible, because it stimulates the peristalsis response.

    Seeing a doctor is a great idea. They will, however, most likely treat your symptom and leave you with a sluggish bowel.

    Please could you cite medical references that reference that cleansing (in the context that you inferrred in your post) is healthy and that it is necessary for your health to poop multiple times a day.

    BTW: I call having a bowel movement eliminating fecal matter - not cleansing. I eat (natural products) and I poop - there is no need to 'force the issue'. If someone is having problems with going, they should consult a medical professional - 'cleansing' in the way you are referring to i.e. stimulating bowel movements have the same issues as taking laxatives - something not recommended unless there is a medical reason to do so.

    A. I didn't site a context. You inferred your own.

    B. I'd say not having a bowel movement for two weeks is a great medical reason to "stimulate."
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Ok here goes.

    I have been dealing with this issue for years, about 15 years to be exact - ever since I had my gall bladder removed.
    10 years ago I went in the opposite direction, to the point where I couldn't eat outside of my home(as I will NOT go in a public washroom) So I went to my Dr and he prescribed a powder to drink 2 times a day and this really took care of the loose stool, but it took care of it so well that it left me constantly constipated. So fast forward the story 10 years - I have a new Dr and I went to see her for an annual and I asked about my issue and she prescribed a powder to drink once a day for 30 days that would soften the stool and allow me to go more natually.

    FYI - my husband calls me the enforcer :)

    This medication worked as it should have for the 30 days I was on it but now that I am off the powder I may go 3 times a week(which is much better than before) but I still have to force it.

    My mom has the same issues and so does my 6 year old niece. For me, it is genetic.

    Please consult your doctor as there may be some issue going on and all the laxatives, fiber, water you can consume may not correct it.

    Good luck to you.
  • lincolnpalmer
    lincolnpalmer Posts: 28 Member

    Thank you!!!

    Obviously we were (or at least I was) so this little add (which also cluttered up the thread) was unecessary. However, if I see someone recommending something that I do not believe to be healthy I will make comments - and continue to make comments for as long as I feel necessary.

    Ya know what? You're absolutely right.
    I "should" have just reported the post.
    Consider it done.

    Not an "add." Just a recommendation from someone who tried it.

    No different than saying "eat pineapple" or "drink more water."

    Relax people. I'm sure the OP is intelligent enough to make her own decisions about what remedy to follow.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Thank you!!!

    Obviously we were (or at least I was) so this little add (which also cluttered up the thread) was unecessary. However, if I see someone recommending something that I do not believe to be healthy I will make comments - and continue to make comments for as long as I feel necessary.

    Ya know what? You're absolutely right.
    I "should" have just reported the post.
    Consider it done.

    Not an "add." Just a recommendation from someone who tried it.

    No different than saying "eat pineapple" or "drink more water."

    Relax people. I'm sure the OP is intelligent enough to make her own decisions about what remedy to follow.

    yes it is different - 'eat pineapple' and 'drink more water' is not bad for you - may not work, but no harm if she does it.
  • cheechlover
    If I have a REALLY STRONG cup of coffee, I end up in the bathroom going before I am finished drinking the cup:)
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    All this talk about poo has me needing to go for the third time today. :)

    Also, I recommend a lot of what others are saying. I just read this on the Harvard website tonight; you need to eat 14 g of fiber for every 1000 calories you eat. Drink 10-16 eight ounce glasses of water every day. And most importantly get a second opinion! Try getting in to a gastroenterologist. Or instead of going to and M.D. try seeing a D.O. They tend to look at the overall body instead of just one symptom. I hope you find answers. That cannot be a fun situation. o_O
  • LesIsMoreXX
    LesIsMoreXX Posts: 169
    I go usually about once or twice a day.
    But I used to be like you, infact, I used to go even less [ a couple times a month ]. It was horrible but a lot of it had to do with diet and dehydration.
    Eventually I had to have surgery. This happened when I was 6 years old so I can't remember all the details but it went on from a very young age until I was about 11 years old even after the surgery.
    Please see a doctor. They'll point you in the right direction because my cause may have been different than what yours is.
    Good luck!
  • vgambino
    vgambino Posts: 28
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I've had a discussion with my mother-in-law every time she visits about what is the most healthy way of pooping. She insists that pooping several times a day is the absolute pinnacle of healthiness (mostly because she does it, therefore it must be the best way to go about it.) I know that it's fine for some people to go up to three days without pooping, and as long as the stool isn't too hard or large to pass (straining is the key), then that can be perfectly normal, as well.

    For instance, I only go about every other day to every two days. I've been that way since I was small, and I don't have issues; my body is just slower at processing things. My daughter is the same way. Nothing wrong with it, so long as it's not painful or really dry.

    Now, two weeks, or even a week, is MUCH too long, especially if you have pain, swelling, and other issues, which you obviously do. You run the risk of having an impacted bowel, which is NOT fun, and can also have you run the risk of going septic, should complications arise. It's not a good scenario, and I would second all the sentiments that say get to a doctor.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    i'm sorry that you are in such pain. i hope you get somewhere at your gyno appt. but i'll tell you what i do. i drink a lot of water and i started splitting my morning cereal- half is your choice and the other half is a fiber cereal. the one i use in one serving gives you half of your daily requirement in fiber. i usually have two servings and i'm good for the day. at the beginning of my mfp journey i focused on cal intake and i started having issues not as extreme as you but enough for me to notice. i completely ignored everything else so i added it into my diary so it was in my face everyday along with my sodium. that is one of my other issues.

    good luck and give us an update i would be curious to what the doctor says
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    The liquid you drink before a colonoscopy has helped you go, but it also has probably wiped out your good gut bacteria. You really need to restore this with some good quality probiotics, the ones that have to be stored in the fridge. This is one of many important steps you need to take.

    Have you had this since childhood? My nephew was born with a slow-moving system. Not knowing any better, his mother mixed oat bran with his pear baby food to try to help him, but it caused his poo to be like concrete. Several months and several doctors later, he was finally on the right treatment of a liquid medicine called "Lactulose." It is a form of sugar that is not metabolized, but stays in the digestive tract until it reaches the colon. There, it draws moisture into the stools. It has no side effects, and twelve years later, he is still taking a low dose and doing well.

    The pediatric gastroenerologist said that because he had been constipated for so long, his colon had a very large, flabby shape and tone. She predicted it would take years for it to regain it's normal function. While recovering, he had to take a large doses of lactulose so that he always had loose stools that would come out easily and not collect in the colon.

    In other words, the colon needs a constant and complete break from collecting hard stools in order to regain its natural shape and function.

    Please insist that your doctor give you this medicine immediately, or another like it. It is costly, and insurance doesn't like to cover it, so you may have to push for it. Also insist on a complete evaluation of your colon by a specialist.

    I hope all will be going well for you soon :)
  • abbie72003
    abbie72003 Posts: 57 Member
    I'd never get to 2 weeks without a poop, but definitely gone 4-7 days without and I know what you mean. I've been experimenting with my body with my doctor's help. I've learned for myself that increasing my fibre (eating 30-40g of fibre/day) plus the use of an extra strength MULTI-probiotic has done the trick in the last while for me. I have been recently diagnosed with an IBD which has made weight loss difficult and inconsistent but in the end I have stuck with it and it's starting to go better and to a doctor and find what works for your body. It will pay off in the end!
  • motherucker
    Don't know if anyone mentioned this (I didn't read through all the pages) but a few years ago I started having this problem too and used ColonBlow. I know we aren't supposed to advertise but it worked great for me. It tastes disgusting but I got past it because it worked so well. In the past seven years I purchased two rounds of it (3 times each round) and it gets things running smooth again. I always thought there was something wrong with me but it was like the ColonBlow rebooted my system and made me normal. I love that so manypeople posted on this. We talk about poop all the time at my house because we want everyone to be regular!! Good luck to you!
    LBS2LOOZ Posts: 2
    I agree with everyone....not normal. I have had many issues myself. I have what they call IBS however, with lots of investigation, I have found more than 1 issue causing my IBS (constipation - sudden diarrhea). ALLERGIES - mine are gluten & dairy, LACK/TOO MUCH FIBER - Fiber is more than fruit & veggies. Make sure you include brown/whole grain rice, legumes, dry beans, etc. It's amazing what is more available now then when I was little & had more allergies. H2O - is your friend. LACK OF EXERCISE - If you don't move, sometimes your body won't either. NEVER USE LAXITIVE - unless prescribes. They cause more pain, especially if you are producing lots of gas with your constipation (huge sign of gluten allergy). Laxitives cause your bowel to spasm. Stool Softeners, psyllium husk (Metamusil) Inulin are much better choices. TOO FEW CALORIES - if you don't eat enough, your body isn't going to do it's job either. HEALTHY FATS - coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, essential fatty acids are all good fats your body doesn't turn into body fat.

    Hopefully this helps & definitely see a DR. An OBGYN isn't going to help unless this is caused by something reproductive. Endometriosis, large fibroids, ovarian cysts can all cause constipation as well (been there too).