Sixers Turning Up The Heat - Week ONE



  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hello Sixers!

    I just wanted to say a quick hello today and hope you are all doing well. It's been great meeting (reading) you all the last couple of days and it is definitely inspiring as well.

    I had a good day for eating today so far. No real excercise though since it was a really busy day going from place to place to do errands and being the mom taxi. Tomorrow is my son's birthday party so I will have to try extra hard to be a good girl and stay away from the Dairy Queen ice cream

    Well, have a great weekend and I look forward to reading more from all of you.

    Take care,
  • Exorcize
    Exorcize Posts: 5
    Hi, I'd like to join your group. My daughter and her friend are members already and I'd like to join along with them.
    Rhiannon SW 176 lbs / GW 170 lbs / CW 176 lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Kristin SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS growing a baby sixer!
    Cathy SW 217.4 / GW 210 / CW PROGRESS
    Amy (amypyr) SW 152.2 lbs / GW 146 lbs / CW 152.2 lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Amy(pdxmomof2)SW 200 lbs/ GW 188 lbs / CW 200 lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) SW 157lbs /GW 150lbs /CW 157lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Melynda (mam885) SW 158lbs/GW 150lbs/CW 158lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    AmyLou SW 151.4/GW 147/CW 151.4 PROGRESS +/-0.0lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) SW195/ GW 185/ CW 195 PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Maggie (magglett) SW 200 / GW 190 / CW 200 PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Lauryn.... SW 162.5 lbs/GW 156.5lbs/CW 162.5lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Tammy(derocco) SW 251lbs / GW244lbs / CW151lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Martha (mjheinrich) SW135/GW 130/ CW135 PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Nikki (nightshadow) SW 154/ GW 125/ CW 151 PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Melody (Exorcize) SW 215 GW 209 CW 215 Progress +/- 0.0 lbs.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I am out of town. Left NC at 11pm last night, arrived in Atlanta this morning a little before 6am.
    My (estranged) husband's grandfather took a bad fall and is in the Critical Care Unit (CCU) in the hospital. the fall caused a swollen spine which has left him paralyzed, temporarily we hope. His throat is swollen shut, he's on a ventilator only to facilitate his breathing and give him medication, and a feeding tube to give him nutrition while he recovers. He has a DNR but all these machines aren't sustaining his life, only quickening the healing process.
    The estranged husband has never dealt with death of a family member, and we are close to his grandparents, so I here for him. He needs my support, as a friend.

    In the meantime, I'm eating garbage and drinking liquid garbage. I'm sure I'm gaining weight. I'm not concerned right now.

    Just an update on where I am. Hope you all are doing well.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I am out of town. Left NC at 11pm last night, arrived in Atlanta this morning a little before 6am.
    My (estranged) husband's grandfather took a bad fall and is in the Critical Care Unit (CCU) in the hospital. the fall caused a swollen spine which has left him paralyzed, temporarily we hope. His throat is swollen shut, he's on a ventilator only to facilitate his breathing and give him medication, and a feeding tube to give him nutrition while he recovers. He has a DNR but all these machines aren't sustaining his life, only quickening the healing process.
    The estranged husband has never dealt with death of a family member, and we are close to his grandparents, so I here for him. He needs my support, as a friend.

    In the meantime, I'm eating garbage and drinking liquid garbage. I'm sure I'm gaining weight. I'm not concerned right now.

    Just an update on where I am. Hope you all are doing well.

    Wow ... my thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone involved.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    take care lauryn, will say a prayer.
    melody...who are they? my daughter was on here also with us.
    all the newbies, if you haven't already, could you please tell us a little about yourselves, i guess us oldies should update the newbies on us.

    me(chipper15173) also cathy....married 32 yrs next month, also turn "50" next month. have two adults one of each. one married w/2 girls. both live near me, don't see much of them at all. just me and hubby now. and boomer(dog). we just moved and he was laid off for the last 2 months. we just crossed/burned many bridges. a whole new life, and it's hard when everything changes. we live in the south. having very hot weather right now along with everyone else.

    my plan for this coming week is to get back to the gym. monday, wednesday, friday. i will work a little on eating. have some major issues to deal with this week.

    heading to church, later.
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Lauryn Hang in there. You and yours will be in my prayers. Let us know how things are going. Love you girl. Keep strong.:flowerforyou:

    Melody Welcome aboard.

    Everyone else have a great Sunday.

  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Lauryn, I am so sorry you are going through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You are a good person to put problems aside and be there for your husband, estranged or not. You will have plenty of time to get yourself back on track! :flowerforyou:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hello Sixers!!!!

    Cathy- I hope you enjoy Church.

    Lauryn- Sorry to hear about the family crisis. Praying for you and you are so sweet to support him.

    Amy- Nice quote... I hope you are doing well

    Kel- Glad you are keeping up at your journey. Hope your weekend was great.

    Rhiannon- UMMMM you are always having such wonderful in nature. Enjoy and if I lived where you do I would brag too. :)

    Tiffani surprised me this weekend and I got to meet her new puppy. He is so sweet and my baby... Dylan is so happy to have company. They are enjoying each other, though dylan doesn't realize how big he is. LOL. I have a cramp in my calf so I'm going to take it light today. I need to refocus today on my goals and start writing in my journal again. Keep rewarding myself when I meet a mini goal and more. :drinker: Well ladies.... I'm off to relax.

    Keep it up newbies..........

    Take care,

  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hello ladies, I'm baaack! Sorry I was MIA for a while. DH's grandma was in the hospital my last post (gosh, new challenge, must have been two weeks ago). She had something ruptured in her belly. At 92, she had a DNR, and told the doctor she didn't want surgery. So... comforting measures only. She woke up some on the second day, but not again after that. Surprisingly, she lingered for over a week...

    We had family staying here, as well as at BIL's and the IL's. And each day, we'd rotate houses for a big everybody get together dinner. The company was nice, I've heard more blackmail stories for DH than you can shake a stick at. The meals weren't always the healthiest... Pork pie one night, grilled fish another (it was all the side salads and the clam dip on potato chips that killed that meal), spaghetti dinner another time.

    So... Earlier this week, we had Grandma's funeral, everyone has gone home, and things are getting back to normal. Whew! No need for condolences, Grandma was ready to go, like I said, she was the one who didn't want the surgery. She's in a better place!

    So many newbies, welcome!

    Lauryn & Cathy, sounds like you are both happy in your new digs! Good for you

    Tamm, (and Tiff) hope you two had a good visit!

    Rhiannon, hello and here's to sticking to the new plan!

    hello's to everyone I missed, after 4 pages of postings, I simply can't remember anything! I'll post my weight (back to what it was-blech) on Tuesday and get involved!
  • mjheinrich
    mjheinrich Posts: 87 Member
    Hi all...
    Checking back in. I was off the computer most all of yesterday as it was having problems. Frustrating day with a variety of things and I found myself downing some junk food. Made up for it by ahving a light dinner but brownies and chips are not a good balanced diet. I'm back on track today though so yeah for me. I dont know about you all but sometimes you just need to have a 'free' day and not beat yourself up over it. Trick is to get back on track the next day. In the past I would tend to just give up but using this site has helped me stay more consistent and I'm fine with losing at a slower pace.

    Sundays are long runs with friends in the morning so I did nearly 10 miles in the heat...yippee, I can really eat the calories on days like today but thus far have stayed well within the bounds. AFter my run today I saw a new number (low) on the scale today. I know if won't stay as it was water loss but usually if i see a new number within a few days it will become real.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Lauryn - my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    I hope everyone else has had a great weekend. We spent 3 hours at the pool Saturday. I've been trying to catch up on laundry today. I was thinking of counting the trips up & down the steps as part of my exercise today! :wink: I got WAY behind on laundry this past week & was up & down the steps numerous times taking clean clothes up.

    We're leaving Thurs afternoon to go on a 4 day vacation to my MIL's vacation cabin in the mountains of Virginia. It's rather rustic. There is electricity & running water, but there's no computer access & cell phone coverage is almost nonexistent. I thought ahead though & I'm taking a journal to write down what all & eat and my exercise, so I can log it when I get back on the 6th.

    Good night!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Robin........... Sorry to hear about your husbands grandmother. I know its been busy for you!!!!! I hope you get some rest soon. Good to hear from you!!!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!!! **wispers**sorry some may get to sleep in....

    i am heading to the gym here in a few. going to work off some heavy stress. stressful weekend, and a week of needed information ahead. hope it all comes out in my favor.

    funny there are 2 other people here on my street that leave the same time. like subburbia(sp) hubands leaving together. there are 12 house on my street. 6 on each side, and it's a court so you just about know everyones comings and goings, i am 3rd, so sorta in the middle. was the test???? dr.tamm new puppies. i want a puppy.
    bunny...i am sorry for your lose.
    lauryn..glad the prayers are working for your grandpa, i'll keep praying.

    well, off to dress and head to the gym, than come home do laundry and hang it out and some cleaning.

    later ladies.....
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Wow it has been so hot here. Sat was 105 and yesterday 110 and not going to be much different today. So I am off to work early today. I didn't do as good as I thought I would over the weekend. But with the heat I really didn't care. although I did get 2 wonderful compliments from family freinds that we haven't seen in a long time. So that made me feel good.

    I need to get a cup of coffee in me and maybe some breakfast before I head out of here.

    Have a great day.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Good Golly! :noway: There's NO way I can catch up on all the posts now! I will try later!

    Welcome to Martha, Tammy, Nikki, and Melody!

    I was home Friday with a horrible migraine, had a wedding on Saturday, and finished the nursery yesterday...well almost. I have a few last things to do and then I'll take some pictures! YAY! Busy day today at work since I was gone Friday. But I'll check back later and try and get caught up on posts!

    Cathy...I did read about your pooch...and I would try ground beef, scrambled eggs, and cooked rice. Mix it all together and let pup enjoy! This is a stomach pleaser for sure! Always works with my two!

  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    hello ladies, sorry to be MIA but I was at my friend's beautiful wedding this weekend!! back later to catch up!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi All,

    I made it through my son’s birthday party and managed to eat healthy at the same time. Today I went on a very muddy hike but I feel invigorated and happy that I did it even if I was caked with mud I went with my daughter and got some amazing pictures that I wouldn’t have gotten on a tamer trail so it was definitely worth it.

    Bunny – I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you find comfort in the memories you have.

    Lauryn – So sorry to hear about the hardship for yourself and family. Being so supportive of your ex is truly amazing and a strong testament to your character.

    Martha – Wow, reading about how active you are is very inspiring. I hope someday to get where you are. It may take time but I feel it will happen.

    Amy – Your vacation sounds so scenic and wonderful. I am on vacation too but we are staying at home and getting stuff done around the house. Have fun and take pictures!!

    Chipper – LOL... I talk that way too, with actions. I find it funny to see other people do it too. Sorry to hear it was a stressful weekend and I hope it all turns out okay.

    Kel – OMGoodness, I wouldn’t be able to deal with heat that extreme unless it was a dry heat. Here it is a very muggy, humid type heat we get so I usually start complaining around 80

    Take care all and I hope you all have a happy, good, and fulfilling week.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Remember everyone, NEW THREAD in the morning. I'm going to go make it now...
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