May Daily Step Challenge



  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    5/1 - 22,718 Steps = 10.03 Miles = 772 calories
    5/2 - 22,078 Steps = 9.66 Miles = 743 calories
    5/3 - 10,212 Steps = 4.47 Miles = 363 calories
    5/4 - 15,034 Steps = 6.68 Miles = 524 calories
    5/5 - 16,208 Steps = 7.16 Miles = 550 calories
    5/6 - 12,076 Steps = 5.32 Miles = 416 calories
    5/7 - 11,523 Steps = 5.04 Miles = 392 calories
    5/8 - 18,257 Steps = 7.83 Miles = 687 calories
    5/9 - 19,158 Steps = 8.03 Miles = 620 calories
    5/10 - 18,389 Steps = 8.03 Miles = 617 calories
    5/11 - 15,798 Steps = 6.94 Miles = 563 calories
    5/12 - 17,184 Steps = 7.54 Miles = 582 calories
    5/13 - 17,681 Steps = 7.74 Miles = 601 calories
    5/14 - 9,242 Steps = 3.85 Miles = 298 calories
    5/15 - 19,952 Steps = 8.38 Miles = 656 calories
    5/16 - 19,229 Steps = 8.11 Miles = 626 calories

    Month: 264,739 Steps = 114.81 Miles = 9,010 calories
    Avg: 16,546 Steps = 7.18 Miles = 563 calories
    Goal: 310,000 Steps 150.00 Miles
    I'm using the accelerometer on my iPod nano for the numbers.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Daily goal is 10,000

    5/1 - 7,507
    5/2 - 8,783
    5/3 - 19,103
    5/4 - 14,537
    5/5 - 13,920
    5/6 - 20,488
    5/7 - 9,375
    5/8 - 6,301
    5/9 - 10,113 Morning and evening treadmill
    5/10 - 10,103 Treadmill and a long walk after dinner
    5/11 - 6,471 Only one walk
    5/12 - 10,502 Shopping and after diner walk.
    5/13 - 10,763 Shopping and cleaning
    5/14 - 13,662 Busy work day and walk after dinner
    5/15 - 13,473 Morning walk and eveneing treadmill.
    5/16 - 8,107 Museum trip brought up a very low day.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    5/16 6442

    bummer. i was going good there for a bit.
    was driving kids all over town today . . . piano lessons, orthodontist appointments, dr appointments, baseball practice. ugh.

    Some days its just hard to get the steps in. However I know If I was't doing this, those 6k days would be 2k days.
  • bcw660816
    bcw660816 Posts: 326 Member
    Goal: 7,500 steps a day / 250,000 steps in May

    5/01 - 11,907
    5/02 - 17,826
    5/03 - 5,677
    5/04 - 13,112
    5/05 - 9,608
    5/06 - 3,531
    5/07 - 5,454
    5/08 - 13,878
    5/09 - 10,064
    5/10 - 6,335
    5/11 - 6,367
    5/12 - 6,608
    5/13 - 4,264
    5/14 - 7,558
    5/15 - 11,635
    5/16 - 5,298

    Month Total: 139,122
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Goal 10,000 steps and 10 floors climbed

    5/1 - 14085, 10 floors
    5/2 - 14427, 13 floors
    5/3 - 5087, no floors climbed.....spent the afternoon chillaxin on the lake!!
    5/4 - 2515, no floors.....not feeling well today
    5/5 - 4195, 2 floors
    5/6 - 6262, 1 floor
    5/7 - 4789, 2 floors Put my FitBit on the charger in the afternoon and forgot about it!! GRRR
    5/8 - 11051, 2 floors
    5/9 - 5492, 1 floor Rained all day!
    5/10 - 5366, NO floors
    5/11 - 7853, 5 floors
    5/12 - 8943, 12 floors
    5/13 - 3227, 4 floors
    5/14 - 5935, 3 floors its been raining here for the past 2 days!!! GRRR
    5/15 - 5785, 6 floors not bad considering that over 10 hours were spent driving
    5/16 - 8266, 4 fllors
    Gregwork!!! Wow you are climbing some serious floors!!
  • gooseafur
    gooseafur Posts: 340 Member
    My steps are counted by my wonderful fitbit!
    5/01 - 17,527 steps
    5/02 - 21,399
    5/03 - 21,360
    5/04 - 19,605
    5/05 - 11,924
    5/06 - 8,589 (I went to hospital for a strained back muscle, Doc told me I need to rest for a few days-:sad: )
    5/07 - 4,429 Only wore fitbit for half the day, REST
    5/08 - Stayed in bed for the day :yawn: Didn't wear fitbit at ALL.
    5/09 - 3,882 Again, only wore fitbit for half the day- REST
    5/10 - 8,597 Feeling better:wink:
    5/11 - 6,659
    5/12 - 14,489 I'm back!! Feeling GREAT!:bigsmile:
    5/13 - 13,322
    5/14 - 16,084
    5/15 - 8,104
    5/16 - 21,123
  • gregwork32
    gregwork32 Posts: 21
    5/8 - 11591 steps, 5.39 miles, 4011 calories burned, 52 floors
    5/9 - 15139 steps, 7.8 miles, 4458 calories burned, 47 floors
    5/10 - 18310 steps, 8.58 miles, 4272 calories burned, 74 floors ....think I over did it I'm sore and tired
    5/11 - 19426 steps, 9.79 miles, 4587 calories burned, 54 floors (should of just did the last 600 steps to make 20K oh well )
    5/12 - 21081 steps, 9.81 miles, 4724 calories burned, 58 floors (my last walk killed me alot of grade incline laid me up very sore this morning)
    5/13 - 7408 steps, 3.45 miles, 3408 calories burned, 15 floors (Bad day- seem like even if I exercise it didn't register on the fitbit?)
    5/14 - 15419 steps, 7.18 miles, 4079 calories burned, 41 floors
    5/15 - 18714 steps, 9.57 miles, 4586 calories burned, 60 floors
    5/16 - 17187 steps, 8.0 miles, 4312 calories burned, 40 floors

    @debwaid thanks I'm trying lol carrie and I live in a 3 story home the bedrooms are at the bottom floor the kitchen is on the top floor and when I walk at this certain park I like, they have 3 sets of stairs everytime I walk by them I go up and down them...let me tell you I feel it lol! special at the end of the day and you have to go have dinner upstairs! lol

    I like my fitbit alot I find myself not watching tv(like I use to) but watching the fitbit figuring out what I need to complete my goal
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    My goal is 10000 steps daily.

    5/1 - 17,469 - Nice... like this big start.
    5/2 - 11,822
    5/3 - 10,491
    5/4 - 11,833
    5/5 - 10,263
    5/6 - 12,426
    5/7 - 10,920
    5/8 - 10,069
    5/9 - 11,089
    5/10 - 6,625 ==> Oh well, It was a good run.
    5/11 - 10,706
    5/12 - 10,402
    5/13 - 6,337
    5/14 - 13,772
    5/15 - 10,883
    5/16 - 17,367
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    5/15 - 5520 ( I am just dragging this week, can't seem to get going :frown: )

    Sometimes it just goes like that. Keep at it.
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    5/16 6442

    bummer. i was going good there for a bit.
    was driving kids all over town today . . . piano lessons, orthodontist appointments, dr appointments, baseball practice. ugh.

    Some days its just hard to get the steps in. However I know If I was't doing this, those 6k days would be 2k days.

    ya, that's so true for me. It's driving my kids crazy because i'm parking at the other end of the parking lot these days!!
    it's amazing how just being aware can add so many steps and bring my activity level.
    I'm also feeling so much better this month because i'm doing more.
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    Goal 310000 steps for May

    5/1 - 6232 steps - 256 calories burned - 3.3 miles
    5/2 - 5511 steps - 240 calories burned - 2.9 miles
    5/3 - 5855 steps - 254 calories burned - 3.1 miles
    5/4 - 9574 steps - 427 calories burned - 5.1 miles
    5/5 - 2296 steps - 82 calories burned - 1.2 miles
    5/6 - 6892 steps - 307 calories burned - 3.6 miles
    5/7 - 12055 steps - 569 calories burned - 6.4 miles
    5/8 - 11142 steps - 528 calories burned - 5.9 miles
    5/9 - 4995 steps - 206 calories burned - 2.6 miles
    5/10 - 7347 steps - 330 calories burned - 3.9 miles
    5/11 - 11640 steps - 553 calories burned - 6.1 miles
    5/12 - 15855 steps - 750 calories burned - 8.4 miles
    5/13 - 4753 steps - 189 calories burned - 2.5 miles
    5/14 - 14345 steps - 703 calories burned - 7.6 miles
    5/15 - 14303 steps - 680 calories burned - 7.5 miles
    5/16 - 12767 steps - 597 calories burned - 6.7 miles
    5/17 - 13829 steps - 650 calories burned - 7.3 miles

    To go: 150609
  • chevy1998
    chevy1998 Posts: 52
    5/16 - 15,430 Steps
    5/17 - 4,232 Steps
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    5/1 -- 5250
    5/2 -- 6405
    5/3 -- 10,275 (errands and deep house cleaning put me over)
    5/4 -- 12,966
    5/5 -- 7044
    5/6 -- 1184 (pathetic -- lazy day but well-deserved)
    5/7 -- 10,118
    5/8 -- oops -- battery died on pedo today. Gotta replace the battery so I guess no step counting for me today.
    5/9 -- 1303
    5/10 -- 5954
    5/11 -- 7637
    5/12 -- 4279
    5/13 -- 5350
    5/14 -- 4263
    5/15 -- 6600
    5/16 -- 1593 -- extra sedentary day and slept right after work.
    5/17 -- 2033 (biking)
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    5/3 5,089
    5/4 7,540
    5/5 6,228
    5/6 3,255
    5/7 5849
    5/8 7630
    5/9 7018
    5/10 7297
    5/11 11,208
    5/12 13,537
    5/13 10,096
    5/14 10,370
    5/15 13,276
    5/16 6442
    5/17 12,210
  • gregwork32
    gregwork32 Posts: 21
    5/8 - 11591 steps, 5.39 miles, 4011 calories burned, 52 floors
    5/9 - 15139 steps, 7.8 miles, 4458 calories burned, 47 floors
    5/10 - 18310 steps, 8.58 miles, 4272 calories burned, 74 floors ....think I over did it I'm sore and tired
    5/11 - 19426 steps, 9.79 miles, 4587 calories burned, 54 floors (should of just did the last 600 steps to make 20K oh well )
    5/12 - 21081 steps, 9.81 miles, 4724 calories burned, 58 floors (my last walk killed me alot of grade incline laid me up very sore this morning)
    5/13 - 7408 steps, 3.45 miles, 3408 calories burned, 15 floors (Bad day- seem like even if I exercise it didn't register on the fitbit?)
    5/14 - 15419 steps, 7.18 miles, 4079 calories burned, 41 floors
    5/15 - 18714 steps, 9.57 miles, 4586 calories burned, 60 floors
    5/16 - 17187 steps, 8.0 miles, 4312 calories burned, 40 floors
    5/17 - 25064 steps (personal best for now thanks to my wife's challenge), 11.66 miles, 4533 calories burned, 100 floors (don't know if I'll do this again lol)
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    5/1 - 15,227
    5/2 - 16,957
    5/3 - 19,267
    5/4 - 14,103
    5/5 - 22,193
    5/6 - 15,650
    5/7 - 17,449
    5/8 - 12,799 funeral today so not so good
    5/9 - 11,336 another bad day... ;o(
    5/10 - 13,777
    5/11 - 14,788
    5/12 - 23,074 (PERSONAL BEST)
    5/13 - 19,778
    5/14 - 25,269
    5/15 - 13,239 nice relaxing day today
    5/16 - 15,150
    5/17 - 17.014
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Daily goal is 10,000

    5/1 - 7,507
    5/2 - 8,783
    5/3 - 19,103
    5/4 - 14,537
    5/5 - 13,920
    5/6 - 20,488
    5/7 - 9,375
    5/8 - 6,301
    5/9 - 10,113 Morning and evening treadmill
    5/10 - 10,103 Treadmill and a long walk after dinner
    5/11 - 6,471 Only one walk
    5/12 - 10,502 Shopping and after diner walk.
    5/13 - 10,763 Shopping and cleaning
    5/14 - 13,662 Busy work day and walk after dinner
    5/15 - 13,473 Morning walk and eveneing treadmill.
    5/16 - 8,107 Museum trip brought up a very low day.
    5/17 9,053 One long walk was not quite enough
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member

    5/17 - 25064 steps (personal best for now thanks to my wife's challenge), 11.66 miles, 4533 calories burned, 100 floors (don't know if I'll do this again lol)

    Congrats on the new best! And 100 floors? Just WOW!
  • bcw660816
    bcw660816 Posts: 326 Member
    Goal: 7,500 steps a day / 250,000 steps in May

    5/01 - 11,907
    5/02 - 17,826
    5/03 - 5,677
    5/04 - 13,112
    5/05 - 9,608
    5/06 - 3,531
    5/07 - 5,454
    5/08 - 13,878
    5/09 - 10,064
    5/10 - 6,335
    5/11 - 6,367
    5/12 - 6,608
    5/13 - 4,264
    5/14 - 7,558
    5/15 - 11,635
    5/16 - 5,298
    5/17 - 12,922

    Month Total: 152,044
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member

    5/17 - 25064 steps (personal best for now thanks to my wife's challenge), 11.66 miles, 4533 calories burned, 100 floors (don't know if I'll do this again lol)

    Congrats on the new best! And 100 floors? Just WOW!
    DITTO!! Where are you climbing all those floors???