Do Long Distance Relationships Work?



  • callmejessica
    callmejessica Posts: 1,868 Member
    I dated a guy for over four years and three of those years we did long distance. He is in the Navy and I was going to college. We only saw each other maybe twice a year (summer and Christmas breaks), but made it work through emails, writing letters, texting, phone calls...whatever! We broke up when we moved in together last year and realized that we were just different people and going different directions. We are still friends and talk. Even though we aren't together anymore, I'd say that our long distance relationship was successful for our ages and points in our lives.
  • Aquaduckie
    Aquaduckie Posts: 115
    I married my long distance boyfriend. We've been married 10 years and still going strong. If you want it bad enough, and it feels right, it can work out.
  • viviennemayer
    You are going to hear so much on both side of this coin. Bottom line is this, each and every relationship is just like the people in them. Different! If you both feel that commited and know you're that commited, then yeah of course it'll work out. Communication is key and when you are able to be fully commited in the same dwelling, it's really important. That's when communication usually starts breaking down because it gets taken for granted. Keep your chin up and good luck.
  • pinkpascal
    pinkpascal Posts: 75 Member
    I spent last night looking at visas. My head hurts now. Love everyone's stories though :smile:
  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    They can work, but it's not easy. 4 years together and now we're learning how to make it work long-distance. If both people are committed, it's manageable. The key for me has been vocalizing how I'm really feeling since there is no body language or face-to-face contact to send signals that I'm upset. No one's perfect!

    In relationship to my weight goals... AWFUL! Too much time in the evenings to snack with no one there to keep me accountable has been really hard. The motivating factor is looking a little bit better every time we see each other again :love: