Any tricks for getting butt out of bed at 5:00 AM ?



  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I put my alarm clock across the room- so I have to get out of bed to turn it off.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    Get a cat. I read somewhere there is no snooze button on a cat that wants breakfast.
    So true.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Get a time machine, go back to when you were a kid and have your dad wake you up at 5.30am every morning to go out to work at 6am.

    Worked for me... I can't lie in even if I wanted to (unless I get hammered the night before, but that's not recommended and a forty-something hangover is not worth the hassle :laugh:)

    I think some folks are early birds like me, or night owls like my hubster (although he does get up early for work weekdays, he loves to lie in at the weekend and/or stay up late pottering around the house)

    I get frustrated at the weekends, because none of the local gyms/pools are open before 8am and if I don't get up and out first thing, I lose the inclination and like today (which was also dreich beyond belief) I end up being a lazy slob.
  • bmwauug
    bmwauug Posts: 54 Member
    I don't think - I just do it. That and my kids drive me crazy when I'm working out, so I am motivated to get done before they get up - but like Nike says....JUST DO IT
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    Just get up as soon as it goes off. Don't let yourself hit snooze, or lay there for moments after. Just force yourself to get right up as soon as you hear it.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    This is going to sound awful BUT if you want it bad enough you will just get up and do it. No tips we give you here will help you. You need to do it for you because you want it and you want to do it for you.
  • pixietoes7
    pixietoes7 Posts: 2 Member
    I think the going to bed early point is a good one. I actually have my treadmill in my bedroom, so I don't have to go far. As a woman, the hardest thing was getting my workout clothes on. Now I just sleep in my sports bra and t shirt. I wake up, put a bottom on and my shoes and I stumble towards Mr. Shredmill! After a while it became a habit, so now I wake up on the weekends at 5 am.
  • Nessalee77
    Nessalee77 Posts: 78 Member
    I havent read all the post sorry, did anyone mention Steve pavlina's method yet? Google Steve pavlina's how to be an early riser. Basically before bed you practice 3-4 times setting the alarm clock, lying down and pretending to sleep, then when the alarm goes off getting straight up and starting your routine.

    The idea is to develop a habit. You have to get certain actions happening on auto pilot. Worked for me, I went from being a serial snoozer to consistently up with the first alarm. When i hear the alarm now my first thought is 'light on, sit up, then turn the alarm off, yhen stamd up. Give it a try, you'll feel really silly, but it works :-)
  • kathy68820
    kathy68820 Posts: 14 Member
    we have a dog that cries by the side of the bed about 5AM, and if we don't let her out she pees on the carpet. We can rent her out to you.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    one small tip someone on here gave me is to crawl into workout clothes as soon as you wake up. have them right beside you ready to pull on
  • Daniloveshockey94
    Daniloveshockey94 Posts: 348 Member
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Just do it!! Get up, don't hit snooze. Have your workout clothes/gear laid out and ready for you. Get plenty of sleep. I have a cup of coffee and sit for a few to "wake up", then go to it.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Now I just sleep in my sports bra and t shirt. I wake up, put a bottom on and my shoes and I stumble towards Mr. Shredmill! After a while it became a habit, so now I wake up on the weekends at 5 am.

    Great idea on sleeping in the sports bra.