Hope to start a Christian thread



  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    July 18

    1 Corinthians 9:12

    If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.
    Betty got so annoyed with Sarah. Sarah had lost so much weight, but whenever anyone asked her how she did it, she told them she couldn't have done it without God's help. That got old really fast. Why didn't she just take credit and let it go at that? Everything had to be a big spiritual production for Sarah! It's hard for some people to actually realize the power that Chris-tians find in Jesus Christ. They can't understand our gratitude and thankfulness. We are partakers in a great and wonderful power, and it is right for us to acknowledge the source of that power. Christ saves lives, and He liberates us from things like obesity that threaten to make life less than it was meant to be.

    Today's thought: I will give thanks to God for His help in my diet!

    Blessings and achievements for this day!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    hope y'all are doing great along the path to achieving your goals! :flowerforyou:

    "You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something". -- Psalm 139:15

    Feelings of self-worth fluctuate throughout life, but your intrinsic worth and identity is a God-given fact that is secure and permanent. You have an inherent value independent of your feelings, your actions, or your accomplishments. You are God's handcrafted work of art - custom designed, a one-of-a-kind, original masterpiece. Take a moment now to let your mind float away and resist the outside editing and altering that society subjects you to and see the incredible person you are inside? Can you feel validated and valued? Will you grant yourself that level of respect? Understand that when you recognize your worth, you're more inclined to strive to fulfill your potential, and having done that, you will be happy.

    Be Encouraged…God himself calculated your worth and decided it was worth the life of his only begotten Son. YOU ARE WORTHY! You are worthy of reaching for the greatest accomplishments… And you are worthy of achieving them, no matter what other people think of you,and no matter what you have done up to this point in life.You are worthy of the best. You are unique, you are special. You are creative and effective. You have much value to offer, regardless of what anyone has told you. And no one can express that value but you. You are the person who deserves to live your dream. You are the only one who has what it takes to reach that dream. If you can see it, if you can imagine it, if you can dream it, you are worthy of reaching it. And it is possible. No one will hand it to you. In fact, you'll strive day and night to reach it. When you give the best you have, when you refuse to be stopped by the obstacles in your way, when you do what must be done, you'll get what you deserve—a full, rich life that is like no other.

    Each day, with your thoughts and actions, live up to the fact that you are the best. All the best in your mini-goals this week!!!! :flowerforyou:

  • wimomma
    wimomma Posts: 21 Member
    Hi JenniferAnne (from your post on 7/15),

    Thanks for the input on plateaus. Basically, it's been summer and I have three small kids. We have been having fun and taking several vacations. Therefore, my food logging has been limited and my exercise has been reduced to playing with kids and walking a lot.

    I am thankful that I have been mindful of my eating and have stayed the same or lost just a few during this time period. I am getting back on track with logging my food and exercise. I think it is time for me to mix up my exercise and at least vary my intensity. Thanks for those great reminders. Plateaus are OK now and then, but I definately don't want to stay in one for very long.

  • pinksultana
    pinksultana Posts: 162 Member
    having a down day / week / month,,,,,i dont know why. Im living in the UK but returning to australia in october....I think the closer it gets the more i allow myelf to feel homesick, and it is getting harder....my parents are coming over in 4 weeks so that is keeping me going for now....its been 23 months without parental in person time....im trying to keep steadfast in God but am finding I have a frustrating 'block' and dont feel as close to God at the moment which is also har...

    sorry just venting

    thanks for listening
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    Hi folks,

    At this time, a religious-oriented topic is against the forum rules. I am not opposed to having religious topics on the forums, but unfortunately, in the past we've had many many incidents where religious topics sparked personal attacks, insults, heated discussion, etc.

    I am working on the ability to create your own group/team on MyFitnessPal, and one of the features I am planning is allowing the group to have it's own message board. So in the future, Christians could create their own group and topics around Christianity would be allowed. Religious topics would still not be allowed in the main forums, but there would be fewer restrictions in the group message boards.

    I'm hoping that will help allow a wider range of discussion in certain, specific parts of MFP while still keeping the peace in the main discussion forums. Until that functionality is ready, however, I unfortunately cannot allow religious-oriented topics on the forums.

    I hope all of you can understand. Thanks for your cooperation and patience, and I will do my best to get the group functionality up as soon as possible.

    Hope you are all enjoying the site.
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