Why can't I run?



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    The biomechanics of running and the elliptical are different. When you run, every foot strike has a braking effect that you have to overcome with your strength. The elliptical essentially eliminates this effect, which is why its low impact and so much easier on the joints. You can minimize the brake effect by trying to change from a heel stike to a mid-foot strike or forefoot strike, but nothing but running will actually train you for the exact mechanics. Also, the way you hold your arms and upper body is independent of the machine when you run, which makes a huge difference. Try to simulate how you hold your arms running while you are on the elliptical.

    You can run!!
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member


    ANYONE can run, it's just a matter of hard work and perserverance! Remind me to tell this to myself the next time I try to run LOL This article inspires me, hope it inspires you too!

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    I'm with you...I can jog in place for 15 minutes and barely be breathing hard, but I try to run around the block and it darn near kills me. Couch to 5k just doesn't seem to be in the stars for me.

    Slow down...and give C25k a shot. Most people who "fail" at running fall into well-defined camps: those who go out too fast - those who try to do too much, too soon - those who try to run through pain. Don't fall into those traps and you'll be where I am now...looking back at 6 solid years of running. C25k was what stuck. Every time I tried to run before that I'd run too hard and too long and break down after only a week or two. I now have 3 marathons and thousands of miles under my belt. Anyone can do this if my asthmatic chunky butt can!
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    I have never been able to run either. If you make it around the track I;d say you CAN run! I can go for like 1-2 minutes at best and then have to walk again.
  • jgthomas78
    jgthomas78 Posts: 81
    I had never ran more than a mile in my life. Even 7 years ago when I was in great shape, doing tons of aerobics, I felt I couldnt' run. Well I decided to do the couch to 5 K. Before I started I was out of breath just jogging the cul de sacs in my neighborhood. The couch to 5K gradually trains you. You can repeat weeks and totally do what works for you. After 10 weeks I can now run 3 miles.....and today did it in 30 minutes. You can do it too!
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    ad the same problem. I couldn't even run a minute. I did c25k last year. I'm doing a marathon this year.
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Because you don't have enough Zombies after you!
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Cuz you think you can't! The first bit of every run suuuuuuuucks. I've been running 2-4X a week for more than a year now and the first mile of every single run still suuuuuuuuuucks. You just have to push through, go as slow as you need to (I started out at just BARELY faster than walking, you probably could have speed walked and passed me) and only stop if you get a bad side stitch. The side stitches will go away the longer you run but there isn't much you can do about them in the beginning. The whole time just think "you're fine, you can totally do this, you're not gonna die, just keep going" and you do, and then eventually it gets easier.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    One of the big reasons for me was the impact. When you move on an elliptical machine, your foot stays in contact with the surface of the foot pad. When you run on a road or path, your foot impacts with each new step, with the forces of motion creating pressure on your bones with each new step.

    Start with baby steps (literally) on the sidewalk or road by walking and then gently jogging. Slowly work into finding the right pace for you.

    Find the right shoes! They have to fit and they have to be comfortable!
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    Couch to 5km is the best, and lots of support, groups etc on here :-)

    Thanks to C25k, I have been a non smoker for nearly a 18 months!!
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Cuz you think you can't! The first bit of every run suuuuuuuucks. I've been running 2-4X a week for more than a year now and the first mile of every single run still suuuuuuuuuucks.

    You're lucky--for me it's the first 2. I actually got irritated with my MIL a while back because she said "oh, yeah, that first 2 always sucks." My irritation was that she never filled me in on that little secret YEARS ago. All the times I tried to make running a regular habit (pre C25k) and even in HS track...I figured if the first 2 miles was miserable, then wouldn't it get worse? But that's not how it worked. That's a big, well-kept secret that I wish more people were made aware of.
  • ChrissyWCU
    ChrissyWCU Posts: 24
    Great thread! I always wonder the same thing! I have been mainly doing the stairmaster and I know I am getting a good workout in based on my heart rate, but when I try to run outside- it's like I have never worked out! I am a competitive person and want to do a 5k to show that all my hard work is doing something, but I know I couldn't make it...NOW. I need to take some of my workouts out of the gym and on to the road! My sister just did the Tough Mudder- and I am jealous- because I want to do something I am proud of too! (And I work out more religiously than her- that is what frustrates me!)
  • solman66
    solman66 Posts: 175 Member
    It just takes practice. I was the same way, for a long time I only used the elliptical and could do an hour on at 6-7 mph. Then one day decided to try the treadmill and could barely last a minute at 5 mph. I started using the treadmill as my primary cardio and after a couple months of unfocused training I can now do 15 minutes at 6 mph.
    This week I started c25k hoping that some structured training will yield even better results, it really does look like a great program.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member

    Need this too
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Cuz you think you can't! The first bit of every run suuuuuuuucks. I've been running 2-4X a week for more than a year now and the first mile of every single run still suuuuuuuuuucks.

    You're lucky--for me it's the first 2. I actually got irritated with my MIL a while back because she said "oh, yeah, that first 2 always sucks." My irritation was that she never filled me in on that little secret YEARS ago. All the times I tried to make running a regular habit (pre C25k) and even in HS track...I figured if the first 2 miles was miserable, then wouldn't it get worse? But that's not how it worked. That's a big, well-kept secret that I wish more people were made aware of.

    TRUE STORY. 11 minutes is my sweet spot. Once I get past 11 minutes I could go forever. (Ok not quite forever)
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Your body has adapted to the elliptical so now, your body requires less calories to work on the elliptical than it did before.

    Don't give up the walk/run around the track! Baby steps! Start by walking briskly, then try adding 1 or 2 minutes of jogging. 2 weeks from now you'll see great improvement!
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    I'm with you...I can jog in place for 15 minutes and barely be breathing hard, but I try to run around the block and it darn near kills me. Couch to 5k just doesn't seem to be in the stars for me.

    I thought the same thing 9 months ago...I couldn't run 1 minute without huffing and puffing now I can run over an hour and more at a time...you Can do anything you set your mind to...you just gotta believe in YOU
  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    Start off slow and short distances and start increasing incrementally, and alternate days with running and high resistance elliptical.
  • CaroSeraMince
    Cuz you think you can't! The first bit of every run suuuuuuuucks. I've been running 2-4X a week for more than a year now and the first mile of every single run still suuuuuuuuuucks.

    You're lucky--for me it's the first 2. I actually got irritated with my MIL a while back because she said "oh, yeah, that first 2 always sucks." My irritation was that she never filled me in on that little secret YEARS ago. All the times I tried to make running a regular habit (pre C25k) and even in HS track...I figured if the first 2 miles was miserable, then wouldn't it get worse? But that's not how it worked. That's a big, well-kept secret that I wish more people were made aware of.

    THIS IS TRICKSY. I'm in the middle of C25K, which means that I'm barely breaking 2 miles. It's hard. BUT, it's getting easier. With this bit of info that after two miles it gets better? That's fantastic! I'm so excited to "be a runner."

    Another thing about running? MAH LEGZ, OMG. Ok, so, I still have quite a ways to go until I'm at my goal weight, but let me tell you what...after a month of C25K and two weeks of squats, lunges and other weights? I feel myself up all the time. "That can't possibly be MY quad or MY hamstring! Holy balls!" True story.
  • CanCur
    CanCur Posts: 9 Member