Thoughts on Pro-Anorexia Diets



  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    I don't think your comment is actually relevant to the discussion at hand. the thread is about pro-ana, and your anxieties about the term 'starvation mode' appear to have nothing much to do with the OP's original comments.

    The OP used the term, I asked her to define what she meant by it ?

    Simple enough really. Telling people losing weight on a nutritionally adequate diet at 1000 calories doesn't seem helpful, but we can all sign up to the idea of not eating so little that you don't get enough nutrients that you can do harm.

    cough:: troll:: cough
  • jeskate
    jeskate Posts: 52 Member
    The Topic: Thoughts on Pro-Anorexia Diets....

    My oldest child (daughter) is now 12 years old. She's become a bit obsessed with being "thin" lately. I find myself watching her like a hawk now to make sure she actually eats and eat healthy. I'm scared sh&tless that she will harm her body by starving and developing a ED. I'm her mom....what do you expect? I'll harm myself before I'll watch her being caused harm, by her own means or by anothers.

    So, I went and researched it - the whole Pro-Ana and ED subjects. I was shocked senseless. And ended up being even more afraid for her.
    I will and am educating her on the very heartbreaking reality of these so called "diets". I will continue doing so and will educate her in doing it RIGHT. Eating enough, and most importantly - Healthy.

    Those of you that comment on "See...she does it with only 800 or 1000 or 1100 calories a day!!"..... If its done under Dr's. care, yes, its safe. Mostly, see me saying mostly, the person losing healthily and safely on that is an obese person that can do it like that. The closer you get to goal weight though, the harder it will be sustaining and keep on being healthy on that amount of calories. Especially if you are exercising and your GOAL is life long health. Short term weight loss is easy if you starve. Its stupid as well.

    Why the hell would you want to eat only a little bit for the rest of your life if you can eat quite a lot - healthy food with the occasional treat in there. And dont tell me you cant help how you feel about can if you get the help you need.

    Anyway.....I thought I'd share this bit of shocking, disgusting and vile advice from a so called human being that thinks its fine telling the kids and young adults of today that THIS is the way to live your life... (found this while doing my research for my daughter on Pro-Ana):

    5 week plan (To start off with Ana)
    Labels: Tips and Trics
    Here's a diet plan for those who are still eating way to much! It's a 4week plan to decrease your calorie intake and increase your exercise untill you've reached Ana's standards.

    Step 1: (One week)
    * Decreae calorie intake to 1000 cals a day
    * Read nutritioning labels
    * 100 crunches a day
    * 2 hours running a week

    Step 2: (One week)
    * Decrease calorie intake to 500 cals a day
    * If eaten more -> Vomit!
    * 200 crunches a day
    * 30 minutes swimming/cycling/skating/dancing a day
    * Take weight loss pills

    Step 3: (One week)
    * 500 calories a day
    * Vomit after every meal!
    * 250 crunches a day
    * 2 hours running a week
    * Take weight loss pills
    * 1 hour swimming?cycling/skating/dancing a day

    Step 4: (For ever)
    * 500 calories a day
    * Create control, cut yourself when you've eaten more
    * 300 crunches a day
    * 2 hours skating/swimming/dancing/cycling a week
    * Take weight loss pills
    * Take laxatives
    * Vomit after everything you ate!!

    Written by Jade Posted at 06:41

    Truly wish you didn't post that. There is a reason a lot of people in recovery are on My FITNESS Pal. I read forum posts to be motivated, and feel supported. Not be reminded of the similar tragic cycle I was stuck in for over 10 years.

    We all know what 'pro-ana' is. Didn't need to post anything. I'm going to stay away from this forum for a while.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    just to make sure we're all clear, extreme diet =/= anorexia

    Agreed. I think anorexia is more a mental condition than a physical one. If you reach your goal and then start eating normally again, you are not anorexic.
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    When i think of anorexic diets...I think of the young woman that died this week in the UK...Weighing in at 6 stone. (84lbs)

    She thought she was fat.

    Enough said.

    Her weight was around six stones and her the muscles around her heart had been weakened by lack of nutrients.

    Her heart weighed 190 grammes when it should normally be around 320 grammes.

    Very sad:(
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    UGH. Why are there SO MANY of these kind of threads??

    "I dont understand why people can't just eat their calories"
    "Why do people starve themselves"
    "People who dont eat 1200 calories a day are destroying their bodies"

    etc etc etc

    Maybe those people have an eating disorder. Maybe those people dont actually NEED 1200 calories. Maybe those people overate yesterday and want to make up for it today.

    It's really none of your business and if it bugs you so much dont look at their food diary and don't talk to them about what they eat.

    Does my mere existence bother you that much? Does the fact that I eat under 1000 calories a day just grind your gears SO much that you need to point me out and analyze me and ask questions about me? I don't go around asking how people can eat over their calorie goal.

    I'm just so sick of this. LET PEOPLE EAT WHATEVER THE **** THEY WANT.

    Actually, it IS OP's business because one of these people sent her a friend request. If these low-cal eaters (whatever if they have a disorder or not) wouldn't try to friend request every skinny person and their mother then it would be such a big deal.

    And you can tell yourself eating 800 calories a day is healthy for you, sure it is. But don't expect to win over opinions with that one.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    You need calories for your brain, muscles, and cells to survive and anything less than around 1200 calories a day is starvation. These kind of diets kill people.

    While I certainly am in favor of people with EDs seeking help -- it's a serious mental disorder -- and of everyone losing weight in a sensible, healthy manner, it is simply not the case that 1,200 calories is a proper minimum for everyone and that immediately dropping below that level equals starvation.

    There are several people on this board on this board who eat under 1,200 for legitimate health or weight loss reasons. They do not have anorexia.
  • suzancarroll
    Unless you have been there you have no idea. I have struggled with my weight for years, belemia was my devil and it took a long time to get away from that. Have also been very heavy, food has always been my downfall whether too much or too little. It is very hard to find that middle ground when it is all you think of. To the guy stuck on starvation, seriously get over it. You just want to argue and there are other places you can find to do that. This is a very serious subject and your dumb stuff needs to go away.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    You need calories for your brain, muscles, and cells to survive and anything less than around 1200 calories a day is starvation.

    Can you define "starvation" please, as used in this sentence.

    I am not in favour of anorexia or extreme diets, but I am even less in favour of junk science.

    Thank you.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    It makes me sad seeing all these young ladies doing pro-anorexia diets. You're only hurting yourselves. If you're feeling this low about your body, you don't need a diet, you need a psychiatrist. The ONLY way to really lose weight, stay healthy and keep it off is to adopt a healthy nutrition plan and get regular exercise. These are not quick fixes you can make, they are life changes. You need calories for your brain, muscles, and cells to survive and anything less than around 1200 calories a day is starvation. These kind of diets kill people. Please please please lose weight the smart way. Lean muscle and nutrition is the key to weight loss. I'm a personal trainer and I know the human body very well. Anorexia is not simply a physical illness but a mental one that should be taken just as serious as any other illness.

    I often eat less than 1200 calories per day and exceed the nutrition profile for just about all the vital nutrients our body requires to function properly.

    A certain number of calories is not what is important. It is the nutrition profile of those foods. I eat 100% clean except for the rare occasion and I can tell you that vegetables are not high calorie and then pair that with fats and protein, I usually get between 900 and 1000 calories per day and I am full of energy and life and function very well.

    Maybe we shouldn't be so judgey McJudgey when you don't know a person's whole story.
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    The Topic: Thoughts on Pro-Anorexia Diets....

    My oldest child (daughter) is now 12 years old. She's become a bit obsessed with being "thin" lately. I find myself watching her like a hawk now to make sure she actually eats and eat healthy. I'm scared sh&tless that she will harm her body by starving and developing a ED. I'm her mom....what do you expect? I'll harm myself before I'll watch her being caused harm, by her own means or by anothers.

    So, I went and researched it - the whole Pro-Ana and ED subjects. I was shocked senseless. And ended up being even more afraid for her.
    I will and am educating her on the very heartbreaking reality of these so called "diets". I will continue doing so and will educate her in doing it RIGHT. Eating enough, and most importantly - Healthy.

    Those of you that comment on "See...she does it with only 800 or 1000 or 1100 calories a day!!"..... If its done under Dr's. care, yes, its safe. Mostly, see me saying mostly, the person losing healthily and safely on that is an obese person that can do it like that. The closer you get to goal weight though, the harder it will be sustaining and keep on being healthy on that amount of calories. Especially if you are exercising and your GOAL is life long health. Short term weight loss is easy if you starve. Its stupid as well.

    Why the hell would you want to eat only a little bit for the rest of your life if you can eat quite a lot - healthy food with the occasional treat in there. And dont tell me you cant help how you feel about can if you get the help you need.

    Anyway.....I thought I'd share this bit of shocking, disgusting and vile advice from a so called human being that thinks its fine telling the kids and young adults of today that THIS is the way to live your life... (found this while doing my research for my daughter on Pro-Ana):

    5 week plan (To start off with Ana)
    Labels: Tips and Trics
    Here's a diet plan for those who are still eating way to much! It's a 4week plan to decrease your calorie intake and increase your exercise untill you've reached Ana's standards.

    Step 1: (One week)
    * Decreae calorie intake to 1000 cals a day
    * Read nutritioning labels
    * 100 crunches a day
    * 2 hours running a week

    Step 2: (One week)
    * Decrease calorie intake to 500 cals a day
    * If eaten more -> Vomit!
    * 200 crunches a day
    * 30 minutes swimming/cycling/skating/dancing a day
    * Take weight loss pills

    Step 3: (One week)
    * 500 calories a day
    * Vomit after every meal!
    * 250 crunches a day
    * 2 hours running a week
    * Take weight loss pills
    * 1 hour swimming?cycling/skating/dancing a day

    Step 4: (For ever)
    * 500 calories a day
    * Create control, cut yourself when you've eaten more
    * 300 crunches a day
    * 2 hours skating/swimming/dancing/cycling a week
    * Take weight loss pills
    * Take laxatives
    * Vomit after everything you ate!!

    Written by Jade Posted at 06:41

    Truly wish you didn't post that. There is a reason a lot of people in recovery are on My FITNESS Pal. I read forum posts to be motivated, and feel supported. Not be reminded of the similar tragic cycle I was stuck in for over 10 years.

    We all know what 'pro-ana' is. Didn't need to post anything. I'm going to stay away from this forum for a while.

    So you mean by not posting whats being told to kids and adults are the way to go.... Ignorance is bliss?????
    I'm really sorry that it reminds you of what you have had to go through and I'm sure it brings back very bad memories, but I did not post it to cause pain or hurt you or anyone thats been there or struggling right now.
    I did it to show people what is out there freely available to our kids - as a warning to be AWARE of this.
    Knowledge is Power.

    I don't think you need reminder in the form of a post like that, I'm fairly sure you live with your reminders every day. And I don't mean that in a bad way....You just confirmed what lots of people on this thread has said: ED is a disease, a wrecker of life. And once again - Knowledge is power.... I needed to KNOW what is out there that can destroy my daughters life! And I'll share that knowledge with everyone that will listen! Not to hurt or cause pain, but to hopefully save a girl from the hurt and pain you are very well aware of.

    I truly hope you do not stay away from this forum - there are too much good for you to benefit from by staying involved. If you could use your knowledge to save another, it would be even wonderful.

    I wish you only the best.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    UGH. Why are there SO MANY of these kind of threads??

    "I dont understand why people can't just eat their calories"
    "Why do people starve themselves"
    "People who dont eat 1200 calories a day are destroying their bodies"

    etc etc etc

    Maybe those people have an eating disorder. Maybe those people dont actually NEED 1200 calories. Maybe those people overate yesterday and want to make up for it today.

    It's really none of your business and if it bugs you so much dont look at their food diary and don't talk to them about what they eat.

    Does my mere existence bother you that much? Does the fact that I eat under 1000 calories a day just grind your gears SO much that you need to point me out and analyze me and ask questions about me? I don't go around asking how people can eat over their calorie goal.

    I'm just so sick of this. LET PEOPLE EAT WHATEVER THE **** THEY WANT.

    Actually, it IS OP's business because one of these people sent her a friend request. If these low-cal eaters (whatever if they have a disorder or not) wouldn't try to friend request every skinny person and their mother then it would be such a big deal.

    And you can tell yourself eating 800 calories a day is healthy for you, sure it is. But don't expect to win over opinions with that one.

    It is still none of the OP's business. Reject the friend request and keep it moving.

    I can tell you that if people cut the CRAP and processed JUNK out of their way of eating they could eat enough vegetables, proteins and fats for adequate nutrition on 800 or 900 calories per day.

    It is NOT about the number, it is all about the QUALITY
  • huntingforhipbones
    The Topic: Thoughts on Pro-Anorexia Diets....

    My oldest child (daughter) is now 12 years old. She's become a bit obsessed with being "thin" lately. I find myself watching her like a hawk now to make sure she actually eats and eat healthy. I'm scared sh&tless that she will harm her body by starving and developing a ED. I'm her mom....what do you expect? I'll harm myself before I'll watch her being caused harm, by her own means or by anothers.

    So, I went and researched it - the whole Pro-Ana and ED subjects. I was shocked senseless. And ended up being even more afraid for her.
    I will and am educating her on the very heartbreaking reality of these so called "diets". I will continue doing so and will educate her in doing it RIGHT. Eating enough, and most importantly - Healthy.

    Those of you that comment on "See...she does it with only 800 or 1000 or 1100 calories a day!!"..... If its done under Dr's. care, yes, its safe. Mostly, see me saying mostly, the person losing healthily and safely on that is an obese person that can do it like that. The closer you get to goal weight though, the harder it will be sustaining and keep on being healthy on that amount of calories. Especially if you are exercising and your GOAL is life long health. Short term weight loss is easy if you starve. Its stupid as well.

    Why the hell would you want to eat only a little bit for the rest of your life if you can eat quite a lot - healthy food with the occasional treat in there. And dont tell me you cant help how you feel about can if you get the help you need.

    Anyway.....I thought I'd share this bit of shocking, disgusting and vile advice from a so called human being that thinks its fine telling the kids and young adults of today that THIS is the way to live your life... (found this while doing my research for my daughter on Pro-Ana):

    Truly wish you didn't post that. There is a reason a lot of people in recovery are on My FITNESS Pal. I read forum posts to be motivated, and feel supported. Not be reminded of the similar tragic cycle I was stuck in for over 10 years.

    We all know what 'pro-ana' is. Didn't need to post anything. I'm going to stay away from this forum for a while.

    So you mean by not posting whats being told to kids and adults are the way to go.... Ignorance is bliss?????
    I'm really sorry that it reminds you of what you have had to go through and I'm sure it brings back very bad memories, but I did not post it to cause pain or hurt you or anyone thats been there or struggling right now.
    I did it to show people what is out there freely available to our kids - as a warning to be AWARE of this.
    Knowledge is Power.

    I don't think you need reminder in the form of a post like that, I'm fairly sure you live with your reminders every day. And I don't mean that in a bad way....You just confirmed what lots of people on this thread has said: ED is a disease, a wrecker of life. And once again - Knowledge is power.... I needed to KNOW what is out there that can destroy my daughters life! And I'll share that knowledge with everyone that will listen! Not to hurt or cause pain, but to hopefully save a girl from the hurt and pain you are very well aware of.

    I truly hope you do not stay away from this forum - there are too much good for you to benefit from by staying involved. If you could use your knowledge to save another, it would be even wonderful.

    I wish you only the best.

    No, she's saying that you shouldn't post TRIGGERING content on the boards where members who are using this site "correctly" might see it! You could have at least put a trigger warning, jesus. Get off your bloody high horse and THINK about where you're posting this! You could have linked to the website with a TW, rather than put that to see!
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    By extension, calories carry the nutrients you need.

    So if we get all the nutrients and enough protein in (say) 600 calories we're neither in starvation nor deprivation, as defined thus far.

    I'm really really sick of reading your posts. Every freaking topic is an excuse for you to argue starvation and claim it's ok to eat very little. You show a picture of the Minnesota Starvation Experiment and then claim starvation isn't real.
    Starvation Mode is a REAL THING.
    NO, you will NOT hold on to all your fat, as your picture states. But yes, you will lose weight at a slightly slower rate than if you ate a little more, so why not eat 1400 or 1500 and lose the same as 800, to eat 800 would be intentional deprivation to the point of having the "control issues" mindset that defines anorexia.
    Also, you will drastically damage your metabolism to the point where if you ever tried to eat your previous TDEE to maintain, you would gain, since your TDEE would have been drastically reduced.
    Why would anyone promote "slower weight loss while being really hungry and ruining your metabolism long term", over "eating a healthy amount over BMR, still losing, and having energy and being healthy"?

    Your argument is invalid, sir.

    Yes, many people use "starvation mode" VERY VERY wrong. They say they're "in it" if they fast one day (IF is actually very good, IMO), or worry if they eat very low ONE day they'll be "in it" when it really takes a LONG period of time at significantly reduced calories to be affected by Adaptive Thermogenesis (starvation mode's REAL name). And NO, you WILL NOT hold onto ALL your fat, you will STILL lose weight while in SM but your BMR is lowering itself and you would be in less of a deficit due to that and therefore could lose the same amount eating more, so WHY eat less?
    WELL SAID!!!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Can you define "starvation" please, as used in this sentence.

    I am not in favour of anorexia or extreme diets, but I am even less in favour of junk science.

    While I agree that the term "starvation mode" is misused and falls in the alarmist category but you are kind of being a dick about it.

    Yar loves to argue....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have to agree that it wasn't the best idea to post the instructions on developing an ED here. It's like putting a glass of beer in front of a recovering alcoholic.
  • spekkio12345
    spekkio12345 Posts: 18 Member
    I agree with the guy who said "starvation" is an alarmist term as used for the most part in the US. If you are 100 pounds overweight, then you have well enough energy stores to eat 500 calories a day for a long time without "starving."

    Starving is those kids on TV from Africa, and those rare few who truly do have eating disorders and look like walking skeletons.
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member

    It is still none of the OP's business. Reject the friend request and keep it moving.

    I can tell you that if people cut the CRAP and processed JUNK out of their way of eating they could eat enough vegetables, proteins and fats for adequate nutrition on 800 or 900 calories per day.

    It is NOT about the number, it is all about the QUALITY

    I disagree that someone can complain about what others say about their diet when they have friend requested that person. If you don't want others to see your diet, make it private and don't friend people unless you know they have the same disorder you do. And sorry, I don't think 800 calories a day, no matter what you are eating is a sustainable way to lose weight. But we can agree to disagree.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    The Topic: Thoughts on Pro-Anorexia Diets....

    My oldest child (daughter) is now 12 years old. She's become a bit obsessed with being "thin" lately. I find myself watching her like a hawk now to make sure she actually eats and eat healthy. I'm scared sh&tless that she will harm her body by starving and developing a ED. I'm her mom....what do you expect? I'll harm myself before I'll watch her being caused harm, by her own means or by anothers.

    So, I went and researched it - the whole Pro-Ana and ED subjects. I was shocked senseless. And ended up being even more afraid for her.
    I will and am educating her on the very heartbreaking reality of these so called "diets". I will continue doing so and will educate her in doing it RIGHT. Eating enough, and most importantly - Healthy.

    Those of you that comment on "See...she does it with only 800 or 1000 or 1100 calories a day!!"..... If its done under Dr's. care, yes, its safe. Mostly, see me saying mostly, the person losing healthily and safely on that is an obese person that can do it like that. The closer you get to goal weight though, the harder it will be sustaining and keep on being healthy on that amount of calories. Especially if you are exercising and your GOAL is life long health. Short term weight loss is easy if you starve. Its stupid as well.

    Why the hell would you want to eat only a little bit for the rest of your life if you can eat quite a lot - healthy food with the occasional treat in there. And dont tell me you cant help how you feel about can if you get the help you need.

    Anyway.....I thought I'd share this bit of shocking, disgusting and vile advice from a so called human being that thinks its fine telling the kids and young adults of today that THIS is the way to live your life... (found this while doing my research for my daughter on Pro-Ana):

    5 week plan (To start off with Ana)
    Labels: Tips and Trics
    Here's a diet plan for those who are still eating way to much! It's a 4week plan to decrease your calorie intake and increase your exercise untill you've reached Ana's standards.

    Step 1: (One week)
    * Decreae calorie intake to 1000 cals a day
    * Read nutritioning labels
    * 100 crunches a day
    * 2 hours running a week

    Step 2: (One week)
    * Decrease calorie intake to 500 cals a day
    * If eaten more -> Vomit!
    * 200 crunches a day
    * 30 minutes swimming/cycling/skating/dancing a day
    * Take weight loss pills

    Step 3: (One week)
    * 500 calories a day
    * Vomit after every meal!
    * 250 crunches a day
    * 2 hours running a week
    * Take weight loss pills
    * 1 hour swimming?cycling/skating/dancing a day

    Step 4: (For ever)
    * 500 calories a day
    * Create control, cut yourself when you've eaten more
    * 300 crunches a day
    * 2 hours skating/swimming/dancing/cycling a week
    * Take weight loss pills
    * Take laxatives
    * Vomit after everything you ate!!

    Written by Jade Posted at 06:41

    Truly wish you didn't post that. There is a reason a lot of people in recovery are on My FITNESS Pal. I read forum posts to be motivated, and feel supported. Not be reminded of the similar tragic cycle I was stuck in for over 10 years.

    We all know what 'pro-ana' is. Didn't need to post anything. I'm going to stay away from this forum for a while.

    I didn't quote the right response, but okay.

    There is a difference between showing the terrible natures of anorexia and bulimia and posting a step-by-step outline of how to develop an eating disorder of your own volition (as in, you realize you're doing it, you're doing it for certain weight loss goals, etc.). The truth of the matter is that it CAN be very triggering to some people, hence the reason someone awhile back said, "This site can be very detrimental to those with eating disorders"...and not only those who are actively suffering, but those who are recovering. You can certainly say what you want to say, and while, yes, it is ignorant to think that these things don't exist, it's not really necessary to share a 'how-to' guide, even if you think it is just spreading awareness.
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    The Topic: Thoughts on Pro-Anorexia Diets....

    My oldest child (daughter) is now 12 years old. She's become a bit obsessed with being "thin" lately. I find myself watching her like a hawk now to make sure she actually eats and eat healthy. I'm scared sh&tless that she will harm her body by starving and developing a ED. I'm her mom....what do you expect? I'll harm myself before I'll watch her being caused harm, by her own means or by anothers.

    So, I went and researched it - the whole Pro-Ana and ED subjects. I was shocked senseless. And ended up being even more afraid for her.
    I will and am educating her on the very heartbreaking reality of these so called "diets". I will continue doing so and will educate her in doing it RIGHT. Eating enough, and most importantly - Healthy.

    Those of you that comment on "See...she does it with only 800 or 1000 or 1100 calories a day!!"..... If its done under Dr's. care, yes, its safe. Mostly, see me saying mostly, the person losing healthily and safely on that is an obese person that can do it like that. The closer you get to goal weight though, the harder it will be sustaining and keep on being healthy on that amount of calories. Especially if you are exercising and your GOAL is life long health. Short term weight loss is easy if you starve. Its stupid as well.

    Why the hell would you want to eat only a little bit for the rest of your life if you can eat quite a lot - healthy food with the occasional treat in there. And dont tell me you cant help how you feel about can if you get the help you need.

    Anyway.....I thought I'd share this bit of shocking, disgusting and vile advice from a so called human being that thinks its fine telling the kids and young adults of today that THIS is the way to live your life... (found this while doing my research for my daughter on Pro-Ana):

    Truly wish you didn't post that. There is a reason a lot of people in recovery are on My FITNESS Pal. I read forum posts to be motivated, and feel supported. Not be reminded of the similar tragic cycle I was stuck in for over 10 years.

    We all know what 'pro-ana' is. Didn't need to post anything. I'm going to stay away from this forum for a while.

    So you mean by not posting whats being told to kids and adults are the way to go.... Ignorance is bliss?????
    I'm really sorry that it reminds you of what you have had to go through and I'm sure it brings back very bad memories, but I did not post it to cause pain or hurt you or anyone thats been there or struggling right now.
    I did it to show people what is out there freely available to our kids - as a warning to be AWARE of this.
    Knowledge is Power.

    I don't think you need reminder in the form of a post like that, I'm fairly sure you live with your reminders every day. And I don't mean that in a bad way....You just confirmed what lots of people on this thread has said: ED is a disease, a wrecker of life. And once again - Knowledge is power.... I needed to KNOW what is out there that can destroy my daughters life! And I'll share that knowledge with everyone that will listen! Not to hurt or cause pain, but to hopefully save a girl from the hurt and pain you are very well aware of.

    I truly hope you do not stay away from this forum - there are too much good for you to benefit from by staying involved. If you could use your knowledge to save another, it would be even wonderful.

    I wish you only the best.

    No, she's saying that you shouldn't post TRIGGERING content on the boards where members who are using this site "correctly" might see it! You could have at least put a trigger warning, jesus. Get off your bloody high horse and THINK about where you're posting this! You could have linked to the website with a TW, rather than put that to see!
    I would think that there would be all kinds off triggers on a site where the majority of people are trying to lose weight. There are alcoholics on this site and people talk about alcohol, there are those with food addictions too...
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    There is a difference between showing the terrible nature that is anorexia and posting a step-by-step outline of how to develop an eating disorder of your own volition (as in, you realize you're doing it, you're doing it for certain weight loss goals, etc.). The truth of the matter is that it CAN be very triggering to some people, hence the reason someone awhile back said, "This site can be very detrimental to those with eating disorders"...and not only those who are actively suffering, but those who are recovering. You can certainly say what you want to say, and while, yes, it is ignorant to think that these things don't exist, it's not really necessary to share a 'how-to' guide, even if you think it is just spreading awareness.

    Furthermore, it would've been pretty easy to provide a link instead of pasting it into the thread.
This discussion has been closed.