Thoughts on Pro-Anorexia Diets



  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    I know someone eating low (<1000), exercising like crazy (P90X and gym), and not eating her exercise calories back. I just don't see this as a sustainable lifestyle change. I don't know what her longterm plan is, but I don't see how it can work at the rate she is going. I feel like I've been eating too much at times. I eat every 2-3 hours a day and aim for just under 1900 calories. The weight is coming off...slowly, but it's still coming off. I don't need to lose 4 lbs in a week. 1-2 lbs a week is fine with me. What I've changed about my life is sustainable for me in the longterm. It is sad knowing someone will likely fail when they are trying so hard (maybe too hard) to lose the weight too fast.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    The Topic: Thoughts on Pro-Anorexia Diets....

    My oldest child (daughter) is now 12 years old. She's become a bit obsessed with being "thin" lately. I find myself watching her like a hawk now to make sure she actually eats and eat healthy. I'm scared sh&tless that she will harm her body by starving and developing a ED. I'm her mom....what do you expect? I'll harm myself before I'll watch her being caused harm, by her own means or by anothers.

    So, I went and researched it - the whole Pro-Ana and ED subjects. I was shocked senseless. And ended up being even more afraid for her.
    I will and am educating her on the very heartbreaking reality of these so called "diets". I will continue doing so and will educate her in doing it RIGHT. Eating enough, and most importantly - Healthy.

    Those of you that comment on "See...she does it with only 800 or 1000 or 1100 calories a day!!"..... If its done under Dr's. care, yes, its safe. Mostly, see me saying mostly, the person losing healthily and safely on that is an obese person that can do it like that. The closer you get to goal weight though, the harder it will be sustaining and keep on being healthy on that amount of calories. Especially if you are exercising and your GOAL is life long health. Short term weight loss is easy if you starve. Its stupid as well.

    Why the hell would you want to eat only a little bit for the rest of your life if you can eat quite a lot - healthy food with the occasional treat in there. And dont tell me you cant help how you feel about can if you get the help you need.

    Anyway.....I thought I'd share this bit of shocking, disgusting and vile advice from a so called human being that thinks its fine telling the kids and young adults of today that THIS is the way to live your life... (found this while doing my research for my daughter on Pro-Ana):

    Truly wish you didn't post that. There is a reason a lot of people in recovery are on My FITNESS Pal. I read forum posts to be motivated, and feel supported. Not be reminded of the similar tragic cycle I was stuck in for over 10 years.

    We all know what 'pro-ana' is. Didn't need to post anything. I'm going to stay away from this forum for a while.

    So you mean by not posting whats being told to kids and adults are the way to go.... Ignorance is bliss?????
    I'm really sorry that it reminds you of what you have had to go through and I'm sure it brings back very bad memories, but I did not post it to cause pain or hurt you or anyone thats been there or struggling right now.
    I did it to show people what is out there freely available to our kids - as a warning to be AWARE of this.
    Knowledge is Power.

    I don't think you need reminder in the form of a post like that, I'm fairly sure you live with your reminders every day. And I don't mean that in a bad way....You just confirmed what lots of people on this thread has said: ED is a disease, a wrecker of life. And once again - Knowledge is power.... I needed to KNOW what is out there that can destroy my daughters life! And I'll share that knowledge with everyone that will listen! Not to hurt or cause pain, but to hopefully save a girl from the hurt and pain you are very well aware of.

    I truly hope you do not stay away from this forum - there are too much good for you to benefit from by staying involved. If you could use your knowledge to save another, it would be even wonderful.

    I wish you only the best.

    No, she's saying that you shouldn't post TRIGGERING content on the boards where members who are using this site "correctly" might see it! You could have at least put a trigger warning, jesus. Get off your bloody high horse and THINK about where you're posting this! You could have linked to the website with a TW, rather than put that to see!
    I would think that there would be all kinds off triggers on a site where the majority of people are trying to lose weight. There are alcoholics on this site and people talk about alcohol, there are those with food addictions too...

    I do agree with this, but, again, a step-by-step guide to developing an eating disorder on a public forum is a bit extreme
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    I stumbled upon an 18 year old's page yesterday who is pro anorexic and she posts links to an incredibly disturbing anorexic website. This child is going to die if she continues this way. She eats less than 800 cals/day and posts in her notes in her food diary her goal weight....hoping to get into the 80s or 90s. As a mother, it pains me to see people this sick. What can we do?
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Unless you have been there you have no idea. I have struggled with my weight for years, belemia was my devil and it took a long time to get away from that. Have also been very heavy, food has always been my downfall whether too much or too little. It is very hard to find that middle ground when it is all you think of. To the guy stuck on starvation, seriously get over it. You just want to argue and there are other places you can find to do that. This is a very serious subject and your dumb stuff needs to go away.

    Finding the "middle ground," the nuanced approach, is part of healthy living, and part of your recovery process as someone who had bulimia. It is not helpful when people keep repeating statements that aren't correct, for example, that a 1,200 calorie minimum "guideline" is a rule. In fact, some healthy people need to eat less. They aren't starving.

    ***I, agree, anyone on a very low-calorie diet should have the diet vetted by a dietitian and/or be supervised.*** But healthy people have lost weight on fewer than 1,200 calories.

    If you have an ED you ought to be seeing professionals and should know what your proper caloric range is. You should know what healthy fitness is. Maybe if you are so susceptible to other people's views you shouldn't be on a weight loss board at at all. (I'm not saying that you should leave, but it's not fair that everyone here is expected to act as if they are recovering from an ED.)

    I wish you luck, but it is your job to manage your illness.
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    No, she's saying that you shouldn't post TRIGGERING content on the boards where members who are using this site "correctly" might see it! You could have at least put a trigger warning, jesus. Get off your bloody high horse and THINK about where you're posting this! You could have linked to the website with a TW, rather than put that to see!

    I THINK I've posted this on a PUBLIC website - the same as the one I GOT IT FROM. to all who has access to the world wide web!

    This thread is a WARNING by itself to all those out there who even considers the stupidity of a Pro-Ana diet.
    And I posted it hoping that someone out there with a child thinking about this will be aware of it and not to lure a recovering ED sufferer back to the dark side!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Talking about alcohol in front of an alcoholic is different than putting a beer in front of him. What was posted previously is equivalent to putting the beer in front of the alcoholic. It was a bad idea and I'm going to report it and all posts after that quote it. It shouldn't be there.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I stumbled upon an 18 year old's page yesterday who is pro anorexic and she posts links to an incredibly disturbing anorexic website. This child is going to die if she continues this way. She eats less than 800 cals/day and posts in her notes in her food diary her goal weight....hoping to get into the 80s or 90s. As a mother, it pains me to see people this sick. What can we do?

    Contact her parents. Change Society so people feel less vulnerable and are less inclined to express a desire for control in this way.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    Like someone else said, it would have been just as easy to post the link to the website.
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    The Topic: Thoughts on Pro-Anorexia Diets....

    My oldest child (daughter) is now 12 years old. She's become a bit obsessed with being "thin" lately. I find myself watching her like a hawk now to make sure she actually eats and eat healthy. I'm scared sh&tless that she will harm her body by starving and developing a ED. I'm her mom....what do you expect? I'll harm myself before I'll watch her being caused harm, by her own means or by anothers.

    So, I went and researched it - the whole Pro-Ana and ED subjects. I was shocked senseless. And ended up being even more afraid for her.
    I will and am educating her on the very heartbreaking reality of these so called "diets". I will continue doing so and will educate her in doing it RIGHT. Eating enough, and most importantly - Healthy.

    Those of you that comment on "See...she does it with only 800 or 1000 or 1100 calories a day!!"..... If its done under Dr's. care, yes, its safe. Mostly, see me saying mostly, the person losing healthily and safely on that is an obese person that can do it like that. The closer you get to goal weight though, the harder it will be sustaining and keep on being healthy on that amount of calories. Especially if you are exercising and your GOAL is life long health. Short term weight loss is easy if you starve. Its stupid as well.

    Why the hell would you want to eat only a little bit for the rest of your life if you can eat quite a lot - healthy food with the occasional treat in there. And dont tell me you cant help how you feel about can if you get the help you need.

    Anyway.....I thought I'd share this bit of shocking, disgusting and vile advice from a so called human being that thinks its fine telling the kids and young adults of today that THIS is the way to live your life... (found this while doing my research for my daughter on Pro-Ana):

    Truly wish you didn't post that. There is a reason a lot of people in recovery are on My FITNESS Pal. I read forum posts to be motivated, and feel supported. Not be reminded of the similar tragic cycle I was stuck in for over 10 years.

    We all know what 'pro-ana' is. Didn't need to post anything. I'm going to stay away from this forum for a while.

    So you mean by not posting whats being told to kids and adults are the way to go.... Ignorance is bliss?????
    I'm really sorry that it reminds you of what you have had to go through and I'm sure it brings back very bad memories, but I did not post it to cause pain or hurt you or anyone thats been there or struggling right now.
    I did it to show people what is out there freely available to our kids - as a warning to be AWARE of this.
    Knowledge is Power.

    I don't think you need reminder in the form of a post like that, I'm fairly sure you live with your reminders every day. And I don't mean that in a bad way....You just confirmed what lots of people on this thread has said: ED is a disease, a wrecker of life. And once again - Knowledge is power.... I needed to KNOW what is out there that can destroy my daughters life! And I'll share that knowledge with everyone that will listen! Not to hurt or cause pain, but to hopefully save a girl from the hurt and pain you are very well aware of.

    I truly hope you do not stay away from this forum - there are too much good for you to benefit from by staying involved. If you could use your knowledge to save another, it would be even wonderful.

    I wish you only the best.

    No, she's saying that you shouldn't post TRIGGERING content on the boards where members who are using this site "correctly" might see it! You could have at least put a trigger warning, jesus. Get off your bloody high horse and THINK about where you're posting this! You could have linked to the website with a TW, rather than put that to see!
    I would think that there would be all kinds off triggers on a site where the majority of people are trying to lose weight. There are alcoholics on this site and people talk about alcohol, there are those with food addictions too...

    I do agree with this, but, again, a step-by-step guide to developing an eating disorder on a public forum is a bit extreme
    This site is for adults, I appreciated the info as I have kids and like to be made aware of what may be promoted on the internet. There is more than one way be anorexic. My grandmother has anorexia and eats very little (sometimes just dry bread) and walks. Please don't take this as a step-by-step guide.
    If you have anorexia you likely will find triggers under the weight loss help section of the forums (even as examples of what is unhealthy) so I would suggest avoiding certain topics until you feel you can handle it.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I stumbled upon an 18 year old's page yesterday who is pro anorexic and she posts links to an incredibly disturbing anorexic website. This child is going to die if she continues this way. She eats less than 800 cals/day and posts in her notes in her food diary her goal weight....hoping to get into the 80s or 90s. As a mother, it pains me to see people this sick. What can we do?

    Contact her parents. Change Society so people feel less vulnerable and are less inclined to express a desire for control in this way.

    How? Generally people don't list their next of kin's contact details on their tumblr account.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I know someone eating low (<1000), exercising like crazy (P90X and gym), and not eating her exercise calories back. I just don't see this as a sustainable lifestyle change. I don't know what her longterm plan is, but I don't see how it can work at the rate she is going. I feel like I've been eating too much at times. I eat every 2-3 hours a day and aim for just under 1900 calories. The weight is coming off...slowly, but it's still coming off. I don't need to lose 4 lbs in a week. 1-2 lbs a week is fine with me. What I've changed about my life is sustainable for me in the longterm. It is sad knowing someone will likely fail when they are trying so hard (maybe too hard) to lose the weight too fast.

    Her long term plan is to eventually wear her central nervous system down, get sick, not be able to workout for a while, gain back what she lost and eventually have to start over....or give up.
  • tigerlily_82
    tigerlily_82 Posts: 41 Member
    People get into a vicious cycle and the outdated dieting beliefs are to blame. You're always told to eat less and move more, but sometimes that really isn't the answer. They get to the point where they start to lose their lean mass rapidly, and their BMR falls accordingly, so to keep losing weight they cut their intake and exercise even more, which leads to more lean mass loss and their BMR falls accordingly, so to keep losing weight they cut their intake and exercise even more, which leads to more lean mass loss and their BMR falls accordingly, so to keep losing weight they cut their intake and exercise even more, which leads to more lean mass loss and their BMR falls accordingly, so to keep losing weight they cut their intake and exercise even more, which leads to more lean mass loss and their BMR falls accordingly, so to keep losing weight they cut their intake and exercise even more, which leads to more lean mass loss and their BMR falls accordingly, so to keep losing weight they cut their intake and exercise even more, which leads to more lean mass loss and their BMR falls accordingly, so to keep losing weight they cut their intake and exercise even more, which leads to more lean mass loss and their BMR falls get the idea

    This is it exactly, well put!
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Talking about alcohol in front of an alcoholic is different than putting a beer in front of him. What was posted previously is equivalent to putting the beer in front of the alcoholic. It was a bad idea and I'm going to report it and all posts after that quote it. It shouldn't be there.

    By all means do so then.
    I didn't mean any harm, and like someone else commented, this forum is huge and there is triggers being posted just about all the time.
    In hindsite I would have posted the link rather. And I'm sure that the lady that originally commented on it would have followed that link and seen it anyway. Not only the post but the whole website where she can get lost in a world of support in the insanity of the diet. Wonder if that would have been better?

    Good luck to everyone that does struggle with this every day. I'm going to do my best to keep my child from it.
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    Talking about alcohol in front of an alcoholic is different than putting a beer in front of him. What was posted previously is equivalent to putting the beer in front of the alcoholic. It was a bad idea and I'm going to report it and all posts after that quote it. It shouldn't be there.
    This is fitness site (and a weight loss forum), akin to an alcoholic going to a bar. I don't think the crowd should refrain from drinking in front of him. It would be up to him to avoid such places if they were triggers.
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    It makes me sad seeing all these young ladies doing pro-anorexia diets. You're only hurting yourselves. If you're feeling this low about your body, you don't need a diet, you need a psychiatrist. The ONLY way to really lose weight, stay healthy and keep it off is to adopt a healthy nutrition plan and get regular exercise. These are not quick fixes you can make, they are life changes. You need calories for your brain, muscles, and cells to survive and anything less than around 1200 calories a day is starvation. These kind of diets kill people. Please please please lose weight the smart way. Lean muscle and nutrition is the key to weight loss. I'm a personal trainer and I know the human body very well. Anorexia is not simply a physical illness but a mental one that should be taken just as serious as any other illness.

    I used to be like that and it led to me developing an eating disorder, anorexia nervosa.
    It's true, diets such as the ABC Diet and the Skinny Girl Diet are horrible- they lead to so many problems, the first of which being EDs. You don't NEED a psychiatrist, but it's recommended, because then you'll get the help you need, like I did.
    Eating so much calories may seem frightening, trust me I know, but it's the only way to be healthy, along with regular exercise.
    Skinny isn't beautiful; it's deadly.
    So chin up lovelies.

    I just googled these diets and I can't believe someone would even try this nonsense :( I was reading the message boards on tumblr and one of them is eating 300 calories a day and she wants to start Tae Kwon Do. As a martal artist I am appalled at this. She is setting herself up for serious injuries by not eating enough to support her bones and muscles :( . It's sad that some of them are even trying to hide it from their parents. They are young women who are naive and don't realize what they are doing to their bodies
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I was starving for information till I came across this thread. Now I just want to cut my head of to stop the pain.

    I am posting a link on how to do this. If it is a trigger for you, do not click.
    If you are depressed, do not click
    If you are on any medication, check with your doctor before clicking.
    If you have small children in a 10 mile radius, do not click
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Talking about alcohol in front of an alcoholic is different than putting a beer in front of him. What was posted previously is equivalent to putting the beer in front of the alcoholic. It was a bad idea and I'm going to report it and all posts after that quote it. It shouldn't be there.
    This is fitness site (and a weight loss forum), akin to an alcoholic going to a bar. I don't think the crowd should refrain from drinking in front of him. It would be up to him to avoid such places if they were triggers.

    Oh, FPS. She posted a STEP BY STEP GUIDE. How do you people NOT see the problem with this?

    *bangs head*
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    Talking about alcohol in front of an alcoholic is different than putting a beer in front of him. What was posted previously is equivalent to putting the beer in front of the alcoholic. It was a bad idea and I'm going to report it and all posts after that quote it. It shouldn't be there.

    By all means do so then.
    I didn't mean any harm, and like someone else commented, this forum is huge and there is triggers being posted just about all the time.
    In hindsite I would have posted the link rather. And I'm sure that the lady that originally commented on it would have followed that link and seen it anyway. Not only the post but the whole website where she can get lost in a world of support in the insanity of the diet. Wonder if that would have been better?

    Good luck to everyone that does struggle with this every day. I'm going to do my best to keep my child from it.
    I think what you put up is akin to putting up a Paula Deen recipe as an example of how not to eat.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Talking about alcohol in front of an alcoholic is different than putting a beer in front of him. What was posted previously is equivalent to putting the beer in front of the alcoholic. It was a bad idea and I'm going to report it and all posts after that quote it. It shouldn't be there.
    This is fitness site (and a weight loss forum), akin to an alcoholic going to a bar. I don't think the crowd should refrain from drinking in front of him. It would be up to him to avoid such places if they were triggers.

    Oh, FPS. She posted a STEP BY STEP GUIDE. How do you people NOT see the problem with this?

    *bangs head*

    I agree this was a bit over the top. My only issue is that it must just be super easy to find this, so a forum post on mfp isn't going to make it any easier than a google search.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Talking about alcohol in front of an alcoholic is different than putting a beer in front of him. What was posted previously is equivalent to putting the beer in front of the alcoholic. It was a bad idea and I'm going to report it and all posts after that quote it. It shouldn't be there.
    This is fitness site (and a weight loss forum), akin to an alcoholic going to a bar. I don't think the crowd should refrain from drinking in front of him. It would be up to him to avoid such places if they were triggers.

    I'm not justifying the posting of that anorexic regime (which I didn't read, as it was irrelevant to the first post). But, to your point, a diabetic doesn't expect sugar to be banned or photos of cake to be censored. But maybe s/he avoids fora on how to make sugary baked goods. If you have an illness it is your responsibility to protect yourself, and you certainly shouldn't be spreading misinformation.
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