WTF is wrong with me



  • vsay215
    vsay215 Posts: 44 Member
    Sorry had to laugh, I also had cheese it's and tootsie rolls yesterday. As long as you track it and have the cals for it move on. I also have children and I buy snacks for them that I could also eat in moderation. If I ate it when I counted points on ww, I don,t see why I can,t on MFP.
  • revpsa
    revpsa Posts: 2 Member
    "Cheezits have knocked me off the wagon too ;) Damn their cheezy goodness!!!"

  • glacier81
    glacier81 Posts: 62 Member
    My parents are overweight and I'm overweight and I know the struggles we've had all our life with the weight. So I personally think you'd be doing your kids a favor by not having the junk food in the house. Instill good healthy eating habits in them while they are young and pray they don't ever have to face the struggle of trying to lose weight! Also I eat a small treat about every other 50 calories or less. Like one of those little Dove dark chocolate squares or something. That way I never feel deprived and I'm not totally screwing up my weight loss.
  • Eponine7
    Eponine7 Posts: 161
    Wow, I am amazed and overwhelmed at all of these responses. I think I learned something or was encouraged by something in every single one of the messages. I wish I could respond to everyone individually.

    Thank you so have helped more than you know. I will keep on keeping on, forgive myself, work on getting the junk out of the house (just to clarify, the Tootsie Rolls were only here from a birthday party, I don't let my kids eat them on a regular basis ;), and to everyone who pointed out that I need to schedule a daily are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.

    Thanks MFP peeps are the best!!
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    You justified having Cheez Its and Tootsie Rolls because your kids need the junk food. Your kids DO NOT need junk food. What's not fair is that you haven't found healthy alternatives that they could love too. You are setting them up for bad eating habits by having foods like this in the house. So not only are you allowing trigger foods that set you off / but you are allowing yourself to give harmful food to your kids.

    Instead of Cheez It's and Tootsie Rolls why don't you find other healthy snack alternatives that you and your family can enjoy. Natural / Organic ones that do not have preservatives and are processed junk.

    This right here ^^^. Teach your children good habits now so they don't have the struggles you've faced in your life. Being healthy is a whole house effort. Fair is allowing your children to share in your healthy lifestyle. Unfair is allowing them access to "junk" for snacks.

    You have done an amazing job so far. 65 lbs is awesome!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    First of all, you are not alone. I have similar experiences all the time, and I often want to know what is wrong with me. Why do I keep shoving food in my face, even when I am aware I'm bingeing and I should stop?? It's not an easy habit to overcome, and may never be totally eliminated, especially because we have to eat to live and cannot totally remove food from our lives.

    But, that being said, I think you have done an amazing job so far!!! What an accomplishment!!! I'm not sure what your personal plan is, but I'm guessing if like you said, the only bingeing you are doing is every few weeks or so, that's probably not in and of itself going to halt your progress. I have had nights like that too, and I managed to keep losing despite it. My current barrier, however, is keeping myself from just overeating in general.... watching portion sizes, ordering foods that are not an automatic fail, logging everything so I keep myself accountable..... I would say with the amount you are working out and being dedicated to logging, you should continue losing even if you do have the occasional binge. If you do plateau though, follow the advice of other posters on this site... I think the general wisdom around here is to change up your workout routine, and/or change up what/how you're eating to give your body a little wake-up call.

    No matter what, though, I understand how you feel and how you can want to beat yourself up sometimes for the bingeing. It is frustrating!! But keep focusing on how much progress you have made and all your successes... they are amazing!

    *** Side note: How do you actually spell bingeing? Is is that, or binging?? The "e" looks wrong, but with out it, it seems to indicate we are engaging in a "bing" rather than a "binge". This is probably because it's not actually a word, huh.
  • Slim_Donna
    Slim_Donna Posts: 44 Member
    Firstly, nothing is wrong with you, your only human :smile: secondly i have uncontrollable urges to binge and eat everything in sight. I usually have an urge to eat my body weight in chocolate, cakes and biscuits. The only thing that helps these binges is to not have these foods in the house in the first place. Therefore I can't binge.
    Although occasionly i will buy biscuits as a treat for my 6 year old but i just leave it at that - a treat. And i will help myself to some too :blushing:

    I also try and cook meals with plenty of vegetables but there is always processed foods in the freezer for me to cook quickly if i don't have the time to cook.

    But another thing that really annoys me is my oh and other family buying junk food for us because that's hard to resist.

    Ok, i'm waffling on but what i'm trying to say is try not to have much junk in the house so your less likely to binge on it. That helps me, and losing 68lbs is a great achievement. You have done really well to lose that so well done :happy:
  • glowbuggy
    glowbuggy Posts: 50 Member
    I am the same way. I have my cravings and if I let them go for to long they get out of control!! So I have started to give myself a small bite or portion of what one of my cravings were. It has helped, for the most part. But sometimes, like last night, for no reason at all I just over ate. I dont keep junk food in our house anymore for my 2 girls, but I am a at home baker. So it DOES make it hard cause I do have supplies to make all sorts of cakes and icings at any given time in the house.

    Its hard. I have been going at this for just over a year, and I have to get the weight off for my health. My friends are losing 2 lbs a day at times, and I am only losing .2 oz at at time, most of the time.

    Its hard. I think stress is a factor and monthy "issues" that also play a part in the cravings. Hold on tight. Maybe when you start to feel a craving come one, dont put it off. But just give yourself 15 cheese its, or 2 candys and MAKE yourself wait 15 min till you get more. That waiting ALWAYS works for me... it takes about that time for your body to register you had them. It works like that too, for my diabeties.

    Good luck, and remember we are all in this together!!!
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    can you discern a trigger? is it TOM, deadlines at work, interactions with certain people?
  • jburls23
    jburls23 Posts: 22
    HI... It sounds like you have a really good handle on all that contributes to bingeing as you mention emo and psycho factors which are a HUGE part. I work as a case mger/counselor in a Binge Eating Dis. Intensive Outpatient Program.... bingeing (even when not associated with BED or severe as BED) is SO common and not one dimensional .... it sounds like you've really taken the time to be mindful of what's going on within you before, during, or after a binge. Since you say you haven't really picked up on any particular patterns recently, it might make sense to look and see if you're consuming ENOUGH calories.. a physiological hunger will derail wt loss attempts almost everytime :( Its a cycle... not enough cals--> binge-->guilt about binge-->restriction.....and so it goes! Its not about falling off the horse its about how quickly you can get back on to eating meals (never leaving more then 3 hrs between snacks/meals).... It also sounds like your working out alot and hard! your bodies demands may have increased!

    I don't know if any of this resonates with you or is helpful but I thought I'd share in case it could be :) I wish you all the best as you tackle those last 30! You're doing wonderfully!!
  • PugsMagoo
    PugsMagoo Posts: 15 Member
    I would like to have the brownie recipe too
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    Hun Ive had a 2 week binge on whatever I could fit in my mouth but today is a new day Im starting over ! Dont beat yourself up!
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    hang in there, it's OK to cheat every once in a while... everyone does.... don't beat yourself up, you're doing great 65lbs is CERTAINLY a great accomplishment.

    Ohh-- and I think its very fair to not have junk food around... I wish my mom had limited my consumption of it :)

    This is a very good point. Having that cr%p in the house does no one any good. Healthy eating habits begin in childhood. If the kids get used to sugary snacks when they're little, well, you know what can happen in their adult years. Don't buy any more of that stuff would be my suggestion. The kids will find a way to survive on fresh fruit and healthy snacks and be so much better off for it.
  • Judys59
    Judys59 Posts: 15 Member
    You are normal. really. it is ok to treat yourself. Just log it. when you see how many calories it is, it will make you consider it next time. i have many days like that. its ok. you have a wonderful weight loss. We are in a lifetime journey of eating healthy. thats ok. how do you feel with 65 # off? wonderful. keep up the good work and log your foods and exercise.
  • amewway
    amewway Posts: 4
    Binging is an emotional issue. For me it is related to frustration and yes a sabotage of sorts.
    I give myself permission to binge AFTER I take a walk and drinking water and then a shower.
    It usually works that I don't binge as hard or not at all.
  • AbbyHoopi
    AbbyHoopi Posts: 48
    hang in there, it's OK to cheat every once in a while... everyone does.... don't beat yourself up, you're doing great 65lbs is CERTAINLY a great accomplishment.

    Ohh-- and I think its very fair to not have junk food around... I wish my mom had limited my consumption of it :)

    I agree!! I think that no junk in the house for ANYONE is a GREAT thing!!! Teach your kids the things you wish you had so they din't end up in their late 20's or 30s (which I think is when the metabolisim REALLY hits a speed bump... at least for me) trying to fight off weight because they have a "taste" for junk and not the good stuff!
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    Absolutely nothing is wrong with you. You are human. You snack. No big deal. You log it and are accountable for it. Smile and know that you have already lost 65 lbs.
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    If you workout hard 5-6 days a week, are you sure you are getting enough calories? I can't look at your diary but working that hard needs extra calories. that could be part of the issue...just thinking outloud :-)
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I'm not really looking for answers...this is more of a vent. But if you have any words of wisdom or support, please feel free to share!

    Last night I had a binge (on Cheez Its and Tootsie Rolls of all things...nice...sometimes I think weight loss would be so much easier if I didn't let the kids have any junk food in the house but I don't know if that's fair). The good news is that I logged it all. The bad news is that it still happens once every couple of weeks...I keep thinking I am finally beyond it all...and then it happens again.

    I've been at this weight loss journey for almost 3 years and I'm down about 65 lbs--struggling, struggling, struggling to get the last 30 lbs. off. I exercise hard 5-6 days a week, including strength training. I have learned so much about myself, nutrition, behavior changes, triggers, etc...and yet I still have these periodic binges. WTF is wrong with me?? It's like I sabotage myself and I have no idea why.

    I examine myself for emotional triggers, psych factors, etc...can't see a pattern. It is just SO D*MN FRUSTRATING.

    Okay, vent over. Thanks for listening...

    Have your tried indulging BEFORE you binge? Helps me.
  • kriskayleo
    kriskayleo Posts: 14
    I am the same way, only I have yet to be successful with any weight loss because of my bingeing. Just keep going, even on the bad days. Exercise, keep your head up. You've already done so well. You can do it! :) Feel free to add me as a friend if you want continued support.