What's the most expensive thing your toddler has destroyed?



  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    My body with some help from me. LOL

  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    My wolf-dog ate my husband's motorcycle seat. Then, the day he got it replaced ($400), she did it again.

    you have a wolf-dog :noway: :bigsmile: THAT'S AWESOME, LOL :love:
  • LisaF1163
    LisaF1163 Posts: 141
    I don't have kids, but I do have many nieces and nephews. My boyfriend's great-nephew is almost 18 mos. old, and he looooves shiny stuff! After he nearly yanked off my earlobes several times trying to get at my earrings, I learned that before we go into their house, I take off my jewelry. He also dropped his grandmother's cellphone into the dog's water bowl!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Wasn't expensive to us, and probably not to the restaurant either, but pretty embarrassing.
    We took all of the kidlets out to lunch at a nice italian place, and our 15 month old managed to knock a plate onto the tile floor, shattering it everywhere in this crowded restaurant.
    Other than that, we've been pretty lucky. I can't think of anything that they destroyed that mattered enough to remember. Maybe a couple of lovies, as my 4 year old had a habit of picking at seams and pulling out stuffing (which then became her "cloud buddies").

    Edited to add - We now bring plastic kid plates with us anytime we go out to eat.
  • miller1208
    miller1208 Posts: 25
    My toddler is 23 months old. A few months ago, he destroyed my glasses a month after my 1 yr warranty protection ran out. It cost $100 to replace. Not a lot comparitively, but it only took him a few seconds to completely destroy them.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    My 3 boys destroyed plenty of stuff when they were toddlers, but the real fun starts when they hit the teens! Thats when stuff starts adding up when they can drive!
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    My husband & I don't have kids yet but I have a little brother & he destroyed everything when we were kids.. (i'm 3 years older then him btw) One morning my mom & I woke up to a house full of smoke & the smoke alarm going off because my brother decided to get up before us & microwave pop-tarts on a plastic 101 dalmatians plate... lets just say I think he set it for as many buttons as he could push because my mom took the plate out & it was blacken, cracked down the middle & the pop-tarts were a pile of ash... I think the microwave ended up okay for the time being though... He's also managed to break my arm, long story, crack my head open with a dog leash, get a washer (little ring like thingly lol) stuck on his finger & get us stuck in the ER for a whole night with nurses trying to get it off.. also many flips off his dresser, one resulting in a almost hospital trip! I was no angel though... When my mom had the flu when we were kids she was asleep on the couch & I decided to cut ALL my brother's hair off & hide it under the bathroom rug... I guess a haircuts cheap though lol This thread made me think twice about getting a puppy more then having a kid though...
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    This thread is excellent birth control! Just in case the pills and condom's don't do their job! :bigsmile:

  • lururu
    lururu Posts: 123 Member
    My 4 year old daughter broke the screen on my laptop :(
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    All of the left hand side panels of my car! The triplets decided to help wash my car when they were out in the yard. They used sticks and stones and leaves and dirt. They were so proud of their helping that I couldn't really be mad!!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    My dog (because I don't have kids) has destroyed two laptops, metres of outside fencing and enough of the shed that we had to replace it, some expensive palms and other trees, countless rugs and metres of carpet, some vinyl flooring and wallpaper. Finally, she has grown out of these things. :P
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I used to babysit 5 toddlers at a time. It was pretty nightmarish, overall. However, one day I got back from taking one of the little girls to the bathroom, and two of the little boys had taken soil out of a potted plant and were rubbing it into the piano keys. $1000s later the piano works okay now. :noway:
  • sixisCHANGEDjk
    Well, he ain't a toddler but at about 10 years old my 2nd born son picked up the 5lb Yorkie and tossed him into the yard (however gently) and broke the dogs leg. $2000 later the leg still isn't right but whose got another $1000 to have it amputated. The pup does fine with it but that's the most expensive free dog I've ever had.
  • BeautEvilKells
    BeautEvilKells Posts: 27 Member
    MAYBE a PS2, in all fairness it was 9 years old and I'm almost positive it was my cousin's booger-faces who jumped (?) on it.
    I try not to let the opportunity even arise. My son does NOT play with any electronics; cell, laptop, whatever. I also don't let my son have access to crayons, etc. Some people look at me like I am crazy but you know what? My walls are white, theirs aren't. :laugh: HOWEVER, he did take my vacuum extension wand thingies, put them together & started going across my brand new TV the other day. :explode: Tapped that bottom one good time and he didn't watch anything for the rest of the day.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    So far, my living room carpet!! Juice, chocolate, play doh, crayon, the occasional potty trainning accident... I think I have rented the steam cleaner from the grocery store so many times I should break down and buy one!! And I vaccuum every day. It's redonk. Hubby and I talk about replacing the carpets with hardwood, but my youngest still falls often, and the carpet - even our gross one - is better to bonk his head on than a hard floor.

  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    This thread is excellent birth control! Just in case the pills and condom's don't do their job! :bigsmile:


    ............and if that doesn't work my ticker is enough of a reminder.
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    I don't have kids (the profile is my niece) so I'll tell one on my nephew. Beside destroying everything and even knocking a hole in their wall I don't think that was the most expensive. He wanted the peas my brother was cooking so he grabbed the can out of the trash and cut his finger open. It resulted in an ER visit and 6 stitches with no insurance. Ironically, his grandfather did a very similar thing with a dog food can two years ago (my dad had insurance though).
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I guess i know what i look forward to when my three month old son becomes older
  • Pdschurig
    Pdschurig Posts: 56 Member
    When my brother and sister and i were 3, 2, and 4 respectfully we set a neighbors lawn, fence and house on fire by accident, we were lucky we were not injured but the damage was quite extensive and the neighbor never let me forget ( I will be 40 this year). Also my sisters boys have distroyed her big screen TV and then her DVD player in 1 hour (baseball bat through the TV, then plugged the portable DVD player into the TV and it shorted out). Fun times
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    Well, he ain't a toddler but at about 10 years old my 2nd born son picked up the 5lb Yorkie and tossed him into the yard (however gently) and broke the dogs leg. $2000 later the leg still isn't right but whose got another $1000 to have it amputated. The pup does fine with it but that's the most expensive free dog I've ever had.

    That's sad but I understand. My boyfriend paid about $2000 to have his cat's leg fixed. It has a metal rod in it now so we say she's Terminator kitty.