Sixers Turning Up The Heat - WEEK TWO



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hello my Sixers friends ... just a quick update. I can't believe I'm still so extremely motivated after all this time ... its kind of becoming natural to make the healthier choices (both eating and exercise, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator). I almost don't even have to think about it. It's definately paying off ... I went shopping with my daughter on the weekend and she laughed at my clothing choices because they were too big. I have to get use to the fact that I need smaller sizes already. WOW!! It's really mostly thanks to all of you in MFP land.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    We're sure slowing down!!!

    Magglett, I do think running is an amazing feeling. I definitely can't go more than 1 day without it. Actually, Monday-Tuesday has become tough because I have my long run Sunday morning then I take Monday off and have my hard run on Tuesday night but really it feels like almost 3 days between runs. I get a bit antsy by Tuesday. Honestly, I can't believe I did without running before. I saw a friend the other day whom I've not seen in a couple of months. When we showed up she was going on about how I look "so radiant and energized and healthy" and it's absolutely the running. Not everyone falls in love with it but I SURE HAVE!! :love:

    Cathy, taking one step each day that was better than the day before will get you back there. And just remember, recently-acquired weight comes off a lot more easily than the weight that has gotten comfortable on you :wink: Just keep trying!

    I am feeling SO RENEWED in my life right now. I have made 3 deeply kindred friends through my running and we have begun to spend a lot of time together. They are the people in my pace group in my training clinic (assigned to train together merely by how fast we run) and they feel like a family to me. None of the other clinic participants have had this experience. We've been meeting up for runs outside of training days, we went together to a burlesque show on Friday night then dancing, and yesterday we attended this yoga class that one of "us" was teaching. I don't know if you guys remember, but at the start of the year someone I thought was one of my best friends just up and left my life. Still no explanation. And there has been a lot of loneliness for me because I lost a couple of people that I felt I could rely on and really connect-to. All of a sudden I feel like I've got people again in my life that I could call at 2am with no apology if I needed a shoulder. A month or so ago I decided I would really try to project out into the Universe that positive things would be attracted my way and it is manifesting in spades. I needed this and I KNOW it is helping me stay motivated and to deal with the challenges I'm facing in my life right now.
    YOU ladies have been of indescribable significance to me through my friendship upsets and have honestly kept me afloat. THANK YOU. :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Hey ladies! I am herer. Just at the beach and sick as a dog:sick: . Hubby was sick but didnt know it. We went to the movies and he and I shared a bottled water because it cost $4.50. Well, oldest son drank some too. Last 2 days have been rough as the oldest woke puking and did that for 12 hours. Now I have it but am not puking. I will spare you the details of the rest. I have shared too much already:laugh:

    We go home Wednesday and hopefully will feel better by then. It seems to be 24 hours.

    Lauryn, sorry for your loss. :brokenheart: I am thinking of you and yours at this difficult time in your life.

    Hello to all others. Hope you had a great holiday weekend.

    Pedal-You rock. Your so positive! You need to be a motivational speaker!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I am feeling SO RENEWED in my life right now. I have made 3 deeply kindred friends through my running and we have begun to spend a lot of time together. They are the people in my pace group in my training clinic (assigned to train together merely by how fast we run) and they feel like a family to me. None of the other clinic participants have had this experience. We've been meeting up for runs outside of training days, we went together to a burlesque show on Friday night then dancing, and yesterday we attended this yoga class that one of "us" was teaching. I don't know if you guys remember, but at the start of the year someone I thought was one of my best friends just up and left my life. Still no explanation. And there has been a lot of loneliness for me because I lost a couple of people that I felt I could rely on and really connect-to. All of a sudden I feel like I've got people again in my life that I could call at 2am with no apology if I needed a shoulder. A month or so ago I decided I would really try to project out into the Universe that positive things would be attracted my way and it is manifesting in spades. I needed this and I KNOW it is helping me stay motivated and to deal with the challenges I'm facing in my life right now.
    YOU ladies have been of indescribable significance to me through my friendship upsets and have honestly kept me afloat. THANK YOU. :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    That is so wonderful about the new friends in your life. I went through something similar where a best friend/roommate just up and moved and ended our friendship without any indication there was something not working in our friendship. It is very hard to deal with and there is a grieving process almost like someone passed away.

    But now I am in a better place and it sounds like you are too. Congratulations on forming such a good bond and for all the running you do. I definitely aspire to be at the same point you are for running. You are a greal role model.

    Take care,
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thanks Tammy, that means a lot :flowerforyou: And as for the running, when I started trying to run late last year I was terrified at the thought of running for 5 minutes straight and now anything less than about 12km feels like a modest mid-week work-out. Who knew!! :bigsmile:

    Tamm, how are things with the trainer?

    Tiff, how was the big exam??

    Week 3 starting tomorrow.... wild eh??
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hi all! I'm back. I had a wonderful weekend, but I ate WAY too much! :grumble: I did well logging things in to my journal until Saturday night. We went down to the community 4th celebration & I lost track of all I ate. And it was downhill from there. Tomorrow is the start of a new week, and the next new beginning for me.

    Lauryn, I am so sorry for your loss. ((hug)) You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    see new thread