The top 5 things I currently hate right now...

mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
Politics - get it over w/. Sick of the signs and the messages on my machines.
Text messages from random #s soliciting **** - lose my #, don't charge me $9.99.
Mother Nature - I wanted winter. I don't want hot summer temps in May. *****.
Complainers on MFP - get over yourself and log out if MFP is a problem for you. You ruin every thread.
My roommate - messy x10

It's titty friday though, so life is ok I guess :)


  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    1. My ex-husband.
    2. My hair.
    3. My 14 yo son's gf.
    4. My growling stomach...I forgot to bring breakfast. :ohwell:
    5. The fact that I have to be at work until 3pm today.
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    hehe, just love you
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    1. Work
    2. Sickness- I have a terrible cold)
    3. Prudes
    4. People coming into my office
    5. My boss for not letting me go home though she can see how miserably sick I am!
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    1. Loud coworkers
    2. Birds
    3. Kenny Chesney
    4. Chipped nailpolish
    5. My ex
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    1. Panic attacks. I started getting them very suddenly about a month ago. F panic attacks.
    2. Insecure idiots who bash other people for what they look like rather than focus on their own goals.
    3. People who post false or unsubstantiated information to facebook or other social media outlets. Back your s*** up.
    4. Not thunderstorms (hooray for thunderstorms!!)
    5. Mushrooms. Gross.

    I hear you on winter. I LOVE winter!!!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    1. Loud coworkers

    My two officemates are sharing detailed birth stories right now and screaming about vaginal tearing at about 150 decibels. I wish you were here to share this!
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    1) my body isnt where i want it to be
    2) the junk food i ate yesterday
    3) not having an internship for the summer yet
    4) i dont have any friends who are girls
    5) how 1 DAY of weakness undoes like 2 WEEKS worth of clean eating and exercise.
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    i have to pee but i don't want to get up
    i have to go to work tonight
    my ex won't get his crap out of my place
    stuck up people
    rude people
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    1. Bono
    2. the fact that I haven't been sleeping well
    3. the easy songs on Dance Central
    4. rhetoric
    5. the fact that my dog just won't take a nap right now
  • alimarieban
    alimarieban Posts: 141
    1. Panic attacks. I started getting them very suddenly about a month ago. F panic attacks.
    Hear you on this one..^^^ They suck.
  • AActon28
    AActon28 Posts: 32
    1. anything to do with TYLER PERRY
    2. TBS....see above
    3. hipsters....even though it is so hipster of me do say so
    4. rain when i'm trying to cycle
    5. vaginal tearing...i'm a guy who works with birthing statistics and that sounds just awful
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    1. My muscles
    2. Cat hair
    3. Driving
    4. Grocery shopping on Fridays
    5. The A/C
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    1. Loud coworkers

    My two officemates are sharing detailed birth stories right now and screaming about vaginal tearing at about 150 decibels. I wish you were here to share this!

    wow.. so sorry I'm missing that :-D
  • michaelaleighfle
    michaelaleighfle Posts: 49 Member
    1. not knowing what is wrong with me, doctors appointment isnt until the 15th :(
    2. that these love handles are still on my sides.
    3. how expensive new york is, i want to see my boyfriend :/
    4. that there is NO fruit in my house.
    5. how hot it is outside, and its only 11:35.
  • Jillian1104
    Jillian1104 Posts: 119 Member
    Well I try not to apply the word "hate" to anything, haha, but currently.

    1. The clock, and the fact that it is not noon yet and time for lunch.
    2. People who schedule meetings for Friday afternoon. Especially when I was trying to leave early.
    3. People that blame me for things that they did wrong.
    4. The weather-- it's raining; boo!
    5. Work email! haha.
  • kanmuri
    kanmuri Posts: 112
    1. Panic attacks. I started getting them very suddenly about a month ago. F panic attacks.

    I used to have those almost daily. Fin the trigger of the attacks and if you work on them you'll get better. Trust me.

    1. People who look down on my lifestyle. I'm not forcing you to stop eating crappy foods, am I? Let me be!
    2. People who think being thin is easy: I put a lot of work in my body, what's your excuse?
    3. Living in a freakin' basement (moving soon, thank God!)
    4. Rain. What's with the weather lately!?
    5. The pain in my leg that stops me from running.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    How are you not on the floor laughing at your own #4, Mack??
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    1- This headache I have right now.
    2- My weight
    3- Politics
    4 -My financial position
    5-Not having clothes that fit me, due to losing the weight and not having the funds to purchase more..
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    1. People who abandon 10 year old dogs at a humane society. An animal is part of your FAMILY. You take it WITH you when you leave somewhere! Why is this so difficult to understand!?!?!?!?
    2. People who refuse to spay/neuter their pets.
    3. The fact that I've gained 20lbs in the last two months.
    4. How, if you find that you're not fitting into a job after the first week, people hate you if you decide to leave. I'm sorry - I don't feel like cleaning my boss's house on the weekend. I'm a steno, not a maid. kthxbai!
    5. People who spread rumors with no apparent basis in reality. (Apparently I sell drugs out of my house. =-=; REALLY!?)

    I like this. =D It's a good way to start of a Friday morning!
  • grainne_eire
    1. Bono
    2. the fact that I haven't been sleeping well
    3. the easy songs on Dance Central
    4. rhetoric
    5. the fact that my dog just won't take a nap right now

    Bono... Brilliant!!!! 'Every time i click my fingers, a child in Africa dies' ... STOP CLICKING YOUR F***ING FINGERS THEN!!!!!