The top 5 things I currently hate right now...



  • yokurio
    yokurio Posts: 116 Member
    3. Feeling lonely

    I hear you!
  • 1. Collectivism.
    2. People who tell me Jesus loves me, but will set me on fire and burn me alive for eternity if I don't worship him and accept their obviously flawed moral code.
    3. People who substitute emotion for reason, or make the mistake of believing that the personal satisfaction they feel from revenge, vigilatism, or mob rushes to judgement are an acceptable substitute for justice.
    4. Living in a society where force, not value, is the standard of motivation, where those who have no vested interest in the success or failure of their neighbor are allowed, through a majority vote, to take whatever portion of that neighbor's property they feel is appropriate.
    5. Modern Country Music. If 50 clones of Elton John were naked in a hot tub full of pink corn syrup slithering and sliding around on each other that would still not be as gay as today's country music.
  • magsue
    magsue Posts: 90 Member insecurity weight body
    4.lazy co workers
    5.not being able to win the lotto:explode:
  • dmf80
    dmf80 Posts: 60
    1.) People who stop in the middle of the aisle in the grocery store and walk away from their cart (which is conveniently parked in the middle of the aisle so no one can get by).
    2.) Parents who ask, "how do I get my kids to eat healthy" - last time I checked the kids weren't buying the groceries.
    3.) People who buy a drink (Pepsi, Gatorade, etc) at the corner store and ask for a bag.
    4.) People who make blanket statements and assume methods of weight loss are universal.
    5.) And last but certainly not least.....People on this website that say. "what else can I drink other than water. I hate the taste of water" - Taste??????? Are you kidding me?????

    Happy Friday People!!!!!!
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    2. Lack of sleep
    3. My being single
    4. My tummy (WORKIN ON IT! :D)
    5. My hair
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    5. Modern Country Music. If 50 clones of Elton John were naked in a hot tub full of pink corn syrup slithering and sliding around on each other that would still not be as gay as today's country music.


  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    1. Bad things
    2. Scary things
    3. Not good things
    4. Terrible stuff
    5. Mean people
  • SkyPixie
    SkyPixie Posts: 224
    1) The UK weather .. we are on drought alert but it hasn't stopped raining for 3 weeks and its freezing !
    2) That every week I work an extra 2 days worth of hours I don't get paid for and no one even says thanks :-(
    3) That I have been so good in the last week and not a single ounce has shifted grrrrrrrrrrr
    4) That I haven't been flying in two weeks because the airfield is a swamp with all this rain :-(
    5) That my cat yells all night at the top of her voice ( she is very old and deaf and it isn't her fault but I could really use a full nights sleep!)
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    1.) People who stop in the middle of the aisle in the grocery store and walk away from their cart (which is conveniently parked in the middle of the aisle so no one can get by).
    2.) Parents who ask, "how do I get my kids to eat healthy" - last time I checked the kids weren't buying the groceries.
    3.) People who buy a drink (Pepsi, Gatorade, etc) at the corner store and ask for a bag.
    4.) People who make blanket statements and assume methods of weight loss are universal.
    5.) And last but certainly not least.....People on this website that say. "what else can I drink other than water. I hate the taste of water" - Taste??????? Are you kidding me?????

    Happy Friday People!!!!!!

    Funny fact about #3, Saturday I bought a 6 pack of bud light to drink on the way to a bachelor party... I told the guy I didn't need a bag, no point in wasting... "I have to put it in the bag. Managers rule" gay
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Right now at this moment...

    1. The fact I am at work and would so much rather be out walking or running.
    2. That the same guy has called every day this week to check on something I have no control over.
    3. That its Friday and I am not off work early like almost everyone else.
    4. That Im ready to go to lunch but its not time yet.
    5. That the phone is ringing while I am typing this...I hate how work gets in the way of life. LOL
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    1. Collectivism.
    2. People who tell me Jesus loves me, but will set me on fire and burn me alive for eternity if I don't worship him and accept their obviously flawed moral code.
    3. People who substitute emotion for reason, or make the mistake of believing that the personal satisfaction they feel from revenge, vigilatism, or mob rushes to judgement are an acceptable substitute for justice.
    4. Living in a society where force, not value, is the standard of motivation, where those who have no vested interest in the success or failure of their neighbor are allowed, through a majority vote, to take whatever portion of that neighbor's property they feel is appropriate.
    5. Modern Country Music. If 50 clones of Elton John were naked in a hot tub full of pink corn syrup slithering and sliding around on each other that would still not be as gay as today's country music.
    Your first post! Way to announce your forum presence. Excellent job.

    I can't tell if you're really funny, really interesting, or really angry. Any combination is likely to make the forum more fun, though.
  • hebenn01
    hebenn01 Posts: 43 Member
    1. Being sick!

    2. Rude customers

    3. Loud roommate

    4. I guess I'm lucky...

    5. I can only think of 3 :)
  • 69mustang
    69mustang Posts: 185
    1. My neighbours and their dog
    2. My new glasses for reading, I can't seem to get used to wearing them
    3. Migraines
    4. People that eat loudly ( lip smacking)
    5. My kids using the floor and counters as a garbage can!! Drives me crazy :grumble:
  • MrsT9217
    MrsT9217 Posts: 29 Member
    1. My coworker who I share my office with -- who happens to be the owner's daughter and does NOTHING.
    2. Noisy eaters
    3. My current weight
    4. Politics (don't get me started)
    5. People who want a free ride or expect everything to be handed to them
  • MariaAlbina
    MariaAlbina Posts: 130 Member
    1. My soon to be ex-boss.
    2. My hair
    3. My lack of motivation for anything
    4. My weight.
    5. My naturally pale skin.
  • ShaeSweetie
    ShaeSweetie Posts: 156 Member
    1. The fact that i want outback but the calories in cheese fries are more than my entire day
    2. FINALS
    3. The fact that i need 500 hours for PA school and i currently have...0
    4. my roomate
    5. my boobs..losing weight makes them small =(
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    1. Finals
    2. A coworker I can't stand to work with... think he won't be lasting much longer though
    3. Not knowing what to get for mother's day!!!!!!!
    4. A blister on the back of my foot
    5. My hair the next day.... feels so gross but I can't wash it everyday as that's not healthy for it either :ohwell:
  • lilibean01
    lilibean01 Posts: 68 Member
    Top 5 things I hate right now???

    1.) Stupid people gaining notoriety/"fame" for no reason whatsoever. People with no talent and who are stupid, yet stay in the spotlight, irritate me to no end. I wish Snookie, Lohan, & all those other people would just fall off the face of the planet.

    2.) The price of gasoline.

    3.) Idiot drivers with Spring fever, soon to transform into Summer Vacation mode idiot drivers.

    4.) The fact that I'm so gassy for no reason. I ain't been eatin' no beans! WTF?! LOL

    5.) Not being able to find the "right cut" in running shorts. My old ones are too big and my new ones just don't "sit" right. They are baggy in weird ways, though they fit in the waist. I don't like running around looking like I have a fabric bubble around my stomach and *kitten*.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    1. My Kindle Fire (and the 400 bucks I saved over the illumanatipad)

    2. Red MIO

    3. My renewed interest in weight lifting. (Shouts out to my homie blacko)

    4. The heat, cause its brings the legs out.

    5."Mercy" by Kanye West

    Oh I thought this was the things I LOVE post.

    I don't hate anything.......
  • GrnEydGrl86
    GrnEydGrl86 Posts: 154
    1. The fact that every Friday I have to stare at random chicks tits on here

    ....That is all
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    1. My Kindle Fire (and the 400 bucks I saved over the illumanatipad)

    2. Red MIO

    3. My renewed interest in weight lifting. (Shouts out to my homie blacko)

    4. The heat, cause its brings the legs out.

    5."Mercy" by Kanye West

    Oh I thought this was the things I LOVE post.

    I don't hate anything.......

    iPad > *
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    1. The fact that every Friday I have to stare at random chicks tits on here

    ....That is all

    Maybe you shouldn't login on Fridays...
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    1. Finals week
    2. Crazy ex who calls 10 times a day back to back.
    3. Certain people who continue to text me even though i never reply..
    4. Fat gains that accompany muscle gains.
    5. my current relationship with food.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    1. People that hum showtunes in the bathroom.
    2. Potato chip bags. I mean they're half full kids!
    3. The Mayans and their stupid calendar.
    4. Sporks. Is it a fork or it is a spoon?
    5. Pop-up ads from Netflix. Just stop.

    HOW CAN YOU HATE SPORKS?! they are the best of all the eating utensils

    I am OCD and request my cutlery be separate!!! :P

    well played, sir
  • GrnEydGrl86
    GrnEydGrl86 Posts: 154
    Maybe......NAH, I'll just keep b*tching about it
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Politics - get it over w/. Sick of the signs and the messages on my machines.
    Text messages from random #s soliciting **** - lose my #, don't charge me $9.99.
    Mother Nature - I wanted winter. I don't want hot summer temps in May. *****.
    Complainers on MFP - get over yourself and log out if MFP is a problem for you. You ruin every thread.
    My roommate - messy x10

    It's titty friday though, so life is ok I guess :)

    I guess you hate yourself then since you hate complainers on MFP. :tongue:

    Again, read the thread. I hate people who report photos/threads and get them locked or deleted.

  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Maybe......NAH, I'll just keep b*tching about it

    haters gonna hate.
  • Top 5 things I hate right now???

    1.) Stupid people gaining notoriety/"fame" for no reason whatsoever. People with no talent and who are stupid, yet stay in the spotlight, irritate me to no end. I wish Snookie, Lohan, & all those other people would just fall off the face of the planet.

    I feel your pain on this one, but you are aiming your contempt in the wrong direction. Snookie didn't just declare herself famous. Her, and those other reality train wrecks were just out there being idiots, minding their own idiot business, when some jerk off noticed that people just love to watch idiots being idiots. So he (they) gave the idiots some money, filmed their idiocy, and made himself and the idiots a nice profit, which then made the idiots able to afford even more self distructive and obnoxious behavior, which made it even more interesting to watch for the masses who want to watch it.

    Don't hate the idiot for being an idiot, or for getting rich and famous with no talent. Blame the guy that paid them, exploited them, and most of all, blame the people around you for being more interested in a drunk *kitten*'s daily life than in something more worthwhile. If you got your wish, and those people ceased to exist, would they not instantly be replaced by some other no talent idiot? Is there a shortage?

    The blame goes to the people that market stupidity and moreso to those who consume it, but I wouldn't even call it blame really. The producers only produce what sells. Blame the consumer, your brain dead neighbor.
  • Lane1012
    Lane1012 Posts: 211 Member
    redundant thread titles ... :drinker:
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    redundant thread titles ... :drinker:

