The top 5 things I currently hate right now...



  • PhillyTD
    PhillyTD Posts: 375 Member
    1. People that hum showtunes in the bathroom.
    2. Potato chip bags. I mean they're half full kids!
    3. The Mayans and their stupid calendar.
    4. Sporks. Is it a fork or it is a spoon?
    5. Pop-up ads from Netflix. Just stop.

    HOW CAN YOU HATE SPORKS?! they are the best of all the eating utensils

    I am OCD and request my cutlery be separate!!! :P
  • mdundon09
    mdundon09 Posts: 66 Member
    1. The dry weather - no rain at all!
    2. My tummy
    3. Infant spit-up
    4. The general public's obsession with HORRIBLE "literature" i.e. Twilight and Hunger Games
    5. The general public's obsession with HORRIBLE "music" i.e. Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Ke"dollarsign"ha
  • mdundon09
    mdundon09 Posts: 66 Member
    1. The company I work for - not the job I do, I like what I do. I just want to do it for another company.
    2. The weight that I refuse to let go of for some strange reason. Work out like a fiend, eat like a glutton...makes sense to me.
    3. That the Flyers are down 2-1 against, blech, New Jersey and the Phillies are struggling.
    4. Cowboys fans.
    5. Cowboys fans. (repeat another 30 or 40 times).

    As a die-hard Redskins fan, I support #4 and #5 wholeheartedly!
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    1. Bono...Yeah I totally agree with the previous posters on this

    2. The VA and their interminable timeline to accomplish anything

    3. Grad school classes

    4. Im at work and not out roaming on the motorcycle

    5. The sense of entitlement without any work or effort I see in so many people lately.
  • k900
    k900 Posts: 140 Member
    1. Stupid co-workers.
    2. My ex.
    3. Carbs.
    4. My hair.
    5. My lack of energy.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Ok 5 random things I love -

    1 - the first cup of coffee in the morning
    2 - the way I feel after Yoga class
    3 - a mad shopping spree
    4 - sunny warm days
    5 - Fridays at 5:00!!!!

    a fruity girlie cocktail
    watching my kitty cats play with their toys
    long relaxing walks
    planning getaways
    the sounds of summer

    I eliminated the obvious answers from the list (significant other, kids, family, pets and friends)...there a given:heart:
  • Gergal73
    Gergal73 Posts: 36 Member
    1. Work
    2. Weight
    3. Feeling lonely
    4. Disease
    5. Carbohydrates...
  • BobinNC66
    BobinNC66 Posts: 192 Member
    1. MEDCO (Absolutely the worst company I have ever had to deal with!)

    Ugh we deal with Medco too for keys and you are right, they are the worst!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Ok 5 random things I love -

    1 - the first cup of coffee in the morning
    2 - the way I feel after Yoga class
    3 - a mad shopping spree
    4 - sunny warm days
    5 - Fridays at 5:00!!!!

    a fruity girlie cocktail
    watching my kitty cats play with their toys
    long relaxing walks
    planning getaways
    the sounds of summer

    I eliminated the obvious answers from the list (significant other, kids, family, pets and friends)...there a given:heart:

    Ugh, there is no room for loving in here. Get that out of here. Not to mention you can't count to 5 :)
  • yokurio
    yokurio Posts: 116 Member
    1. Liars... Why? Isn't the alternative more appealing?
    2. Cheaters... complete waste of skin!
    3. Complainers... just shut up already, if you can't control it, why spend any more energy on it than you have to?
    4. My ex-wife... who would of thought someone i loved so much could be my mortal enemy.
    5. Plateau's... just let me lost the weight already!
  • yokurio
    yokurio Posts: 116 Member
    3. Feeling lonely

    I hear you!
  • Martin_Kaine
    1. Collectivism.
    2. People who tell me Jesus loves me, but will set me on fire and burn me alive for eternity if I don't worship him and accept their obviously flawed moral code.
    3. People who substitute emotion for reason, or make the mistake of believing that the personal satisfaction they feel from revenge, vigilatism, or mob rushes to judgement are an acceptable substitute for justice.
    4. Living in a society where force, not value, is the standard of motivation, where those who have no vested interest in the success or failure of their neighbor are allowed, through a majority vote, to take whatever portion of that neighbor's property they feel is appropriate.
    5. Modern Country Music. If 50 clones of Elton John were naked in a hot tub full of pink corn syrup slithering and sliding around on each other that would still not be as gay as today's country music.
  • magsue
    magsue Posts: 90 Member
    Options insecurity weight body
    4.lazy co workers
    5.not being able to win the lotto:explode:
  • dmf80
    dmf80 Posts: 60
    1.) People who stop in the middle of the aisle in the grocery store and walk away from their cart (which is conveniently parked in the middle of the aisle so no one can get by).
    2.) Parents who ask, "how do I get my kids to eat healthy" - last time I checked the kids weren't buying the groceries.
    3.) People who buy a drink (Pepsi, Gatorade, etc) at the corner store and ask for a bag.
    4.) People who make blanket statements and assume methods of weight loss are universal.
    5.) And last but certainly not least.....People on this website that say. "what else can I drink other than water. I hate the taste of water" - Taste??????? Are you kidding me?????

    Happy Friday People!!!!!!
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    2. Lack of sleep
    3. My being single
    4. My tummy (WORKIN ON IT! :D)
    5. My hair
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    5. Modern Country Music. If 50 clones of Elton John were naked in a hot tub full of pink corn syrup slithering and sliding around on each other that would still not be as gay as today's country music.


  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    1. Bad things
    2. Scary things
    3. Not good things
    4. Terrible stuff
    5. Mean people
  • SkyPixie
    SkyPixie Posts: 224
    1) The UK weather .. we are on drought alert but it hasn't stopped raining for 3 weeks and its freezing !
    2) That every week I work an extra 2 days worth of hours I don't get paid for and no one even says thanks :-(
    3) That I have been so good in the last week and not a single ounce has shifted grrrrrrrrrrr
    4) That I haven't been flying in two weeks because the airfield is a swamp with all this rain :-(
    5) That my cat yells all night at the top of her voice ( she is very old and deaf and it isn't her fault but I could really use a full nights sleep!)
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    1.) People who stop in the middle of the aisle in the grocery store and walk away from their cart (which is conveniently parked in the middle of the aisle so no one can get by).
    2.) Parents who ask, "how do I get my kids to eat healthy" - last time I checked the kids weren't buying the groceries.
    3.) People who buy a drink (Pepsi, Gatorade, etc) at the corner store and ask for a bag.
    4.) People who make blanket statements and assume methods of weight loss are universal.
    5.) And last but certainly not least.....People on this website that say. "what else can I drink other than water. I hate the taste of water" - Taste??????? Are you kidding me?????

    Happy Friday People!!!!!!

    Funny fact about #3, Saturday I bought a 6 pack of bud light to drink on the way to a bachelor party... I told the guy I didn't need a bag, no point in wasting... "I have to put it in the bag. Managers rule" gay
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Right now at this moment...

    1. The fact I am at work and would so much rather be out walking or running.
    2. That the same guy has called every day this week to check on something I have no control over.
    3. That its Friday and I am not off work early like almost everyone else.
    4. That Im ready to go to lunch but its not time yet.
    5. That the phone is ringing while I am typing this...I hate how work gets in the way of life. LOL