Green Coffee Bean Extract... results?



  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    If it works, does that mean you will use it the rest of your life? If not, stick with the stuff that works, i.e. good nutrition and exercise. Good luck.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I noticed that people arent answering the question. I would be frustrated if I sought answers and everybody decided to go on a tangent. Anywho....I bought this Friday and its Sunday and I feel a TREMENDOUS difference in my energy level. After I ate I always wanted to go to sleep but that is not the case anymore. I am full of energy now. This stuff does however, make you poop. Has anyone else noticed that? I dont have a scale so I don't know if I am losing weight but I feel great and for that reason Im sticking to it. I don't think this is the placebo effect because I used to DRAG *kitten*. I was so tired I had to take a nap everyday. I don't feel that way anymore. Good luck to you all :-)

    It's called caffeine.
  • kser145
    kser145 Posts: 40
    anyone try pure green coffee bean extract and have any results? positive and/or negative? i would like opinions from real people and not Dr. Oz before i try it out!

    You ask if anyone has tried pure green coffee bean extract and have any results.. Well I just started friday half a dose though (Ordered them online 4/29 from a company, but still haven't received them ones yet!!) So went to Walmart an low & behold found them there (same company I ordered from & haven't received yet lol). There cheaper at Walmart too! Yesterday was my 30th anniversary so we had to go to dinner and I blew my diet BAD!! And I lost 1/2 pound.And they have given me a lot of energy. I'm going to keep taking them & stick to my diet plan. I'll let you know next week how it's working.
  • jessgrey2
    jessgrey2 Posts: 88 Member
    Just popping in to say here is the medical study regarding the extract:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    That study is actually pretty poorly done. Very small sample size, no controlled diet (relied on food questionnaires,) and the results are a joke. A 2kg loss of weight with a margin of error of 2.2kg does not mean anything. For all we know, the subjects actually gained weight, and still fit into that margin of error.

    And the results are the same when looking at all the numbers. Especially when body fat was measured using Bioimpedance, which is incredibly unreliable and inaccurate.
  • Lay821
    Lay821 Posts: 73 Member
    I am a real person lol and I did buy them. They were here Monday night when I got off work and I took my first one that night. Since then I have been taking two a day. Today is Friday so really its only like my 3rd or 4th day taking them and I have already lost 2 pounds! I do not work out and I have not been dieting however I have not been eating any fast food. I think I am gonna up my dose but it IS working for me so far. I am shocked.

    wondering how long you took them for and if you had any further progress?
  • Lay821
    Lay821 Posts: 73 Member
    The green coffee bean extract has worked for me so far. I ordered the cheapest bottle I could find from amazon. I paid only $10 for 800mg dosage, 60 pills, one month supply. I have read reviews in other places about how the "cheap" bottles of this is really not what it says it is. Everyone was complaining that it tasted like cocoa powder and sugar so I cracked open a capsule and sure enough, what I had was a fake! So I switched to a different brand with better reviews and lost 7 lbs last week. I just joined this website so I put my current weight as the start point, after the 7 lbs I lost. I am not quitting this anytime soon!

    which brand did you purchase?
  • debgcook
    debgcook Posts: 64
    I have been taking them. Hate to tell you, but Dr Oz was only listening on this new stuff. He did not endorse it. It works! I have lost over 5 lbs. I will continue till I meet my goal. And that is 4 more lbs. :wink: I was really surprise.
  • debgcook
    debgcook Posts: 64
    I am using it and have lost over 5 lbs. and I will contiune till I lose 4 more lbs. I may continue just so I maintained.
  • Susan2BHealthier
    Susan2BHealthier Posts: 130 Member
    thanks for posting the seems positive. I have been on them for a week but wasn't taking the 800-1000 mg daily as suggested for weight loss
  • blacksagephoenix
    blacksagephoenix Posts: 22 Member
    The green coffee bean extract has worked for me so far. I ordered the cheapest bottle I could find from amazon. I paid only $10 for 800mg dosage, 60 pills, one month supply. I have read reviews in other places about how the "cheap" bottles of this is really not what it says it is. Everyone was complaining that it tasted like cocoa powder and sugar so I cracked open a capsule and sure enough, what I had was a fake! So I switched to a different brand with better reviews and lost 7 lbs last week. I just joined this website so I put my current weight as the start point, after the 7 lbs I lost. I am not quitting this anytime soon!

    which brand did you purchase?

    This is what I ordered. It seems to have dropped down to $7 now. I did write a review on amazon as well, stating that although I have seen SOME results, that I am not sure if it is real or fake, based on what I have read online about the taste and color of the powder. The company did respond to my review, saying the color can vary as well as the taste depending on the strength of the extract and where the coffee beans are grown, but that just seems like bull. It SHOULD be the same strength each time they make it, but I don't know and am probably wrong. Someone else posted a picture of the powder and compared it to a reputable brand to show the difference in color. But I am still taking them, so far am down about 8 pounds since I started them. I am also dieting and exercising, so I don't really know if it is the pills or not that is helping with the weight loss.

    *Edited by MFP Moderator - No links please*
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    This extract is great. Its primary benefit is that it is extremely good at removing money from your pocket.
  • cara4art
    cara4art Posts: 48 Member
    Even if these DO work, then what does one have to do once one supposedly loses the weight while taking them? The danger lies in a false sense of security that the pills are doing it, rather than the hard work of dieting and exercising. Or one has to continue taking them, otherwise the weight lost on them returns plus a little more. However, if they give a little bit of a boost along WITH a sensible program, then it might be worth a try. But so many of these so-called weight loss pills are gimmicks anyway. Even the supplements that might be a bit of a boost are just that, and only to be used temporarily. JMHO here!
  • marshar1951
    My friend started taking green coffee bean extract two to three times / day ...30 days ago. His diet has not changed to any big degree...and he has always worked out at least twice a week. He had been on a 'plateau' for about three months prior to taking them. Since he started...he has lost 12 pounds...AND...his blood sugar is not going all over the place like it used to...I've also noticed that he isn't 'grazing' when he comes home from work like he used to before supper...and...his portion sizes have decreased compared to what he used to eat in one setting. Also...he has noticed a difference in his energy have now purchased a bottle for myself....
    Been on them a week now...I THINK they are definitely curbing my appetite....I haven't gotten on the scale yet but I do feel physically better....I'm not snacking now either...
    So...MY conclusion is that they ARE doing something....and I figure even at ONE POUND a week...that would be 52 pounds a year...I could live with that !
  • Marcia1220
    I have tried it, but it has not worked for me. I ordered two bottles after a coworker told me she lost 5lbs without exercising in one week. I love to eat and my appetite is the same. I did feel like I had more energy on some days. I don't take in caffeine on a normal basis so contributed this to the coffee beans, but I didn't have the boost every time I took it.
  • bmuff
    bmuff Posts: 64
    Everyone's body responds to these supplements differently. I have taken green coffee bean extract for over a month now. I first bought the kind I found at walmart. No results. So I then went online and bought a pricier one. STill no results for me. I am not losing weight any faster than what I was already losing before taking it. So that is a bummer. But green coffee bean has something in it that you cannot get from drinking coffee.
  • cllovesdw4eva
    It is a real pain in my culo that folks are willing to dismiss NATURAL extracts and herbs without any solid evidence that they are harmful and useless. Meanwhile we are ridiculously open to eating and taking medicine that we KNOW isnt going to help us, either because its cheaper or its covered on a plan.

    I dont jump on anything because one show or another person says its the greatest. I look at the information and look for more to back it up.

    That being said I can vouch that Green Tea is awesome. It is probably the caffeine that helps in all of these. Natural is always just pay attention to who sells it and what/how much they "process" it for sale.
  • mariachilady
    mariachilady Posts: 3 Member
    I've been taking a combination of green coffee bean extract and raspberry ketones since the last week of may and I've lost 7 lbs so far. It got me over my plateau! :happy: I'm not dieting and I haven't been to the gym for a while. I noticed that the green coffee bean supresses my appetite significantly and I have to remind myself to eat sometimes. I also noticed that I eat way smaller portions than I used to. I started my exercise routine again today so I will see if this increases the results.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I've been taking a combination of green coffee bean extract and raspberry ketones since may and I've lost 7 lbs so far. I'm not dieting and I haven't been to the gym for a while. I noticed that the green coffee bean supresses my appetite significantly and I have to remind myself to eat sometimes. I also noticed that I eat way smaller portions than I used to. I started my exercise routine again today so I will see if this increases the results.

    So you have been eating less? Is this not the reason you have lost weight? And coffee in general is a appetite suppressant.
  • mariachilady
    mariachilady Posts: 3 Member
    yes, I usually eat around 1600-1700 calories and I've been averaging around 1300-1400 cals since taking them.

    Other than the appetite suppression I haven't noticed any side effects. according to the bottle It has less caffeine than 1/2 a cup of coffee in each serving so I haven't been jittery or anything. I even take them at night to stop late night cravings and I sleep fine.