I hate water. How do I increase my water intake?



  • loveflowers4
    loveflowers4 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm not a huge water drinker either. But I add flavoring to my water. I use a brand called TrueLemon. It's made with all natural ingredients and sweetened with stevia. That really helps me with my water intake. (you can find it @ walmart for $2.50/ 10 packets 5cal mix)

    OR you can add fresh fruit to a pitcher of water & the water will taste like the fruit . I hope this helps you with your water intake. :drinker: :drinker: :happy:
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I like Crystal Light iced tea, but I pretty much double the water to make it. So I'm drinking mostly water with a very small amount of iced tea in it. It works for me. I've done this with Vitamin waters and other zero or low calorie drink. I just water everything down.
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    I'll also join the MIO fan club. It is great stuff. It is especially good for those who have headache issues when giving up soda cold turkey. you can get the MIOEnergy drinks to help ween yourself off caffeine. They contain caffeine and you can just slowly cut back on how much you put in. There is also the regular MIO which has 0 caffeine. I alternate throughout the day between regular water and MIO. Again, excellent stuff.
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    I hate (or I should say hated) water too. I love something that has flavor to it, and I am really picky about what kind of water I drink (seriously, tap water still grosses me out).

    Then I put a 24 pack of bottled water in my trunk for when I was driving around during my work day. Then I started to use said bottles of water when I exercised. Then I bought a Brita personal water bottle, and started to use tap water. And now I'm starting to see a change in what I drink. For the most part at home, it's water. When I am out at a restaurant, I'll splurge on something more flavored.

    Do I drink enough water daily? Nope, still working on it. But I switch up my drinks with other items, such as VitaminWater Zero, and I found that doesn't make drinking water as...tedious.

    And like some people have mentioned on here, add some stuff to your water! I have a jug of Crystal Light Pink Lemonade in my fridge right now, but I only used half of the requested amount, just to give it a little extra flavor. Another trick I learned was to add fresh fruit to my water such as strawberries. It provides a little hint of flavor, but is still water.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I would make up a jug of green tea, add a slice of lemon, let it go cold then keep in the fridge and drink chilled
  • rmcc63
    rmcc63 Posts: 1 Member
    wow what a great idea! i"m on it right now.. thanks so much for the tip on trying extracts in water! :)
  • SouthernSweetie74
    Just do it.

    That's what I did, and now that's pretty much all I drink.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I'm not a big fan either...I just grin and bear it. :)
  • bytemeeeeee
    bytemeeeeee Posts: 174
    I drink about 4 800ml bottles a day all mostly with a half lemon squeezed into it. I havent thought about the acid but its not much so Im not worried. Id rather be getting enough water and I brush my teeth twice a day. I dont think they acid could harm you internally could it???

    Acid is fine for consumption unless you're prone to reflux or have ulcers or something. The acid from lemons is however very hard on your teeth.
    I was told to drink it out of a straw when using lemon
  • ch3tan
    ch3tan Posts: 13 Member
    A few cents from my side on the topic ...

    - 70% of your body weight (just like the earth) is made up of water.

    - If you do not replenish it with fresh water everyday, then the body reabsorbs the water present in the large intestine (which at the time lies mixed in your faeces) and sends it to the liver (through the portal vein).

    - The liver works extra to clean the dirty water and then it recirculates this water back in the body

    - Remember that it's still the water from your poo that is going in your brain. It's like taking the water flushed from your toilet, putting it in a water filter and drinking it. Would you like to do that?

    - Over long periods of this situation being repeated, the liver gets overworked and slacks in the quality of its functions.

    - One interesting function of the liver is to produce bile juice, which is also responsible for digesting the fat you eat. An overworked liver will not produce adequate bile - leading to unexpected weight gain / or / difficulties weight loss.

    - So by not drinking enough water (which ideally should be 2-3 litres daily; or the intake amount which leads to clear urine - with no trace of yellow) you are simply inviting trouble in the latter part of your life. Remember the MFP diary says drink 'at least' 8 cups of water.

    - If your not drinking enough water then your body is a living leaking sewage with high chances of weight issues. The taxation on the liver and kidneys over long periods is likely to cause hypertension as well.

    The above may motivate you to drink water

    P.S. Cold water is not recommended. Room temperature or luke-warm water is ideal.

    Lemon is acidic, but when it enters the body it becomes alkaline.
    You can test it yourself.
    - Take some litmus paper and drop a few drops of your urine on it. It will most likely be acidic.
    - Then have a 10-15+ teaspoons of lemon juice (can dilute it if you like)
    - When you go to pee next do the litmus test again.
    - The pee will be alkaline
    - The benefits of having an alkaline body are enormous which you'd already be aware of
    - Lemon causing teeth decay is a laughable gimmick

    Hope the above helps! Cheers! :smile:


  • ashlee2012
    ashlee2012 Posts: 34
    I started out doing what many have said: Just doing it. It wasn't that I was drinking a ton of bad stuff, I just honestly wasn't drinking much of anything. So initially, I just did it. I chugged, I'd set alarms to make sure I got a glass of water every x hours to equal my goal for the day. As it got easier and better and I felt confident that I was conditioned to do it, and that it was no longer a struggle, that's when I started having fun with it. I use a 32oz water bottle, and I live and breathe by Crystal Light. I only use 1 packet per 32oz cup (honestly, those things are EXPENSIVE! It goes further this way) and for most flavors it is diluted, but not too terrible. Enough to just add a litle flavor. But really, overtime, because I did just do it and make my body adjust, my body tells me constantly to give it more water! Most of the time now I'll just have a big old glass of ice water, and I couldn't be happier about it! Don't sweat it, you'll get there, you just have to keep working at it :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    A few cents from my side on the topic ...

    - 70% of your body weight (just like the earth) is made up of water.

    - If you do not replenish it with fresh water everyday, then the body reabsorbs the water present in the large intestine (which at the time lies mixed in your faeces) and sends it to the liver (through the portal vein).

    - The liver works extra to clean the dirty water and then it recirculates this water back in the body

    - Remember that it's still the water from your poo that is going in your brain. It's like taking the water flushed from your toilet, putting it in a water filter and drinking it. Would you like to do that?

    - Over long periods of this situation being repeated, the liver gets overworked and slacks in the quality of its functions.

    - One interesting function of the liver is to produce bile juice, which is also responsible for digesting the fat you eat. An overworked liver will not produce adequate bile - leading to unexpected weight gain / or / difficulties weight loss.

    - So by not drinking enough water (which ideally should be 2-3 litres daily; or the intake amount which leads to clear urine - with no trace of yellow) you are simply inviting trouble in the latter part of your life. Remember the MFP diary says drink 'at least' 8 cups of water.

    - If your not drinking enough water then your body is a living leaking sewage with high chances of weight issues. The taxation on the liver and kidneys over long periods is likely to cause hypertension as well.

    The above may motivate you to drink water

    P.S. Cold water is not recommended. Room temperature or luke-warm water is ideal.

    Lemon is acidic, but when it enters the body it becomes alkaline.
    You can test it yourself.
    - Take some litmus paper and drop a few drops of your urine on it. It will most likely be acidic.
    - Then have a 10-15+ teaspoons of lemon juice (can dilute it if you like)
    - When you go to pee next do the litmus test again.
    - The pee will be alkaline
    - The benefits of having an alkaline body are enormous which you'd already be aware of
    - Lemon causing teeth decay is a laughable gimmick

    Hope the above helps! Cheers! :smile:


    Ugh, so much here that isn't relevant to anything and just flat out lies. Your colon absorbs water regularly, that's one of it's jobs. 20% of all fluids you eat and drink are absorbed by your colon. It has nothing to do with hydration levels.

    Also, clear urine, with no trace of yellow is actually a sign of over hydration, and is equally dangerous to being dehydrated. Not to mention, if your urine is completely clear, that means your body is excreting water, no waste, just water. In other words, you're drinking way too much and wasting it, because your body isn't absorbing or making use of it. In fact, forcing yourself to drink to that point, all you're doing is "overloading your liver and kidneys," as they have to filter out all of that excess water in order to maintain proper electrolyte concentrations in your body, to prevent hyponatremia.
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    I don't really enjoy water, but sometimes I pretend it's sexy to drink water 0.o something bout the word sexy...is motivating
  • LoViNlIFe0225
    LoViNlIFe0225 Posts: 121
    It seems like I have the hardest time drinking water too! I got a 24 oz water jug that comes with a straw. For some reason I noticed that the water is easier to drink through a straw...I know its crazy :noway: Anyways...I started barely being able to choke one down in a workday...a few months later I'm refilling it 7-8 times during my 9 hours work day. That's over 168 oz of water a day! drinking water has now moved over into my regular "at home" habits now...its become my prefered drink in just a matter of months...unless...of course...there is a beer available :drinker:
  • dunkah
    dunkah Posts: 9
    Add flavor, you can get packets that are sugar free, but add 5 calories to the water. The upside is there are a ton of flavors to make it taste good. The box of 8 packets is like 99cents. I add one to a liter bottle and drink that.

    You are adding extra stuff to the water, but if it gets you to drink all of your water it is worth it.
  • tkajpeeters
    I love water but my husband does not! He orders this stuff called BLAST it's only 8 calories per 8 oz of water! There are different flavors It's from his AMWAY person, comes in a big bottle! Looks like a bottle of alcohol because it has the measuring spout on the end!
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    have you tried warm water with a weebit of honey in it?
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Learn to like it.
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 218 Member
    I hate water as well (always have) but have done so well once I stopped drinking diet drinks. Right now I'm loving Perrier (because of the large bubbles) which has lemon and lime natural flavor from the rind not juice.

    I agree with the others. Water at room temperature is easier to drink in large quantities.
  • wendygutie
    wendygutie Posts: 156 Member
    I drink water all day...but I would suggest to have lots of tea's and 0 calorie crystal light mix in's

    I have a collection of loose leaf tea at my desk, and it's like I have a little tea shop ready for me at any time. :)