Am I Too Fat to Be Here?



  • glendalvt
    glendalvt Posts: 1
    Hi Maria! You are definitely NOT too fat to be here!! We all have to start somewhere and you should consider it a victory just starting on your journey starts with a small step! (pardon my paraphrasing a famous quote)

    Water aerobics is a great idea, as is any sort of stretching excercises. Yoga is helpful for balance and coordination, and walking is just great all around!! Don't worry if you can't walk far. Just get out the door and walk to the end of the block (or driveway) and back for a few days. Then next week go a little bit farther..the week after that, a bit farther....YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Your kids are old enough to help too...just tell them you want to be the best mom you can be, and that starts with a healthier you!! (just be prepared, they may be worse than a drill sargeant!!! LOL)

    Best of luck, Glenda
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    I'm pretty sure I've seen someone on here that has lost nearly 400lbs. I'd say you are in the right place.
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    welcome!!! so happy you took your first steps.. this place is amazing . and you'll meet some amazing people, friends and supporters. check out the success stories for some amazing transformations and motivation.
  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member
    Definately not! My highest weight was 401. I started MFP 09/15/11 at 341.6, I am down to 302, but I have been struggling since December. My intial loss has been mainly by watching what I ate and doing whatever exercise was comfortable, because you are right when you are of a certain weight it hurts more and it is more difficult, but it is possible. This weekend for the first time in at least 15 years I ran. Ok it was a slow jog but I ran for 5 minutes on Saturday and 10 minutes on Sunday. It is possible and MFP makes it with in your reach. Please add me if you like.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Welcome Aboard! So glad you are here! You have come to the right place for tons of inspiration and motivation! :love:

    You will be dropping the pounds and feeling better before you know it. :happy:

    Wishing you all the best in your journey to a healthier you! :flowerforyou:
  • cmcm789
    cmcm789 Posts: 18 Member

    Saw you post in replying to Am I too Fat to Be on the site. I on on the site struggling, I have a LOT of weight to loose and am trying to figure out how to do it and stay motivated. Sounds like from your postings that you have been successful. Any tips?
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    Hi Maria Welcome to MFP - you really really couldn't have come to a better place ... you will find support, encouragement and friendship here. We all are fighting to get fit and are pleased that you are joining us in the fight!! You might find this encouraging to read ... user name mamasyd - she made a post today

    Wishing you every success. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to.
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    You're not to fat to be here... no one is. We all are on the same road... 'To better health'. The starting poing is here and now. You can add me as a friend.:happy:
  • Cohava
    Cohava Posts: 1
    Welcome to this site. I am fairly new and have not added any friends or used any of the other options except for logging my food and exercise.

    No judgement here though, if we can't turn to a website that is designed to help all of us be healthier, then where can we go, righg?

    I think it's great you took the first step in becoming healtheir, joining this site, writing down your weight, your fears and hopes. There are many exercises out there you can do without having to use your shoulder or fall. I saw someone suggested water aerobics. I think maybe a stationary bike might be good, you are seated, you don't need to use your to your doctor and find out what you should do.

    If you can't exercise much, start with the food, logging in your intake is a tremendous help. The physical activity will come as you lower your weight. This is a process that's going to take a long time but we have to make sure to make this change for the rest of our lives.

    Good luck and I hope you stick around!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Everyone's number is different, but we all have that number where we stepped on the scale and said: How'd I let it get this far?
    Everyone's progress is different, but we all have the same goal in mind: TO BE HEALTHY AND FEEL GOOD!

    Essentially we are all here for the same reason and you have come to the right place. This is the place to feel supported! It will be a challenge, but you can do it!

    Just remember: If it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you.

    Good luck!
  • weightlosshippie
    weightlosshippie Posts: 31 Member
    The tougher it is, the more you get to brag later. :)
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    Oh and here is some inspiration to start you out, I got the link from a recent post:!

    I've watched it 3 times already!

    And now I'm crying at my desk at work! That is such a truly inspirational story.
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    you might want to look at the success stories in the community pages - I find a lot of inspiration there.... some people have come soooo far!
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    Nah. You're not too big.
  • lexinw
    lexinw Posts: 1 Member
    The best of luck to you Maria! You can't lose if you never try :) NO ONE should ever look down or criticize anyone, we do that enough to ourselves! You can reach any goal you set your mind to. Start small and keep at it!
  • k80mac
    k80mac Posts: 63 Member
    this is exactly where you need to be - MFP offers alot of support and encouragement. It's rare you run into a snicker-er. Add me as a friend if you want :) There are people on here with little to lots to lose/improve :)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    If you can't come here, where can you go? No, I started at 344 and have gotten down to 282.4 ... Still a ways to go but better off than I started at. For you, perhaps diet to start with then start adding some light exercise... We all have one thing in common... We start where we are at.... not where our neighbor is at. I saw a great video last night of a disabled vet that had limited mobility... He was told he would never again walk unassisted... 6 months later, he is RUNNING... You can do it... Baby steps while you are a baby and then add to it... You can do it. Welcome aboard.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Welcome! This is silly. Were else would you want to be?

  • shelley2shane
    shelley2shane Posts: 31 Member
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    nobody is too fat to be here. being here shows you want to do something about it. everyone starts at a different number, but we are all here to get healthy. good luck hun!