THE (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Week 22



  • Happy Fourth of July Team

    I am hoping everyone has a happy safe and glorious Fourth of July. Get out and enjoy the day. Celebrate with the family and exercise with them - and drink plenty of water.
  • Happy forth everyone...Watch out for the hot dogs and hamburgers... Don't eat to many....Drink plenty of water and make sure to get your exercise in...Enjoy the fireworks....I am heading to work. I know on a holiday but have to make the green backs for my trip. I will check in later.

  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Happy Fourth of July to my American friends!
  • Lorann
    Lorann Posts: 107
    Good morning everyone :flowerforyou: and Happy Fourth of July to my American friends :flowerforyou:

    WTG to all the losers & maintainers this week!!

    Well I had a great day yesterday (well not with my calorie intake or even exercising) I only went to work in the morning and then took the rest of the afternoon off and spent it with my oldest daughter. We went shopping (I had to get a new bathing suit) it's amazing, as much as I hate shopping, I've sure been doing a lot of it lately LOL So after an afternoon of shopping the two of us went out for supper at a local Italian restaurant... it was sooo good and I sooo over ate... I had a Greek salad, chicken Florentine with rice and broccoli and fresh bread... I really enjoyed the meal and didn't even feel guilty :smile: So I didn't even try to enter into my food log because this restaurant doesn't have any nutritional info so there was no way to enter it correctly, but I know I went waaaay over LOL it was soo worth it!! I figured since I lost 3 lbs being on my TOM I deserved it :laugh: I also only walked for 25 minutes yesterday, instead of the usual hour and a half. So after yesterday I'm not even going to step on that scale again for a couple days :laugh: Then after our dinner we came home and watched a movie and then I died her hair... so it was a great day with my daughter :happy:

    Well today is a new day and I'm right back on track :smile:

    Since I started on MFP I've been keeping track of how far I've walked and today I will hit the 100 mile mark since June 4th (I know it's way over that since I started walking in May, just didn't keep track for that first month) that's pretty good I think, to walk 100 miles in a month :happy: I didn't walk this morning on the treadmill ... I'm going to go tackle the hills around me, I live right on top of a hill so it doesn't matter which way I go I will be going downhill and uphill ... and I'm not talking about little hills here LOL it's going to be quite the workout... wish me luck that the hills don't do me in!! :laugh:

    Have a great day all... enjoy the celebrations!!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Happy 4th...

    I didn't log yesterday.. I didn't weigh.... I ate right but didn't get enough water.. My stomach was hurting all night...

    Busy day today.. I have to go water plants for my family members that are lucky enough to be on vacation.. I'm super sad about that.. No vacation for me this year...

    I have to go to the store.. Yuck.. shopping in Dayton stinks.. Too crowed only one grocery store...

    I woke up early and pulled tumbleweeds.. We cant seem to kill them

    Congrats to all you losers...

    Talk to ya all soon...

  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Happy 4th of July!!!

    Good Morning Team - Its going to be a busy day today!! of coarse i will be cooking for everyone!!! A very dear friend of mine of whom I meet when I was working in Texas at the airlines she is a flight attendent and let me crash at her crash pad until I could move the family down there.. Then she was only home like two days aweek and she would let me use her car while she was gone so that I could get around and stuff..She was a very nice Person...Needless to say she was also from Michigan just from the norther part... We got to know each other and my kids just loved her We have done a lot for each other .. so she is in Michigan visiting her daughter and grandkids for the 4th which isnt to far from my house now and she knew it was Julia's birthday on Monday so she called and said she is here so I am going to be stepping out to go pick her up from her daughters and bringing her back to my house for a visit.. MY daughter Julia is going to prob pee pee herself when she sees her cuz they are really close...and she never forgets julias birthday!! even though she is going to be 17 on Monday..

    Hope eveyone has a GREAT 4th OF JULY

    Keep focused on the eating right and drinking the water!!!!

  • Lorann
    Lorann Posts: 107
    Update: OK I made it :laugh: the hills didn't kill me after all ... whew!! So I did 2.8 miles so I am officially over the 100 mile mark wooohooo!!!
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Anita...You sound so down. Sending hugs your way...

    Congrats, Lorann! That's quite an achievement.

    I just picked up a Slim Gym stationary bike today, at a second-hand store...$8. Three miles so far, and miles to go before I sleep...
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Happy 4th of July all! Sounds like you all are gonna have a great day. Have fun with your bbq's and rememeber that a tablespoon of everything goes far. Gives you a chance to eat everything but in moderation.

    My kids are gone doing their own thing so no bbq here. I should find a way to stay under calories LOL.

    I dreamt last night that I was at a wedding with people from my work and I was walking around snitching food, cookies and candy and cakes and hiding them so I could take them home and eat them. I was sneaking bites of cookie and hiding them in my pockets and I kept thinking it's ok to have a cheat day, it's ok.

    Have a great day.
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good Evening Team,

    Hope everyone had a Great 4th of July... I had a great bbq everything turned out nice... My son and his girlfriend brought my grandson by so that my biological father could see him.. he has only seen him maybe twice since he has been I have some really cute pitcures of him I cant wait to share... well there are still alot of people here and its 10:30 we have the fire pit going...but I came inside to post for a momment!!!

    CrazybeeRX - sorry your kids are all busy doing their own thing.. That was a pretty wild dream you had..To bad you dont look close you could have came and crashed my bbq.. I wouldnt have minded..

    My dear Friend came by today and I havent seen her last September... It was really nice seeing her since I have last seen her she has had two more it was great catching up while she was here...

    I had an omlet for breakfast with ham cheese and red peppers then for dinner I had a half of hamberger on my flat multi grain bun.... drank lots of water.. oh I did have a small peice of cake and icecream for my daughters birthday..since everyone was here...

    Have a great night and I will check back in tomorrow

  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    ok so I blew it tonight. I went to the casino tonight. I won money and I got $20 worth of comps to spend on food so we went to the buffett. I over ate. I had mostly meat. I had a tablespoon of mashed potatoes and coleslaw but I had chicken, turkey, ham and mongolia beef. I dont even know how to log it. So lets just say I screwed up!
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Good morning...

    Better luck today, Debbie...Buffets are the worst things to log. And meat...that puts the sodium way over, so drink lots of water today.

    So Sheila...Hope you had a wonderful time at your BBQ, but it sounds like you did. It's always so nice to get together with family and friends for celebrations.

    Anita...I don't know what a kangaroo rat is, but I think it would scare a pound or two off of me. I'm going to google it...when I work up the nerve. I get squeamish knowing that I've got mice in my cupboards. Way over on the other side of the house. I can't imagine having a critter in my bedroom when I wake up.

    Anyway, I'd better get on with my day. I directed my cousin, Vicki, to this website (MFP) and she's impressed already. I think we'll be seeing a new member in our group soon...

    Take care. Have a great day.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Morning everyone..

    We were up really early.. Kittens brought in a Kangaroo Rat.. They are honestly adorable (kangaroo rat).. Kittens need to go to a new home. They seriously kept us up most of the night. We were hoping they'd out grow this by now but it's not getting any better... My husband says tonight they are getting locked in the garage.. We need some sleep...

    Last night was fun, took my grandson to see fireworks.. It was nice...

    Today is my bbq.. Chicken, Ribs, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Rolls, Chili, and to top that off Strawberry Shortcake... Up I am going to be bad... Oh well. I can't stress on it...

    I got up the nerve and stepped on the scale.. No gain.. Lost all the weight I gained from the last two weeks of failure... I just want to get back on track.... I need to drink more water.. A lot more.. I plan on that today.. It's supposed to be windy...

    I got in a good hr of weeding this morning.. Shoveling those tumbleweeds.. Oh joy, but one side is done and this week I will work on the other side.. Only form of exercise I will get today other than mopping my floor which I am going to go do right now..

    I just want to say thank you to Sheila, Cyndee, Adopt4, Lisa, Crazybee and all the rest of you.. Your friendship and support is really helping me get through my funk.. Now I just need to get out of it.. I need Lulu's slipper....

  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Well the scale didn't move. Thank Goodness! But no more buffet for awhile, I hope. The casino offers $20 food comps if you play slots for 2 hrs. You go in and swipe your card play for 2 hour and they give you food!. Hard to turn down free food. I' m sure tht my friend Jim will want to do that all the time when we go. I'm going to have to save calories just for that LOL.

    nita; sorry about no sleep. The garage idea should work as long as the kittens are quiet. If they meow and scratch you might not get much sleep. Yippee kitties for killing a rat, bad kitties for bringing the rat in the bedroom.

    Cyndee thanks for being there for me yesterday.

    li4g; thanks for the invite to your house for the night. If I had read it earlier I might have just driven down.

    Swig; thanks for saying i could have crashed your bbq. Yesterday I felt lonely, but I got out and went and at in the sun. I put pics on facebook. It ended up being a nice day. I met a neighbor while watching the fireworks. Hopefully I will get to know her better. She seemed nice.

    need to get some housework done. I'll talk to you all later. Have a wonderful Sunday
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good Morning Team,

    well I am really tired and I have a horible headache!!!!! :sick: :sick: But Today hubby and i are going to the horse races with my mother step dad, my step mother and dad, my uncle his girlfriend, my aunt, my sister..we are going to be leaving around 3 the races start at 5 and we have to drive to Toledo OH..

    I hope everyones 4th went Great... I know mine was wonderful...Now this week is going to be busy getting ready for the graduation party!!! this coming Saturday and then April will be here on Monday so I will be bustin my bumm to get the house clean before she gets her on Mon after the party!!!

    will check in more later

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Morning, all, even though it's afternoon for most of you. Finally dragged my butt out of bed, it's 10 am. And only because the kids are up, I had to get up. Spent the afternoon at losingits, had bbq. I had planned on the day being an entire bust - but I surprised myself in what I ate and what I wanted to eat. I didn't log it (yet) but as far as food, I ate mostly fruit and vegetables, and that's what I wanted. Some chips and dip early on. So the thing that would really put me over is the (whisper) alcohol. You guys probably think I'm a big drinker but really, this is the second time in about a month - and before that, it was New Years, and before that, sheesh, probably a year. But I learned how to make pina coladas and they are so good! So anyway I have no idea how much that ended up being but a lot, I'm sure. I haven't got the guts to go check yet. But I am surprised and happy at myself for not just pigging out on stuff. I had two servings of chips, of dip, but over the course of 2 hours, I stayed within reasonable limits for what I ate. I'm pretty happy with myself for that.

    Deb, there's tricks to learning how much of something you're taking at a buffet, these aren't the exact measurements but I can't think yet, but like a spoonful of veggies (their spoons) is 1/2 cup, a piece of meat the size of your closed fist is 6 oz, etc. I have to look that stuff up. But good for you for not pulling up to the dessert bar and staying there all night! I'm not sure I could have resisted...

    I'm groggy and tired today, not hung over, just we stayed up so late and then I couldn't stay asleep once we got home. But at least the kids slept in for a change, in fact, one son is still sleeping. Hubby was up earlier and went back to bed, not sure if I'll see him the rest of the day, LOL.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    manda1111 - SW 198, GW 135, CW 172 = 1 lbs loss
    crazybe - 3 pound loss
    adopt4 - SW 273, GW 165, CW 231 even - 2.3 pound loss
    cyndeebee - SW 136 GW 115 CW 127 = 1 lb. loss
    Lorann - SW 285 / GW 145 / CW 254 = 3 lbs loss
    stillkristi sw 461 / gw 195 / cw 385 = no change
    lulubar- SW 205/GW145/CW187=2 lb. loss
    AprilRenee-SW(245)GW(150)CW(233) 1 pound loss.
    ktndj82104- SW 190, GW 145, CW 160= 3 pound loss
    sheila SW 329 GW 150 CW 284 = 1 pound lost!!! wooo hooo
    indianagranny sw216.2/gw160/cw184.8 = 3.8 pound gain
    healthymom sw208/gw150/cw178 = no change
    skymmie - 2 pound gain
    Losingit4good- CW 218.4/ GW 175= 1lb loss

    So....aunt flo is visiting. She showed up yesterday. Im pretty sure the 4lb gain last week is a result of her arrival, but she is early so I wasnt expecting it. :grumble: Talk about frustrated! Anyway.. I got sick during the week with throat and sinus headache crud and feel much better now. My kids left to thier dads on Friday, but I have my youngest home. She decided to stay at my house for the 4th, so Ive gotta go drop her at her dads here in a few.

    Had a great 4th BBQ yesterday and our neighbors put on a good fireworks show last night that lasted from about 9:00 until 11:30ish. It was fun! Adopt4's hubby made some kickass boneless pork ribs and I made some chicken on my grill and a HUGE platter of melons. I only bought 2 bags of chips and some dip and that was the worst part of anything we ate besides the pina coladas, cupcakes and homemade chocolate ice cream I made (not sugar or fat free! lol). We actually had more healthy things than not though.. so it turned out great! Oh... and its my fault that adopt4 is now hooked on pina coladas, but she brought the blender!! :tongue:

    Kristi- Id ask your taylor dude if he has a tall, dark & handsome SON your age!! Ya never know!!!!!! Loved the story tho.. thats hysterical!
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Okay...I told my cousin, Vicki, to come to this site...and join our team!

    Have you found us yet???
  • Buttonnose
    Buttonnose Posts: 76
    Hi Everyone...I am interested in joining your team...Need help and support in getting this weight off and told by a family member you guys are a great team...Can I join - Please!!! Yes Cindy I have found you.. Okay next trick is to get my ticker here....
  • Welcome Buttonnose!!!!!!!!!!!! You will love it here - this is a marvelous team filled with wonderful ladies who are supportive, motivational, full of knowledge and love. A little bit about me - My name is Lisa and I have been overweight all of my 50 years here on earth. I work nights on Sunday through Wednesday - love my job but stressful due to management. I have two grown children and almost six grand children. The almost is going to be 10 miles from me - my darling five are in Montana - 1604 miles away but are happy.
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