THE (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Week 22



  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    manda1111 - SW 198, GW 135, CW 172 = 1 lbs loss
    crazybe - 3 pound loss
    adopt4 - SW 273, GW 165, CW 231 even - 2.3 pound loss
    cyndeebee - SW 136 GW 115 CW 127 = 1 lb. loss
    Lorann - SW 285 / GW 145 / CW 254 = 3 lbs loss
    stillkristi sw 461 / gw 195 / cw 385 = no change
    lulubar- SW 205/GW145/CW187=2 lb. loss
    AprilRenee-SW(245)GW(150)CW(233) 1 pound loss.
    ktndj82104- SW 190, GW 145, CW 160= 3 pound loss
    sheila SW 329 GW 150 CW 284 = 1 pound lost!!! wooo hooo
    indianagranny sw216.2/gw160/cw184.8 = 3.8 pound gain
    healthymom sw208/gw150/cw178 = no change
    skymmie - 2 pound gain
    pawprint061-sw-164, gw-120, I have no idea....

    I have to get a new scale... it adds like 5 pounds on here and then take 10 off two days later... Not cool. I hope that everyone had a great 4th.

    I'm keeping this short because I'm tired. I got home at and into bed at 4am. I'm not going to make it past 9 and its 8 now... I'm still walking everyday, did bad with my calories yesterday... very bad.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Hi, I just realized I posted on last week, duh! Sorry. I have been gone a week looking after my mom. Someone wanted to know if we had a place to go chat in there. Someone named Banks1850 started a chat room. I just logged in and out so I think it might still work.

    go to

    at the top left you will see a box with mfp chat in it. click on it and it will take you to a page that says AJAX chat which will want a username and password. I don't know how you get one. Maybe you put yours from here in and it works. I didn't see a sign up place but that doesn't mean there isn't one. If you get it to work for you, you can chat in there. We used to but I haven't for a long time. Hope this helps. I will try to post this week to see if anyone made it work for them.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Heyyyyyy gang! Sounds like everyone had a great holiday weekend so far... Ours was busy ~ hubby's group had a concert Friday night, son's band performed Saturday night, there was a family party today for all the July birthday's (there's a lot of them) and we worked in the yard quite a bit Friday (dh was off work), Sat. and today. Put a new bed in the front yard with Mexican Hawthorne, Vinca, and Heather. It's soooo pretty. Also, spent a lot of time hacking roots out of the ground in the back yard. Adopt4 you are right, I'm am definately leaving pounds in that yard!

    Okay, like three of you have come asking about the slipper. (Slapping slipper against my palm) I want you to each think about the beauty of your life and the choices you have each day to bring joy to yourself or turn it away. If we make the choices that better our lives (eating right, moving more) then we bring joy to ourselves because we have pride in our decisions. If we make choices that cause regret, then we are turning joy away. So remember,


    Just make the choices that bring you joy!


    Have a GREAT week everyone!! Make good choices!!!!!

    kj and Buttonnose ~ GLAAAAAD to have you!

    Kristi ~ LMAO!! Big time. That was just the funniest thing I have heard in a looooong time!! Loved it - so look, before you find a new tailor would you pleeeaasse have your pic made with the tiny man!! I really really really want to see it!!
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Awwww Lulu...

    What a nice way you have of telling us to get our acts together...:laugh:

    Welcome, buttonnose...
    Where did you get that name? Love it!

    I decided to take a quick nap tonight, woke up...ate a bowl of leftovers...
    But I don't think it put me over my maintenance calories.

    I hope...
    indianagranny...How are you? I feel like I haven't seen much of you lately. Hope you're not working too hard, and that you've found some peace from the things that were going on in your life earlier. Thinking of you...
  • manda1111
    manda1111 Posts: 113
    Happy 4th I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I hung out with friends pool side it was a perfect day.
  • Enjoyed my Canada Day with my hubby for a couple hours alone - we walked around the park. Happy 4th to you in the south (my brother lives in Ohio).

    July needs to be a better month for me. Yes, I'm changing lifestyle but want to see more movement on the scale. Have to get tough with myself and stay out of the kitchen :grumble: .

    Here's to a better Monday!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Hi Everyone...I am interested in joining your team...Need help and support in getting this weight off and told by a family member you guys are a great team...Can I join - Please!!! Yes Cindy I have found you.. Okay next trick is to get my ticker here....

    Welcome buttonnose - great to have you... I am glad to see you joining the Team... good luck in your weight loss journey if you have any question dont hesitate to aske us if one dont know the other will!!

  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Well Team,

    My day never turned out the way I planed it!!! I was supose to go to the race tracks but everyone started showing up at my house and then hubby was having to much funn he didnt want to leave to go to the race track... so we ended up staying home and bbqing again!!! had a lot of laughs!!! and had a few drinks..

    april - one week from Tomorrow!!! wow Next Monday your gonna really be here after 16 yrs!!! boy has time flown by!!

    LuLu- Very nice way to put it.. Slipper time!!!!

    good night everyone and check in tomorrow

  • Lorann
    Lorann Posts: 107
    Good morning team :flowerforyou:

    Welcome buttonnose to a wonderful group!!

    Mondays!!!! Arrggg I hate them :laugh: Started off by sleeping in this morning so no time for a walk :frown: I can see how this day is going to be! Will have to try and get a walk in at work today... or two the two mile walk at home with the clients today.

    I had a pretty good weekend... was nice and quiet....relaxing :smile: I kinda slacked on the exercise though but I did stay within my calories :smile: The drinking of my water was tougher than usual, something happened with the water and the city announced a boil water advisory. So a bit of a pain in the butt... and of course the few times I went to the store I kept forgetting to pick up bottled water. I must remember to pick some up today!!

    Well I better get going and get ready for work.... I can't wait until I take some holidays, don't know when yet, I'm waiting for this weather to warm up some more so I'm not stuck inside for them.

    OK I'm off ... you all have a great day!!
  • Buttonnose
    Buttonnose Posts: 76
    Well day 2 has begun...just got back from hour walk through the park near my house. Feels good to get out and walk. Now got to get ready for work and sit for next 5 hours. :( But at least my energy level is up now from what it was this morning. Have a Great Day everyone!!!!
  • Buttonnose
    Buttonnose Posts: 76
    I have had this name for a long time. When we first started on the internet...I was trying to think of one...and my hubby and son...said Buttonnose as they think my nose is like a little there you have the story now... Now you can share it with the rest of the family. :))
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Monday and back to reality. I am supposed to go into work early today because Rachael is still on vacation and I am still doing her job. BUt Friday when I left i ad 3 prescriptions to do. I can't see going in 2 hours early for 3 prescriptions. It is going to be a long day I am supposed to work 7am-6pm. I think I will go in at 7:30. I'ts 6:30 now and I haven't even gotten coffee yet. Looking forward to my next vacation at the end of the month. July 23-28 I am going to my ex-sister-in-law's cabin at the beach. I haven't been there in years.

    I need to get back on track with tracking my calories and walking again this week.

    Welcome buttonnose. This is my 3rd week and I love it here. The gals here are wonderful.

    Granny I miss you and your posts. Hope all is well with you.

    Off to the shower and then to work. Have a great day all.
  • Hi Team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    kjllose - be there for your mom. my heart goes out to you, I went through that with my mom.

    Lorann - have you tried Walk away the pounds 2 mile yet?

    Healthymom - we can do this - get that scale to move in July. WE WILL GET OUT AND MOVE. Good - luck, I am with you wanting to see movement in July Only I am on the positive side 3.8 pounds so I really got to make it move.

    Oh Lulu - you know the right words to bring to this thread at the right time.Thankk you I needed that

    LI4G and Adopt4 - sounds like a real delicious barbeque. Any leftover pina coladas? huh? lol

    CrazybeeRX and Cyndeebee - thank you

    Ok group, I have been here reading but not posting much. I have been in a mood which I apparently had to work through myself. I am slowly coming around - has a lot to do with my friend who has cancer. I am finding a peace and the situation (cancer) has worsen. At times I have wanted to talk but just couldn't type the words. I am here and it might take a few more days but I am getting my thoughts back together. Just know that I am here and I think of all of you daily with only the best wishes and thoughts for all of you. This is not the reason I gained 3.8 pounds - no I didn't eat that much but I didn't exercise either and TOM and over on sodium and didn't drink my water. Thank you for being there for me. Thanks for caring and Lulu, I DO CHOOSE JOY AND IT IS BACK IN MY LIFE DAILY - I am just a little slow putting myself back out there. And yes I feel even more better after typing this
  • Prayerfulmom - I am missing you - where are you? Hope everything is okay!!!!!!!!!!
  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    Prayerfulmom - I am missing you - where are you? Hope everything is okay!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for the IM:smile:

    Life has served up a lot at one time. Had to give up something so that was posting.:ohwell: Its all about balance right?
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Indianagranny~(((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))) I think we are all just sending you love and praying for you. You have been through such a huge blow, I have no doubt that you are a joy seeker, I also know that you need time to heal. Redirecting our lives is stressful ~ even more so when our hearts are involved. I'm just sending you all my very best thoughts ~ :flowerforyou:

    Prayerful ~ prayers and hopes for you as well. Hope things are okay - or at the very least on their way up:flowerforyou:
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Well I finally got my correct weight... I know that I have lost both in pounds and a few inches... not much but I have lost some. So I thought that my starting weight was 163. Well, that's what I am right now. So I was higher. I don't know how much higher, but I am able to fit in a pair of pants comfortable now, and the pants that I've been wearing have gotten bigger. I've stuck to my calorie plan for the most part and walking every day. I burned over 600 calories today at work...I walk non stop. Literally I don't stop... and I worked 3.5 but the first half hour I was standing. So that will help on top of the walking I've been doing daily... so now I know where I stand... Off to correct the ticker...
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Granny; If I knew how to send you the most beautiful bouqet of flowers online I would. I wish I knew how to put pictures on here like I see the others doing but I am a computer dummy. So close your eyes and picture me handing you a HUGE bouqet of your favorite flowers to try to brighten up your day and make everything around you smell pretty. My heart is with you and my prayers also. I ask that God would give you a peace in your heart. A peace like no other. That would guard your heart and mind and let you know you are loved by so many!!
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    I'm so sorry for what your going through. For both you and your friend. I hope things get better. You need to take as much time as you need to get back here. There is nothing wrong with it. Take your time and get your thoughts clear in your head. We'll still be here. I would love to give you a hug right now. :flowerforyou: I'm giving you some flowers... Find your joy and come back when your ready. We all cope in different ways. Don't stop eating though.. that won't do your friend any good if you get sick now will it??? Smile everyday and stop and smell the flowers... laugh at the silly things and be true to yourself.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Hi ya'll, I"ve been AWOL today because the internet connection was down, it's fixed now (obviously). Lisa, you are in our hearts and prayers.

    Now that I"ve learned how to make pina coladas with that Magic Bullet, I realize the smoothies I tried to make before I made completely wrong. So I am going to start making smoothies for the boys this summer, and myself. The ones I made before weren't that good... now I know what I did wrong. (and no, the answer is not alcohol, LOL).

    I needed that slipper this morning, I set my alarm for 7 thinking I had to be at the gym to meet the trainer at 8:30, boys weren't up so I would have had to wake them up, well I rationalized myself back to sleep and blew off the appt. Except, it's tomorrow, not today! So I get a second chance to do it right.

    I think I'm going to start weight training again, because that's not really "working" the body like cardio but I love losing those inches and I have a lot more inches to lose. It's actually hard for me not to do cardio, but now that my body is starting to lose weight again, I want to give it the entire time I planned off cardio so I don't regress into the plateau again.

    A woman came over yesterday and bought some dresses I had that were now way too big, she was asking me how, and so I sat down and showed her this site. I also told her about THE Team, so she may show up in here sometime. Anyway she kept saying "it can't be that easy" (eat the right things, exercise how you can exercise, pay attention to what you're putting in your body). But it really is, if you're way overweight, it really is that easy. Her problem was she only ate about one meal a day, and didn't understand how she could not lose weight with eating so little. So I told her why... it's nice to know something that is true and not a fad or a pill or a diet but reality and how to get your weight down. I think she thought I was a salesman for the site or something, LOL.
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