THE (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Week 22



  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good Morning..

    I am so excited that I actually exercised.. 40 mins on the treadmill, 60 crunches, and I did my biceps, triceps and shoulder presses... Yeah.. It feels so good afterwords. Why is it that I hate to do it so much but I feel so good after I do...???

    Now to tackle my eating plan for the day. I do great at work but when I get home I am HUNGRY. Always HUNGRY.. I will deal with that.. I know I can....

    Adopt4 great on the pants.... Yeah...
  • indianagranny
    Okay Team now you are literally going to know I am CRAZY. I was working last night and long about 12:30 am I literally felt like I just lost 10 pounds. The calmness and peace that come over me at that time was unreal. The shorts I was wearing literally felt like they were going to fall off. My shirt felt like it was to my knees, well actually it felt wierd cause it felt more like a mini dress. I know prayers had been answered and a huge burdened was lifted from me but I literally felt it in poundage. It was a wonderful heartfelt feeling and in body feeling. So when I got home, I did step on the scale to see if the 10 pounds were accurate - well I had dropped 5.2 pounds since Friday. I think Someone above was speaking to me in many ways. I did change my ticker cause today marks the day I go under 20 pounds to lose to the first number I set as goal. 19.6 more pounds YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!I I am so excited.

    Thank you all for keeping me in your prayers and thoughts. It is the only way I have gotten this far.I truly appreciate it.

    Love and hugs to everyone
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    buttonnose...I see you!

    indianagranny...That's amazing, what you experienced last night. Sounds like both a physical, and emotional, releasing of extra weight you've been carrying. And sometimes, I think, that's actually what happens when we feel burdened, but we're open to hearing God's voice. I think, Lisa, that God literally eased the weight of your burdens...
    Does that make any sense?

    I've never gone looking for recipes here, other than to ask LI4G about chicken...but if anyone knows of a good place for "buttonnose" to find recipes, please share...
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    right under the motivations and support box is a receipe box. I clicked on that and got several good receipes.

    I love your story Granny!! That is the peace that passes ALL understanding. I used to love the feeling I got when I saw God work in my life. I havent felt that for a long time. I am happy for you, God loves you!
  • HealthyMom4MyKids
    Hi ladies. My name is Kim. First let me say thank you to Lorann for this link.

    Second, I need help. I just don't even know where to begin. I weigh 283 lbs and I am so scared that a heart attack or stroke is in my near future or at the very least diabetes. I am a happily married sahm with a 10 yr old, 2 yr old and 1 yr old. You would think that would be enough to keep me in shape, but it isn't. Ladies, I could just cry, now I am crying. How the heck did I get to this point? How do you change bad habits after so many years? How do I stop being lazy and get off my butt and get moving? Oh, I always have such big plans for tomorrow and after this event etc. but here I am steadily getting heavier. You know it's funny. I can actually remember telling a friend of mine that if I wasn't careful I was going to be 200 lbs before I knew it. Oh, 200 lbs sounds wonderful now. I topped out at my heaviest at 301 the day I went in to give birth to my 2 yr old. I never want to see 300 again.

    Please tell me what steps that you first took. I am so confused as to whether I should eat clean or just watch calories? I def. know I need a meal plan for each week and I am ok with doing that as I have to do that for grocery shopping anyway. I need good healthy meals that are kid friendly. Do you rec. any good healthy eating sites? I feel like I have hit rock bottom and I desperately need to pull myself back up. I am 37 and I want the life that I dream about. I also never, ever want any of my kids to be in the place I am right now. I will gladly listen to any advice you have to offer.

    Thanks for listening!

  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Ladies...... I need some help here....

    I know that we all gain all water weight at certain times of the month... when exactly does that happen in relation to TOM? I' wondering if my huge difference in weight was due to the water weight because it was about 4 pounds...

    BTW good morning............:smile:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Now I have a question..I am doing my food diary every morning so that I stick to what I have on my list...but my question is there anything that really doesn't matter we go over for example my protien is beyond what it should be for today...-33. I always thought Protien was a good how can we get too much of it...and how does it affect us if we do eat too much of it.

    Next question is I am not getting this ticker thing...just can't seem to figure out how to get it to flip over to this page...what am I missing. Anyone willing to help me.

    Over protein is ok, it's set pretty low. If you want to know what you should have, you can check out the USDA website. For example, fiber was set too low, my doctor said I should have 30-35 grams of fiber a day, MFP had me at 18. You can have too much protein but over 33 is not it.

    For your ticker, first go to tools and make your ticker, then cut and paste the code into your forum signature (settings - change forum signature).
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    I'm so excited! I went shopping at several different places to try on clothes... and I can fit into some of the "regular" pants, not plus size!!! For me, that's huge! My tops, on the other hand, nothing is drastically dropping there... but I'm ok with that. Found a pair of jeans for $5 at Kohls that are a size too small... so I got them. Tried on a bunch of different pants in different styles and brands, just to see what I can and can't wear yet. Got a pair of jammie bottoms from the "regular" section for the first time I think in my life. That's probably been the most motivating thing to date for me, is to get out of the plus size pants! Makes me very motivated to get back to work again and get rid of the other half of this!

    When I look at pictures, I still dont' see it. I see small changes, yes, my chin for example (I now have one) but overall, I still don't see it in pictures or the mirror. Because since I started out at 26/28 (at Lane Bryant) and I'm now in a 16W or 18 regular not at Lane Bryant... that's a pretty big difference. Why can't I see it? Stupid mind anyway... it's always tricked me on my size, used to tell me I was smaller than I actually was (I called it "anorexxxia" because when I looked in the mirror I saw a skinny person) and now I'm not able to see the loss, I can only see the tons of fat I have to go, and I can definitely see where that 66 pounds is sitting on me.... grrrrr... It also frightens me because I can totally see myself going the other direction once I lose the weight I want to lose, and keep trying to get smaller and smaller... I don't want to be skinny. I really don't. I want to be healthy and to be able to buy cute clothes anywhere and to look good in my clothes. Technically even at my goal weight I"m still in the "overweight" category. So right now I'm relying on my clothing size to tell me where I'm at instead of my mind, because my mind is lying to me still, although the opposite direction from what it used to.

    I have a confession to make, I know it's going to shock you... but I didn't eat my exercise calories today. I always have before, but since (1) I'm at maintenance rather than at a 750 deficit and (2) I am not exercising as regularly as I was, I figured I can get away with it this time. I'm hungry now - at 11:40 pm - and I'm not going to eat, because I think it's not really hunger but more feeling like munching. Well I might have a few grapes or something, but that's about it. Shh don't tell anyone....

    I understand your fear of the skinny person. I used to be that skinny person looking in the mirror thinking I wasn't skinny enough. I hated it. It's a mind control game that will get the best of you if your not careful. It's taken me about ten years to get out of that mind set and I've actually wanted to stay overweight for awhile because it had become my new comfort zone. At one time I was below 100 pounds. I couldn't do anything, I could lift anything and I got tired of all the bruises that I would get from the littlest pressure... I battle with it every day. That's why this is so hard for me also. I have to retrain my brain how to stay healthy, and how to safely lose weight. I'm glad that I'm with my bf right now because he doesn't want to see me that skinny, so having him around to help me is good. Sometimes I need another voice saying hey, you look great no matter your size. That helps me out a lot. But you have to keep that in the back of your head. Only you can fight it, and only you can stop it. It's hard when it gets past a certain point and I would never wish that on anyone... it's so hard to get out of.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Hi ladies. My name is Kim. First let me say thank you to Lorann for this link.

    Second, I need help. I just don't even know where to begin. I weigh 283 lbs and I am so scared that a heart attack or stroke is in my near future or at the very least diabetes. I am a happily married sahm with a 10 yr old, 2 yr old and 1 yr old. You would think that would be enough to keep me in shape, but it isn't. Ladies, I could just cry, now I am crying. How the heck did I get to this point? How do you change bad habits after so many years? How do I stop being lazy and get off my butt and get moving? Oh, I always have such big plans for tomorrow and after this event etc. but here I am steadily getting heavier. You know it's funny. I can actually remember telling a friend of mine that if I wasn't careful I was going to be 200 lbs before I knew it. Oh, 200 lbs sounds wonderful now. I topped out at my heaviest at 301 the day I went in to give birth to my 2 yr old. I never want to see 300 again.

    Please tell me what steps that you first took. I am so confused as to whether I should eat clean or just watch calories? I def. know I need a meal plan for each week and I am ok with doing that as I have to do that for grocery shopping anyway. I need good healthy meals that are kid friendly. Do you rec. any good healthy eating sites? I feel like I have hit rock bottom and I desperately need to pull myself back up. I am 37 and I want the life that I dream about. I also never, ever want any of my kids to be in the place I am right now. I will gladly listen to any advice you have to offer.

    Thanks for listening!


    Hi Kim and welcome. First of all, dont' look at the past and what it took to get you here, how many failures you had, how you tried before and it always failed, etc. This is the start of your new life. This is not a diet, this is not pills or extreme exercise, this is a lifestyle change.

    FIrst step - log what you eat accurately. It may require measuring everything for awhile, buying a cheap $5 kitchen scale to get the ounces right, etc.

    Second step - drink at LEAST 8 oz of water. No additives, no flavored water, unless you need to squeeze a little bit of fresh lemon in there or something. Only record your actual water - you can drink whatever you want, but you need to drink enough water to flush out your system and to hydrate yourself so you dont' carry water weight all the time.

    Third - set your weight loss goal to 1 pound loss per week. That gives you a daily deficit of calories. Then eat within those calories. This includes 3 meals a day, and 2 snacks or more. If you eat a lot more than MFP allows, then for a time you'll be hungry, snack down on carrot sticks and celery sticks or chew sugarless gum until your body get used to it. Don't log the celery sticks and carrot sticks at this time. If you didn't eat enough before, it will feel like you're overeating because you've been starving your body. Either way you did it before, you'll probably gain a pound or two and then it will come right off. It's just your body's reaction to a big change.

    Fourth - Enter your daily meals the day before or the morning of before you start eating, this will help you stay within calories and plan your snacks appropriately. I would always go way over unless i logged everything in and knew what i had to work with. Now I"m at the point where I can log as I go and be fine, but I still need to log. Losingit doesn't need to log any more (she's been at this longer than me) and she can stay within cals, which is the ultimate goal!

    Eating every 2-3 hours, a snack or a meal, will help boost your metabolism. Don't eat big meals.

    Eat back your exercise calories. There may come a time when you don't, but you should in the beginning. If you don't officially exercise, start taking a 30 min walk with your kids 3x/wk. Just get moving. Find some yoga on tv and learn how to stretch. As your energy increases, you'll want to do more and more, but in the beginning, just do SOMETHING.

    Lean meats are good - I ate a lot of chicken breasts and vegetables in the beginning. I had a really hard time staying within calories so I would buy those bagged salads with the dressing in them already so I could have a different type of salad every day to fill me up. I also bought Weight Watchers Smart Ones entrees and ate it and a salad for lunch, that really helped keep me full at a meal I usually ate a lot more at.

    This is a process and it will take time to learn. You'll fall down, make a mistake, just get back up and do it right. you CAN do this.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Ladies...... I need some help here....

    I know that we all gain all water weight at certain times of the month... when exactly does that happen in relation to TOM? I' wondering if my huge difference in weight was due to the water weight because it was about 4 pounds...

    BTW good morning............:smile:

    It varies from person to person, sometimes during TOM, sometimes a week or two before. The only way to know how it is with you is by how you feel (I always "feel" bloated) and by the scale. Over a few months' time you'll learn when it is.
  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    Stupid mind anyway... it's always tricked me on my size, used to tell me I was smaller than I actually was (I called it "anorexxxia" because when I looked in the mirror I saw a skinny person) and now I'm not able to see the loss, I can only see the tons of fat I have to go, and I can definitely see where that 66 pounds is sitting on me.... grrrrr...

    My mind is so silly that way too. I still get shocked when I see pictures of myself. I still see myself as smaller. When I did get smaller I totally ragged on myself and was obsessed with plastic surgery for awhile. Not anymore though.

    Button-If your not working out the protein is probably fine. If your strength training you'll probably going to want to up it a bit. Please read my profile as a word of caution before you up it too much.

    welcome Kim. My advice goes to moderation. Eat a little protein with your carbs...makes you full longer and helps keep your blood sugar stable.
    I eat a lot of whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat pasta, bread with 3g of fiber or more, etc), lean meats, and tons of fruits and veggies, nuts, and pretty much no boxed or frozen foods. I'm about moderation. I induldge in the things I love like good cheese and ice cream; just doing so in moderation. My experience is when I deprive myself it back fires. So, I don't deprive just consume in moderation.

    Anita- nice to see you back in motion=)

    paw- i think the body builds up water in order to shed the rest of what needs flushing. Not scientific; just my theory=) I can hold up to joke.

    just had some cherries and a few cashews. Why would I ever settle for anything fast food when that is soooo yummy?

    Still don't have my road bike back but am now commuting on my mountain bike. This is a true mountain bike that I use for off roading; big fat knobby tires. So it is much harder to ride on the streets than the road bike with skinny tires. Boy do I fly through the calories with the extra work.

    Just putting this out there again for the newbies. Two things are attributed to my losing weight so slow per a dietician. I was starving myself (i'm very active) and my body was clinging to calories. The second thing is eating at leas 3.5 hours before bed. May not be necessary for everyone; however if your stuck might want to consider those two things.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Ladies...... I need some help here....

    I know that we all gain all water weight at certain times of the month... when exactly does that happen in relation to TOM? I' wondering if my huge difference in weight was due to the water weight because it was about 4 pounds...

    BTW good morning............:smile:

    It varies from person to person, sometimes during TOM, sometimes a week or two before. The only way to know how it is with you is by how you feel (I always "feel" bloated) and by the scale. Over a few months' time you'll learn when it is.

    Hm... Okay I'm 23 years old... I have had TOM since I was 10 (young I know ) and never have I felt bloated... Not sure what that feels like lol.... Hm so confusing... I'm just wondering. Because my scale never use to jump back and forth. I know it does with most people and I never had a problem with it until now...
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Where and what has happened to Kristi??
  • Lorann
    Lorann Posts: 107
    Good afternoon Team!! :flowerforyou: Hi Kim and welcome!!

    I'm at work right now but I just wanted to post this in case any of you were wondering how it went this morning :smile:

    So today was the weigh in for the Biggest Loser Contest at work... well at least it was for me, they are still doing weigh in's until tomorrow afternoon... so we won't know who the winner is until the end of the day far as of this morning I was on top with a loss of 32.6 and 11.43% of total body fat lost. The measurements were as follows;

    May 6/09 - Bust 54.25" - Waist 53" - Hips 56.5"

    Today - Bust 47" - Waist 47.5" - Hips 52.5"

    For a total of 16.75 inches gone... woohoooo

    Just wanted to keep you all posted on that... have to get back to work now, have a great day all!!
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Good afternoon Team!! :flowerforyou: Hi Kim and welcome!!

    I'm at work right now but I just wanted to post this in case any of you were wondering how it went this morning :smile:

    So today was the weigh in for the Biggest Loser Contest at work... well at least it was for me, they are still doing weigh in's until tomorrow afternoon... so we won't know who the winner is until the end of the day far as of this morning I was on top with a loss of 32.6 and 11.43% of total body fat lost. The measurements were as follows;

    May 6/09 - Bust 54.25" - Waist 53" - Hips 56.5"

    Today - Bust 47" - Waist 47.5" - Hips 52.5"

    For a total of 16.75 inches gone... woohoooo

    Just wanted to keep you all posted on that... have to get back to work now, have a great day all!!

    Way to go girl... that's awesome.... lots of hard work there... Hope you win.. :smile:
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    if you aren't used to bloating or feelng any different during TOM, keep a journal and i n 3 month time you will know. when you add on a few lbs and dont know why write it down, then when your period starts write it down. You will then find out when you have water weight. it can be 2 weeks before or a couple of days before or both. But when you see the pattern then you will know. It will probably take 3 month of tracking it to be accurate. I used to have to track my migraines like that. Then I knew if it was ovulation time or time for TOM.
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Welcome, Kim...
    If we were speaking in person, I'd want to give you a big, reassuring hug.
    You've come to the right place.
    (You can likely already sense that, by the supportive letter that adopt4 wrote.)
    You sound like me, a few months back, when I realized that my weight wasn't merely "fluctuating." I had to own up to the fact that I was steadily gaining weight, and if I didn't do something good for myself, I was going to stay on that unhealthy path.
    What a difference this website, and in particular - THIS GROUP - has made to my state of well-being. Not just in body, but in mind and spirit, as well.
    You'll see. Biggest change you can make in your life...Keep coming back to this website and the group. You won't fail.

    And now onto the subject of "anorexia" - or extreme skinniness...
    When I was in my 20s and 30s, my weight used to hit 100 pounds in the winter, and 90 in the summer. I never watched what I ate. I thought I looked my best when my bones protruded...
    I look back on that now and realize that I looked like a stick person. Ugh...

    So over the years, I've gone up a few pounds, every few years. I set my goal weight by looking realistically at my body type (very small-boned), and thinking back to when I last felt really good, both physically and mentally. So that's how I came up with 115, but my actual goal is to be in the low 120s...and maintain!

    And yes...Where is kristi???
    Way to go, Lorann, on your amazing results. You're already a winner, in our eyes.
    And how are you, Debbie? Is our contest still on? lol...
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Oh my, some are still posting in last week's thread and it got me so confused!!! I guess it show's that they didn't read and do not realize that we are on week 22.. Hmmm how do you get them this way??

    So far a good day... Just hope I can stay motivated when I get home..

    Congrats Lorann that is amazing...

    Wish me lots of luck..
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Another strange weight loss story... a few of your were around months ago when I was like, my big toe lost weight! How strange! (Who knows where your body will remove fat). Anyway, when I was at the gym yesterday with the trainer, I kept tripping over my shoes, like I had on the wrong shoes. Same shoes I've had for awhile, fairly new, wide size, fit fine before. Had to tighten the laces up now and then but never had a problem with length. So why was I suddenly tripping everywhere like I had shoes on in the wrong size? So today I was at the store and tried on a pair of tennis shoes like the ones I already have, just to see... yep, don't need wide, and down an entire size in shoe. I don't get that, I don't understand it... but it happened. And I noticed yesterday that my toes look longer. Realized they are thinner, and there's a gap between the big toe and the next one. Never saw that before. (Ticks me off, I have a LOT of belly fat, but where does my body take fat from? My toes. Sheesh!) But it is kind of cool to have toes that look like toes now...
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I'm with ya Adopt4.. We lose weight in stange places.. But I did notice that my feet are getting smaller..

    So since I have been off the wagon I have noticed that I am flabby well I've always been flabby but I am noticing that my stomach is all flabbier (is that even a word) again.. Its bugging me.. I have to keep on track...

    can anyone tell me how to make my exercise diary public.. I did it with my food diary.. but can't figure out the exercise diary..