THE (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Week 22



  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    Kim ~ welcome friend. a chick breast cooked, about the size of a deck of cards is roughly 3 oz. of meat, about the size of your balled fist is about 6oz. That's a good rule of thumb for when eating out too. oh, and when Adopt4 was telling you to drink you water - I'm pretty sure she meant for you to have 8 8oz. glasses of water a day and not just the one glass. I personally try to drink 1/2 my pounds in ounces of water, i.e. I weigh 187 lbs, so i drink about 95 oz per day. You will be amazed at how quickly you start wanting the water. Next time you are at walmart or target, pick up a food scale - you will use it a lot, so migh as well go ahead and get it.

    Okay gang - on not seeing ourselves as we really are. Here's an exercise we used to use in our groups at the crisis center (people who suffer sexual abuse and/or molestation very often have body dysmorphia) And those of us with eating issues regardless of the cause, are experiencing our own body dysmorphia. This is the exercise we used to do: tape a loooong piece of butcher paper or brown paper on the front of a smooth door or wall. stand against the paper in your underwear, back to the wall. Trace your body. Then, turn the paper over retape it to the wall and now trace you body standing sideways to the paper with your shoulder, hip, and outer ankle touching. Be honest in your tracing ~ or best case, have someone else do the tracing. It is an awakening and enlightening exercise:flowerforyou:

    I'm with youse guys - missing kristi, jaimie, healthymom april....:( Come home peeps)

    hum, interesting exercise.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Good morning all!! Hope everything is going well for all of you. I am excited today. I have a date tonight!!! Just a coffee date but it's a start. So now I am planning my calorie intake to be able to have a latte!

    Buttonnose: I love logging my food, it helps me see how much I actually ate before. I had no idea I comsumed so many calories til I started doing that. I log everything I put in my mouth and I don't eat a meal until I sit down and log it and see if it fits into my calories for the day. That really helps me.

    Kristie: come out come out where ever you are!!!! Are you with your tailor friend???? Did he talk you into eloping??

    manda:I too hate the gym. I can't excercise like others so to go in and see a bunch of young people getting fit cause they are already thin makes me want to cry. Glad your writers block is over. What do you write?

    nita: looks like you found that kick in the butt you needed to start excercising...good going! You make me tired reading your posts LOL

    Swignal: good goin on the bra size. It's always nice to lose the inches across your back. I finally found a tape measure so I am going to meaure for the weigh in tomorrow so I can start to see how that is doing. Yesterday I wore pants to work that was getting pretty tight and they were easy to button yesterday and actually comfortable.

    Healthymom; good job on the water. I hated water and trying to get used to it is hard but I am managing 3-4 glasses a day. For me that is a HUGE inprovement. I love my soda so I switched to diet rite. It is caffeine free calorie free sodium free. Not sure what is in it but carbination and coloring LOL

    Lulu: I love reading your posts. You are so full of wisdom and wit. You are like the glue that sticks us all together. Keep up the good work. If you ever need encouragement let me know I am sure I can find a slipper!!

    Granny: it's wonderful to see your beautiful face again. I've missed you.

    Adopt: You've got a lot of good ideas. I can't wait to meet you. I am going to have to come down and visit you and li4g. Maybe plan a weekend trip if she will let me stay the night!

    Cyndee: I have a date tonight!!!!! I didn't see you at all yesterday either here or facebook. What is going on? Missed you!

    Lorann: Your pictures are amazing. I am so proud of you. I went back again today twice and looked at them. I wish I had a before pic. I hate my picture taken so all I really have is the one I posted here from my daughters wedding in March. But I have shots of me standing with her that show all of me so maybe I can crop that for a before.

    Welcome mamashell if you need help the ladies here are great!

    Welcome Kim. I plan on getting a cookbook this weekend to help me eat healthier and hopefully I will find one that has all the calories, fat and such logged . I still have to learn how to log those kinds of foods. Right now I have been cooking things that tell me the calories per serving then I make sure it fits into my calorie intake for the day but I don't log it cause I don't know how. If you figure out how to do that please share!

    Hope I haven't forgotten anyone. I need to get in the shower now and get ready for work. I'll check back tonight. Love to you all!
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Hey all....

    Welcome any new members....

    My goal today is to drink more water. I'm meeting my goal and passing it but I feel like I need to drink more. I did good on my calories yesterday. I came right below meeting my daily goal, and I didn't even touch the ones I "earned" from working out. I'm hoping to go walking today. It's a nice day out. I would like to go before it gets too hot, but then when it's warm I actually sweat... I don't sweat very easily... That's another goal... to start sweating more lol. I've had to lay off the intense working out for awhile. After my knee gave out I snapped back to reality with thinking my knees might actually agree to working out.. So... it's walking and light stuff for now. I gotta get some of the weight off first, then I can go from there... Kinda backwards but that's from the doctor lol. But hey, my mil (mother in law) lost several inches and several pounds by sitting on a balance ball and bouncing while doing twists and punches with her upper body. It's kinda fun, bouncing. It's such a small thing, but I feel it in my legs greatly when I get up. I call it my lazy exercise.

    Great tips for the water intake Lulu. That helps out a lot. It's not that many oz's if you think about it... I have a 24 oz cup that I fill up constantly. It helps me out a lot because I know for sure I'm getting all my water in, I only fill it up a few times a day but I know I get plenty... I'm working on filling it up more.

    Well gotta hop off here and hit the grocery store up.

    Later :smile:
  • Buttonnose
    Buttonnose Posts: 76
    Hey CrazyBee....that is what I do too. I log my food everyday...actually first thing in the morning I try and prepare my whole day...then I can see what my calories intake is. Then I log my exercise in and see where that puts me. If I should possibly come of the food wagon...I go in and readjust and take something away for later in the day that puts me over. Doing pretty good - I have learned from past experience that it is so much easier to log your food for the day and then eat - than to try and log it as you go..cause once it is in the mouth and down the hatch if you have gone over...there is no turning back...other than exercising. Something else I have to start increasing more and more each day...doing good there too though as going for a 60 minute moderately paced walk everyday. Now time to start some strength training....

    Well that is to you all later.

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Good morning, everyone. This is early for me, we were up at 8... I know, it's nearly noon for most of you, LOL. Love the West Coast! ha!

    I'm thinking it's time to lower my calories a little bit, to 1 lb per week loss, since I'm not really planning on doing intense cardio for awhile yet, just mostly strength training and some cardio. I don't know. I'm going to the gym tonight, gonna drag hubby with me. It's tom so I am blah, blah, blah. But interestingly, I didn't bloat up like normal (maybe I drank enough water?). Only 1/2 lb gain and that's less than a normal daily fluctuation.

    It's hard to get used to wearing tighter clothes, I'm buying clothes that are snug but not "too small" in tops, because that area is going soooo slowly, but the bottoms I am wearing snug (most of it is stretchy, so by the end of the day they're not snug anymore!) But you really see every roll and I hate that... but then I look back at my pics where I wore baggy shirts to "hide" that and it makes me look even bigger than I actually am. I am NOT ready to draw a picture of myself against the wall!!!! Although I can see where I'd do it in the future! Right now I'm a bit disgusted by my body, the fat is suddenly really "out there and obvious" to me. I know, this is a cycle, and that's the part of the process I'm in, so I'm trying to ignore my feelings about myself and just look to my clothes and my scale right now and not "think" about it. I'm also trying to focus on the things that have changed that I like (no more butt shelf, LOL, skinny toes, I can wear necklaces that were too tight before, etc) about my body and just focus on that. Because I am nowhere near done with this journey!!! In the beginning I was so confident and so happy and "full of myself" but that's changed now where I'm back into feeling not so good about myself and lost that confidence. It will come back, the next time I drop a size, I'm sure.

    Yesterday I wore a pair of capris losingit gave me and it was an 18 regular, so a bit smaller than the 16W I fit into in some brands, plus it wasn't stretchy material (didn't realize that). It buttoned fine and everything, but was snug, I figured it would stretch out a bit. Well I ate lunch and drank 16 oz of water and then had to drive to pick up the boys - wow could I feel the difference! Never noticed how much your stomach can grow with food and water, and then you sit! But although they were a bit uncomfortable, I didn't pop a button or anything, so that was a good sign. :laugh:

    I pm'd Kristi, haven't heard back... I am going to PM Jaime, too... someone please pm april and anyone else who is MIA right now...

    ETA I did hear back from Kristi, she's just swamped at work..
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Good morning (almost noon) everybody...

    I've been lazy this week, about posting (and answering Debbie's letters), but I'll try to smarten up.
    I was sick, got better, but pushed I'm just trying to get back to normal. Whatever that is.

    Woohoo! Debbie's got a date! :heart:

    I had a nice surprise with my water consumption. I was struggling to drink 8 bottles a day...duh...
    Turns out each of my bottles is actually 2 cups. So I've been meeting that requirement, and then some. I may even have to cut back, so I don't slosh so much when I walk.

    In our house, ice cream is always the lower calorie stuff. Fat-free yogurt, sherbet. I'm a big fat liar, and I've hidden the "real" ice cream from my daughter. Just kidding...
    Actually, I buy two types of ice cream - mine and hers. And I have to fight with her to stay out of my low calorie stuff.
    Right now, I've got a drawerful of Thinsations hiding in my bedroom. She loves them. She was probably the only Grade 6 kid who took Thinsations in her lunch everyday...

    I spied a couple of chairs yesterday, in the local Thirft Store. They were beauties...perfect condition...ready for paint...and only $3 each. Why, oh why, did I pass them up???
    Anyway, I'm going to check and see if they're still there, and if they are, they're MINE!

    Okay. Gotta get busy here.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Cyndee what are thinsataions?? I love chocolate.. Bread.. All that bad stuff..
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    I'm so excited... I just picked up a calorie,step & distance pedometer. I want to see how many calories I burn doing every day things.... So far it's pretty cool...
  • Good Evening Team

    Manda1111 - sure glad that the writer's block is over. that has to be a relief. I know what you mean about the gym.

    Anita - glad to see you are back in the groove. Keep it up girl. you can do this.

    Buttonnose - you are getting a good start. keep up the good work.

    Healthymom - WTG on the exercise. but was missing you. Good luck tomorrow on the scale moving.

    Debbie - a date Hooray. have fun and enjoy - does he have a brother? haha

    Pawprint - thanks for the tip on the "lazy exercise" I am going to have to try that.

    Adopt4 - you are doing so well in this journey. I share some of the same feelings about myself as you shared. I am buying clothes a little tighter and the rolls are there but can afford to buy clothes that only last a small amount of time. Keep up the good work. Smile YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I have pmed Jamie a couple of times and got no answer - if you hear anything let us know.

    Cyndeebee - I hate it when I see something I want and pass it up. I usually go back to get it later hoping it is still there. I want to ask what thinsations are too? Is that what they are called - I have looked down here for them and haven't found them.

    Sheila - I am sorry I read your posts and don't know why I typed your name there. Old age I guess - sorry. Is April on her way? I am missing her post too. Hope she is ok.

    Well this is catch up on sleep day every once in a while I have to do that. So not much going on here today. I was just thinking Kristi and her seamstress and now Debbie has a date - Debbie you better keep posting or we will be missing you too. And I have been missing LI4G also. Well gang I might be back later since this is Thursday - if I get lazier, I have to work tomorrow at my second job so I will post sometime tomorrow. Take care and have a Good Night if I don't get back. PSSSS If I don't post Saturday, I have been invited out for the day with a good guy friend. Wants to get me out of apartment.
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Anita and Lisa...

    I really hope they have Thinsations in the U.S.
    They're made by Christie. They're low cal snacks that kind of substitute for chocolate...or cookie...cravings. They have some in Oreo, but shaped like Malteasers. Different kind of bars. Chocolate covered pretzels. Whichever ones you choose, they're in individual packets, and they're only 100 calories. I love them. Check in the cookie, and crackers, section of your grocery store. We also carry them here, in Walmart.

    Speaking of food...What I've learned to do lately is fill up our plates, at supper, with tons of fruits and low cal side dishes. Tonight we had fried apple slices, but I added a pinch of sweetener and cinammon. Last night, it was nectarine slices.
    Whatever we use as a garnish, I make sure that the plate looks full. If I eat fruit by itself, I still feel hungry. But it's amazing when I use it as an add-on with a meal, because I feel like it's the fruit that's filling me up...not the rest of what's on my plate.

    I hope you can find your Thinsations. If not, you may have to make a trip across the border...

    On a totally different subject...Did I tell you that "buttonnose" and I were first cousins? Our fathers were brothers. But...We didn't have any contact with each other's family, while we were growing up. (Actually, that's not entirely true. I remember seeing buttonnose when she was about 3.) Anyway, we made contact when we started plans for the family reunion. She was putting together a family history book, which turned out fabulous. And, of course, she was at the family reunion. So buttonnose is my "long-lost" cousin, and I'm so happy that she's here in our group.
  • Lorann
    Lorann Posts: 107
    OMG OMG OMG I just had to come tell you all .... I actually won the Biggest Loser Contest at work ... with 33 lbs lost, 11.64% total body fat lost .... I'm sooo excited and amazed!! And I am now $3500.00 richer!! Now I'll have some extra cash for the new clothes I'll be needing :laugh:
  • CONGRATULATIONS LORANN - I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your hard work has definitely paid off. What an inspiration you are.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    WTG Lorann! That's so awesome! Kind of feels like you had a cheat, doesn't it? You had us!!! $3500 ought to buy some really nice outfits!!!
  • Lorann
    Lorann Posts: 107
    Thank you indiana :smile: & thank you adopt ... yes I did ... and thank you for that!!
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    OMG OMG OMG I just had to come tell you all .... I actually won the Biggest Loser Contest at work ... with 33 lbs lost, 11.64% total body fat lost .... I'm sooo excited and amazed!! And I am now $3500.00 richer!! Now I'll have some extra cash for the new clothes I'll be needing :laugh:

    WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :smile: :flowerforyou: :tongue: :happy: :wink: :glasses: :noway:
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    When I read your news, Lorann, I was ecstatic! So very, very happy for you...
    You inspire us here. You're a shining example of how persistence, faith, and dedication pay off.

    Now get shopping.
    Buy some gorgeous outfits for yourself.
    And take pictures!
  • Hi Everyone...well now that I am feeling a bit more comfortable with all is what I am at and where I am heading to. Now if that is positive I don't know what is.
    CW: 201 lbs - July 5, 2009
    GW: 140 lbs - wish it was
    CW as of today - 197.6 lbs.
    Need to lose approx 60 lbs.

    Cindy..thanks for the website sure is helping me keep track of my food and exercise. This website has actually given me drive to succeed.

    Well that is about to get to work now.
    Have Great Day everyone!!! :bigsmile:

    Buttonnose, good for you! Only share info you are comfortable sharing, I say. I started in February at 208. My current weight is 178. (5 months of MFP) I want to lose about 60 lbs too. We can do it girl!!!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Lorann!!!!!!happy.gifCongratulations friend!!!!!!

    Sheila and Adopt4 - your comments on tracing yourselves CRACKED me up. Trust me, I'm not currently in a position where I wanna trace myself either!!! Just saying, it's a good way to get a real visual on actual size:blushing:

    Welcome mammashell!

    Healthymom - yayyyy for water and exercise! good job!

    Crazybee~ have a great date, we want details!! And what you said to me was just the very sweetest thing ever!!!:blushing: :smooched:

    Indianagranny~ Hope you get caught up on sleep ~ and especially hope you have a fantastic time spending the day with your friend!

    Anita - stick with it sweet-stuff ~ you're doing good!

    Everybody else, hugs and kisses - you are the BEST group EVER!!! I'm sooooo glad to be amongst ya! I'll be out of touch for a couple of days, off to Houston with hubby, my daughter and her boyfriend, for my young cousin's reception (she just got married in the Domican Republic) and will get to see lots of family and friends! VERY excited!

    later gaters!
  • OMG OMG OMG I just had to come tell you all .... I actually won the Biggest Loser Contest at work ... with 33 lbs lost, 11.64% total body fat lost .... I'm sooo excited and amazed!! And I am now $3500.00 richer!! Now I'll have some extra cash for the new clothes I'll be needing :laugh:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: CONGRATS LORANN

    Lulu - have a great time in Houston.
  • Lorann
    Lorann Posts: 107
    Thank you all :flowerforyou: it was quite a surprise to actually win.

    Have a great trip Lulu.
This discussion has been closed.