you know what I hate? -crazy lady rant-



  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    This hasn't happened to me but I would be really pissed if it did.

    However, if someone says "I'm so tired/hungry all the time but I'm eating enough calories" and I look at their diary and see most of their calories are sugary drinks, junk food etc THEN I will suggest they eat better food. But I wouldn't advise them if they didn't ask for it.
  • neverlost
    neverlost Posts: 121 Member
    b) you see 150ml draino appear under "snacks"

    LOL at the draino comment.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    My diary is also open only to friends. This particular lecture came from a woman that is trying to get me to go on the 'next biggest thing diet' with her. I'm noticeably losing weight and gaining tone and I think she really just wants validation for her decision to do this specific diet. I am doing what's working for me and something so restrictive would not work for me. I'd cheat probably every day.

    I don't mind people trying to be helpful. I am not talking about the friends that say "I see you've had pizza 3 times this week, is there something going on in your life that you want to talk about?" But when people really get into it with me it just makes me angry. This particular post stemmed from someone telling me (to paraphrase) I am going to get cancer, and die young because I had a bowl of rice and beans and that I DESERVE to be tired all the time because of all the crap I eat. I wasn't even talking about my diet at this point I was talking about how tired I was because my baby is teething and going through a growth spurt and isn't sleeping so well.

    It was just a rant because this lady got me really stressed out and I just wanted to rant. In all fairness, she's starting a new diet and I think she's just looking for validation for this diet. She wants me to go on it with her and I have no desire. It's so restrictive and it's not something I could stick with. I prefer MFP and good old fashioned calorie counting. I try to eat clean, I often fail but at least I know I stuck within my calories and I try again tomorrow. I'm in a plateau now but I have steadily lost since mid-feb. Not too bad. I have gained lots of tone that I never thought I'd see again after having a baby and I am happy enough with my progress to stick with it.

    *the lady is not on MFP even though I told her this is where I go for support and how I have learned about portion sizes and I credit this site with my success. After all I learned about 30DS and here. I just came here to rant because my husband is at work. I did ask her directly to stop hounding me about the diet but she's not the type to take no for an answer.

    perhaps you should address this with the person you are complaining about.....
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    Yeah, I keep my diary private because although I try and eat fairly healthily, once a week I tend to eat whatever I want (usually involving unspeakable amounts of pizza and crisps) and I've found that some people can think they are fitness and health experts because they've lost a pound. I don't need someone telling me 'you need to lower the carb intake and eat more green vegetables' - I know all this, I just choose to eat like Henry VIII once a week!

    That's my rant over.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Everyone on MPF or in real life has a different opinion on what is healthy and the "RIGHT" way to lose weight. Just like everyone has different opinions on politics, religion, and other controversial things. You have to do what is right for you. I knew I had to give up soda, fried foods, and most white flour because I couldn't just have one. But I personally can't see a life without beer/wine. And I plan to do this for life. It's not a diet, it's a way of being. But if you can just have one chip, one piece of cake, once french fry, by all means eat them. But if you come to me and complain about how you can't lose weight and you don't understand what you are doing wrong I may give options on how to fix that. If you want to listen, that's your business.
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Eat whatever the F@ck you wanna eat.:bigsmile:
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I don't know what kind of MFP friends you have, but my friends have never said anything about my food choices - at least not in a negative way.

    Or maybe out of the guilt you feel for making some bad food choices you are misconstruing your friend's support & advice?
  • tammeygail
    tammeygail Posts: 27 Member
    I agree. I find for me if i am craving something or if i see something and i want it i have to have some, count my calories and its all good. If i dont then i am just gonna keep craving it and eventually i will have to have it and over do it so its best to eat whatever you want. People can give their opinions but in the end its up to you. Everything in moderation like its been said over and over. Good luck. And i think that is partially what messed me up last time i tried this so this time a whole new outlook and different ways lol
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I hate it when someone starts lecturing me about what foods humans are SUPPOSED to eat. I'm SUPPOSED to eat an apple but not cake. I'm supposed to eat nuts and berries my body is not meant to digest a piece of garlic bread. Those second items pack a huge energy punch without much nutrients but they don't make me sick. Maybe they don't have a purpose but I like them. Sex without the intent to bring a child into the world is also purposeless unless pleasure is considered and how many humans do that?

    I'm not on the cake, pizza and garlic bread diet but those things do appear in my diary in moderation. I am very supportive of people's eating habits that I personally wouldn't take on so leave mine alone unless I either:

    a) ask your advice, opinion or experience


    b) you see 150ml draino appear under "snacks"

    Thank you, that is all...

    you obviously need much more fiber in your diet....CHOP CHOP!:wink:
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    Funny post is funny.

    When will people stop getting butthurt over something some random person said on the internet? I leave my diary open and anyone can comment at anytime. If I am ready to hear their advice, I'll take it. If I'm not ready to hear their advice, I'll ignore it. If I consider their comment offensive, I'll delete it. But I'm sure not going to let their comments upset me.
  • rlong637
    rlong637 Posts: 25 Member
    mmmm Drano...... :)
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    if i were to "forbid" myself of the foods i enjoyed, then I would never lose weight. I need to be able to have at least some in moderation. so i totally agree with you. Not that eating healthy, natural foods isn't a good diet to turn to, but who says that all baked goods are bad??
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    I will still eat what I like, just in moderation. Like one slice of pizza instead of an entire pizza. I slice of cake, instead of a half of a cake. I think the calorie counting, and toning it down severely accompanied with me exercising and not being a lazy *kitten* is taking the weight off nicely so far. This site is very helpful and supportive, someone telling you what you should and shouldn't do is not only kind of rude, but counter productive as well.
  • dalildevil
    dalildevil Posts: 55 Member
    I keep my diary private as well. I don't need anyone and everyone telling me what I can and can't eat or what I should or shouldn't eat. I am the only one accountable for what I put in my mouth and if I want to eat a big mac with all of it's 540 calories....I will.

    I started using MFP because it allowed me to continue eating the foods that I like (in moderation) without having to totally eliminate the pleasure that food brings to me. I don't agree with things i've heard on the biggest loser "if you have a sweet tooth have a stick of sugar free gum and it will go right away" NO IT WONT. Don't tell me I should eat a carrot stick when what I want is a chocolate bar, Don't tell me to have a bowl of special K when what I want is Ice Cream.

    On a regular basis I have a very healthy diet, I eat vegetable by the salad bowlful, and fruits, and healthy whole grains. If I occasionally allow myself to have something that purly "tasty" and not so "healthy" Who the hell are YOU to tell me I can't?

    rant over :-)
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    You need new MFP friends.
    ^^^ this
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I dont touch pizza or cake anymore

    Maybe they are actually being quite supportive - you just dont want to hear what they say

    Keep them as friends because maybe one day you will be in a mood to listen and if YOU choose to that MIGHT be good for you - you never know

    Else you can just ignore them

    I know I didn't mention this in the original post but being supportive and telling me I will die of cancer for eating processed foods are two different things, IMO

    Unfortunately is quite right. Processed foods are mostly compromised of sugar and useless carbs that our bodies DON'T need

    We all get rogue cells and those cells feed on the sugar and cancer then grows and spreads.

    Our bodies were not intended to eat the crap that humans put into it.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    I had a complete stranger tell me last night at McDonalds that the salad I was eating had the most calories of anything else on the menu. I wanted to strangle that b!tch. Had my 7-year old not been sitting right there I may have. She was full of *kitten*, I'm pretty sure my Grilled Southwest Chicken Salad with NO dressing was WAY heathier than her TWO fried fish filet sandwiches, large order of fries, and TWO apple pies!
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    Do extreme diets (i.e. low carb, cabbage soup, paleo, no sugar, etc.) make you live longer or does it just feel longer? :laugh: :laugh:
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 218 Member
    I dont touch pizza or cake anymore

    Maybe they are actually being quite supportive - you just dont want to hear what they say

    Keep them as friends because maybe one day you will be in a mood to listen and if YOU choose to that MIGHT be good for you - you never know

    Else you can just ignore them

    I know I didn't mention this in the original post but being supportive and telling me I will die of cancer for eating processed foods are two different things, IMO

    Unfortunately is quite right. Processed foods are mostly compromised of sugar and useless carbs that our bodies DON'T need

    We all get rogue cells and those cells feed on the sugar and cancer then grows and spreads.

    Our bodies were not intended to eat the crap that humans put into it.

    OH PLEASE! There had to be at least one...:-P
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Everything in moderation. Certain calories are more nutritional than others (an apple v. a twinkie) BUT whatever it takes to keep you motivated. I personally choose to eliminate as much white flour and processed sugar from my diet as possible. HOWEVER ice cream still makes an occasional appearance in the food diary.

    You just keep doing what works for you and screw everyone's opinions!