North Carolina Amendment to Ban Gay Marriage, thoughts?

This absolutely makes me sick to my stomach that it passed, but I was wondering what you all thought about it... Feel free to weigh in.


  • dannytheman
    dannytheman Posts: 63
    Seem like it was put to a fair vote and failed. I don't care either way!
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    This absolutely makes me sick to my stomach that it passed, but I was wondering what you all thought about it... Feel free to weigh in.

    Personally, I don't care... no offence.

    I am not for it, but I am not going to condemn someone for what they do in their spare time, nor who they love.

    Besides, It isn't like they can cross the boarder, or move to another state for a short time, to be able to be married. Then move back. I don't think they can remove the certificate even if the law bans the marriage it self.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    It's absolutely disgusting that it passed. There is supposed to be a separation of church and state in our government, but that line was crossed with this amendment. It's discriminatory and there are many unclear parts of the amendment.

    I am sick that this amendment passed. Absolutely sick.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Besides, It isn't like they can cross the boarder, or move to another state for a short time, to be able to be married. Then move back. I don't think they can remove the certificate even if the law bans the marriage it self.
    Their marriage would not be valid in North Carolina.
  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    Just shows how far we still have to go!!

    If you don't like it, don't do it, but don't dictate what others can/cannot do!!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    This absolutely makes me sick to my stomach that it passed, but I was wondering what you all thought about it... Feel free to weigh in.

    Personally, I don't care... no offence.

    I am not for it, but I am not going to condemn someone for what they do in their spare time, nor who they love.

    Besides, It isn't like they can cross the boarder, or move to another state for a short time, to be able to be married. Then move back. I don't think they can remove the certificate even if the law bans the marriage it self.

    Actually they can. If NC doesn't recognize gay marriage, then a marriage in another state will not be recognized either.

    This wasn't just a gay marriage amendment. It was so much more. The wording said partnerships between a man and a woman are the only ones that will be recognized. That can be far reaching and can apply to business partnerships, too. The only reason it was voted in was because it was being pushed as the gay marriage amendment and that was what those people for voted for it were voting for.

    Ignorance at it's best.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    When did the Taliban move the North Carolina?
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Absolutely daft. I thought this was on track to be defeated??? What happened? Presumably there will be legal challenges on the basis of constitutionality as in California et al.? Of course, it would be much simpler if Gay Marriage was legalised on a federal rather than state level, but I'm guessing that's too much to hope for, since we Brits can't even get around to doing that, and we're much less anti- on the whole than the US appears to be!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    There is supposed to be a separation of church and state in our government, but that line was crossed with this amendment.

    Actually, the line was crossed a LONG time ago when marriage, a Biblical/spiritual concept, was regulated by the government. Is this not absurd to everyone? I get that certain rights (upon death, decisions for the incapacitated, etc) need to be given to a partner, but why does it have to be a marriage. I should be able to enter into that arrangement with anyone I choose (a sister, my best friend, etc) -- as long as it is 2 consenting adults (so let's not bring in the "what-if-I-want-it-to-be-my-dog argument").

    I think those wanting to legalize gay "marraige" (Yes, I'm married -- in God's eyes. Legally, it should be referred to as a civil union), the above approach makes more sense. Trying to fit that square peg (marriage - Blblical term) into a round hole (civil union - legal rights) just doesn't work.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    I have a question, If the separation of church and state is so important in this country... why is everyone trying to push for legalizing gay marriages. Marriage is a religious thing, so shouldn't the church be aloud to say no.

    I could be mistaken, never looked into marriage, but the only thing that changes, from being a living together situation, is someone's name changes.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Besides, It isn't like they can cross the boarder...
    How does bisecting a person renting a room change anything?

    Also, please keep the political debates in the groups.
  • MrsAlcalde
    MrsAlcalde Posts: 261 Member
    Really I don't see a problem with the ban, homosexuality is a personal choice, you can't force the acceptance of your lifestyle on anyone else. 1Cor 6:9-10 sums it up pretty well and for those who argue that there is a seperation of religion and state, you can not leave God out of His own arrangement Gen2:24.

    I know there are many who don't believe or consider God but many of us do so therefore, N.C. voted and the gay rights will not prevail in that state. Feel free to move to any state that will honor a gay marriage.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Well, it's already illegal in NC, so nothing really changes day to day in anyone's lives who lives there. Even if it was defeated, not much would change.

    It does, however, make it more difficult to change the law.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Absolutely daft. I thought this was on track to be defeated??? What happened? Presumably there will be legal challenges on the basis of constitutionality as in California et al.? Of course, it would be much simpler if Gay Marriage was legalised on a federal rather than state level, but I'm guessing that's too much to hope for, since we Brits can't even get around to doing that, and we're much less anti- on the whole than the US appears to be!

    Our Constitution doesn't allow for the federal government to regulate marriage (any kind). Why would we want the government to come in and say what we can and cannot do?
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    There is supposed to be a separation of church and state in our government, but that line was crossed with this amendment.

    Actually, the line was crossed a LONG time ago when marriage, a Biblical/spiritual concept, was regulated by the government. Is this not absurd to everyone? I get that certain rights (upon death, decisions for the incapacitated, etc) need to be given to a partner, but why does it have to be a marriage. I should be able to enter into that arrangement with anyone I choose (a sister, my best friend, etc) -- as long as it is 2 consenting adults (so let's not bring in the "what-if-I-want-it-to-be-my-dog argument").

    I think those wanting to legalize gay "marraige" (Yes, I'm married -- in God's eyes. Legally, it should be referred to as a civil union), the above approach makes more sense. Trying to fit that square peg (marriage - Blblical term) into a round hole (civil union - legal rights) just doesn't work.

  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    It's absolutely disgusting that it passed. There is supposed to be a separation of church and state in our government, but that line was crossed with this amendment. It's discriminatory and there are many unclear parts of the amendment.

    I am sick that this amendment passed. Absolutely sick.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Really I don't see a problem with the ban, homosexuality is a personal choice, you can't force the acceptance of your lifestyle on anyone else. 1Cor 6:9-10 sums it up pretty well and for those who argue that there is a seperation of religion and state, you can not leave God out of His own arrangement Gen2:24.

    I know there are many who don't believe or consider God but many of us do so therefore, N.C. voted and the gay rights will not prevail in that state. Feel free to move to any state that will honor a gay marriage.

    Well, you'd be praying for the seperation if somebody was quoting their holy book that wasn't the Bible, right?
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Besides, It isn't like they can cross the boarder...
    How does bisecting a person renting a room change anything?

    Also, please keep the political debates in the groups.

    Oops! Sorry - thought this was in my debating group :smile: Off to restart elsewhere
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Really I don't see a problem with the ban, homosexuality is a personal choice, you can't force the acceptance of your lifestyle on anyone else. 1Cor 6:9-10 sums it up pretty well and for those who argue that there is a seperation of religion and state, you can not leave God out of His own arrangement Gen2:24.

    I know there are many who don't believe or consider God but many of us do so therefore, N.C. voted and the gay rights will not prevail in that state. Feel free to move to any state that will honor a gay marriage.
    I don't think anyone's trying to force people into gay marriage. They just want you to mind your own business.
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