MFP under calorie goal: not a positive announcement



  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Some on my list regularly log up to 1000 below their goal, and that I disapprove of intensely. It is not healthy, and we are not talking people with their daily goal set to maintenance either.
  • sneph650
    sneph650 Posts: 8 Member
    Try not to be too critical folks. Mike and his team have put together a super site here! And it's FREE! I see some of you with just a few dozen posts. Why bother posting if it's all going to be negative on how this program works? This is a very adult web site for weight loss/gain. By that I mean, there is no prescribed diet. You set your own goals.

    I find it curious that starting a discussion about how the site works and how it might work better in the future seems against the norms of the forum. Is this really the case? It's true that I'm brand new around here and it's also true that I have found the site really useful thus far....but does that mean that my constructively critical user feedback is not valued? After having lived in Silicon Valley for many years, having known startup founders and site administrators, user feedback has always been discussed as really important for improving site functionality and design. Not that my particular suggestion is how things should be, but I'd like to share my opinion in the spirit of community. Perhaps it is the case that the reaction to these so-called "negative" posts about "under his/her calorie goal" is an attempt to (over)correct for some of the truly discourteous remarks made at others' expense in other threads?
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    under you calorie goal can be 1 calorie.. or right to the last one.. it doesn't mean that you are way under. i like it. it keeps me motivated. and i like that my friends respond to it.. and when i'm over.. they respond positive as well. doesn't annoy me one bit.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Try not to be too critical folks. Mike and his team have put together a super site here! And it's FREE! I see some of you with just a few dozen posts. Why bother posting if it's all going to be negative on how this program works? This is a very adult web site for weight loss/gain. By that I mean, there is no prescribed diet. You set your own goals.
    There's nothing wrong with suggestions for improvement, though.
    Many of us have had great success with MFP. Will it work for everyone? I'm not sure. But you've got to give it a fair shake. Turn off your feeds and just work the program for YOU. We all know that 1,200 calories is minimum. This has been discussed on these boards over and over again.
    Or, one could leave it in his/her feed, and choose their friends more carefully.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I just love the name poopsnacker123!!!
    Everybody loves a poopsnacker!
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    yeah i mainly hate when peoplele dont have like a proper dinner...they have a drink or coffee...and people are like 'WELL DONE' and i'm like 'UM NO!' this isnt good at all!

    they should look at how close they are to their goal and not assume they've done wel lbecause they're below their goal
    What is a proper dinner?
    Good point. One's total caloric count is more important than when or how they consumed it.
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    MFP is an amazing tool and has helped me tremendously, I'm not dissing the program. I was merely making a commentary about the implied meaning and how they may influence people to go to unhealthy extremes. And if the program could be improved... isn't that a good thing to share user opinions?

    I get that the statement is neutral, but if that is really the case shouldn't it also make the announcement when someone is over their goal? If it's simply a comment on the facts it seems like it should include both sides.

    I really like someone's suggestion about a comment when they are within a % or a few hundred calories of the goal.

    And thank you for the folks who set theirs to maintenance and then do a deficit for sharing how you set it up.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    It really depends on how the person has their MFP goal set up too. I don't use net calories. I target to eat 2400 calories per day every day. MFP has an arbitrary 2040 NET calories as my goal and I'm too lazy to change it because I don't worry about net calories, just calories. I suppose I could change by goal to be 2400 and then never log exercise, but I like logging my exercise because it keeps a record for me of how often, how many minutes and my average burn that I can go back and check my progress.

    As a result I am under every day and it doesn't really mean anything. I eat 2400 calories, burn 600-800 and therefore I am under my calorie goal by that amount. I only allow the (factual) annoucement to go on my newsfeed because most of my friends like the reminder to see my diary. The comments I get have to do with what I ate and how many calories I ate (not netted) so I don't mind.
  • johnstegeman
    johnstegeman Posts: 37 Member
    I love the feature. For the very large like myself, it's all about the weight loss, and staying under leads to weight loss.

    If you're too under for a day, it warns you about that. So I don't see the problem.