Dumbest Fight You Ever Had With Significant Other



  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    This is funny topic... I actually had to think a bit on this one because my beau and I have a lot of silly spats... which do always end up laughing about when all said and done! Most of them are usually about where "I" put something.... I am always blamed for putting "his stuff" where it doesn't belong because I am always cleaning.... um, excuse me for being neat. "Where the bleep did you put my HAT??? GAWWWWD... I can never FIND anyhing in this HOUSE!!! ......I shrugged my shoulders a few times and let him rant a bit and finally...."Dear, you are wearing your hat...... " Yea, that was a good one.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: so awesome :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Here is the thing if what your fighting over is stupid then it's a good thing and it's always entertaining later!
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    just thought of another one. he got me some kind of salad at the zoo a few months ago. i said i didn't want the chicken on it because it looked gray (probably was deep fried and got the gray color when it was put in a refridgerator after that) and i wasn't going to eat it. i put it aside and just ate teh rest of the salad. he got mad and said i was wasting food, what was wrong with it? i said, well you eat it if you think it's so great. of course he didnt!

    :laugh: your guy sounds like me and you sound like my honey.. I would be upset over wasting food, we have had several fights over wasting "perfectly good food" LOL
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    She gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something. I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention.

    I think I dated her too? Freita Felcher...from cranston??
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Ladies, I've read in other posts that when fighting to just start taking your clothes off. My fiancé and I get into lots of silly little riffs, and I have seriously starting doing this. He can't stay mad and he just laughs asking what I'm doing, and bam! Fight is over.
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    Our most common fight goes something like this

    *me really tired*

    Him: Babe, what's wrong?
    Me: Nothing. I'm just tired.
    Him: NO, you're NOT just tired! You sighed. That means something is wrong.
    Me: SERIOUSLY! Nothing is wrong! I didn't sigh! I'm just tired!
    Him: You DID sigh! Why won't you tell me what's wrong?!
    Me: OMG! You are so annoying! NOTHING IS WRONG!

    *Complete Blowout*
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    My fiance and I once argued about where Sean Connery was from. He was so sure that he was from London England when i said no...he was from Scotland. The fight became a silent treatment until I had access to the internet so I could google the response and prove that I was right.
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    Our dumbest fights always surround playing video games together, lol. We both turn into 13 year old Xbox boys screaming "Whatever, you ****ing gaywad!" at each other if a game gets particularly heated. So dumb, soooo dumb :)

    I can totally relate. I almost stotted (if anyone doesn't know what this means it's throw with A LOT of force) my xbox controller off my boyfriends head when play Mortal Kombat against each other.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    We don't "fight", we disagree. And we disagree over dumb stuff all the time. Usually it's about remembering things accurately and on occasion, who gets the Xbox.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    Ladies, I've read in other posts that when fighting to just start taking your clothes off. My fiancé and I get into lots of silly little riffs, and I have seriously starting doing this. He can't stay mad and he just laughs asking what I'm doing, and bam! Fight is over.

    I end up doing this if I get over-heated when I am upset..LOL gonna be a copycat Em ♥
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    when my ex husband and i were dating, we had our first major blow out over a movie trailer. it showed military planes, that according to him, werent not specific to that time period. im like, so what, who cares, its not a documentary. its hollywood. its fiction. its fun. oh no,having a C-130 in a movie taking place in the 1940s was no laughing matter to him. i wound up walking out and heading back to my apartment... in my socks. =)

    later we made up. watched the movie we rented.
    "Leaving Las Vegas". talk about a real pick-me-up. =)
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    We have regular arguments over who is better:

    Iron Man vs Captain American
    Iron Man vs Batman

    My partner really likes Iron Man :laugh:
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    when my ex husband and i were dating, we had our first major blow out over a movie trailer. it showed military planes, that according to him, werent not specific to that time period. im like, so what, who cares, its not a documentary. its hollywood. its fiction. its fun. oh no,having a C-130 in a movie taking place in the 1940s was no laughing matter to him. i wound up walking out and heading back to my apartment... in my socks. =)

    later we made up. watched the movie we rented.
    "Leaving Las Vegas". talk about a real pick-me-up. =)

    LOL Men, when they are sure of something ..well they are just like ME and DON'T give up !!
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    We have regular arguments over who is better:

    Iron Man vs Captain American
    Iron Man vs Batman

    My partner really likes Iron Man :laugh:

    LOL AWESOME FIGHT TO HAVE!!! Wonder Woman is best in my book.. I dig Iron Man too
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Getting WiFi at the house. Seriously. We had a HUGE blowup over it that lasted for days, and we didn't even sleep in the same bed for about two weeks. Dumbest thing. Ever.
  • BrittRae12
    BrittRae12 Posts: 27
    we argued yesterday as he bought me FULL FAT WHIPPED CREAM YOGHURTS i wanted 0% fat free.... we had a hell of a bust up...LOL it's ever so funny thinking about it. How sad are we!! LOL

    haha I can totally relate! He got me a crispy chicken salad instead of a grilled... or he bought white bread instead of wheat haha. craziness.
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    We have regular arguments over who is better:

    Iron Man vs Captain American
    Iron Man vs Batman

    My partner really likes Iron Man :laugh:

    LOL AWESOME FIGHT TO HAVE!!! Wonder Woman is best in my book.. I dig Iron Man too

    We have it any time we watch any movie with any of those characters in or if I'm reading a comic with those characters, and we have the same fight every time!
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    The very first major fight I had with Mr Cheesefries was over salad dressing. I was moving into a different apartment and realized that he had accumulated 32 bottles of dressing in my old place's fridge. I refused to move all of them, and draaaaaamaaaaa ensued.
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    Anyone else get into arguments during some sort of DIY project?

    My boyfriend is pretty useless at this sort of thing but is too manly to admit it so he just gets angry and says the whatever it is he's building isn't made right. He never looks at the instructions which doesn't help and lacks common sense when he gets annoyed.

    I'm calmer with these things (and quite enjoy building something flat-pack, it's quite sad), so I think it frustrates him even more when I tell him to get out of the way and I do it properly.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    We have regular arguments over who is better:

    Iron Man vs Captain American
    Iron Man vs Batman

    My partner really likes Iron Man :laugh:

    LOL AWESOME FIGHT TO HAVE!!! Wonder Woman is best in my book.. I dig Iron Man too

    We have it any time we watch any movie with any of those characters in or if I'm reading a comic with those characters, and we have the same fight every time!

    my boyfriend doesn't read comics like I do so I am in awe of a fight over such things :flowerforyou:
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    We have regular arguments over who is better:

    Iron Man vs Captain American
    Iron Man vs Batman

    My partner really likes Iron Man :laugh:

    LOL AWESOME FIGHT TO HAVE!!! Wonder Woman is best in my book.. I dig Iron Man too

    We have it any time we watch any movie with any of those characters in or if I'm reading a comic with those characters, and we have the same fight every time!

    my boyfriend doesn't read comics like I do so I am in awe of a fight over such things :flowerforyou:

    See my boyfriend only really read Marvel stuff so when it comes to the Batman fight he hasn't got a leg to stand on because I read both. He takes a lot of his knowledge from cartoons too :laugh: