pseudo science and weight loss BS



  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    the only "natural high" I get after exercising, is that I'm so happy it's over!

    Runners high is better than an orgasm.

    Glad I'm thinking about starting to jog then. :laugh:
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    "GMO is bad for you" :laugh:

    I have asked people 'why' a few times, and nobody has ever replied... funny that!

    Because it sounds all scary and sciency? And like, science is bad, and stuff.

    Reminds me of people posting ingredient lists, thinking it must all be "bad" because they don't know what it is. Someone actually included "sodium bicarbonate" as a "scary" ingredient. Yep. Baking soda sure is awful.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Here's my list:

    Ordinary people can easily be put into "starvation mode."

    Everyone must eat breakfast

    Everyone should eat six meals a day.

    Everyone should eat even if s/he is not hungry.

    Everyone must eat a certain minimum of calories regardless of their height, bone structure, sex, age or activity level.

    If you are gaining weight, or at least not losing, the first thing you should do is increase your calories.

    Everyone needs to exercise the same way without regard to their goals.

    Working with weights doesn't make you bigger, and that if you are concerned about your silhouette it doesn't matter what kind of exercise you do.*

    You will never be hungry while dieting even if you are consuming a number of calories far fewer than what you are accustomed to eating.

    People who have maintained their weight well into middle age all have magical metabolisms

    Computer applications can flawlessly instruct you on what you need to do without your needing to make observations and judgments.

    *I'm pro weight work for women. I'm anti their being told that they will never get bigger and will all end up looking like well-proportioned fitness models.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    "GMO is bad for you" :laugh:

    I have asked people 'why' a few times, and nobody has ever replied... funny that!

    Because it sounds all scary and sciency? And like, science is bad, and stuff.

    Reminds me of people posting ingredient lists, thinking it must all be "bad" because they don't know what it is. Someone actually included "sodium bicarbonate" as a "scary" ingredient. Yep. Baking soda sure is awful.

    I don't think we've had enough experience with GMO to know whether or not it's healthy. Take a stroll through food safety history, it's not pretty. If possible, I do avoid modified foods. I also try to avoid milk and meat that were produced with hormones. The problem with high fructose corn syrup is its ubiquity. It's difficult to avoid.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    "GMO is bad for you" :laugh:

    I have asked people 'why' a few times, and nobody has ever replied... funny that!

    When they're doing things like breeding insecticide genes into the corn without doing any long term studies on its effects on humans, I have to wonder if that's really a myth.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    "GMO is bad for you" :laugh:

    I have asked people 'why' a few times, and nobody has ever replied... funny that!

    When they're doing things like breeding insecticide genes into the corn without doing any long term studies on its effects on humans, I have to wonder if that's really a myth.

    Aaaack! Good Lord I need to go research this.
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    "GMO is bad for you" :laugh:

    I have asked people 'why' a few times, and nobody has ever replied... funny that!

    When they're doing things like breeding insecticide genes into the corn without doing any long term studies on its effects on humans, I have to wonder if that's really a myth.

    Aaaack! Good Lord I need to go research this.

  • saraht131
    saraht131 Posts: 86
    I had a coworker tell me the other day that he has a friend who swears he builds muscle best by following this nightly routine: Lift weights, eat 50 grams of protein, watch 30 minutes of porn, go to bed. I laughed in the guys face... he swears it's because watching porn pumps in testosterone that will build muscle while you sleep. lol

    So this is why my fiancé finds it much easier to lose weight than I do!
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    "GMO is bad for you" :laugh:

    I have asked people 'why' a few times, and nobody has ever replied... funny that!

    Because it sounds all scary and sciency? And like, science is bad, and stuff.

    Reminds me of people posting ingredient lists, thinking it must all be "bad" because they don't know what it is. Someone actually included "sodium bicarbonate" as a "scary" ingredient. Yep. Baking soda sure is awful.

    It is possible that they use chemicals to do the GMO.

    We all know that chemicals give you cancer.

    ...but we're all going to die pretty soon anyway. Dihydrogen monoxide is an additive in practially everything, and it has been shown to cause cancer. 100% of cancer patients were found to have a significant amount of dihydrogen monoxide in their diet. Heart disease patients too. And diabetics.
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    Organic is better and healthier and chemical free *AGHGGH*

    Organic just means using chemicals derived from plant sources rather than mineral (digging up dirt and rocks) sources. We can't create molecules out of nothing. It has to come from somewhere and then be modified. Lots of plants are naturally offensive to bugs (think citronella candles, it comes from a grass). So there's a good chance a gene from a plant that repels bugs was bread into some corn.

    Think about things all the way people.

    "GMO is bad for you" :laugh:

    I have asked people 'why' a few times, and nobody has ever replied... funny that!

    When they're doing things like breeding insecticide genes into the corn without doing any long term studies on its effects on humans, I have to wonder if that's really a myth.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I had a coworker tell me the other day that he has a friend who swears he builds muscle best by following this nightly routine: Lift weights, eat 50 grams of protein, watch 30 minutes of porn, go to bed. I laughed in the guys face... he swears it's because watching porn pumps in testosterone that will build muscle while you sleep. lol
    Broscience at its best! :laugh:
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    I actually purchased some expensive "firming" lotion a couple years back for my legs/thighs.

    It's actually cheaper for me to take 7 spin classes than buy the lotion
    that didn't work.
    Toned legs plus I get healthier in the process.

    I was so stupid. Live and learn right?
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    ...but we're all going to die pretty soon anyway. Dihydrogen monoxide is an additive in practially everything, and it has been shown to cause cancer. 100% of cancer patients were found to have a significant amount of dihydrogen monoxide in their diet. Heart disease patients too. And diabetics.

    Hehe. Oh noes! Not the dihydrogen monoxide! :noway:

    I think everybody needs to take a read of this site, before it's too late -
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member

    I don't think we've had enough experience with GMO to know whether or not it's healthy. Take a stroll through food safety history, it's not pretty. If possible, I do avoid modified foods. I also try to avoid milk and meat that were produced with hormones. The problem with high fructose corn syrup is its ubiquity. It's difficult to avoid.

    There are reasonable concerns around GMOs, especially regarding biodiversity and the tactics of companies like Monsanto. I'm in to whole foods, too, so I understand where you're coming from. For sure more research should be done, but at present, there's no (unbiased) data to suggest the GMOs pose a significant risk, so I'm personally not going to freak out about it. I'd also encourage people to look in to the work of the late Norman Boraug, who's credited with saving literally over 1 BILLION people through the use of GMO. TL;DR version is that he was a scientist who would go and live in areas where people were starving to death, study the area, then genetically modify crops that could flourish in the conditions there.
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Eating chilli speeds up your metabolism. BS - my partner's family are from Nigeria and they can eat some serious amount of pure CHILLI, with everything - but they still have a huge *kitten* and belly to match!

    I eat chilli all the time - cos I like it hot! Why am I on MFP again!!! clearly I shouldn't need to be! haha

  • Shells06
    Shells06 Posts: 109 Member
    Edited to add the quote I was talking about... Is it time to go home yet???

    "The Shake Weight will bring all the boys to your yard...

    ...Oh, wait...that may be true."

    Hahahahaha :laugh: this made me laugh so hard!
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    Dihydrogen monoxide?! Why that sounds even scarier than sodium bicarbonate! LOL
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Zaggora pants, fat suits will sweat you skinny.

    I you just lie on a toning table it's as good as going for a run or lifting weights, similar for vibration plates.

    Those slender-tone thingies that you stick on your stomach will give you a 6 pack.

    hahaha. x
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    An overweight co-worker of mine was told by her doctor that she was the 'good kind' of overweight (?) and should just abstain from eating breads, rices and noodles to lose weight because for her body type that would be the best diet. Fast forward to a year later of denying herself of breads, rices and noodles.....yep you guessed it, she's still fat (may have even gained). But her doctor is still telling her not to worry because it's still the 'good kind of overweight' so just keep up with the low carb no breads. WTF

    ***I think by good kind of overweight the doctor is referring to the fact she carries it all in her butt, legs and arms...doesn't have a huge gut. But still overweight is overweight and she is big!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I moderate a general advice site (primarily geared toward dating advice but people ask all kinds of questions) and based on what I've seen on this site the worst fitness "myths" are perpetuated by females who are already at a healthy weight with a nice body looking to lose even more weight (because nothing bigger than size 0 will do and apparently if you have any shape to your body at all you might as well be obese) and males who dream of becoming MMA champions. The fact that the site's user base is primarily teens doesn't help.

    EDIT: One of my favorites is girls/women who try to get fit and lose fat by doing ab-specific calisthenics and calling it a day. They'll do some crunches as their only form of exercise and wonder why they're not losing the muffin top. GEE I WONDER...