Lasik Surgery?



  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member

    Please don't share your opinions on it if you haven't actually had it - no offense meant just want real testimonials.

    I haven't actually had it but a close friend of mine has, if I share his experience and what he has told me about it, does that fall out from your "real testimonials" category?

    Hmm Can't tell if you're being a ***** or asking me a real question....

    WOW, hahahaha.
    I was actually asking a real question, I didn't know if you'd want second-hand experience or not? But okay!

    Sorry Colie - please don't take it personal. I've read quite a few nasty comments from people on this site so I went into Ninja Mode when I read that. Any experience you know of is helpful! I didn't really explain what I was looking for too well - I meant I didn't want opinions from people who didn't have it or know of anyone who had it and just felt like throwing a comment in.

    Oh, no, don't worry, I didn't. I know how some people can be on here but if I made it sound like I was being a ***** I'm sorry! I just read your initial posting and it said not to share your experience but I'm close friends with someone that had it done and I didn't know if you'd want that? But now that that is clear :smile:
    My friend Dan had it done, at first he wasn't sure what to think, he was in pain you could tell. He had it done about two years ago and he is glad he did it. He doesn't have to wear his glasses and can see great! He had both eyes done, I don't know if that matters.
    Just be sure to get a good doctor! Eyes are a big thing to have to worry about having a "low star" doctor work on you!
  • mbcasey2009
    mbcasey2009 Posts: 52 Member
    I had mine done in January of 2006. I still don't have 20/20 vision but it's pretty close. I was legally blind before, so I'll take it! I had (and still have) very dry eyes (they wanted to actually plug my tear ducts because my eyes were taking a while to heal, they were so dry,) but they healed fine. Still I carry a bottle of drops with me. I wear glasses when I drive or at night or when my eyes are tired. I only had a couple blood spots in my eyes but they faded. I would do it again!! Good luck in your decision!
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Just hit one year after having it done and it was the best decision ever. I only had to have one eye done though. I did my research and went to a guy who basically founded Lasik and has done something like 60,000 surgeries so I felt pretty confident he knew his stuff.

    Please please PLEASE make sure you go to someone reputable! ASK for recommendations and do NOT base your decision on price ie: go to the cheapest person.

    Also you will need to get an examination from the place you choose to go to in order to see if you're actually a candidate for the surgery.

    I will do my research - promise. :flowerforyou:

    I had a free consult once with TLC but it was a while back. Do you recall what the place was that you used?
  • alana1966
    alana1966 Posts: 34
    I had it done in 2000 at the age of 31 - eyes weren't too terribly bad, but had to wear contacts or glasses all the time. After, eyes were better than 20/20, could see the clock the next morning! It took 20 minutes for both eyes. Back to work in a few days, shopping the next day (with sunglasses). Best thing I EVER DID. Not very costly anymore either. Now, 12 years later, I just had to get some reading glasses for the computer, but still fine for everything else - watching TV, driving, etc. (everyone gets farsighted with age, even those who have had Lasik).
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I was one of the first patients in the U.S. to have it done for far-sighted people & my vision is worse now than it was before the surgery - I'm back in glassed.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    He said he was only under the laser for a few minutes, maybe about 15, it was very fast and the doctor talked to him the entire time telling him what he was doing but he couldn't see anything because they make your vision black (I don't know if that's the same everywhere or not). A few hours later he could see a tiny tiny bit but it was mostly fuzzy/blurry. He had pain but it wasn't too bad, he said it's like having a headache in your eyes.

    If you do decide to do it, I wish you the best of luck!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Just hit one year after having it done and it was the best decision ever. I only had to have one eye done though. I did my research and went to a guy who basically founded Lasik and has done something like 60,000 surgeries so I felt pretty confident he knew his stuff.

    Please please PLEASE make sure you go to someone reputable! ASK for recommendations and do NOT base your decision on price ie: go to the cheapest person.

    Also you will need to get an examination from the place you choose to go to in order to see if you're actually a candidate for the surgery.

    I will do my research - promise. :flowerforyou:

    I had a free consult once with TLC but it was a while back. Do you recall what the place was that you used?

    It was TLC. Highly recommend them. The only thing though is that even though you get the lasik done you have to get regular eye exams. You need to go for your one day, one week, one month, three month, six month, one year (all of those should be free) and after that you have to go to the eye doctor for your yearly eye exam in order for the "warranty" to remain active. If you miss one yearly appointment the warranty is invalid.
  • Ruthy420
    Ruthy420 Posts: 41 Member
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    I had it in 2004. I made the decision because I had horrible astigmatisms and glasses and contacts were very expensive. I paid $2,500 for the surgery and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

    My eye sight was so bad I couldn't consider ever going without corrective lenses. I would read books like Lord of the Flys and hav ea panic attack when Piggy lost his glasses. I felt it held me back in life.

    So I had the surgery and I swear, maybe I am nuts, but it has made me more adventurous. I sometimes forget how I felt very limited by the lenses.

    It was scarey - and I even had complications (allergic to the numbing drops) but it was still one of the best decisions I ever made.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I dream of the day I can roll over and actual see the time on my phone without glasses or doing some serious squinting.

    I cant enjoy swimming because I'm freaked out that my contact will wash away. Showers are annoying because either I'm a crazy person or my eyes are sensitive so I'm always wiping my eyes off.

    Contacts piss me off. When they are working well - they are a little gift from baby Jesus but when they are being wacky it can ruin a perfectly good day. I've had nothing but issues and finally just switched over to daily lenses.

    Would like to not poke myself in the eye on a daily basis.

  • Slhuth
    Slhuth Posts: 43 Member
    I had this done 14 yrs. ago....BEST money I ever spent...Absolutely NO regrets. I since had an enhancement done on my left eye last aug. due to mild changes(after 13yrs) but still recommend it...Best of luck if you go thru with it!!

    I also went to TLC....they are great!!
  • alana1966
    alana1966 Posts: 34
    There should be NO pain - they put drops in your eyes to freeze them, and sedatives are really not necessary. Just lay back and enjoy the quick little light show! Your eyes water a lot right after - I just went to bed right away, woke up in the middle of the night feeling just fine.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I had it done in 2002. Best investment I have made so far!
  • CarrieBeard
    CarrieBeard Posts: 117 Member
    I wish I had done it sooner!!!!
    Get the best Dr. you can find. As for step by step description of process. makes it less scary.
    AND YES... 100 times over... I would do it again!
    I was legally blind. It is wonderful to see the clock in the middle of the night. to swim, to run,... no more glasses fogging up..

    I still have dry eyes.... BUT I had them BEFORE the surgery!

    My advice... DO IT!
  • elly_bean83
    elly_bean83 Posts: 48 Member
    I did it just over a year ago. Best decision ever! My eyes weren't terrible but bad enough. I had worn contacts for so many years I was getting to the point where I could no longer wear them...and I've always hated wearing glasses! The procedure was quick, less than 10 minutes for me, and it didn't hurt but there was definitely pressure on the eyes when they had the suction cup thing on it. Not painful..just more awkward maybe?

    I did experience some dry eyes afterwards but really it was just a matter of finding which eye drops worked the best for me. I used them a couple of times a day for about 8 months. I still use them but just once, in the morning when I first wake it's hardly a burden. The benefits definitely outweigh any of the negatives, in my experience.
  • UnderConstructionLuis
    Just wondering if any of my fellow MFPers have had Lasik Surgery? Looking to get a sense if people are happy with their decision or feel they made a wrong choice.

    I have TERRIBLE vision and plan on getting Lasik in the next few years.

    Please don't share your opinions on it if you haven't actually had it - no offense meant just want real testimonials.

    I had lasik done a few years ago and am very glad i did. My eyesite was terrible.....but not anymore. My vision has been fantstic ever since. Just research where you are going. Find out about how many procedures the doctor has performed. Good luck!
  • MissMollieD
    MissMollieD Posts: 130
    I've had it, and I love having it done. I highly recommend it. There are actually two kinds of laser correction surgery Lasik or PRK. Not to be too graphic, but Lasik, they cut a "flap" on your eye (like the bulging part where your cornea is) and they pull it back, and then place it back when the surgery is complete. PRK is when they take the flap off complete. It takes about 3 days for it regrow and you can't see for those 3 days. The military usually get this type because they believe it is less likely to get infected (though there hasn't been any proof either way).

    So if you get the Lasik type, you can see within hours of having the surgery, the PRK it takes a couple days. I had Lasik done, and they used a blade to cut the flap. Most places use the bladeless (another laser) to cut the flap. They give you a anti-anxiety pill prior and they hold your head in place. They also have eye lid restraints so you don't blink. It takes between 10-30 seconds for each eye depending on how bad your correction is. You'll get steroids and antibiotic eye drops to take for the next couple of weeks. They encourage you to go home and sleep to keep your eyes moist.

    Also, the place I went to had free financing which was nice. And a lifetime warranty. So you will go in like a month after surgery and have an eye test done and find out your new vision. If your vision deteriorates again, you can have the procedure done again at no cost to you.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Just hit one year after having it done and it was the best decision ever. I only had to have one eye done though. I did my research and went to a guy who basically founded Lasik and has done something like 60,000 surgeries so I felt pretty confident he knew his stuff.

    Please please PLEASE make sure you go to someone reputable! ASK for recommendations and do NOT base your decision on price ie: go to the cheapest person.

    Also you will need to get an examination from the place you choose to go to in order to see if you're actually a candidate for the surgery.

    I will do my research - promise. :flowerforyou:

    I had a free consult once with TLC but it was a while back. Do you recall what the place was that you used?

    It was TLC. Highly recommend them. The only thing though is that even though you get the lasik done you have to get regular eye exams. You need to go for your one day, one week, one month, three month, six month, one year (all of those should be free) and after that you have to go to the eye doctor for your yearly eye exam in order for the "warranty" to remain active. If you miss one yearly appointment the warranty is invalid.

    The lad who did my consult said they were guaranteed for life as long as I followed yadda yadda yadda (she probably told me what you just said) - which to me sounded pretty freaking awesome. If / when I get it I will be on top of everything I need to do so I don't void out the warranty.

  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    My eyes are extremely hypersensitive. The two Valium beforehand helped immensely!
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I had it in 2004. I made the decision because I had horrible astigmatisms and glasses and contacts were very expensive. I paid $2,500 for the surgery and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

    My eye sight was so bad I couldn't consider ever going without corrective lenses. I would read books like Lord of the Flys and hav ea panic attack when Piggy lost his glasses. I felt it held me back in life.

    So I had the surgery and I swear, maybe I am nuts, but it has made me more adventurous. I sometimes forget how I felt very limited by the lenses.

    It was scarey - and I even had complications (allergic to the numbing drops) but it was still one of the best decisions I ever made.

    I feel the contacts / glasses hold me back to!! Glad I'm not the ony one.