30 day shred getting a bad rep...



  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I have some pretty major knee issues and have done both 30DS and RI30 in the last 2 months- I use "jumper braces" a little black band of a brace that goes under the knee cap. Be sure that your form is absolutly perfect- this is far more important then going "deep" in to the motion. Also- remove the jumps as those are so hard on your knees- keep the jump rope low barley off the ground, and smaller movement with the jumping jacks. If you can get through this it is a GREAT work out- Ilost 30 inches on 30DS and finsh RI30 tomorrow so will measure after that!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Any exercise is good exercise and the shred really shouldn't be given a bad rap. I think for the most part some moves are too advanced & people tend to jump right in without warming up.

    Maybe you need to make sure your body is warmed up first as well as modify for your level to ensure you don't suffer any injuries.

    If not, then try some other exercises that work best for your body. :)
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I was ahving a bit of knee pain until I realzied I was doing them wrong. The lunge is supposed to be more like how you go to sit down. (sticking your butt out more than anything) It's a little strange when you start doing it this way, but it's a lot less stress on the knees.
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    Thanks guys for all the replies. I guess I'll just modify the best I can or do squats instead of the side lunges. I really don't want to give it up b/c I have seen some amazing before and afters on here. Again thank you all so much for your comments and input on this. I am really glad to see that its not just me but that you all as well are pushing through on it !! :)
  • marisajoycash
    marisajoycash Posts: 8 Member
    I had the same problem, my left knee started getting sore on about the 5th day then my right knee started when I started lvl two, I had to just stop because I could hardly get out of a chair. that was about 3 months ago. I recently started it again I'm on day three of lvl one and so far so good. but I have lost weight and started strength training since last time so we'll see.
  • lowbpoint
    lowbpoint Posts: 20 Member

    you want to keep the knee back when it is bent so you have a 90 degree angle on your leg

    If the knee is pushing forward it strains it and is absolutely not good.

    Sit back farther in the squat, really put your butt behind you, don't thrust your hips forward even though it feels like you'll get more balance it is terrible for the knees...

    This is for every kind of squat

    this needs repeated. it is so "instinctual" to put your knee in front of your foot when squatting down that in my opinion it takes a lot of effort and concentration to really make sure that doesnt happen during the squat like activities. even if you have to go slow, or get a cheap o plastic full length mirror to work next to. or even if it means youre not squatting down very far at all. i am on day 19 although I have been mixed up the levels as I go. I know i really have to pay attention to my knee during squats. I turn sideways and watch my form in a mirror to make sure butt is out and back is straight and knee never comes forward.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    I am 25 days in and never had any knee problems. I did however have excruciatingly painful calves from around day 8 til about day 13.
  • glowbugg
    glowbugg Posts: 12
    Am i the only one where the 30 Day Shred is fixing my knee problem? I've had a bad right knee for several years and after having a baby 9 months ago, both my knees ache if i leave them bent at an angle for too long. But i started doing the Shred and the pain is starting to go away and my right knee doesn't crack as much as it did when i go up the stairs.

    I will say, though, that my left knee started to make cracking noises, the first few days after i started 30DS, every time i went up the stairs. But it's gone away now. Maybe bad form and i fixed that?

    My (pre-existing) knee problems are getting better too. The first few days 30DS was really hard on my knees and I had to keep putting ice on them after working out. After about a week it started getting less painful. I modified moves that were still too hard and also got better shoes which helped even more. By level 2 there is still some knee pain about half way through the workout but not as bad and it's slowly improving.
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    Yup I have arthritis in my knees and I have to super-duper pay attention to FORM during all squats and lunges. It's all about sticking your booty out in squats, and trying to go vertically straight down with the back leg in lunges.

    Hope that makes sense!
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    I found even when I was doing it with the correct form (knee not extending beyond the toe, in 90 deg angle) it was hurting if I tried to go deep by doing advanced moves. I had to keep the squat and lunge movements at the beg level. No issues since I started this. I've done the shred twice.
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    I have been doing the 30 DS for several months without any problem. I suspect that people who are having knee problems are either not maintaining the correct form or had pre-existing knee issues. Jillian says you push out your butt - if you do this, you will achieve the right form.

    I finished the Shred a month ago without any problems. I worked on correct form because I did not want any injuries at my age (60). I expected muscles to be sore after starting each new level, but only lasted a few days.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    The first time I did Level 1, I used the free online trial video on YouTube. I didn't have. I didn't have captions and thus did not understand anything Jullian said. That's a mixed blessing. My knees hurt! I took a week off while I ordered and waited for the DVD (living abroad). This time I watched the entire video without doing the exercises and paid attention to form. I didnt have any problems. Having said that, I did modify some moves and some moves I did less repetitions at first and then built my way up. For example, on the jumprope, I couldn't handle that at first. I would jump maybe 10 times and switch to marching in place. Now I'm at the end of Level 2 and ready to start Level 3 later today and I can do every repetition of the single jump rope moves.

    I have a lot less to lose and still had to modify. My body needed time to increase strength in those areas. I definitely learned how important form was. As for people with prior knee problems, I wouldn't pick this video. If you don't have a history of knee problems, I would also listen to your body and change things and build up. Don't be afraid to have a rest day periodically. Your body benefits from that rest time.

    My issue is I now have a click in my shoulder. It isn't hurting but I've never had the click and don't know what contributed to it.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    It's the side to side motions that bothered my knees. In fact, I injured myself quite a bit and had to stop all exercise for two weeks. Haven't been back to the shred since. The jumping jacks actually bothered my knees quite a bit - I think too much downward pressure on my knees when my feet weren't exactly under them.

    This is for me too. I'm taking a break from it and just going to do my own strength training circuit and my treadmill until my knee is better and then maybe try it again at a later date with a brace on it to see if thst helps.
  • ThinMint_Stac
    ThinMint_Stac Posts: 59 Member
    it was the jumping jacks that hurt my knee!!! i just jump straight up and swing my arms normal:)
  • dubznibb
    dubznibb Posts: 1
    ive been having the same problem! i finished day 5 of level 1 but ever since i started my left knee and ankle have been killing me. i was in such a sad mood yesterday bcos i was on week 8 of C25k and was soo excited about finishing it but i havent been able to run since.
    so i decided to quit it and rest for a while then start another exercise program like insanity or jst pilates.
    and it wasnt bcos i wasnt doing the squats or side lunges in good form. i put a mirror infront of me to make sure i was doing them right. butt out and all. i guess ive got weak knees =/