Do you remember your first kiss?



  • xlolitabandita
    I was 14 and my very first boyfriend was walking me to class, and he just kissed me. We're both 22 now, and still really good friends. =]
  • Jackie82782
    I absolutely do! I was 12 and my first boyrfriend michael jumped off his dads truck and laid one on me! What is really crazy is that the man I am marrying is also named Michael..
  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member
    i also remember the feeling best of whiskey in my fire.....mmmmmm
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Vividly. I was 12, he was 14. It still makes me smile.
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    He asked me out i said yes because I felt bad... and then he kissed me with so much tounge i thought id choke... ekkkk
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    My VERY first kiss was at 12, during a game of Truth or Dare and happened to be my big brothers best friend! lol Neither one of us knew what we were doing and it didnt help that everyone else there was laughing at us. The first one that REALLY counted was a few years later. I was 15 and it was with my first true love. I will never ever ever ever forget that moment. It turned into a 2 hour make-out session, lol. It was absolutely wonderful. Not many kisses have lived up to that first one...but then, no one other man has lived up to my first love either. He will forever be the mold I measure all men against! lol
  • mjlobeau
    mjlobeau Posts: 28 Member
    ewww i unfortunately remember
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Yep, I was 18 and it was my future husband at his parent's house for his 21st birthday party. I was so embarrassed after he kissed me that I ran away and hid in the bathroom for 15 minutes. We still laugh about it today! He was so shocked when I just took off. Poor guy. lol

    I've never been kissed on the lips but I was kissed on the cheek and I sprinted off too because it was so embarrassing. At least your relationship worked out though (mine didn't)!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    1996 - I changed his name to my teddy bear's name cause well... its his business too.

    We were sitting in pitch black in his pickup. It was almost midnight. Summertime in Louisiana. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt and most of his jaw-length hair was tied back out of his eyes. I loved the space between his nose and his top lip. I always focused my eyes there when I felt too naked to look him in the eyes. I felt love. It was tangible and strong. I felt whole.

    I smelled the leather of the seats, I smelled his cologne and his sweat and his cigarette, dangling lazily from his fingertips on the steering wheel. I smelled the wilting flower behind my ear; a weed like a daisy. The radio was quietly playing Glycerine, by BUSH. I remembered every word and sang them to myself. My long legs awkwardly turned toward him, one knee pulled up on the seat. I was nervous and that was unusual when we were together.

    I picked at the frayed edges of the picnic blanket on the seat between us. It had been an amazing day, spent lying in the sunshine together, the sun baking us. We'd passed the wine bottle back and forth and our laughter echoed through the sun-faded field.

    It was strange to spend hours wrestling with someone as kids and now finding yourself a little too aware of any physical contact and what it might mean. There was a thrill in it. I found myself holding my breath when I was at the center of his attention. I noticed myself looking at him differently, feeling that undeniable attraction. He was still himself but there was a different side of our friendship trying hard to solidify at this very moment. I'd never felt this way before. Never. I was helpless against him. Helpless, innocent and truly happy.

    His head laid back lazily against the headrest and his eyes bored into mine. Green; green and so intense. He had a way of pulling me closer without touching me or saying anything. To anyone on the outside, we looked like the eternal bad boy and the innocent small town girl. The wolf and the lamb. I sat there beside him in the dark cabin of his truck. I looked up and met his stare with an indulgent and patronizing white flag. This was always a game to him. Who had the integrity to stop themselves from looking away first? Who was comfortable enough to bare their soul to someone else without distraction? He knew he would never break first, but I faced him anyway so I could watch him bare his soul to me. He laughed at my pitiful resignation.

    “You never take me serious, babe.”

    “I do. I've just gotten used to it. That's the only way you look at me, anymore. It's when you don't look, that I worry.”

    It was so good to see him like this, with perfect calm on his face. Though he'd just graduated in spring, I still had two years left, so we were enjoying our time in the summer together as much as possible before I had to go back to school. Before he would start working at the mechanic shop. I didn't want to think about the end of summer rapidly approaching. He'd been playful and happy all day long. He leaned just a fraction of an inch closer. The laughter was gone and only a smirk was there, now. Barely noticeable. Arrogant. He looked right into me. I never felt more exposed than when he was looking at me and saying nothing. He wasn't judging you when he stared me down like this, it was just the only way he could ever communicate what he was feeling.

    He reached down and pulled my ankles up over his knee. I settled down further in my seat and he mimicked me, sliding down further in his. We were leaning against the doors facing each other, now. He held my flip-flop hostage while sticking his boots up near my nose. I laughed and shoved him away, lunged at my shoe- which he was now dangling out the window behind him. I yanked off one of his boots and tossed it out the back window and into the bed of the truck. But he never changed the look on his face. Calm, intrigued and always arrogant. Catching me by my braid when I tried to crawl over him to reach out the window, he pushed me back against my door, holding me there with his bootless foot against my ribs. He held up a finger telling me to stay on my side of the truck. He crossed his arms and settled back down. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh, but he started wiggling his toes against my stomach, tickling me.

    “Woman. Would you sit still and listen to me for a minute? Damn.” He winked at me and then did something he'd never done before. He pulled me back over to him, sitting me in his lap, his right thumb rubbing gently back forth behind my elbow. It caught me by surprise to be in his lap with his arms closing around me. My heart was fluttering in my chest like the sound of a hummingbird through a bullhorn. He was warm and I wanted to wrap myself completely in him. He'd never held me like this before. My body loved him as much as my heart and my mind. I realized I loved him. I mean, I always knew I loved him, but I was in love with him, too. I knew it at that moment. There would never be anyone for me but Max. I did my best to put on my serious face and let him have his moment. But I felt like I was falling, and fast.

    His eyes were warm tonight. Soft. Thoughtful. Less cocky than normal. My face always reflected what I could find when he stared at me so he was pleased when I smiled back. I knew he was showing me that he loved me. That was the only way Max felt he could tell me something honestly; by feeling it hard enough that I could see it. My heart exploded in my chest.

    Then his eyes got darker and his smile changed. I couldn't read his eyes anymore.

    “What?” I stared back at him, unsure of what I saw; he looked down at my hair, twisting the long braid over my shoulder. We were so close, and the heat in the truck just intensified everything that was making my insides shiver.

    “You know what.”

    It was a statement, not a question. His fingertips deliberately twirled the tip of my hair in circles. It set me shivering, again. I heard him singing along with the radio quietly. I thought I was going to spontaneously combust.

    His voice was almost a whisper but he emphasized certain random lyrics that he felt deserved his attention at the moment. He was never in a hurry when we were together. He was perfectly content to lose himself in his own mind while he held me. The cicadas were humming and crickets chirped in the field behind us. His headlights lit up the forest tunnel of the dusty country back road. Old wooden fences, coated by years of mold and moss and mud blended with the forest behind them. My young heart was now thunder in my chest. The day's sunburn and the darkness surrounding us hid the deep blush on my face. The air was thick with moisture and my hair was clinging to my neck and forehead. I could taste the sheen of sweat on my skin when I bit my top lip.

    When he looked at me again, his eyes were full of fire and then his mouth was on mine.

    My first kiss. It carried me away in a blaze. It was urgent and wild. I felt it.

    sigh.... you should hear me reminisce about losing my virginity...
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    One night my friend and I went out to the bar. I saw a guy at the pool table who looked a lot like the guy I used to flirt with in high school. (my high school boyfriend hated him) It was him! There was a blonde standing next to him but that didn't stop me. I walked over to him and took his hat. He asked for it back and I asked what are you going to do for it?". He dropped the blonde and left the bar with me. Just outside the bar we had our first kiss. I will never forget that feeling.

    Now 17 years later we are still married and have 3 kids. He was not my first kiss but he is the one that can still melt my heart and give me butterflies whenever he kisses me :heart:
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    nope, cause it hasn't happened yet.... unless if you count family members kisses. Then I remember the last one my mom gave me...
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    Yea I remember. It was in kindergarten under the teachers desk. Lip with some tongue
  • Frantastic5685
    my first french kiss? i was 15 years old, on a ferris wheel at night, with all the lights and music. it was we're still friends.
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    I was 18 and sound asleep on my new boyfriend's shoulder as he was driving me home. I woke up when he slammed on the brakes, threw the truck into neutral, put his hands on either side of my face and just kissed me like the male lead in one of those romantic movies. It was fantastic.

    P.S. I don't even like romantic movies.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    mine was when I was 12, it was hilarious, he was a good friend of mine and he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes and when I left we kissed goodbye. As soon as I got out the door I instinctively wiped my mouth with the back of my hand hahahaha
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Yep. I was 13, first "boyfriend", in 8th grade. It was after school one day.

    Not something I regret nor something I think about often.
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    In the back of a church van!!!:smooched:
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I was in the 7th grade I think and my friend at the time was trying to find me a boyfriend (because I was apparently in desperate need of one?) and she introduced me to David. He wasn't really my type but I was in the 7th grade and didn't know crap about crap.

    Don't think we dated long but one day he kissed me after we got off the school bus and the only thing I think of when I think back on it is sour milk.

    My friend sure picked a winner....
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Yep, and I was made fun of it for ages. I was 13 and it was during a game of "Spin the Bottle", Afterward, I wiped my mouth and said, "Ewww that was so gross!" Lol that followed me all through high school.
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    1996 - I changed his name to my teddy bear's name cause well... its his business too.....................

    ......................................When he looked at me again, his eyes were full of fire and then his mouth was on mine.

    My first kiss. It carried me away in a blaze. It was urgent and wild. I felt it.

    sigh.... you should hear me reminisce about losing my virginity...

    Awesome. Completely awesome.....