Take my breath away



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    So, here is a scenario and some follow up questions.
    A. For the purpose of this argument, you are a woman, a knockout with a killer body and amazing intellect.

    Unfortunately this is as far as I got.

    Then I started imaging what it would be like soaping myself down in the shower and things got a little hazy...
  • Indy_Cent
    Indy_Cent Posts: 45
    Oh man, I absolutely love this song.
    The emotion, the wonderful melody, the amazing lyrics...

    I mean, if I had a woman take me on a date and she played this as we were about to grab a sammich from the fridge at 7-11, on her iPod... oh, man, I'd say... that'd make me jizz in my pants, twice, maybe even 3 times, for sure.

    "My love
    Take my breath away"
  • ambrwaves27
    ambrwaves27 Posts: 206
    1. Not a date . . .an invitation for a lawsuit.
    2. Kinda cheesy probably would laugh not be turned on. . . ok definetely would laugh
    3. Yes sigh, I know the lyrics please do not judge
  • LiftHuff
    LiftHuff Posts: 131
    1. Not a date
    2. Yes, but only for camp factor
    3. Um...I guess not. I was sure I probably did but just tried to recall them and was completely unable.
  • shannoninBC
    shannoninBC Posts: 371 Member
    Is this a date? NO, keeping in mind I haven't been on a date in 17 years
    Is Take my Breath Away one of histories greatest go-to make out songs? (if you're my age) No, but I know the song
    How many of you know some of the lyrics to that sh*tty song? I sure the hell do. Top Gun, excellent movie. Shower scene, hullloooo
  • jallen1955
    jallen1955 Posts: 121
    If I were a female and a male told me he was taking me somewhere romantic on a whim, I would reach for the pepper spray. Oh, or that other thing that a woman can do to scare a guy like me away. "Here's a key to my apartment! Move in tomorrow and let's make a bunch of babies!"

    pepper spray

    that isn't a "date", its an abduction!
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    1. It's not a date if both parties don't agree it's a date

    2. I HATE that song and I would sooner make out to Highway to Hell

    3. I do not know the lyrics to that song and I'm 40. I was listening to the Doors and Traffic when every other girl was creaming herself to that craptastc movie. I still contend that a dead Jim Morrison is hotter than a live Tom Cruise any day.

    4. Not that you asked, but I'm thinking the male co-worked misjudged his female co-worker just a tad,

    yes! i love this! lol fan-f'n-tastic!
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    1. It's not a date if both parties don't agree it's a date

    2. I HATE that song and I would sooner make out to Highway to Hell

    3. I do not know the lyrics to that song and I'm 40. I was listening to the Doors and Traffic when every other girl was creaming herself to that craptastc movie. I still contend that a dead Jim Morrison is hotter than a live Tom Cruise any day.

    4. Not that you asked, but I'm thinking the male co-worked misjudged his female co-worker just a tad,

    omg i love you.