Help ladies before I punch someone... PLEASE



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Yoga and meditation
    taking at least 15 to 20 minutes out of your day just for you to de-stress
    address your relationship issues with your boyfriend (he needs to be a equal partner)
    therapy or group therapy - just talking it out releases some stress
    giving yourself a break...don't be so hard on yourself if something doesn't get done
    learn to say NO to people...(this is my thing, i tend to over-committ and over-extend myself and wind up being crabby because I don't have time enough to make everyone happy!!!)
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I've had good luck with St. JW as well. Just be aware of the possible interactions that others have mentioned.

    I never had any luck with anti-depressants either. In fact, they made things worse. Ultimately, you need to identify the causes and triggers of your anger and try to get those fixed.
  • magoch
    magoch Posts: 134
    At a time in my life where I had stresses similar to yours I started taking Tae Kwon Do. Being able to channel my frustration and aggression into physical actions really helped my moods. I'd so look forward to my sessions I ended up putting a heavy bag in my house so I could punch/kick it whenever I wanted. I also ended up being in great shape doing it. Key is to learn to punch and kick correctly (via classes or some coaching) before doing it on a heavy bag, or it's very easy to break the small bones in your hands or feet, which defeats the purpose.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    There's a reason behind the doc trying antidepressants. Have you gotten tested for bi-polar? That stood out for me when you said you have mood swings. Anti-depressants get prescribed with bi-polar patients because they tend to level you out more than just anti-anxiety pills. I'm obviosuly not diagnosing you with bi-polar, I am not a doctor and have never met you, but that could be where the doc was going with it. People with bi-polar usually need an anti-depressant and a mood stablizer to work. I would suggest getting a mental health referral from your primary care doc. Then you can see a psych doc, who will be able to pinpoint exactly what's going on and what you really need to cope with it. Also try some DBT or CBT therapy.

    Like I said I'm not a doctor, but I have worked in the mental health field for 2 1/2 years, so I do have some knowledge about the issues you're describing.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    St. John's Wort. If your not taking any meds, this would help you with your anxiety and stress. I too am a single mother, and when my daughter was young and I was severely stressed out, this is what I tried and found it helped tremendously.
    Hang in there. :flowerforyou:

    I was just about to recommend that! I take St. John's Wort every day and it has really improved my over all mood. I too have zero patience.

    This sounds like a cheaper alternative to depression meds and I assume it doesnt have all the crazy side effects?.?. I may try this to see if it helps. Thank you

    Be careful with St Johns Wort, it can interfere with the BC pill, and makes your skin photosensitive. Check with your Dr if you are on the Pill before taking it, and stock up on sunblock.
    It can help tho so dont let the above put you off.
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    There are so many good responses in this post—I have found a few that seem like they may be nice to try—I will be researching this therapy that you all were talking about and the generalized anxiety disorder—I am on birth control, I take lo estrin 24. Before that it was Yasmin and for a while it was nothing(was married & didn’t really need it). I was diagnosed with PCOD when i was 13 but then got pregnant so I am really unsure that I had it to start with. I have had thyroid checked and it isn’t the cause. I do appreciate all the responses, and hugs!!! It has all been very helpful.
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    There's a reason behind the doc trying antidepressants. Have you gotten tested for bi-polar? That stood out for me when you said you have mood swings. Anti-depressants get prescribed with bi-polar patients because they tend to level you out more than just anti-anxiety pills. I'm obviosuly not diagnosing you with bi-polar, I am not a doctor and have never met you, but that could be where the doc was going with it. People with bi-polar usually need an anti-depressant and a mood stablizer to work. I would suggest getting a mental health referral from your primary care doc. Then you can see a psych doc, who will be able to pinpoint exactly what's going on and what you really need to cope with it. Also try some DBT or CBT therapy.

    Like I said I'm not a doctor, but I have worked in the mental health field for 2 1/2 years, so I do have some knowledge about the issues you're describing.

    No I havent been tested for bi polar, never thought that was me. But i guess maybe I should look into it at least rule it out.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Well, in my experience it was my birth control. Didn't matter if it was the combo pill or the mini pill. The birth control pill depletes B vitamins, which are responsible for many things- particularly mood.

    I now take B vitamin supplements and vitamin D, and I'm a different person. Don't underestimate the power of hormones.:flowerforyou:
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    Sometimes when you feel stressed or overwhelmed it helps to make a list of things you need to get done. Sometimes everything you have to get done is in your head and you are going from one thing to another. If I make a list, it takes a lot of my mind, and you can cross of as you go. Kind of a feeling of letting some things leave your mind once they are on paper. I don't know if it makes sense, but it helps sometimes. You can go from the most important to the least. Hope you can feel better very soon!

    I LIVE off of my lists!! Between work, being a mom, running a business and just the regular life stuff, I get easily overwhelmed. Making lists takes all the stress out of my head and puts it into reality of what needs to get done. If I don't write it down, I'm constantly thinking that I have to do this or remember that. Mental stress is exhausting!

    Never thought about making a list for things like that. I am ocd about budget lists and grocery lists, I get real bent out of shape if things dont go as planned, and hate to be late for things... lists may do me some good
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    OP: I highly recommend a punching bag and boxing gloves. No I'm not kidding. Punching things and kicking them actually helps.

    I considered boxing lessons, but just buying it to have at home may well be cheaper
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    OP: I highly recommend a punching bag and boxing gloves. No I'm not kidding. Punching things and kicking them actually helps.

    I considered boxing lessons, but just buying it to have at home may well be cheaper

    Plus you have access at home. I don't have room for a heavy bag or I would SO have one. Great anger management plus it burns a ton of calories.
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    I've found sometimes it helps to just go ahead and punch somone.... :mad:


    I like the way you think. Now, can we start a bail fund on here lol
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    Well, in my experience it was my birth control. Didn't matter if it was the combo pill or the mini pill. The birth control pill depletes B vitamins, which are responsible for many things- particularly mood.

    I now take B vitamin supplements and vitamin D, and I'm a different person. Don't underestimate the power of hormones.:flowerforyou:

    I didnt know that they deplete b vitamins-- you may be right ould be my pills.
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    In all honesty, the first thing I would lose is the couch potato boyfriend. You seem to have enough stress in your life. Get rid of some of it. He's good for at least, what, maybe 180lbs of it?? Then you need to re-analyze and re-prioratize. How much time and energy is the "side business" using up, and how much actual income is it bringing in? You have enough on your plate. Before I turn to meds or anything, I would simplify and see where you are then.

    This. I had to do it too. but i'm so much happier now. :) i lost 235lbs over night lol

    LMAO--- Congrats on the loss
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Well, in my experience it was my birth control. Didn't matter if it was the combo pill or the mini pill. The birth control pill depletes B vitamins, which are responsible for many things- particularly mood.

    I now take B vitamin supplements and vitamin D, and I'm a different person. Don't underestimate the power of hormones.:flowerforyou:

    I didnt know that they deplete b vitamins-- you may be right ould be my pills.

    Yeah, if you're on birth control pills that really could be whats causing it. I won't take them anymore because they made me crazy.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    1. Oral contraceptives

    Taking oral contraceptives, especially over a series of years, can have a significant effect on a woman's ability to absorb and store nutrients. "There's an extensive list of nutrients depleted by oral contraceptives," says Pelton. "This is a huge issue for women's health. Over time, a woman developing depletions is not likely to connect the dots and realize that her health problems are due to the oral contraceptives."

    Studies document that birth control pills deplete vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, B-6, B-12, folic acid, vitamin C, magnesium, selenium, zinc, tyrosine and CoQ10. From this long list may come a series of side effects that are difficult to link directly to the contraceptives. Pelton says:

    Folic acid depletion increases risks for birth defects, cervical dysplasia and the need for a hysterectomy. It can also increase the risks of developing anemia, depression, and breast and colon cancers.
    Vitamins B-6, B-12 and folic acid are required to metabolize homocysteine; a high homocysteine level is one of the greatest risks for heart disease.
    Vitamin C, selenium and zinc are needed for a healthy immune system.
    Magnesium depletion increases the risk of blood clots, heart attacks and osteoporosis.
    Diminished levels of vitamin B-6 and tyrosine increase the likelihood of depression.
    CoQ10 depletion increases the risks of high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, low energy and accelerated aging.
    Zinc depletion increases problems with skin, hair and nails, and is linked with diminished appetite, sex drive, and senses of taste and smell and a weakened immune system.

    Pelton recommends women who take contraceptives eat fresh, organic leafy-green veggies to ensure maximum nutrition; whole grains; healthy proteins such as fish and lean meats; and take fish oils for omega-3 fatty acids. Along with eating well, he says a high quality multivitamin and mineral supplement is essential.
  • CandiceSizemore
    CandiceSizemore Posts: 32 Member
    I recommend taking a Magnesium supplement. I have a degree in Psychology and I focused in Clinical Psychology. I learned that anxiety can be a deficiency in Magnesium. I have researched anxiety a lot because I too suffer from pretty sever anxiety. I HATE medication too and was trying to find natural remedies for my anxiety instead of stuffing a xanax down my throat everytime I had to go in public. I take Magnesium first thing in the morning and it has really helped me out A LOT.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Well, in my experience it was my birth control. Didn't matter if it was the combo pill or the mini pill. The birth control pill depletes B vitamins, which are responsible for many things- particularly mood.

    I now take B vitamin supplements and vitamin D, and I'm a different person. Don't underestimate the power of hormones.:flowerforyou:

    I didnt know that they deplete b vitamins-- you may be right ould be my pills.

    Yeah, if you're on birth control pills that really could be whats causing it. I won't take them anymore because they made me crazy.

    I only had that problem on certain BC meds, not all.

    OP, it might be worth trying a different hormone or brand and see if that works better for you. Ortho-tri-cyclen Lo worked very well for me. Yaz made me insane.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    get your vitamin levels tested. my vitamin D was really low and it severely affected my mood. others can be low and have effects on you too.