Rudeness Is the New Appetite Suppressant



  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    I think that type of rudeness is just trying to cover up their own inadequacies so I don't let it bother me. Hey, at least I have a pretty face and I will be smoking hot when I get skinny but they can't do anything about their ugly. :happy:

    Yup! My mom would insist that he must be trying to overcompensate for being a bit small in the pants... If someone could be THAT rude to you, he must have some *awful* insecurities~ so you can only imagine!! So DO imagine, laugh about it to yourself and then keep doing what you're doing! You'll be thinner and healthier while he'll be miserable and, I mean pathetic! :wink:
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Just had a run in with THE rudest man I have ever met. He asked me if I was pregnant, which you NEVER ask a woman. When in doubt, keep your damn mouth shut. Since my parents raised me with manners and I realize that some people didn't come up with the same advantage I laughed it off and said no, I wasn't pregnant that I had just gained some weight. He then says "Well if you're not pregnant, you need to be on a diet." Okay... rude much? Damn. The loud thunk I heard just after his comment was my co-worker's jaw hitting the floor since she was privy to the whole conversation. The bad news... my self esteem just dropped a few hundred notches. The good news... I'm not hungry for lunch anymore so thanks, *kitten*... I guess.

    Am I mean to say "get over it" you're right, people are rude, don't let it affect your mood or appetite. it's a deficiency in their character not yours. NOW eat up :)
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    What an *kitten*.. I would have thrown all my manners out the window and let him have it. :grumble:
    ^^this!! what a !^%R@#!^%#^!%&^%&^!@*( dont let him bring you down. Dont starve yourself, inturn hurt yourself due to a jack *kitten* who dwouldnt know tact if it was driven through his forehead. {{HUGS}}
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    i would have asked him "do have any kind of mental disability"? and when he answered "no", i would have said "well, you obviously possess a lot of the traits and behaviors that are indicative of a mental disorder. are you sure?".
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    That is just downright rude. Don't let jerks like him bother you!!!

    You should have said: "Oh no, this isn't a pregnancy glow. I'm just super attractive. Thanks for noticing!"
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    I'd rather be fat than be a sad, loudmouthed, ignorant *kitten*. Just sayin'.
  • wannabea10again
    wannabea10again Posts: 8 Member
    Oh and it wasn't a stranger, by the way. That makes it worse. I see this person all the time living in a small town and we are in the same civic organization so I am forced to deal with him. He's about 30 years older than me, but as my co-worker/friend said there is only so much old age can excuse. I can certainly rise about it.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    I was hoping the loud thunk you heard after was him hitting the ground after you knocked him out.
    hahah YES!!!
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    Oh and it wasn't a stranger, by the way. That makes it worse. I see this person all the time living in a small town and we are in the same civic organization so I am forced to deal with him. He's about 30 years older than me, but as my co-worker/friend said there is only so much old age can excuse. I can certainly rise about it, but for the moment I really wanted to high five him. In the face. With a chair.
    lol omg! that woulda been tops...well maybe you get a second chance sometime :D
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I can certainly rise about it, but for the moment I really wanted to high five him. In the face. With a chair.
    I like you. Glad you can rise above it. Thanks for this visual.
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    I can certainly rise about it, but for the moment I really wanted to high five him. In the face. With a chair.

    Pure awesomeness!!!! See - he can judge you all he wants, you are still a way better, stronger (and funnier!) person!

    High fives to all the *kitten* of the world!!! :happy:
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    I am so sorry. I've had rude comments made to me before and it stings. I had a girl that was opening the fitting room door for me at a clothing store, ask me if I was pregnant with this huge smile on her face. It took all I had in me to be nice to her and explain that sometimes after you have children, fat likes to stick around in the belly area. I wanted to cry.

    Was this guy fit? Some men are like that. I used to work for a grocery store and this lady was buying food for her husband and while I was scanning items he was telling her that she shouldn't eat those things, but in a rood manner. Almost saying she'll gain weight. He seemed like one of those macho men that likes his women stick then. She was also a very pretty lady. I felt bad for her cuz he was embarrassing her. If my man was like that I would be GONE.

    I've had a really fit guy actually pinch my thigh fat and tell me that I need to hit the weights. I was sooooo horrified. On a positive note, it made me get a gym membership. =)
  • kristi012173
    Some people are just total *kitten*! Dont let it bother you and keep up the good work!
  • espence30
    espence30 Posts: 116 Member
    OMG I give you props for not punching him. I would have knee'd him in his junk for saying that to me.
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    I am shocked how many people let someones comments get them down... why do you even care??
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    I think it can partially be attributed to the web and social media. People feel anonymous and invulnerable online and get use to saying any nasty thing that pops in their head.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    Well you can lose weight he can't lose jerkness. I would have a hard time keeping my mouth shut.
  • skb12573
    skb12573 Posts: 202 Member
    I think it can partially be attributed to the web and social media. People feel anonymous and invulnerable online and get use to saying any nasty thing that pops in their head.

    I do believe you are right! People are classless and heartless.
  • arickim
    arickim Posts: 137
    The thunk should have been when you knocked him out:)
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    That is just terrible, but remember that we all feel down about ourselves sometimes, don't let that guy determine the way YOU feel about YOU. He doesn't know you he doesn't know what you have been through and he could probably care less about your health and only wanted to boost his own ego. Just remember, you have a LOT of people right here that are going through the same things you are and we are here to support you!