Straight talk. How do I ease the HUNGER?



  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    1) You are eating way below your calorie goals.
    2) You should be drinking A LOT more water.
    3) ALWAYS eat breakfast!
    4) Try to get more calories from higher fiber foods and good fats (like olive oil and avocado) - this will make you feel fuller and more satisfied.
    5) Try "hiding" fruits and vegetables in your food. For instance, you can sub 1/4 cup of applesauce in when mixing pancakes in place of oil. Or putting chopped up mushrooms, pepper, and carrots in when mixing a meatloaf. You can also add these same things to tomato sauce, and they will not taste "vegetabley" once cooked. Do you like things like eggplant parmigiana? Eggplant is a vegetable, and there are ways to make this pretty healthy.
    6) Beans are also a vegetable with high protein and fiber content. Do you like Mexican food? Order black beans or refried beans with your meal.
    7) Greek yogurt is a great way to get calcium and protein. You can add more benefits to it by mixing in fresh berries or some chopped nuts and a drizzle of honey.
  • Pearl177
    Pearl177 Posts: 1
    Both hot tea and decaf coffee work for me.
  • cbh142
    cbh142 Posts: 270 Member
    oatmeal fills me up
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Regarding the cooking and lunchtime issues you speak of, here is what I do often. I cook 3 or 4 different things on a Sunday afternoon. These are things that either taste good at room temp or heated, or are just really quick to heat up. For instance, I'll make shredded chicken in my crock pot, to have in wraps or put on my salad. Or that meatloaf I suggested - ever have a meatloaf sandwich? They are pretty good! Or make meatballs for a meatball sandwich. I also cut up all my salad stuff, and have them ready in containers in my fridge. So, when I get ready for work in the morning, I have all these variety of containers in my fridge, and I can pretty much just grab one and go. And, if I choose to throw together a salad, it takes less than 5 minutes, because everything is prepped. I also keep a can of nuts in my desk at work, and will sometimes bring a container of strawberries or blueberries with me to snack on throughout the day.
  • chloeraesmommy
    im 10 days in, the hunger feeling is getting better for me, im hoping my body will just get used to this new eating
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    You could also keep a jar of peanut butter or almond butter at your desk and just bring a fresh apple with you to work every day. Sliced apples with peanut butter on them rock!