In you opinion, can men and woman every be JUST friends



  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Yes but is rare.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Yes, men and women can be friends.

    Most of my friends are men (side effect of working in a field that is almost entirely made up of men).
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
  • SerahLaffere
    SerahLaffere Posts: 223 Member
    I don't get on with girls so much. Most of my mates are guys. Not that my bf appreciates it haha.

    But I've always been the boyish type. So I wanna sit in and play games, the girls wanna go out and such.

    It's completely possible!
  • SkyPixie
    SkyPixie Posts: 224
    Sure they can , I work in IT and my hobby is aviation two really male dominated areas so a lot of my friends are male by default.

    Ok I'm not a very girly girl anyway but in the flying world I am just one of the guys I'm not seeking attention I have girlfriends as well ,I just don't differentiate between my friends depending on what sticky out or dangley bits they may or may not have :laugh:

    I go flying with my male friends on my own ... my husband doesn't have an issue neither do their wives/girlfriends we share a hobby nothing else doesn't have to be at the root of all male/female relationships !
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    Yes definately. I had one best friend who was a boy from the age of 4 -19 (very good looking young man now) I was never attracted to him sexually at all, we kissed when we were 5 but apart from that I confided in him all the time, same with him for me. We grew apart as we got older and had a family of our own but whenever I bump into him, it's just like old times. Most of my friends were boys when I was growing up. I loved the banter and no *****ing, they were straight to the point anf honest, and of course being the only girl of the group I was well taken care of, I loved them all as friends :-)

    I am not too sure how it would go if there was anything romantic had happened along the way.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I have several good female friends. Though thinking about it, almost all of them share similiar personality traits which blend well with mine for friendships but would be absolutely horrific in a relationship. They are all extremely independent, strong willed, and assertive, and I'm independenet and mules are envious of my stubborness.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    This may cause some anger but, is it possible that when a woman says she "gets along so great with guys" or she "really gets along with guys" and that she doesn't like girls, what she REALLY means is...

    That she loves the attention?

    Just a thought.
    Maybe for some but just because some women say that doesn't mean that is what they are after. I was a tomboy growing up. I always hung out with my brother and his friends because they were flat out more fun! We could play games, ride bikes, melt crap in the microwave, not any of this drama/gossip stuff most girls I knew did which only got worse with age. I think if a person can't handle being friends with the opposite sex then they just need to mature more. Believe it or not men and women can have common interests and grow to have a friendship in a respectful way. Even now, many women I know just don't have the same interests I do unless it has to do with kids and I'm more than that. Should I have to be friends with women only even if we have little to nothing in common? I think not.

    If you can't handle being friends with the opposite gender, then don't, if you can,then by all means.

    ^^^ This.