Something great about your mom...



  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    She's a very (silent) strong woman. I think of it like looking at Sarah Connor and Catelyn Stark - she's not Sarah Connor in the kickass strong way but strong in the mental burdens Catelyn had to bear (although Sarah Connor had her share of them too obviously.) I love my mom, she honestly is the best and did a great job raising us kids despite some challenges like getting pregnant with my brother while in school and various sick family members.

    Oh also, she's great because she really got me into reading. She's always been an influence on me, loved me, and nurtured me. How could I not love her?
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    Everything my mother does for me is great :) This year since my husband is out of town working she came to give me a "break". I got some much needed retail therapy and she got some quality time with her little man. She also helped me plant my veggie garden today. I am very fortunate and grateful to have her :)
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    My mom and I weren't super-close while I was growing up. I was so much like my dad that we butted heads (my dad and I) and I used to get so pissed at her that she wouldn't come to my defense. Now, I understand why she stayed out of it.

    However, now that I'm a mom, we talk every day--at least once, but more often twice or more. She will come over and help me clean, take the kids for an overnight so we can have some grown up time, buy the kids, me, or The Husband something cute/funny/cool because she thought we would love it.

    She taught me how to cook, how to be strong and independent, and when to keep my mouth shut.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    One thing great? Only one thing? Well, right off the top of my mind I will say that she was always very independant even back in the day when women were not very independant at all. She was born 1919 and when she was 27 she got her pilots license to fly!

    I can think of many, many more great things about my mom. This mothers day will be the first without her on earth. She died last July at the age of 93 and I sure do miss her.

    Happy Mother's Day Mom!
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    My mom has been gone over 27 years. I was a child of 18 when she died, and never realized what I would be missing. If I had known, I would have taken more time to be with her, talk with her, and get to know her. I'm pretty much left with very little of her, except from things my sister tells me. I was 16 when she got sick, and she was in and out of hospitals the entire time. I remember begging her to come to my graduation, and she couldn't, and I got mad and hung up on her. My sister told me she cried for 2 days about that. What a rotten shrew I was. If only I had known then what I know now.
    I feel like I was reading my story of my life. My Mom died 27 years ago last week. I was also 18 when she died. She was originally diagnosed with cancer 5 years before (1 year after my Dad died). My mother and I didn't always get along. But, as I look back I realize how much she sacrificed for my brother and I (my brother is 3 years younger than me).. I realize now how much my Mom kept away from us, because she didn't want us to worry. She fought so hard to live, even the last 5 months of her life, which she spent in a hospital bed. She didn't want to die so young. If it wasn't for my brother and I, she wouldn't have lived as long as she had.
    But, I was fortunate enough to have her be an awesome role model for me. She also taught me and my brother how to surround us with special people in our lives and we will be great. I can say, that my brother and I turned out pretty good. Even though we would still love to have our parents with us, we are very strong hard working adults. The thing that always gets to me is when something special happens in our lives, I really miss them.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    My mom is a gadget nerd. So am I.

    We talk about techie crap all the time. My last visit, we hacked her android phone. She taught me some things, I taught her other stuff.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    My Mom raised me through my teenage years. I think that says it all right there. She is a pretty incredible woman!
  • nikkiej2012
    nikkiej2012 Posts: 236 Member
    Well i love my mom so very much...she loves me for who i am and she always keeps me in check...when i am down she lifts me up :)
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    She will do almost anything if I need her to. As she gets older, sometimes it becomes more difficult, but honestly, she is always there for me.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    my mom done a great job rising me, all the times she prepare my lunch, clothes and do as much as she could so i can have a better future..... and she successful in doing so.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    She was always supportive of me no matter what... had unconditional love... I lost her when I was 18. I miss her every day, but especially on Mother's Day.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    My mother is resilient. She has lived through horrors which would turn your hair white. She's suffered loss like nobody should have to. She survived it all and still is an amazing woman. If I'm half as tough as she's had to be, I'll be able to handle anything life has to offer.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    :heart: She loves me :heart:
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    best thing about my mum.... mmmm, let me think,...Yea, she has never put me down because of my weight.....Plus she gave birth to me.....
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    Something great about my mom idk where to begin....

    Im 1 of 11 siblings, im the youngest of the orginals (i know weird way to explain it lol) and then I have 6 younger siblings, that my parents adopted. But other then my mothering having the biggest heart in the entire world, shes my best friend, we do everything together, with out my mom I really dont now where Id be I can tell her everything and I swear sometimes she wishes she didnt know so much lol.. Ahhhh i love her!
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    My mom has been gone over 27 years. I was a child of 18 when she died, and never realized what I would be missing. If I had known, I would have taken more time to be with her, talk with her, and get to know her. I'm pretty much left with very little of her, except from things my sister tells me. I was 16 when she got sick, and she was in and out of hospitals the entire time. I remember begging her to come to my graduation, and she couldn't, and I got mad and hung up on her. My sister told me she cried for 2 days about that. What a rotten shrew I was. If only I had known then what I know now.

    The great thing about moms- whether that is a mom someone "adopted" later in life as a mom or grandma raising the grandchild or in your case being a child and not understanding why she could not be there for you - i promise you with every fiber of my being that she does not hold that incident against you and if she could tell you one thing it would be let it go. She understood then and now that you were just sad about her missing a big event in your life but you did not intend to hurt her. When your children are a little older and do some childish act you will understand as well and still love them and just as important, you will know they still love you!! Hugs!!

    Thank you! Your post brought me to tears. It's been a long time since I've cried about my mom, and hearing someone tell me that made me feel so much better. My children are older, age 21 and 14, and there are some things they do that aggravate me, and you're right, no matter what I love them dearly. Thanks for the reminder, and for making my mother's day that much more special.
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    :heart: My Mother raised me well, so well I remember everything she has done for me and taught me. I now teach my Son those same things. My Mom has passed away (2008), there is not a day that goes by I dont think of her and today just makes it more special.:heart:
  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member
    my mother was a unique person
    a rare gem among us humans

    sang like an angel,
    partied like the devil,
    was deep....restless, and endlessly hopeful

    she had great faith in people, no matter if they deserved it or not
    she was a generous,
    beautiful soul

    and the world is poorer for her leaving it

    she taught me to value all life, and to see the good in everyone, in every creature

    she taught me to love with all my heart,
    even when it was broken,

    and to laugh when all i wanted to do was cry

    she told me the foundation of life and the only way to endure it
    was to have faith, hope, and love

    all of this i loved her for

    but most of all, i never doubted that she loved me no matter what,even when i didn't love myself
    she made mistakes
    and even hurt me deeply on many occasions

    but she had demons she struggled with darker than any i've had to dispel from my own heart and mind
    she still managed to raise me and care for me with an untreated mental illness in a lonely hellish life....

    she was an amazing person
    but way too humble to see it in herself

    that was her only flaw
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    My mom is everything I strive to be. I'm much more my father's daughter, but I hope to be the wonderful, caring, wise human being that she is, someday.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    There are so many amazing things about my mother. She is a hard worker, she is intelligent. She is the most giving woman I have ever met. She would do anything for her children and grand children. We didn't get along well when I was growing up, but we are so close today. My mom is my best friend.
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