When did you decide to start losing weight?



  • threedaysfromyou
    A photo was also what finally motivated me to lose weight. I had just taken a shower, and was curled up with my favorite cat. My boyfriend asked to take my picture, he said we looked cute and 'arty.' The picture was very nice, but I couldn't believe the body was mine.

    So here I am. :)
  • Coffeegirl101
    My low point was kinda building....I have been avoiding mirrors like the plague and that also goes for photos. My 5 year old daughter asked me why I didn't want to get my picture taken with her. How do you explain that to a 5 year old :frown: Plus I was also just tired of never being able to wear any of my cloths anymore. I'm practically living in scrubs, tee shirts and jeans.

  • steinbok
    steinbok Posts: 82
    About 18 years ago, I got the message. I couldn't continue to wolf down two wendy's doubles and expect to keep the same weight from what I was. Eventually, I got to 215#. (44 waist) Then I met a person who flatly told me "You're fat, do something about it". I was having foot and leg pain.. The message was clear. Time to do something about it. New Years resolution: 1995, I did. 5 months later, I was 160#, and a 34 waist.
    Latest snapshot: Feb 2012: 172
    currently: 150.5.

    People notice. However, the only way I do is to be able to fit in clothes I wasn't able to fit into before. Usually, the person doing all the work is the one who recognizes it last. I haven't been seeing too many people lately. I'll be curious the reactions I get next time I make a family gathering!
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    I was 5 weeks post partum and still wearing yoga pants and maternity jeans. I had to go back to work in 4 weeks and I had Never been this big. In fact I was about 35 pounds bigger than the biggest I had ever been 5 weeks post partum (I had gained 48 pounds while prenant). I work in an office and I was not going to buy a whole new wardrobe.

    My motivation was a friend who called me "huge" and would say "I just can't believe how big you are" while I was pregnant and "now you know how it feels" since she gained a lot of weight during her pregnancy when I always tried to make her feel good during her pregnancy. I was so afraid to see her after the baby was born and her tell me how hard it was going to be for me to lose the weight and then talk about how fat I was, I was bound and determined to lose the weight just so I wouldn't be riduculed by her. I thought of her words a lot while working out. Made me work harder.

    Once I had some time to think about our friendship I realized she wasn't a true friend and we are no longer friends for more than just the reason above obviously. So I guess if she Facebook stalks me (which I know she will) she will see that I have lost the weight and then some and it didn't take me forever either. Hahaha!

    I had a friend like that too. Now you can say HA! Good for you!
  • brittneyceleste
    brittneyceleste Posts: 8 Member
    I am getting back on the wagon as of today. I have actually been consistently exercising for about three weeks now. Nothing serious, just walking a mile on my three days off a week. I just woke up one day and decided to do it. I have learned that when I plan and overthink things, I don't do it.

    Also, I work at a bakery/deli and EVERYONE is on a diet. Now I just feel left out. I am not very good at diets, but tracking my food and exercise isn't too hard. And also my honey is on MFP too now, so we are doing this together!
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    When I went back to Uni last fall. I was already several years older than the average college student and being cubby just made me more self conscious and made me feel like I stuck out. I'd much rather people be checking me out because I'm attractive than "hey check out the old fat loser that's back in school" ...
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    All my adult life I have struggled with my weight I can loss weight just fine I can't seem to keep it off. After many years of trying and failing I decide to quit fighting it. I workout at the gym, and I sort of kind of watched what I ate, I was content to just finally accept me as I am, I was ok with being the best fat person I could be.

    Two knee surgeries, and collasped disces later I'm getting a little tired of living with pain. I go see the orthpedic doctor and I need a knee replacement, but he needs me to lose 60 pounds before he is comfortable doing the surgery. He even suggests weight loss surgery, which I thought about but my insurance won't cover it, wasn't comfortable with that option anyway.

    So I wake to the fact I just need to commit to lossing the weight and making the life style changes so this time I will loss all the weight and I won't gain it back. I also discovered I am not happy being the best fat woman I can be I want to be the best healthy skinny person I can be.

    I'll get my knees fixed as soon as I'm down those 60 pounds and after that I have my back fixed. I will not live in pain for rest of my life I will not limp for the rest of my life. I will skip, bounce and dance for the rest of my life.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,997 Member
    The pictures of my grandaughter's christening. There I was standing next to my slim husband, trying to hide behind a 10 pound baby. I joined Curves the next month.
  • bethb03
    bethb03 Posts: 96
    As I'm creeping ever closer to the half century mark (ugh!) I've had many things telling me I've got to do something, this body just can't handle all this excess weight anymore! What actually made me do something about it though was when I realized I couldn't go to my nephews graduation because I knew I wouldn't be able to climb the stairs to find a seat, it made me see that I was very close to becoming disabled and I'm way to young for that!!!
  • apedinger
    apedinger Posts: 57
    It happened to me twice. Some point early last year I stepped on the scale and was 275, I was mortified! Joined weightwatchers and dropped about 15 lbs in three months. Stopped weight watchers and gained about 5lns back, then in October of last year I stepped on the scale again. 275! I couldn't believe it and just had to do something about it!

    Today I can happily say I am down 47lbs and currently at 228lbs. Haven't been this weight since middle school and I'm almost 24.

    Still have 53lbs till goal. But damn am I happy with my progress.

    It's weird people calling me mr skinny!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    When I went to a doctors appointment when my youngest was 5 months old and the scale said 231. I was 165 when I got pregnant with him. I started workin out that day. Ate 'better' or so I thought. I went about it totally the wrong way. Lost 45 pounds, ended up sick, anemic and still unhappy. I gave up for a while. I found MFP at the end of January, and have lost 35 more pounds the healthy way. Yesterday, I bought the smallest pair of pants i've ever bought in my entire adult life. And they are almost too big. I feel great.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    It was a New Year's Resolution for me in January 2011. I can't explain what made that year different to every other year it's been a resolution, but something clicked in my mind and made me think that I have to do this for myself or I'm not going to be living the life I truly want to live.

    So, I started running, stopped eating junk. A year and 4 months on, and 6 and a half stone down, I think I can safely say I've cracked it!
  • zhanaolivia
    zhanaolivia Posts: 65
    When I suddenly got stretch marks on my thighs and boobs over the course of my 6 week holidays. I've never had stretch marks before and I actually cried because I realised that I'd ruined my body.
    It's a slow transistion to healthier life style but I've started drinking at least 2L of water every day and eating smaller and more meals. I haven't lost any weight yet, but I feel fitter and my skin is flawless because of the water. Hoping the stretch marks will begin to fade as I get smaller, though. Now I've got to get my damn sweet tooth under control!
  • Uglyduckling2swan
    I broke up with my boyfriend in 2008. He was obese and didn't want to marry me even after 4 years relationship. He decided to marry a slim girl instead. He made me feel disgusted with my self and finally really realize that even a fat man wants to marry his fantasy girl. I have always been rejected by the man I like.

    Also I wanted to prove to the world that I wasn't lazy, out of control and I had a lot of anger in me. Plus I had haemorrhoids and almost daily migraines due to being overweight most of my life.

    I did lose weight up to 33kg. I had a really good life. I get to choose who I want to be with. I had my haemorrhoids removed via surgery, my migraine is only 1-2 per month. I am calmer now.

    But I am back here now because I gained about 15kg back. So I just need to exercise again.
  • SweetlyVague
    SweetlyVague Posts: 172 Member
    I've honestly always had issues with my weight (low self esteem and the like) but my major breaking point was... well, there were two. The first was realizing how often I wished and wished I looked a certain way and how little I did about it. I was disappointed in myself. My second push was realizing how winded a simple flight of stairs would make me. At 21, a few steps shouldn't do that to me!