THE (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Week 23



  • Buttonnose
    Buttonnose Posts: 76
    Adopt 4 - First off, I want to congratulate you on how much you have lost. I can't wait to start seeing my little ticker meter going up reflecting more and more weight loss. You are an inspiration to me when I see how you have done.

    Secondly, regarding exercising...I am not sure if anyone else has heard of this or will back me up or if you are aware of this - so just want to give my input, so please don't take this wrong. A few years ago when I had a personal trainer..she informed me that sometimes when we exercise (especially strength training) we build muscle and we might plateau or gain a bit of weight because muscle weighs more than fat. Eventually with continued exercise and proper eating you will see the weight begin to drop muscle burns calories. So keep this in mind before dropping your exercise. If there is no medical reason to stop your exercise I personally would keep it going as eventually it will start to go down again.

    It is frustrating somedays when you hit a plateau or when you see that weight gain a few pounds..but just keep in mind it might be muscle...which is a good thing. If the weight continues to go up..then you might have a problem and need to readjust something. Also, there may be some underlying medical daughter just went through this herself. She was working out big time and just not losing and was trying to eat properly and finally went to the doctor's and found out she was type 2 diabetic. Since she has brought that under control she has lost 20 lbs in two and half mths.

    Hope that helps a bit.

  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    Adopt4-agree with button. I've got a visual for you. Would you rather be 165 of fluff or 165 that has been nicely compacted. A garbage sack tackes up a lot of space but the same weight put through the trash compactor is much less bumpy and space-taking-uppy :). Try looking at the women basket ball stars, their weight, and physique. Its inspiring.

    Yesterday got in 26 miles on my bicycle commute. Half of that was in 102 degree weather. Doing it again today and just as hot. Brought more water today and will hydrate well at work.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    A garbage sack tackes up a lot of space but the same weight put through the trash compactor is much less bumpy and space-taking-uppy

    165 of fluff or nicely compacted...this made me LOL. but thanks for the visual, because i can see that! i see thinner women all around me every day who have flub that bounces, and I think, all they have to do is work out a little bit and that would go away, they don't even really need to lose weight... and i don't want to be that way.

    thanks guys.

    and button - yeah, my plateau was most likely from overtraining, which is why after the 3rd mo of trying different things i thought i'd start over and eat maintenance cals for a few weeks, no exercise, and then start it again. it worked. so i was definitely overtraining.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,090 Member
    You guys are doing such a great job at educating yourselves. Keep learning, keep it interesting, and as Marla64 says :

    "Do or do not. there is no try" 129fs238648.gif
  • indianagranny
    Hey Gang

    Adopt4 - I agree with Buttonose. You have done so good in your weight loss. My legs have changed a lot. I need to change things up and work onmy gut. Oh by the way - please enjoy every bite of that chocolate - it sounds yummy.

    Buttonose - like the picture - nice to see a face. keep up the good work and you will see that ticker go up.

    Sheila and April - hope you are having fun.

    CrazybeeRX - Hi - your weight will fluctuate during the week sometimes more than 2 pounds. Stay with it girl, you can do this.

    Manda1111 - change will come for you girl. you inspire me by sticking to your workouts. Keep it up girl

    LI4G - happy for you and hubby.

    Lorann - a boat, good for you girl - sounds like fun. and a membership. what a wise use of the money.

    Well gang, I fell off the wagon for about a week now. Up a couple of pounds but have decided it is time to cut all the excuses and do this again. SO I began with making wiser choices today and getting back with the exercising. Hope to stay with it. The weekend is suppose to be mild to cool here so great weather to exercise outdoors. Plus I schedule two days off next week and thinking about taking Sunday night off too so would be only working one day. Have a good night
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Indiana~ Good for you for getting back on track ~ we all get derailed from time to time. The important thing is that we know we're slacking. In our old ways, we were always slacking and didn't even think oddly of it!

    Pinky - good to see you! Keep up the exercise, stay on the wagon, check in often ~ the winning combination:happy:

    Sheila and April ~ hope you gals are having a BLAST together! Don't do anything we wouldn't do!!:smokin:

    Cyndeebee- How'd your daughter's hair turn out??? What did she end up doing with it?

    Anita ~ Good job on the exercising! I bet if you're back on the treadmill you'll catch up with the storyline on your soap in no time!!

    Buttonnose~ You can totally lose that other 16 by your bd!! We're routing for you!

    Adopt4 ~ get your butt in gear and go to that gym!!!!! I am dying for you to get to eat that outrageously decadent chocolate covered cherry - and it can NOT happen until you work out!! And hey, congrats on getting to know your new knees!! Remember the part about muscle burning cals?? Well, you have more muscle now than you did even 3 months ago, so yes, your body is still changing! Keep it up!!

    Hey CM!! Good to see you popping in! Doing any scuba this summer??

    Crazybee~ If LI4G isn't down for the beach, I am:bigsmile: Quit weighing every day woman! It just stresses you out. Remember, live healthy and results will follow ~ guaranteed!!:glasses:

    Pawprint - I think it's great you have such an active job! Great way to exercise ~ and good job staying good on cals:drinker:

    KJ ~ We are a busy, chatty bunch - don't feel obligated to stay caught up, we are all here for the same reason and that is to support and encourage each other and share our thoughts- there's no requirement to stay caught up!:wink:

    LI4G ~ I got my kitties fixed at the SPCA - $40 - but that was 14 years ago.... I bet they are still pretty cheap though.

    Lorann ~ LOVE your "reward" purchases! How fun!! Hope the rest of your week at work goes better ~

    Manda ~ Patience grasshopper:flowerforyou: Live healthy, results will follow!

    Prayerful ~ that is a SERIOUSLY long, hot bicycle ride! You are awesome (lulu bows three times in an "I'm not worthy" fashion).

    Dwray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yooooohooooooooo! Where are youuuuuuu??

    Healthymom ~ Hiiiii:flowerforyou:

    Everybody else - hope you are having a FANTASTIC, healthy, peaceful week!

    I got in 90 minutes working out, burned 700 cals and then ended the day with Blue Bunny Sugar Free Low Fat Banana Split Ice Cream, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    later gaters:heart:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,090 Member
    Hi wuwu.

    check out my last SCUBA adventure in FLA two weeks ago.

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Evening all....

    Just an exercise update from my end...

    Went to the gym last night around 9:30 and did 1/2 hour on the arm weights, then 15 minutes of running and 30 minutes on the elliptical. burned 988 calories! Snuck a peek at the scale this morning and Ive dropped some but I aint saying anything official until Fridays weigh in. Was thrilled to see something move in the downward direction!!

    My arms felt like rubber when I was done, but the bottom half felt great. Its been a while since I have done arms, so i am really feeling them and my boobs today while I was out driving around. Man, its amazing how much your pecs play a part in steering a car! They hurt, which is a good feeling! No more flabby feeling for me! 1 day on the machines and I am "pumped up!" again! :laugh:

    Anyway... didnt get home until about 2am from my gym trip. Ended up sitting with my friend talking all night after we got done. It was entertaining to say the least! LOL She is a very... um... Unique individual!

    Got a call from Safeway today. They want me to interview tomorrow so Im going to do that. I cant sit around waiting for a temp service to call me, but I'll definitely keep the option there. Never know what kind of opportunity that can bring.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,090 Member
    Good luck, Li4g - congrats to Morgolis. :drinker: :glasses:
  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    sorry, still sleepy this morning its before 5am. Its really week 24 but I can't edit the title. Should have waited for another West Coaster to start:smile:
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Good morning...
    prayerfulmom...I think you ARE sleepy...Today is only Thursday. Isn't it? Or did I lose a day?
    I'm so confused!

    I spent yesterday in my pj's. Sat on the couch. Knitted. Burned NO calories worth mentioning. But I'll try to get in a walk today. The post office, maybe. I'm sort of recovering from a shopping trip, plus saving my strength for tomorrow (Friday), when I work half a day at the store.

    My daughter's hair turned out well. Personally, I don't see a lot of difference in the style, but there's about 3 inches off the bottom. But she thinks it's a big difference, so I go along with it...

    I had a long talk with a woman about fibromyalgia, and she stated that she hated the label. She thinks that once you put a label on it, people wallow in self-pity. She also thinks that you can heal virtually ANY disease, simply by changing your way of thinking.
    Wow...Did I ever light into her!
    It's not a label. It's a diagnosis! And in my case, it was a RELIEF to hear a name for the many, many things that seemed to be going wrong with my body. Until I was diagnosed, I was running up to Emerg 2 or 3 times a month. I can't count the number of mornings I spent hooked up to heart monitors, getting X-rays...
    Got put into physical therapy (which, incidentally, just about killed me...)
    Took treatments for sciatica, arthritis, inflammatories, anti-depressants, antibiotics...)
    So label?
    I'd always taken good health for granted. Two years of thinking I had some terrible disease, or my heart was weak, or maybe I had cancer...
    I don't know if I engage in self-pity. I've always tried to be an optimist. So I try to see fibromyalgia as God's way of telling me that it's okay if I slow down, and pursue a much quieter-paced lifestyle. If it had been left up to me, I NEVER would have given myself permission to stop working too many hours...flat out...
    So while I have a lot of "sick days," I also try to make the most of them. I can't get dressed and go out to work, but I can sit on the couch and create...
    Is that a form of self-pity? I don't know...
    I do know that some people with fibromyalgia take to their bed...and don't get up. A lot of people with the diagnosis ARE on anti-depressants, but I suspect it's because they refuse to come to grips with the idea of changing their life. Because life isn't's just different...

    Anyway, that's my rant of the day. Guess I'm making up for not posting yesterday...:laugh:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Well more bad news for my family! My Uncle died yesterday morning. He is my Dad's only brother and we are very close with him.. I think I must have cried for hrs... It's just enough.. I didn't go to work yesterday, instead I went to Reno to be with my Father and I spent the day with him. I took him to lunch and we talked and cried... My Dads 73 and my uncle was in his late 60's.. We didn't expect this and he died in his sleep... I will be off to Oregon next week for his memorial service...

    Hopefully in the next few day's things will get better. We will be having a lot of people flying into Reno for the services so I will be pretty busy.. But for now I have to just keep it together.. Mostly I am scared for my parents, scared of losing them.. I'll check in later.. I need to go to work..I'm sure my boss is pissed but I don't care, maybe now he'll fire me ....


  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    Good morning...
    prayerfulmom...I think you ARE sleepy...Today is only Thursday. Isn't it? Or did I lose a day?
    I'm so confused!

    rofl:laugh: I still have one more day till weigh in. drat. I better get more sleep.

    Cyndee- I'm with you. My doctor wanted to label me depressed and I insisted on some renal testing. Come to find out I was correct and she was not. Made all the difference in the world to me to know I wasn't thinking this stuff up. I may have a diagnosis but that doesn't define me. I think we live outside our diagnosis:tongue: .

    Anita- sorry about your loss. Its been a tough year for you girl. Hang in there.
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    So sorry, Anita, for what you're going through. Know that we're all here for you, thinking about you and praying for you and your family.

    I can certainly relate to what you're thinking about your own parents. Whenever we lose someone close to us, we are painfully reminded that life is not endless. I worry about my folks, too. My stepfather is 82 and my Mom is 75. They're my best friends and it scares me to think of life without either one of them. Guess all we can do is make the most of our time together, and shore up as many good memories as possible.

    prayerfulmom...So glad you understand what I'm talking about. Unless you've been in our shoes, it's hard to understand how people can be "relieved" when they're given a diagnosis. But all too often, when you first get sick, people give you unasked for advice, or they compare what they're capable of doing to what you are slacking off in...
    So as painful as a "label" or diagnosis is, it's nice to know WHY you've been feeling the way you do
    It's about validation. Reminds me of the epitaph that reads: "See? I told you I was sick..." lol

    Debbie...Take care of those arms. I'm guessing that the poor sleep is related to the pain? Can you take something to help you sleep?

  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    It' ok prayerful, I thought yesterday was Thursday all day long. We were ahead with our work and working on Fridays work so I thought it was Thursday. We are usually only working on the next day stuff so working on Fridays stuff really threw me off. Will make for a a light day a work today which I really need. Arms are killing me today.

    I agree cyndeebee a diagnosis does help. Makes you feel like you aren't crazy. It doesn't help when you go to the doctor and they jut look at you and say "I don't see any reason for your pain, there is nothing wrong. Here is an anti-inflammatory hopefully this will help."
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    morning ya'll. thank goodness one more day to weigh in, didn't do so great yesterday and didn't get all my water in! nita, i'm sorry for your loss and for your family. and cyndee, yeah, some people use an ailment as a reason to not get out of bed, and some people pretend to have an ailment to not get out of bed, but the majority of the people actually have something and just keep going as best they can. and the "your mind can fix anything wrong with your body" people tick me off, same as the "if you believe enough God will heal you" crap. Yes there is miracles and yes God might heal someone - he brought my son back to us - but it wasn't because of our faith or our minds, it was a gift.

    and I LOVE what cyndee said. life isn't over, it's just different. because as we all know- sh&^ happens.
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good Afternoon Team,

    been a little busy with visiting with April this week... It has been GREAT... Yesterday we took her twins and we road by the junior high school we went to when we first met.. and should them how far we had to walk to and from school!!! rain sleet or snow!!!! Aprils house was the halfway point for me!!! then we went into a local store her mother always shopped in and we found out it was going out of business she got to talk to the owners..They remembered her and her mother.. Then we stopped by my fathers so he could see her and we chatted for a little bit then we went to lunch at A&W cony Island we ate really bad food!!! Then we drove through a few parks reminiscing of the good old days!!!! Then we came home.. hubby cooked dinner last night he made curry chicken broccoli cauliflower white rice and garlic Cheddar cheese then we had some pina colada's until 3:30am!!! she was up at 6:30!!! then fell back asleep on the couch!! I didn't get up until 8:30 then I left to go on my 8 mile bike ride!!! to work off all that bad food I ate yesterday!! April went visiting today to see her brother his children and she was going to her mothers grave today.. I am just chilling for the rest of the day prob gonna get some weeding done!!!

    Cm- Glad to see you still around and doing well

    Kristi - Where are you Everyone is still worried about you!!!!

    Li4g - congrats on hubby's new JOB...

    Anita - I am really sorry about your loss of your Uncle.. my prayers are out to your family and lots of hugs...

    to everyone else I forgot i am sorry keep up the good work in the weight loss stay focused and keep going....

  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    LosingIt4good- Congrads to the hubby for the new job. That's great. Good luck on your job hunt.

    adopt4-It's always great to see your knees... Hopefully if they've been bothering you in the past the pain goes away... I know my knees hurt so bad when I reach a certain weight. It's hard to say if you notice changes right away or not... I know what your going through though. The other day I looked at myself in the mirror with no clothes on and I looked at my butt.. I mean I really looked at it for the first time since I started this and I can't get over how small it is now... I use to be disgusted by it but now I'm ok with it. I was able to fit into a newer pair of pants that aren't stretched out like all my old ones that I've been wearing and it felt good.. I think for me I notice it over time... my friend told me last night she can tell a big difference.

    Lorann- I would go for the membership... only if you think you would use it enough though. Fishing is so much fun. You'll have to post pictures of your boat and the first catch that you get from it. :smile:

    CrazybeeRX-Could it be water weight??

    manda1111-way to go on losing those inches. I don't know if I could stick to the ab workouts like you do.. Do you focus on lower abs too? that's what i need to work on..

    Buttonnose-your comments on the exercising... I agree with you... that's what my trainer always told me. If you think about it, it makes sense....

    prayerfulmom-way to go on the 26 miles... be careful in this heat please... we don't need you getting sick or hurting yourself.

    indianagranny-you were doing so good... is everything ok with you? I hope your feeling better emotionally... I worry about you.

    lulubar-way to go for the work out... nice burn.

    cyndeebee-you have to do what makes you happy. I don't see anything wrong with the way your thinking. I would be relieved to know what was wrong too... there's no self pitty.... your not dying... you can still do things... you take it on day at time...that's all anyone can do...

    nitag-Sorry for you loss. I hope that his passing was peaceful and that he can be laid to rest. I'm sorry that your having a hard time. My prayers are with you and your family.

    Well all... I've been ok with my calories. I did splurge last night and have a blizzard. I don't eat the whole thing though. It was a small... but I've never eaten the whole thing lol. But I'm seeing changes in myself. My butt is smaller. I'm losing my boobs lol. I think that's why my pants are fitting better, is because of my butt. It's always gotten in the way of getting pants that fit right. I'm doing good.

    My boyfriend (Jason) and I talked yesterday and cut a long story short... we're looking at wedding rings... he hasn't asked because he wants the ring. But I have to go get my fingers measured. I'm so excited. I already have the ring picked out... I just have to find a store in the US that carries them and get the one I want in....
  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi TEAM after reading the past few post I am glad I'm back with all you successful people. So I guess weigh in on Friday, do we have a challenge for the week? For one week, how about drinking half your weight in oz of water, daily? Glad to be back....Zano
  • Buttonnose
    Buttonnose Posts: 76
    Hi everyone...feeling good here today. Just got back from a brisk walk (60 Mins) with my daughter and her dog through the beautiful park that is only about 5 mins from my place. Beach, ponds, ducks, animal farm...great place for walking. I think the dog was the one that was most beat out of the three of us...I could of kept going and so could of my daughter..but the dog was done..and he is a big dog.

    Anyways, just stopping in to say "HI" and hope you are all having a great day!!!

    Keep smiling. :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow....
