Does anyone have a eat what you want day (BINGE DAY)???



  • bbgalini
    bbgalini Posts: 6
    Buttered Popcorn made at home is my LOVE! I save up calories so I can enjoy it.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    to be honest, i had initially PLANNED on doing a binge day type of thing...since i have such a love affair with rich and unhealthy food lol.

    however, the thought of taking a day or an hour or whatever to eat a bunch of **** just doesnt appeal to me now. if theres a cookie, and i want a cookie, and i can have the cookie and stay within my macros...i'll have a cookie. if not, i'll pass.

    ive been working too hard and come far enough where i'd rather reach my goal than have that moment of pleasure i'll just regret the minute after it goes down my gullet. :)

    i'm more interested in kicking *kitten*, and feeling good about what im doing.
  • RiseAndConverge
    RiseAndConverge Posts: 35 Member
    I have a cheat meal on Sundays, but I try to keep it reasonable since it's easy to take up your calorie deficit otherwise. When I logged my 1st cheat meal after I first started, I was AMAZED that my lunch clocked in at 1800 calories. 1800 calories for ONE MEAL!!!! I was shocked.

    What I had:
    2 bloody marys
    grilled chicken on a pretzel bun with chipotle mayo, avacado spread, swiss cheese, & bacon
    fries... all of them
    curry sauce (it's an Irish place with AWESOME curry)

    What I realized aftewards I should have done:
    1 bloody mary
    grilled chicken w/ swiss & bacon - no bun, mayo or avacado spread
    half the fries
    curry sauce

    If I would have done this meal instead, which still would have been a delicious cheat mea, I would have saved myself 700-800 calories. That's an entire meal's worth of calories.
  • Nurse_krissy
    Nurse_krissy Posts: 102 Member
    Just as long as you don't go overboard, it's fine. I like to think of it like saving/spending money. If you're frugal all week and manage to save $100, but then you go and blow $200 on Saturday, is that a wise choice? You may have done better to save $50 over the week and keep the status quo on Saturday! But if you're saving $100 and spending $50, you're still ahead! :)
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I eat whatever I want. I try to make good choices, but when I eat "unhealthy", I do it in moderation.
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    I find that as long as I still try to keep track and log even the bad things, then I am still accountable. If I never logged my food, I would never have an idea of how much I actually eat during the day/week. It's opened my eyes to a lot of my bad habits.

    That being said, depriving yourself of things your body is craving or something you may just want, leads to downfalls later and bigger binges. I'm for cheating, but trying to keep it as part of your day.
  • MegGirl1990
    MegGirl1990 Posts: 21
    I don't plan a cheat day (because then I would definitely overindulge). But, if say (for instance Mother's Day), I am going out to a restaurant with the family, I don't fret about the calories. It's just one day. As long as you don't let it, one day is not going to ruin your efforts! I don't want to become so obsessed with watching my calories that it ruins the fun of hanging out with my family.

    What works for one may not work for all. So do what works for you and your body. If you can have a cheat day and manage to keep on track, then go ahead. You are the only person responsible for your body.
  • xyber81
    xyber81 Posts: 3 Member
    I never cut out anything, I just don't plough through stuff like I used to. Weekends I eat more crap, but during the week I'm pretty healthy. I have noticed that a Large Dominos pizza adds 2kg to me instantly and takes 4 days to shed, think about it hahaha
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Another key for me was breaking the emotional attachment with food. I view food as fuel now, not something that makes me happy. I would think having a binge day would re-enforce the emotional attachment, as you'll spend all week looking forward to it.

    i dont mean to double post....but this is EXACTLY what i feel like i have come to.

    i would PLAN weekend meals/snacks/booze DAYS in advance. i would sit in front of the TV watching the food network and just destroying high calorie foods. it was truly a love affair. i found solace in feeling full. i felt ok after being a glutton.

    i look forward to a meal now because i know i need fuel. sure i like my morning turkey on whole wheat flax pita with a dab of dijon...but i dont dream about it. it gets me what i need, and that's great.

    great point big-mech! you put my thoughts into words. :)
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I don't need a cheat day because I haven't really cut anything out. I have smaller portions of the stuff that's bad for me and I don't eat it as often as I used to. I don't let myself get upset if I go over calories once in a while because most of the time I stay under, usually with a couple hundred calorie surplus. I don't eat much during the day because I know I will probably have a hearty dinner. My family is the meat and potatoes type.
    If I notice I'm having something too much then I will cut it out for a week or two to get myself out of the habit. I did this with soda and now I don't drink much at all, just on saturday nights with some rum or whiskey :wink:
  • lisadlocks
    lisadlocks Posts: 212 Member
    I have been doing my fitness pal for almost a year. In the past when I have "dieted" I have had binge Saturdays, then binge weekends and then binge binge binge. Now, I have meals where I will eat what I want, but logging in the bad and the ugly reminds me I don't want to do this all the time. I find the more I binge the more my cravings get out of control. That is sugar binges. I am trying to get into a mindset of giving up all processed sugar. I am learning to LOVE the joy of feeding my body the most healthiest choices I can make. Binge eating does not give me that joy.
  • MarVer34
    MarVer34 Posts: 1
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    When I first started I did but then I felt the I was working my butt off all week to make up for that and it was doing me more harm than good. I have trouble don't consuming myself with guilt. Personal preference I suppose.
  • Jaloth
    Jaloth Posts: 28
    Yes, everyday!! I eat what I want when I want with in reason!!!! I wanted the losing weight thing to be a lifestyle change and since I have a family I can not be eating differnt things then them!!
    Just do what you feel is right for you and no one else!!!
  • knittermom07
    knittermom07 Posts: 94 Member
    No. I believe in moderation so if there is something that I am craving I make sure to work it into my daily calories and work out a little more. I've tried cheat days in the past and I would spend the next 2-3 days working off the water weight so it's not worth it to me anymore.

    ^^^^^ This. I have what I want when I want it, but I budget for it. Yesterday I was way over by 3pm, so I worked out and went on an hour walk and had tilapia for supper and it always fills me up and is very low cal so it all worked out.
  • leiladawn
    leiladawn Posts: 2
    I don't have a binge day but I do enjoy a lovely roast on Sundays, I just make sure that I eat less of it than I would have before. If I want a treat during the week, I don't deprive myself, I just have 1 crisp off the kids instead of a whole packet to myself and a little peice of chocolate instead of a whole bar. I find that if I tell myself I can't have something then thats all I can think about eating. It's just about moderation I think, which I wish I had realised a long time ago.
  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    I used to but don't anymore. It sounds obsessive and unhealthy, but on Friday of each week I will log what I think I will eat on Saturday and Sunday (or what I am craving at that moment within reason) and see how many calories I have gone over for each day. I then plan to work off however many calories I have gone over on Saturday and Sunday. So far, it has worked for me. I can still have my "cheat" day/weekend but they are not really cheating as I am working off the excess calories.

    When I was having an all out "cheat" day without exercising or caring about counting calories it was really detrimental to my progress. I know it works for a lot of people but it was not good for me. I would end up feeling lousy for the rest of the week and by the end of the week, there was no weight loss. Like another poster put so well, the one day's worth of food canceled out all of the exercise and calorie deficits that I had worked so hard for the rest of the week.

    But, everyone's different, having a cheat day may work for you. :)
  • SandysNewLife
    SandysNewLife Posts: 87 Member
    No, I love the "old" foods too much If I started drinking regular Coke I would hate diet Coke or if I had Snackwell cookies I would eat too many. Even some cracker type things that are whole wheat can turn into too many for me so I'm careful. I do have some good "treat" foods like greek yogurt with honey and an apple with almond butter. It works for me =) If the kids want McDonalds Ill get a side salad or just wait and eat at home.
  • aboz13
    aboz13 Posts: 3
    Yes Yes! I do make sure that if I know I am going to have a "bad" day that I try to fit in a good work out if at all possible. Or I have already saved some extra calories from a previous work out to use on a day when I knew I was going to be eating out or baking. But I do feel so much better about this "diet", I think this is something I am actually going to stick with! It has been about 6 weeks and I am not freaking out about food yet beacuse I have not deprived myself of anything and I'm still lost weight!! :)
  • RandaDerkson
    RandaDerkson Posts: 18 Member
    I have been sitting at a plateau and yesterday I decided to just eat what I want. I had DQ Ice Cream Cake, Wine, Potatoes, Steak, and so much other "unhealthy" stuff and a lot of it.

    I lost 1.4 pounds by doing that, and I was way over my calories with no workouts.