Does anyone have a eat what you want day (BINGE DAY)???



  • alumpoflard
    alumpoflard Posts: 95 Member
    I don't have a binge day, but I do include food I like into my daily calories anyway so I don't feel the need for it. It wouldn't work for me because the day after the binge would feel like starting again every week, and that first day is so hard! One day of binging a week would work out to nearly 8 weeks of binging over a year.... Different things work for different people though...
  • Raddichio
    Raddichio Posts: 163 Member
    Yes, I eat what I want every day, but without the binge. I'm starting to incorporate good choices and reasonable portions in daily eating. If I want to make chicken pot pie, I go ahead and make it. I just have a smaller portion than I used to, with lots of salad (little or no dressing). I promised myself that I would no do anything to lose weight that I wouldn't be willing to do from now on, so I don't deprive myself, just limit portion.

    I find that I haven't been baking as much, which has always been something I enjoy. I haven't given it up entirely, and often will bake something that I am able to resist more easily and I usually make something that isn't too outrageous. If I do, on occasion, make something really extravagant, I just allow myself a smaller portion. Surprisingly, I seem to be satisfied with that. I hope it lasts.

    Every weekend I meet with family/friends for a meal at a restaurant. I generally plan that day to be a bit more generous, but still within my overall weekly plan. I'm also planning to take the next two weeks and eat at approximately maintenance level each day, not because I need a break from how I've been eating but because i've read it's good metabolically for the body to take a break after a few months. So I'm planning a controlled break to see what happens if I eat at maintenance level for a couple weeks. It won't be that many extra calories, as I don't have that large of a deficit now anyway.

    It sounds like your method is working for you, and I think we each have to find our own niche that works. I'd love to be around your house on baking day---I enjoy cooking and making special treats for myself and others.
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    I have days when I go over my calorie target/allowance, but I still track it 24/7/365.24 It is the only way to KNOW what is going on.

    Now, my activity level changes a lot from day to day, and that is a hell of a lot harder to track. So, I set my general activity level one step lower than it probably is. This does give me a hell of a cushion to play with when it comes to "going over." Also probably why I'm losing a bit faster than I want to. Eh.

    The biggest thing? KNOW what you're eating, keep your excesses "reasonable," and don't feel at all guilty. My buddy handed me a beer last night (a craft beer that he thought I'd really like... mostly correct), and I thought about rejecting it for a second. Even though I knew I was already "over," I took, drank, and enjoyed the 240 calorie beer. :) I'll make it up today at the gym. But I logged it, and I KNOW what I took in yesterday. That's almost all the battle for me.

    So, I'd say a qualified "yes." I kind of have binge days, but I keep them reasonable and track the damage for later repair. :)
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I have failed at every diet, losing 20 pounds, not being able to sustain the restrictive fare and gaining it back with reinforcements. I worked with a RD and changed how I buy food and cook. I don't binge now simply because I don't feel that any food is off limits. That said, now that I no longer eat processed foods or loads of sugar, I find that those foods taste really nasty to me. In fact a close friend is having a 40th birthday at the end of the month and I volunteered to bake rosemary bread, monkey bread and cookies for the party so I can have some, knowing that they're made with organic ingredients!
  • MumMumOfMany
    MumMumOfMany Posts: 79 Member
    i have a 'binge day' once a week. On this day i dont log, and basically eat what i like, including biscuits and take away. i have an average loss of 2lbs a week and have since jan so cant be tht bad lol, and keeps me happy x
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    I don't... If I look at calories in/calories out, it is EASILY possible to eat so much on one day of the week that it completely cancels out the calorie deficit I worked so hard for six days to maintain. To me personally, binging is not worth it. I'm not saying I never eat desserts or that I never go over my calorie "allowance", I just don't think regularly eating an inhuman amount of high-calorie food in one day is worth it.

    Well I think it depends. If you simply mean "I'll go to so-and-so's house and have a nice time and forget about calorie counting" that's one thing, since you'll still probably be more aware and not do as badly as you could have pre-weightloss. If you mean "pig out like it's Thanksgiving" then that's another.
  • hedwighigh
    hedwighigh Posts: 299
    I usually take one (someones two) day(s) a month to eat whatever I want. I tend to gain about 10 pounds and it takes me that subsequent week to get rid of that weight gain but I don't really gain fat, it's just water.
    For instance, I had a "binge day" on Saturday and I'm already back to my pre-cheat day weight and measurements. Only took a couple of days of extra water and a bit extra calorie restriction.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I used to but it did not work as well as with what I do now. If I want to eat some thing I do in moderation and as long as its with in my daily calorie goals n macros. No spike days for me any more.
  • batgirl8809
    batgirl8809 Posts: 32 Member
    Granted I've only been tracking for a little over two weeks now, but no, I've never gone over my limit. I have what I want (in moderation) but honestly what I want is consistent progress and to be healthy. That said, to each his own!
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    I have a cheat day where I'll have a few meals or some junk food I want , but I sneak in a little something usually daily to keep me from going nuts .. especially needed during pms time :grumble:
  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    I do not do an entire day, but I will pick one meal a week for my cheat day. I have found healthy alternatives so I can pretty much eat healthy. Its when I want popeyes or mcdonalds or even wendy's that is normally my cheat meal and then I am done for the week.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Yes! Weekly! During my loss and still while maintaing almost a year. Every Sunday I call it a spike day. No logging,no rules, just enjoy whatever I want. I eat very well 80 percent and the other 20 less then perfect choices, beer,wine cheese,beer,
  • janiner79
    janiner79 Posts: 69 Member
    My problem with binge days are 2 things...

    1. I can't stop after that day, because there's always left over "goodies", so I root around in the cupboards until I've eaten everything sweet I can find... (And that goes into Monday, Tuesday... *sigh Wednesday)
    2. I have Crohn's disease and MAN DOES IT KILL MY STOMACH when I'm not consistent with my diet.

    I read up on some Figure Fitness/Bikini Fitness pros and what they do. A lot of them say they don't have cheat days, because it puts a negative spin on what you're doing throughout the week. If you have a little craving for something sweet, which I almost always do after a hard work out, have a piece of chocolate, or a cookie. It'll satisfy your craving enough that when Sunday comes around, you don't feel it necessary to eat 5 pieces of cake and an entire bag of chips.

    Anyways, I try my best to stick with it, but I've been off this site for a while and I gained 8 friggin pounds. Renovations are horrible for diets!!!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Nooooooooo, not a whole day lol.
    I have a eat what I want MEAL. I have done days like that but I always end up feeling really crappy and the next day it's hard to make the right choices.
    When I say I have an eat what I want meal I usually just exercise a ton so that I can pretty much have whatever and not feel bad.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Every Friday is 'Tucky Friday Chicken, which is slang for any-the-heck-thing we want day!
    chips, ice cream, and cokes all the way..........HOWEVER, the feast never begins before 5pm and usu lasts only a couple of hours :tongue:
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Sort of... I had gastric bypass a little over a year ago, so I don't get to eat WHATEVER I want ever again! But there are days where I don't track. Usually Saturday or Sunday and holidays
  • kristenkillens
    Hi Lisa!!! I also have a binge day!! My day is usually Saturday or Sunday as well. I do this to help me through the week and to shake my body up a little bit, so that I don't plateau. Our bodies get accustomed the exercises we do and the foods we eat so when I see that I am not losing like I should, I change up everything for a few days, and then start over!!! :D good luck~!

  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    I can't have a full day of binge...I get carried away. Instead, I try to only enjoy a binge meal. But I'm so used to working around my calories to make room for my binge meal. I binged during Thanksgiving and it took me MONTHS to get back on track.
  • Grandysl
    Grandysl Posts: 189
    Weekends! LOL
  • AimeeLynn90
    AimeeLynn90 Posts: 94
    I don't have a day where I set aside to eat anything I want, more like just a meal, and it's always dinner and a form of dessert. Of course I still log it and I've noticed that recently, I haven't even gone over my maintain weight intake so I'm really not doing any harm. But I like having my one meal a week where I can choose what I want, it keeps me going strong. And gives me something to look forward to (depending on what I want) :)