Considering running a full marathon...



  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I've now read all these posts. Run for the hills! Not that any of it's bad advice (well, most of it isn't). But, you're hearing 17 opinions based on people's bodies / fitness / aptitude for running. Again, all good people - but based on their views. Go buy a book on marathon training, especially one for a first timer. Galloway, Higdon, etc. Then stick to it. AFTER that, if you love running and are addicted, start modifying based on your results, and like minded and like bodied people.

    Best of luck.

    Thank you! I didn't realize asking for some general tips on running a full marathon would generate such a heated response. :ohwell:

    I have the Jeff Galloway Marathon Book and plan to use the "To Finish" portion. I have no big time goal in mind, I just want to finish... and finish injury free. And if this means walking the last couple of miles, so be it.

    For me running, even at my slow (but steadily getting faster) pace, is a huge accomplishment. I went from being a morbidly obese couch potato to someone who runs half marathons on a fairly regulary basis. So, for me, just crossing the finish line is goal... the accomplishment... and feeling overwhelming pride.

    I'll never be first... or fast... but I will have a smile every time I cross the finish line. :bigsmile:
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    wow - so I guess wanting to do my best in my training and wanting to help people not make the same mistakes that I did when I started makes me an elitest snob. I had no idea.

    Here is a very important difference

    Elite snob - "oh my god, I can't believe you want to do a marathon and not run a sub 330. Is that even running? They should have a 4 hr cut off"

    Me - "I think you should do whatever you can to properly prepare yourself to do YOUR BEST on race day. A good base and quality workouts are a great place to start. Here is some of my experiences with running over the past 10 years and the mistakes I have made. Please take from it what you will"

    FYI, the "elitist snobbery" line from the above post wasn't up as I was typing mine. Funny how such a word choice came from two separate people after reading the posts... Hmmm, maybe some truth to it.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    1. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it. Lots of people will say that you are crazy, it's nuts to run that far, why are you killing yourself, etc. You can do it, don't listen to them.

    2. The mental part is harder than the physical part. On days where the long runs aren't going well, or it's hot out, it's easy to start talking yourself into stopping. It's hard to keep going sometimes.

    3. The feeling of accomplishment you get when reaching the finish line is amazing. No way to describe it, you have to experience it.

    4. Agree with the people who suggest find a training plan and stick to it. Don't change plans in the middle. Different plans are based on different theories, and changing in the middle may lead to injury.

    5. I use the FIRST plan. Don't know that it's better than any other, but it works for me, and there is some good science behind it. I also like plans that get you up to the 20 mile runs quicker. The plans that build up to one final 20 mile training run at the end. If that one day doesn't go well, it's a problem FIRST has a marathon plan for first time runners which I don't like for that reason. I have used it and had that problem. I prefer their regular plan, which is much harder, but has several 20 mile runs. Downside to FIRST - they've taken all their stuff off the website and you have to buy their book for $12. However it is a good book with lots of good information in it about running in general, exercise in general, nutrition, injuries, etc.

    6. Experiment with what to eat before long runs, how much to drink, etc. during training. Everyone is different, and our bodies are all different. Get it figured out before the race. Don't do anything on the race day that you haven't done before.

    7. To go along with that, run once or twice in the rain during training. It's normal to arrange running days around the weather, but it might rain on the marathon day, and it's good to have some idea what clothing works for you. I had that happen once, didn't know what to wear, and made some poor choices and had a less than phenomenal experience that day.

    8. Have fun! Enjoy the training, getting outside, having the quiet time to yourself. Enjoy the race, too many people get so worried about pace and drinking and logistics that they forget to enjoy the experience.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    wow - so I guess wanting to do my best in my training and wanting to help people not make the same mistakes that I did when I started makes me an elitest snob. I had no idea.

    Here is a very important difference

    Elite snob - "oh my god, I can't believe you want to do a marathon and not run a sub 330. Is that even running? They should have a 4 hr cut off"

    Me - "I think you should do whatever you can to properly prepare yourself to do YOUR BEST on race day. A good base and quality workouts are a great place to start. Here is some of my experiences with running over the past 10 years and the mistakes I have made. Please take from it what you will"

    FYI, the "elitist snobbery" line from the above post wasn't up as I was typing mine. Funny how such a word choice came from two separate people after reading the posts... Hmmm, maybe some truth to it.

    Well I was referring to Carson's posts but I don't think yours are far off. Why, because its not your business what 'YOUR BEST' is for another runner. Not everyone wants to run as much as you, and I don't see why they shouldn't run a marathon without following your advice, when there are actual experts on the subject who have other programs that cater to their goals.

    I think you need to weigh the balance between the trade-off between the effort and risks in training vs the payoff on race day. Its not the same for everyone.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I'm sorry if my comments come off sounding elitist, but that is far from the truth. I think that some of what I have said has been twisted and taken out of context. I have disdain for the running industry and the direction in which it is going, but not for the runners themselves that want to get out there and run. I believe that many beginning runners are being misguided by the industry.

    I don't know where you got the impression that I suggest a 50 mpw base before running a marathon. I have consistently advocated a base of 20 to 30 miles per week for a year before embarking on a marathon training program. Find my posts, you'll see that's true. Grinch, you keep throwing that number out 10 miles a day every day. I never said that was necessary for anyone. What my training program consists of is NOT what I would advocate for anyone UNLESS they have the base mileage that I have. Every runner is different and will require a different plan, so stop comparing my plan to what I give as advice. They are not the same. Period.
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    They weren't aimed at your comments, and yes there is an important difference between what you quote. The likes of these comments fall closer to the latter than the former:

    "I can't imagine why anyone would want to run for 5 hours and be miserable for a lot of it. It is a RACE, after all, isn't it? Train for a HM instead."

    "That's just not healthy, especially if you are trying to grow the sport."

    "I think we could do without quite a few races (Rock and Roll, for instance) and there are many races that don't need to have 30K participants. It would be nice to not have to sign up for a marathon 9 months in advance"

    "That and there is the bucket list mentality too. So many people just want to check it off their list"

    wow - so I guess wanting to do my best in my training and wanting to help people not make the same mistakes that I did when I started makes me an elitest snob. I had no idea.

    Here is a very important difference

    Elite snob - "oh my god, I can't believe you want to do a marathon and not run a sub 330. Is that even running? They should have a 4 hr cut off"

    Me - "I think you should do whatever you can to properly prepare yourself to do YOUR BEST on race day. A good base and quality workouts are a great place to start. Here is some of my experiences with running over the past 10 years and the mistakes I have made. Please take from it what you will"

    FYI, the "elitist snobbery" line from the above post wasn't up as I was typing mine. Funny how such a word choice came from two separate people after reading the posts... Hmmm, maybe some truth to it.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I'm sorry if my comments come off sounding elitist, but that is far from the truth. I think that some of what I have said has been twisted and taken out of context. I have disdain for the running industry and the direction in which it is going, but not for the runners themselves that want to get out there and run. I believe that many beginning runners are being misguided by the industry.

    I don't know where you got the impression that I suggest a 50 mpw base before running a marathon. I have consistently advocated a base of 20 to 30 miles per week for a year before embarking on a marathon training program. Find my posts, you'll see that's true. Grinch, you keep throwing that number out 10 miles a day every day. I never said that was necessary for anyone. What my training program consists of is NOT what I would advocate for anyone UNLESS they have the base mileage that I have. Every runner is different and will require a different plan, so stop comparing my plan to what I give as advice. They are not the same. Period.

    I think its fair that you don't agree with the direction the running industry is going, although I disagree to an extent. As someone who has tried to go out and wing a marathon while under-trained, I know what its like to not be prepared, but I've also seen what a major difference even moderate improvements in training can do. This is why I support the more novice training programs that seem insufficient to you.

    And in one post you recommended 7, 12, 6, 8, 20 which adds up to 53 mpw, which I think is kinda high and not necessary for a novice. Also part of my responses were to Brandy who advocates a 50 mpw base.
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    That's appreciated. Like I said, my bet is that you're not a running elitist's that some of your comments come off that way. I understand your passion for the sport (even though we don't share it), and I think that gives you a different take on things. I respect that, and love that you're up in front of the pack and pushing the rest of us. Just a very different mindset of the "why" to run a marathon. Let's just mutually say we've got different reasons for running - and I'll let you have yours if you let me have mine.
    I'm sorry if my comments come off sounding elitist, but that is far from the truth. I think that some of what I have said has been twisted and taken out of context. I have disdain for the running industry and the direction in which it is going, but not for the runners themselves that want to get out there and run. I believe that many beginning runners are being misguided by the industry.

    I don't know where you got the impression that I suggest a 50 mpw base before running a marathon. I have consistently advocated a base of 20 to 30 miles per week for a year before embarking on a marathon training program. Find my posts, you'll see that's true. Grinch, you keep throwing that number out 10 miles a day every day. I never said that was necessary for anyone. What my training program consists of is NOT what I would advocate for anyone UNLESS they have the base mileage that I have. Every runner is different and will require a different plan, so stop comparing my plan to what I give as advice. They are not the same. Period.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    They weren't aimed at your comments, and yes there is an important difference between what you quote. The likes of these comments fall closer to the latter than the former:

    "I can't imagine why anyone would want to run for 5 hours and be miserable for a lot of it. It is a RACE, after all, isn't it? Train for a HM instead."

    "That's just not healthy, especially if you are trying to grow the sport."

    "I think we could do without quite a few races (Rock and Roll, for instance) and there are many races that don't need to have 30K participants. It would be nice to not have to sign up for a marathon 9 months in advance"

    "That and there is the bucket list mentality too. So many people just want to check it off their list"

    Nice. Why don't you quote the entire text. Like I said, being taken out of context.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member

    And in one post you recommended 7, 12, 6, 8, 20 which adds up to 53 mpw, which I think is kinda high and not necessary for a novice. Also part of my responses were to Brandy who advocates a 50 mpw base.

    That's not base. That has a 20 in it, so that would reflect the high mileage week of a novice/intermediate program.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679

    And in one post you recommended 7, 12, 6, 8, 20 which adds up to 53 mpw, which I think is kinda high and not necessary for a novice. Also part of my responses were to Brandy who advocates a 50 mpw base.

    That's not base. That has a 20 in it, so that would reflect the high mileage week of a novice/intermediate program.

    Okay I guess my point really is that I don't think running that kind of mileage at any stage of training is necessary for a novice with modest goals. I think it is highly likely the average novice will end up injured simply trying to reach that level of weekly mileage no matter how slowly they try to build it up.
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member

    Also part of my responses were to Brandy who advocates a 50 mpw base.

    I never said I advocated a 50 mpw base. I said that I built up to that as I wanted a great base before trying another marathon. That was my experience. I went down in flames and got hurt during my first go ahead and I didn't want it to happen again. And to a certain extent it worked. While I didn't race overly well, I did PR by over 30 min from my first attempt and this was after having a nasty bout of sickness the last month of quality training (it was resp so I had to reduce my mileage) and the weather being horrible for the race at 70F with 100% humidity.

    As earlier stated, I believe that 25mpw for a year is a quality base for starting marathon training.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member

    Okay I guess my point really is that I don't think running that kind of mileage at any stage of training is necessary for a novice with modest goals. I think it is highly likely the average novice will end up injured simply trying to reach that level of weekly mileage no matter how slowly they try to build it up.

    Fair enough if you don't think it's necessary. It obviously depends upon the goal of the individual. I would dispute that the average novice would end up injured. I started with a base of about 30 miles per week before building to the mid 40s. I know I'm only a study of one, but I am average, and old to boot.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    7. To go along with that, run once or twice in the rain during training. It's normal to arrange running days around the weather, but it might rain on the marathon day, and it's good to have some idea what clothing works for you. I had that happen once, didn't know what to wear, and made some poor choices and had a less than phenomenal experience that day.

    8. Have fun! Enjoy the training, getting outside, having the quiet time to yourself. Enjoy the race, too many people get so worried about pace and drinking and logistics that they forget to enjoy the experience.

    I never thought about training in the rain -- that is great advice! Thanks! :happy:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I love this thread and I want to thank everyone who put in their thoughts... I would love to run a full next year, but may hold off another year. I just really got back into running last year and I'm going to do my 2nd half this summer (first one was several years ago before kids, so it's like I'm a novice.)

    I run about 20 miles/week now and my half is in August. If I consider a full it will probably be next fall/October.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679

    Also part of my responses were to Brandy who advocates a 50 mpw base.

    I never said I advocated a 50 mpw base. I said that I built up to that as I wanted a great base before trying another marathon. That was my experience. I went down in flames and got hurt during my first go ahead and I didn't want it to happen again. And to a certain extent it worked. While I didn't race overly well, I did PR by over 30 min from my first attempt and this was after having a nasty bout of sickness the last month of quality training (it was resp so I had to reduce my mileage) and the weather being horrible for the race at 70F with 100% humidity.

    As earlier stated, I believe that 25mpw for a year is a quality base for starting marathon training.

    I know a lot of people that did Higdon novice 1 which doesn't advocate a strong base beforehand and did just fine finishing. Sure their times weren't good and maybe walked some, but they still enjoyed the challenge. I haven't seen some epidemic of injuries or hatred of the marathon from the runners following this plan.

    Although I still recommend running a Half before attempting a full, because you get a feel for whether you enjoy it enough to want to put in the extra effort.
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    Some great advice here. Thanks!