HELP!!! or i am leaving



  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 729 Member
    i am 25yrs old, mother of two (5 and 6). i am 5'7 and as of today weigh 148.8lbs. after being here for a while i decided i didnt want to just be skinny i wanted muscles. i went for a bulk/cut cycle. BIG MISTAKE!!! i bulked for 4months gaining 15lbs and 12 total inches. i bulked on 2400cals lifting heavy full body 3x a week/cardio 3x a week. then i started cutting. i dropped down to 2000cals and contuined my workouts. i wasnt losing so i dropped down to 1900 cals. still hardly a thing happened. i went on vacation to costa rica. april 9th for 10days. (weighed about 147) and couldnt work out (did alot of activities and walking though) and i piged out(no computer or phone= no logging) it was well worth it and i had a blast. got back home lowered my cals to about 1500 for a week to help make up for eating so much, then settled at 1800 cals. still doing my exericse routine. for almost two weeks now i have altered my diet by cutting out bread(i ate at least 2x a day) and replacing it with more complex carbs such as brown rice and oats. i started monitering my sugar ( i was ALWAYS over) and make sure i stay under 35grams a day. i aim for 180-200 grams of protein sometimes i even get in more. all i drink is water and my diet has been well under control since i got back. I am now back up to 148.8lbs and have only lost 2inches from my waist(at my bellybutton). What am i doing wrong???!!!!!

    I have tried eating more, eating less, eating more protien, eating more clean, giving up foods, lifting more, running more, intervals, and still nothing. i have heard to get the toned, muscular look i want (goal is my profile pic) that i need to eat very low carb. i tried this for a day and i was hungry and super super super tired all day. i have seen others on here doing what i do and eating 12 pieces of bread a day and look like i want to......i just dont get what i am doing wrong and why nothing works for me. before i started on this sitei weighed 130lbs and ate whatever, whenever i wanted.

    For a accurate answer, tell us what your workout routine is. What is your calorie deficit?

    You want to be slim and toned. The "dream body" that it seems every woman wants.

    Here is my best advice...

    NO MORE HEAVY WEIGHTS!!!! Woman don't look good bulky in my opinion... Thats exactly whats going to happen if you keep lifting heavy and eating more than your burning. I would suggest circuit training and plyometics for your exercises. No weights needed, just do a google search on different body weight exercises.

    Or just do p90x or insanity, when you do it, commit to it don't cheat yourself don't half *kitten* it... Just do it and get it out of the way. Once you mastered p90x pick up a different routine like the 300 workout...

    Most important part is diet... Just watch your calories... I wouldn't go over 1400 if I were you. Take a dietary supplement to help with the food cravings, water also helps.

    Not to hijack this- but her lifting "heavy" isn't going to cause her to bulk. Women cannot bulk up like men unless they are on something because we don't have enough testosterone. She wasn't asking for a different exercise plan, she was asking about what her cal intake/ food make up should be to help her in her cutting phase.

    I agree with what one of the other guys mentioned- you are probably eating too much for trying to lose, so cut down your calorie intake while still maintaining the same level of exercise you are doing and see if that helps out.
  • silby8919
    silby8919 Posts: 6 Member
    I think you are making too many changes too quickly as well. When you make changes, give it at least 3 weeks before making more. Personally, I have been on MFP since early January. As you can see by my ticker, I haven't had a huge amount of success. I started out letting the computer figure my daily calorie intake as well as my exercise calories. Well, that was a huge mistake.

    Needless to say, after tracking every morsel that went into my mouth and every second exercised for 4 months, and seeing only minimal results, I was more than frustrated. I began reading the threads on here about base metabolic rate, total daily energy expended, and other figures that were very important in my case, that I knew nothing about.

    3 weeks ago I purchased a heart rate monitor, figured my bmr, tdee, and adjusted my intake calories for a 40 year old female who exercises 3-5 times per week. I went from 1200 cals per day to 1600, calculated my exercise calories using heart rate averages instead of trusting the machine readouts, and wouldn't you know it, it works!!!! took 3 weeks for my body to adjust to the new 'settings' and start losing weight. I lost almost 4 pounds last week without really even trying.

    DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!
  • Brechin89
    Brechin89 Posts: 92
    i have been at this for months!!! when i started cutting i stayed at 2000 cals for about 2months nothing happened so i dropped down to 1900. nothing was really going on after that for a month so i dropped down to 1800. i have been at 1800 no bread, way less sugar and more complex carbs for only about 2 weeks now

    You can't cut at 1800-1900 calories...unless you're working out a LOT. And it really has nothing to do with not eating bread, etc.. It is calories in vs calories out. Also, are you weighing every single bite you put into your mouth?

    i weigh and measure everything!! and track everything.... i gained 1lb a week at 2400 cals i should lose at 1800 cals. i burn around 300 cals a day(i usually only eat back some exercise cals. netting me at around 1600. my BMR is 1485 and my TDEE is around 2800

    Also your tdee is not 2800 this is why your gaining weight... I'm 22 year old male that weighs more than you. I'm very active and my TDEE isn't even that high... Thats a TDEE for a man that roofs houses or something...
  • ms_walker
    ms_walker Posts: 30 Member
    I honestly think you're eating too much for what you want to acheive. I'm 5' 7"ish and and will require 1800 -1900 to maintain 160lb (without exercise). you may want to re-evaluate your goals if you are trying to lose and see rapid results with what you are currently eating.
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member

    well that was helpful and very insightful......thanks :grumble:

    lol but that did strike me as funny
  • Brechin89
    Brechin89 Posts: 92
    i am 25yrs old, mother of two (5 and 6). i am 5'7 and as of today weigh 148.8lbs. after being here for a while i decided i didnt want to just be skinny i wanted muscles. i went for a bulk/cut cycle. BIG MISTAKE!!! i bulked for 4months gaining 15lbs and 12 total inches. i bulked on 2400cals lifting heavy full body 3x a week/cardio 3x a week. then i started cutting. i dropped down to 2000cals and contuined my workouts. i wasnt losing so i dropped down to 1900 cals. still hardly a thing happened. i went on vacation to costa rica. april 9th for 10days. (weighed about 147) and couldnt work out (did alot of activities and walking though) and i piged out(no computer or phone= no logging) it was well worth it and i had a blast. got back home lowered my cals to about 1500 for a week to help make up for eating so much, then settled at 1800 cals. still doing my exericse routine. for almost two weeks now i have altered my diet by cutting out bread(i ate at least 2x a day) and replacing it with more complex carbs such as brown rice and oats. i started monitering my sugar ( i was ALWAYS over) and make sure i stay under 35grams a day. i aim for 180-200 grams of protein sometimes i even get in more. all i drink is water and my diet has been well under control since i got back. I am now back up to 148.8lbs and have only lost 2inches from my waist(at my bellybutton). What am i doing wrong???!!!!!

    I have tried eating more, eating less, eating more protien, eating more clean, giving up foods, lifting more, running more, intervals, and still nothing. i have heard to get the toned, muscular look i want (goal is my profile pic) that i need to eat very low carb. i tried this for a day and i was hungry and super super super tired all day. i have seen others on here doing what i do and eating 12 pieces of bread a day and look like i want to......i just dont get what i am doing wrong and why nothing works for me. before i started on this sitei weighed 130lbs and ate whatever, whenever i wanted.

    For a accurate answer, tell us what your workout routine is. What is your calorie deficit?

    You want to be slim and toned. The "dream body" that it seems every woman wants.

    Here is my best advice...

    NO MORE HEAVY WEIGHTS!!!! Woman don't look good bulky in my opinion... Thats exactly whats going to happen if you keep lifting heavy and eating more than your burning. I would suggest circuit training and plyometics for your exercises. No weights needed, just do a google search on different body weight exercises.

    Or just do p90x or insanity, when you do it, commit to it don't cheat yourself don't half *kitten* it... Just do it and get it out of the way. Once you mastered p90x pick up a different routine like the 300 workout...

    Most important part is diet... Just watch your calories... I wouldn't go over 1400 if I were you. Take a dietary supplement to help with the food cravings, water also helps.

    Not to hijack this- but her lifting "heavy" isn't going to cause her to bulk. Women cannot bulk up like men unless they are on something because we don't have enough testosterone. She wasn't asking for a different exercise plan, she was asking about what her cal intake/ food make up should be to help her in her cutting phase.

    I agree with what one of the other guys mentioned- you are probably eating too much for trying to lose, so cut down your calorie intake while still maintaining the same level of exercise you are doing and see if that helps out.

    Sorry but uh yes woman can bulk... All human bodies pretty much work the same. Muscle breaks down from exercise, you eat, muscle repairs itself... You may not be able to bulk like us but you can bulk....
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you gained weight at 2400 calories, how would you ever come to the conclusion that your TDEE is higher than that? It's obvious why you aren't losing, you're eating too much. If your TDEE is around 1800-1900 and that's what you're eating, you won't lose weight.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member

    Is this the only encouraging thing you could say???? NOT!!!! :frown:

    Yes it is.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member


    Remind me NOT to come to you for support!

    We're here to support one another,just in case you've forgotten!:grumble:

    This breaks my heart.:brokenheart:
  • meghan1789
    meghan1789 Posts: 81 Member
    You only lost two inches in two weeks? Oh darn, so terrible! *insert eye roll here* It takes most of us here a lot longer than that!

    You may not want to hear this but I think you are trying too hard. It's so great that you are so aware of what you are putting into your body, but you seem to be all over the place and your body is probably not adapting to that well. Try to make a plan and stick to it for more than two weeks. It's definitely working, but you just need to keep at it. To me, health is a whole lifestyle and it needs some consistency. The more weight you lose, the slower your loss will be, generally. And please try not to be so dramatic about it.
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    i am 25yrs old, mother of two (5 and 6). i am 5'7 and as of today weigh 148.8lbs. after being here for a while i decided i didnt want to just be skinny i wanted muscles. i went for a bulk/cut cycle. BIG MISTAKE!!! i bulked for 4months gaining 15lbs and 12 total inches. i bulked on 2400cals lifting heavy full body 3x a week/cardio 3x a week. then i started cutting. i dropped down to 2000cals and contuined my workouts. i wasnt losing so i dropped down to 1900 cals. still hardly a thing happened. i went on vacation to costa rica. april 9th for 10days. (weighed about 147) and couldnt work out (did alot of activities and walking though) and i piged out(no computer or phone= no logging) it was well worth it and i had a blast. got back home lowered my cals to about 1500 for a week to help make up for eating so much, then settled at 1800 cals. still doing my exericse routine. for almost two weeks now i have altered my diet by cutting out bread(i ate at least 2x a day) and replacing it with more complex carbs such as brown rice and oats. i started monitering my sugar ( i was ALWAYS over) and make sure i stay under 35grams a day. i aim for 180-200 grams of protein sometimes i even get in more. all i drink is water and my diet has been well under control since i got back. I am now back up to 148.8lbs and have only lost 2inches from my waist(at my bellybutton). What am i doing wrong???!!!!!

    I have tried eating more, eating less, eating more protien, eating more clean, giving up foods, lifting more, running more, intervals, and still nothing. i have heard to get the toned, muscular look i want (goal is my profile pic) that i need to eat very low carb. i tried this for a day and i was hungry and super super super tired all day. i have seen others on here doing what i do and eating 12 pieces of bread a day and look like i want to......i just dont get what i am doing wrong and why nothing works for me. before i started on this sitei weighed 130lbs and ate whatever, whenever i wanted.

    For a accurate answer, tell us what your workout routine is. What is your calorie deficit?

    You want to be slim and toned. The "dream body" that it seems every woman wants.

    Here is my best advice...

    NO MORE HEAVY WEIGHTS!!!! Woman don't look good bulky in my opinion... Thats exactly whats going to happen if you keep lifting heavy and eating more than your burning. I would suggest circuit training and plyometics for your exercises. No weights needed, just do a google search on different body weight exercises.

    Or just do p90x or insanity, when you do it, commit to it don't cheat yourself don't half *kitten* it... Just do it and get it out of the way. Once you mastered p90x pick up a different routine like the 300 workout...

    Most important part is diet... Just watch your calories... I wouldn't go over 1400 if I were you. Take a dietary supplement to help with the food cravings, water also helps.

    Heavy weights won't make you bulky unless you're doing hours in the gym. Women don't get truly "bulky" w/o taking supplements/drugs to make it happen. But, heavy weights aren't needed to get "cut" either. So it really depends on what you are comfortable lifting. As for your diet, you definitely need to drop the calories if you want to drop weight, and where your calories come from DOES count. Protein builds muscle. Carbs & fat build fat. Carbs also help you retain water. If you're not feeling well when you drop the carbs, you're probably just doing it too quickly. Try cutting back a little each day.

    Looking through all the comments here, it doesn't seem like you've gotten a whole lot of truly supportive responses. I would hate to see you walk away from what can be a great system because of that. Friend me if you like. I've been studying this quite a bit, and currently have pretty much the same goals you do. I'd be happy to help, or just lend support.
  • Brechin89
    Brechin89 Posts: 92
    i am 25yrs old, mother of two (5 and 6). i am 5'7 and as of today weigh 148.8lbs. after being here for a while i decided i didnt want to just be skinny i wanted muscles. i went for a bulk/cut cycle. BIG MISTAKE!!! i bulked for 4months gaining 15lbs and 12 total inches. i bulked on 2400cals lifting heavy full body 3x a week/cardio 3x a week. then i started cutting. i dropped down to 2000cals and contuined my workouts. i wasnt losing so i dropped down to 1900 cals. still hardly a thing happened. i went on vacation to costa rica. april 9th for 10days. (weighed about 147) and couldnt work out (did alot of activities and walking though) and i piged out(no computer or phone= no logging) it was well worth it and i had a blast. got back home lowered my cals to about 1500 for a week to help make up for eating so much, then settled at 1800 cals. still doing my exericse routine. for almost two weeks now i have altered my diet by cutting out bread(i ate at least 2x a day) and replacing it with more complex carbs such as brown rice and oats. i started monitering my sugar ( i was ALWAYS over) and make sure i stay under 35grams a day. i aim for 180-200 grams of protein sometimes i even get in more. all i drink is water and my diet has been well under control since i got back. I am now back up to 148.8lbs and have only lost 2inches from my waist(at my bellybutton). What am i doing wrong???!!!!!

    I have tried eating more, eating less, eating more protien, eating more clean, giving up foods, lifting more, running more, intervals, and still nothing. i have heard to get the toned, muscular look i want (goal is my profile pic) that i need to eat very low carb. i tried this for a day and i was hungry and super super super tired all day. i have seen others on here doing what i do and eating 12 pieces of bread a day and look like i want to......i just dont get what i am doing wrong and why nothing works for me. before i started on this sitei weighed 130lbs and ate whatever, whenever i wanted.

    For a accurate answer, tell us what your workout routine is. What is your calorie deficit?

    You want to be slim and toned. The "dream body" that it seems every woman wants.

    Here is my best advice...

    NO MORE HEAVY WEIGHTS!!!! Woman don't look good bulky in my opinion... Thats exactly whats going to happen if you keep lifting heavy and eating more than your burning. I would suggest circuit training and plyometics for your exercises. No weights needed, just do a google search on different body weight exercises.

    Or just do p90x or insanity, when you do it, commit to it don't cheat yourself don't half *kitten* it... Just do it and get it out of the way. Once you mastered p90x pick up a different routine like the 300 workout...

    Most important part is diet... Just watch your calories... I wouldn't go over 1400 if I were you. Take a dietary supplement to help with the food cravings, water also helps.

    Heavy weights won't make you bulky unless you're doing hours in the gym. Women don't get truly "bulky" w/o taking supplements/drugs to make it happen. But, heavy weights aren't needed to get "cut" either. So it really depends on what you are comfortable lifting. As for your diet, you definitely need to drop the calories if you want to drop weight, and where your calories come from DOES count. Protein builds muscle. Carbs & fat build fat. Carbs also help you retain water. If you're not feeling well when you drop the carbs, you're probably just doing it too quickly. Try cutting back a little each day.

    Looking through all the comments here, it doesn't seem like you've gotten a whole lot of truly supportive responses. I would hate to see you walk away from what can be a great system because of that. Friend me if you like. I've been studying this quite a bit, and currently have pretty much the same goals you do. I'd be happy to help, or just lend support.

    Oh is that so? So explain to me why Body Builders are in the gym for 30-45min a day 4 days a week? You don't need a lot of time to get bulky... Just break your muscle down, let it build back up...
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I don't understand what you are questioning here.. The quoted poster did not say anything about amount of time in the gym? That said most body builders spend much more than 3hrs/week in the gym.....

    Heavy weights won't make you bulky unless you're doing hours in the gym. Women don't get truly "bulky" w/o taking supplements/drugs to make it happen. But, heavy weights aren't needed to get "cut" either. So it really depends on what you are comfortable lifting. As for your diet, you definitely need to drop the calories if you want to drop weight, and where your calories come from DOES count. Protein builds muscle. Carbs & fat build fat. Carbs also help you retain water. If you're not feeling well when you drop the carbs, you're probably just doing it too quickly. Try cutting back a little each day.

    Looking through all the comments here, it doesn't seem like you've gotten a whole lot of truly supportive responses. I would hate to see you walk away from what can be a great system because of that. Friend me if you like. I've been studying this quite a bit, and currently have pretty much the same goals you do. I'd be happy to help, or just lend support.

    Oh is that so? So explain to me why Body Builders are in the gym for 30-45min a day 4 days a week? You don't need a lot of time to get bulky... Just break your muscle down, let it build back up...
  • Brechin89
    Brechin89 Posts: 92
    I don't understand what you are questioning here.. The quoted poster did not say anything about amount of time in the gym? That said most body builders spend much more than 3hrs/week in the gym.....

    Heavy weights won't make you bulky unless you're doing hours in the gym. Women don't get truly "bulky" w/o taking supplements/drugs to make it happen. But, heavy weights aren't needed to get "cut" either. So it really depends on what you are comfortable lifting. As for your diet, you definitely need to drop the calories if you want to drop weight, and where your calories come from DOES count. Protein builds muscle. Carbs & fat build fat. Carbs also help you retain water. If you're not feeling well when you drop the carbs, you're probably just doing it too quickly. Try cutting back a little each day.

    Looking through all the comments here, it doesn't seem like you've gotten a whole lot of truly supportive responses. I would hate to see you walk away from what can be a great system because of that. Friend me if you like. I've been studying this quite a bit, and currently have pretty much the same goals you do. I'd be happy to help, or just lend support.

    Oh is that so? So explain to me why Body Builders are in the gym for 30-45min a day 4 days a week? You don't need a lot of time to get bulky... Just break your muscle down, let it build back up...

    I encourage you to talk ask that...

    Hallie Snake Harris comes to my Gym EVERY Day. He's 5'11 285lbs of brick wall... I asked him how long he spends in the gym etc... He's in and out of there. Gets in about 9 different exercises in 45 min. Doing what is needed to break the muscles down..
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    Seriously Brechin89???? Please do some research before you post nonsense... Women Can NOT get bulky lifting Heavy weights... Their body does NOT allow it... They do NOT produce enough testosterone like a man's body.

    The ONLY way they can is if they are taking drugs.

    Stop with the false infomation.... Or Provide facts!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I don't understand what you are questioning here.. The quoted poster did not say anything about amount of time in the gym? That said most body builders spend much more than 3hrs/week in the gym.....

    Heavy weights won't make you bulky unless you're doing hours in the gym. Women don't get truly "bulky" w/o taking supplements/drugs to make it happen. But, heavy weights aren't needed to get "cut" either. So it really depends on what you are comfortable lifting. As for your diet, you definitely need to drop the calories if you want to drop weight, and where your calories come from DOES count. Protein builds muscle. Carbs & fat build fat. Carbs also help you retain water. If you're not feeling well when you drop the carbs, you're probably just doing it too quickly. Try cutting back a little each day.

    Looking through all the comments here, it doesn't seem like you've gotten a whole lot of truly supportive responses. I would hate to see you walk away from what can be a great system because of that. Friend me if you like. I've been studying this quite a bit, and currently have pretty much the same goals you do. I'd be happy to help, or just lend support.

    Oh is that so? So explain to me why Body Builders are in the gym for 30-45min a day 4 days a week? You don't need a lot of time to get bulky... Just break your muscle down, let it build back up...

    I encourage you to talk ask that...

    Hallie Snake Harris comes to my Gym EVERY Day. He's 5'11 285lbs of brick wall... I asked him how long he spends in the gym etc... He's in and out of there. Gets in about 9 different exercises in 45 min. Doing what is needed to break the muscles down..
    45 minutes a day is longer than 3 hours a week... It's about double that.
  • Brechin89
    Brechin89 Posts: 92
    Seriously Brechin89???? Please do some research before you post nonsense... Women Can NOT get bulky lifting Heavy weights... Their body does NOT allow it... They do NOT produce enough testosterone like a man's body.

    The ONLY way they can is if they are taking drugs.

    Stop with the false infomation.... Or Provide facts!

    maybe your definition of a bulky woman is different than mine...

    Here is an example of a woman bulking

    to this

    So please don't tell me woman can't bulk its obvious hillary bulked up...

    Woman may not have testosterone levels that we have and why they can't bulk as fast or as good as us. But thier are woman body builders too...
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member

    Here is my best advice...

    NO MORE HEAVY WEIGHTS!!!! Woman don't look good bulky in my opinion... Thats exactly whats going to happen if you keep lifting heavy and eating more than your burning. I would suggest circuit training and plyometics for your exercises. No weights needed, just do a google search on different body weight exercises.

    Or just do p90x or insanity, when you do it, commit to it don't cheat yourself don't half *kitten* it... Just do it and get it out of the way. Once you mastered p90x pick up a different routine like the 300 workout...

    Most important part is diet... Just watch your calories... I wouldn't go over 1400 if I were you. Take a dietary supplement to help with the food cravings, water also helps.

  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    The girl likes her bread! You're obviously not eating clean and not sticking to the basic premise of weight loss. And yes, I would use someone who eats bread twice a day as an indicator to an overall poor eating style which most likely results in over-intake. What he's telling you in general terms is that bread is a calorie dense wasteland of food more-or-less. It doesn't really matter if they label it whole grain or white, it's pretty much the same thing.

    As far as how hard you're working and how much you're consuming, the answer is simple. You're body is not losing weight therefore the equation is not balanced how you want it. And if you thought pigging out was "well deserved", so you know, the lack of weight loss was equally deserved. We make choices. They suck sometimes short-term. Take this tough love and hit the treadmill for 2-a-days and lay off the baked goods...
    Well, you said your goal was to gain mass, you did. You spent 4 months trying to put on weight and lived the life of gluttony it sounds like. "white bread twice a day" and "pigged out". Well, 2 weeks isn't going to cut it. Try spending that same 4 months busting your *kitten* on cardio, doing twice as much as you think you need, and working weights in to maintain (mid rep, same intensity, less weight), and eating clean for that full 4 months at a moderate level (less than you're burning). At that point, come back if no results.

    My frustration here lies in that fact that someone who understands a 4 month "bulk phase" most likely understands a "cut phase" isn't going to take root in 2 weeks. In short, being the guy I am, it sounds like an excuse to eat your *kitten* off, and then looking to rationalize a way into an easy fix - which isn't gonna happen.

    i dont eat my *kitten* off. i am very strict when it comes to eating and eat very clean. i didnt eat white bread i ate whole grain. the only time i slacked was my 10 day vacation which i felt was well deserved

    LMAO as if it makes a difference for weight loss if you eat white bread or whole grain bread
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    Seriously Brechin89???? Please do some research before you post nonsense... Women Can NOT get bulky lifting Heavy weights... Their body does NOT allow it... They do NOT produce enough testosterone like a man's body.

    The ONLY way they can is if they are taking drugs.

    Stop with the false infomation.... Or Provide facts!

    maybe your definition of a bulky woman is different than mine...

    Here is an example of a woman bulking

    to this

    So please don't tell me woman can't bulk its obvious hillary bulked up...

    Woman may not have testosterone levels that we have and why they can't bulk as fast or as good as us. But thier are woman body builders too...

    I think you have gone full potato