Ladies, Hair washing



  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    Reading this I may be the only one but I wash my hair about every 4th day! I condition everyday and use leave in conditioner everyday! I have very dry thick curly hair...over the years I have learned what works best and my hair looks fabulous usually the day before I wash it!

    When I work out I put it up in a bun and wear a it usually not sopping with sweat! :)
  • nikrit84
    nikrit84 Posts: 46 Member
    I have the same problem pending on when I go work out, I will sometimes shower 3 times a day. Always first thing in the morning...and if i work out...after that...and then if I go somewhere that evening i will shower before that. My hair gets greasy really quick, which may be a result from washing too much.
  • bethagon
    bethagon Posts: 18
    When my hair has been bleached/coloured a lot in the last few months, I tend to conditioner it every day and shampoo it every 2-3 days!
  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 478 Member
    Dry shampoo I have never heard of it but I will look into it sounds like something I can use. Thanks for the info!!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I don't wash my hair everyday, but I do rinse the sweat out of it when I'm in the shower.... just no shampoo. That stuff is crazy bad on your hair that often. Sometimes, I'll even toss some conditioner on the ends and rinse the roots really well. You'd be surprised how much funk will come out without soap and with just some hot water.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I shampoo my hair every other day.

    But i do rinse out my hair and "wash" it with plain conditioner everyday

    Keeps it clean but not stripped.

    I love my hair :heart:
  • TinamarZDF
    TinamarZDF Posts: 58 Member
    I have thick coarse hair so I wash mine every 4 days. I've read recently that for most people washing everyday is bad for hair. But if you feel you have to have that fresh look, he said to condition your hair from the neck down (to protect it) then wash the top of your scalp. I've done this and it works very well. That way, if hair is coarse or curly, the ends will not dry out and it allows natural oils to get to the bottom of your hair.
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    I wash my hair every other day. Washing it too much dries it out. After a sweaty workout, you could just rinse it, but not wash it.
  • Revenga1980
    Revenga1980 Posts: 63
    Never wash your hair everyday. Here's what I do :) My sister is a hair dresser and my hair is unfortunately very easy to break. So I shampoo my hair every other day, on the other days I jump in the shower and just use conditioner. it gets the yuckiness out and leaves my hair nice and soft until wash day :)
  • MystiqueASAP
    MystiqueASAP Posts: 747
    Try co-washing (rinsing hair with warm water, adding conditioner and then rinsing again) after your workout. This method will not strip the natural oils from your hair and it will gently cleanse and condition it until your next wash. Hope this helps.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I only wash it after pool workouts if I need to, but I usually go 2-3 days in between washings. I have no idea what "dry shampoo" is but it just sounds like someone got fancy about it and re-marketed the baby powder trick. Anyway, even if I get sweaty, I have to feel like it's really gross before I'll wash it... I also rarely use brushes, and I don't heat treat or anything like that, as well as condition only 1-2 times a week.

    Yeah, I'm weird, but my hair is awesome ;D

    What she said, except I use brushes! =)
  • Lisammy
    Lisammy Posts: 35
    I wash my hair every day. It gets sweaty from working out. I do condition it REALLY WELL though after each shampooing :)
  • AmandaPandah
    AmandaPandah Posts: 222 Member
    I wash my hair every third day.
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    I use Tresemme dry shampoo (its really cheap) for 2 days, then wash my hair really well on the third day. I wait until I'm not sweaty, spray the shampoo on, massage it in, and then blast my hair for about 10 seconds with a hair dry. Viola! Instant volume, less oil, and lots of good smell!
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    For you gals that say your hair gets ultra oily if you don't wash it, you may want to look at switching shampoos. That may be the cause. No one's scalp is naturally oily to the point of needing to wash it multiple times per day, you're actually making your scalp produce even more oil!
  • Aleciajones
    Aleciajones Posts: 153
    Every other day, sometimes every three. I wash with baking soda and condition with apple cider vinegar so you really couldn't tell a difference.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    What most people don't realize is that the more you wash your hair the more oily it will get!! When your constantly stripping your hair of its natural oils it increases the amount produced, therefore resulting in your oily hair! As hard as it might sound, try not washing your hair as much for awhile and I'll bet anything you'll begin to produce less oil.


    I was washing my hair every day and it would be oily by the end of the day!! I just recently discovered dry shampoo (recommended by a mfp friend) and now wash my hair every other day at the least. If I can I try to squeeze an extra day in between I sometimes do. And now my hair is not as oily. It took a few weeks to get to where it is now but was so worth sticking it out!!

    dry shampoo = expensive baby powder. :smile:
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Do I get the biggest scuzzball award? I have short, thick, non-oily hair. I only wash every 4-7 days. And I work out 3+ times a week. I wear a shower cap on non-wash days, don't even get it wet!
  • luvJOJO
    luvJOJO Posts: 1,881 Member
    What most people don't realize is that the more you wash your hair the more oily it will get!! When your constantly stripping your hair of its natural oils it increases the amount produced, therefore resulting in your oily hair! As hard as it might sound, try not washing your hair as much for awhile and I'll bet anything you'll begin to produce less oil.


    I was washing my hair every day and it would be oily by the end of the day!! I just recently discovered dry shampoo (recommended by a mfp friend) and now wash my hair every other day at the least. If I can I try to squeeze an extra day in between I sometimes do. And now my hair is not as oily. It took a few weeks to get to where it is now but was so worth sticking it out!!

    dry shampoo = expensive baby powder. :smile:

    I have tried just baby powder but my hair is really dark so the only problem I have with that is you can see traces of the powder on my dark hair. I have to be careful with the dry shampoo spray also because if I spray too much in one spot it will have a similar effect.
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    I use to shower every second day, because certain workouts are more intense (sweat-wise) than others, ego Back/Legs, etc. Now that I do Spin Bike as a cool-down after my lifting sessions, I literally sweat through my shirt, in my eyes and down my nose, ..Lol. So if I don't shower I feel disgusting, and itchy and now I am having to shower about every single day (barring my day off) which sucks ultimately - because I have to than Blow Dry and straighten my hair, and when you straighten your hair (or so for me anyway) I can't use dry shampoo, it's the same result as showering in a sense and nulls it. So I dunno what to tell ya.. Lol, my hair is thick and semi-long so I can;t just *not* shower. :/