200+lb girl looking for 200+lb Friends :)



  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    Hi MFP peeps!!!! I have been on MFP for little over a year now, have lost 34 lbs and have over 100lbs to go!! Looking for some Friends that have the same large LB goals for support!!! I am awesome at giving it back too! Friend Requests are welcome!!! :bigsmile: :happy: :wink:

    I was 310 at my highest and had lap band when I was 283.5lbs. I've lost 80 lbs. I've done low glycemic/low carb. If you need another friend, add me anytime:)
  • LFiestan
    LFiestan Posts: 176 Member
    ill add you and everyone else can add me too if they want, i need more friends with the same weight for motivation
    in 2008 i used to be a size 22 (260 lbs and i think higher)
    i seriously started in MFP at 220lbs just last month...im now 211 lbs....i have at least 80 more pounds to lose
  • raayfrancy
    raayfrancy Posts: 100
    Hey! I'm 200+ (; hollller! haha ... feel free to add me! I log in daily! (: xo
  • joauri
    joauri Posts: 10 Member
    I used to be 200+ lbs. I started at around 240 and am around 190 now. Always love having new friends! I log in everyday and track everything religiously.
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    You can add me if oyu would like. I started at 232lbs and am now at 179lbs.
  • emanismom
    emanismom Posts: 27 Member
    I am a 200+ (248lbs to be exact) trying to lose 90-100lbs and I just wanted to share a few things...

    1) Always track your food. I stopped tracking thinking I was ok and I GAINED back 10lbs! Now I track Mon-Fri and it helps so much. I put my food in every morning and try to leave 400 cals for dinner. If, when I track my food, I see that I am over my cals, I eliminate something (and don't cheat and eat it :) )

    2) Like Mercenary said..It is nice to hear from people who have lost over 100. They can share good and bad.

    3) Just because an exercise is popular doesn't mean it is right for you. I hurt myself doing P90X, but Jillian's 30 day shred and walking the track at my high school work much better FOR ME...do what works for YOU. Have fun with exercise. If you don't make loosing weight fun, you won't stick to it. I live in San Diego, CA and I try walking at the beach, I do the Cabrillo Monument hike (3.2k), I walk from Seaport Village to the airport and back. Find something you like to do so that it doesn't make the exercise feel forced.

    4) If you cheat one day don't keep kicking yourself. Acknowledge it and move on. Tomorrow is a new day :)

    5) Find different ways to eat what you like. I LOVE key lime pie but I can't afford to waste the cals on the pie. My solution is to crush a square of graham crackers into a bowl and top it with a low-fat key lime yogurt (like Yoplait). I think it works out to 150 cals. I still get the taste with out the cals!

    I hope I helped and didn't sound preachy :) Believe me when I say that I use all of this stuff myself BECAUSE I was tired of listening to people preach to me on how to lose weight! New friends are always welcome :)
  • jandv1991
    jandv1991 Posts: 19
    You may add me as well. In 2008 I started out at 281 and got down 203 pounds. I was injured and gained some back but still have a few pounds to lose. My goal is 170 pounds - I am 5'11 - female.
    I work out 6 days a week for 1-2 hours a day burning around 500-700 calories a day.
  • jandv1991
    jandv1991 Posts: 19
    Super info!!! Love the Key Lime Pie idea!!! Thanks :-)
  • maritenour
    maritenour Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 252, trying to get down to 180,
    im 5'11
    anyone who wants can add me
  • beckers80
    beckers80 Posts: 134 Member
    add me.
  • punkychikk
    punkychikk Posts: 7
    new friends and supporters are always welcome! i have about 75 more to go!! could always use help from other girls my size on what works for them!! :)
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    I am at 222 and have about 80 pounds to lose still. You can add me! =)
  • bejuled74
    bejuled74 Posts: 191 Member
    I saw this post...and I also would suggest looking for women who use to be 200+ and lost...so you can get tips...

    I see some people on this site who really aren't doing anything but logging their bad habits..Diversity can't hurt your friends list

    This is a really good suggestion!
  • dynamojones
    dynamojones Posts: 52
    Mercenary, that is a really good point!

    Thanks...but lord knows it's great to have people who knows exactly what you are going through and can relate...

    I agree!!
  • KBoddu
    KBoddu Posts: 237 Member
    Hey folks!! Feel free to add me! I started at 340lbs and now I'm down to 287 with a goal of 160 (another 127 to go) and would love some more friends in the same situation. We can kick this weight in the booty if we stick together! =)
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
  • kt_rubino
    kt_rubino Posts: 87 Member
    You can add me :-)
  • Syderelli
    Syderelli Posts: 439 Member
    meeeeeeee :)
  • alikat789
    alikat789 Posts: 105 Member
    I started at 210lbs in Dec, lost 14.2 lbs (195.8), this morning weight scale shows 200lbs....for the last month or two i've been losing and gaining the same 4 or 5 lbs and i'm getting sick of it. i'm starting to fall into my bad habits of soda and eating out at lunch and not meal planning. Anyone please feel free to add me. I love to exercise, just started crossfit last week along with my zumba, yoga, soccer. it's the food that's i can't control.
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    Right there with ya chickie and am always looking to give/get support!